Everyone immediately walked into the warehouse. Except for Zhang Zihao's two young men who were responsible for guarding, everyone sat down around the round table and opened the lid of the pot. The aroma became stronger and stronger.

"Eat, eat, eat, no need to be polite, just treat it as if you are back at home, no need to be polite."

As the host, Zhang Zihao greeted Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong warmly.

The three of them ate dog meat hot pot and drank liquor while discussing the big things they were about to do next.

The first thing these three thieves did when they joined forces was to do A shocking vote!

"Phew, so hot, so hot!"

Zhang Zihao ate the dog meat and gave the old dog a wink. The latter immediately took out a pile of information from his briefcase. At the top was a piece of paper.

On that piece of paper, a series of names were written from top to bottom.

The first one It is none other than Huo Wenyao.

In addition to him, there are hundreds of Hong Kong and Austrian tycoons such as Ye Xiaoli, Huo Jingliang, Ma Shounan, Li Zhaotian, Ding Rongbang, Li Chaoren, Charter King, He Xin, Wen Lishi, Shao Liushu, etc. They are all in it.

Each of these names represents not only oneself, but one family after another.

"I lost it! Zhang

Zihao laughed and said:"If it wasn't for work, I wouldn't have known. It turns out that there are so many rich people in Hong Kong and Olympics. I'm really surprised. But it's good, it makes it easier for us to work.""

"Bringing out this list is just to see who should be kidnapped, which can be considered a small opening."

"After doing this little thing, let's do something that can really go down in history. That's the real big thing!"

After a pause,

Zhang Zihao became excited and said:"Since the three thieves are joining forces this time, the momentum cannot be underestimated. We can get three of them at once. In terms of the total ransom, we must create something unprecedented and unprecedented. record, which can be regarded as bringing glory to the country."

"3 billion!! Zhang

Zihao raised three fingers and said:"We must get at least 3 billion Hong Kong dollars from these three tycoons, no more, no less!""

"Brother Huan, Brother Xiong, what do you think?"

Ye Guohuan said with a smile:"Three major thieves join forces, either don't do it, or do it the biggest, otherwise wouldn't it be looked down upon by others?"

"Brother Xiong, what do you think?"

Ji Zhengxiong shook his head and said:"I have no objection. Brother Hao is an expert in this kind of work, and Brother Huan is better than me. I will do what you say.

Zhang Zihao shouted:"Okay, then it's such a happy decision!""

"What we need to do now is to pick out three of these hundreds of rich people. They must be rich enough to be able to take out so much cash at one time, and ignore the rest."

"Just think of it as the fish we raise. If we don’t have any money in the future, we can ask them to give it to them as a tooth sacrifice."

These words were spoken with great pride, and Zhang Zihao was indeed qualified to say so.

Following immediately,

Zhang Zihao took a pen from the old dog's hand and said:"Just pick from the top thirty people. Some of them are inappropriate. , just cross it out, like this Ma Shounan, he can’t"

"More than half a year ago, I had already kidnapped his daughter once. I promised him that he would never touch anyone from the Ma family again, and he could not break the promise."

"There is also Mr. Lei Yingdong Lei. He has too deep connections with the mainland and is a gang leader himself. He is involved in both white and black gangs. His status is too special, so it won’t work."

"And then——"

Zhang Zihao's pen turned and he stopped at the three words"Huo Wenyao" and crossed them out. He said with inexplicable heart palpitations:"You can't even touch this big boss. He is the number one person in the Hong Kong Olympics. It's scary.""

"There are so many rich people. He is the richest. He is much richer than others. He is the richest man in the world, but he just can’t touch them."

"It’s not that I gain the prestige of others and destroy my own ambition, but I am really sharp. I am not even afraid of the police, I am afraid of him. If I really offend him, I will definitely not be able to stay in Hong Kong Island anymore."

Ye Guohuan said with a smile:"Brother Hao, no need to say more, no one can touch Mr. Huo in Hong Kong and Olympic Games. This is well known to all."

"Mr. Huo has unparalleled strength. There is no need to think about kidnapping him. Then we can only attack the people around him. If we really do this, we will be killed before we get the ransom. Ji

Zhengxiong was very direct and said calmly:"Huo Sheng can even command the entire Jianghu. To do anything to him is tantamount to seeking death.""

Zhang Zihao nodded, drew six more circles, circled the names of the six people, and said:"After comprehensive consideration, these six people are the most suitable candidates."

"Take a look at it. If you have no objections, pick three out of these six people."

"There are three of us, each one chooses one"

"I pick this one!"

Ye Guohuan took the ballpoint pen from Zhang Zihao's hand, glanced at the six people, drew a circle casually, and handed the ballpoint pen to Ji Zhengxiong.

Ji Zhengxiong took the ballpoint pen, squinted his eyes slightly, considered carefully for ten seconds, and chose himself Favorite candidate.

The final results came out. The three people were: Huo Jingliang, Li Zhaotian, and Li Chaoren!

Zhang Zihao laughed, pointed at the Li Chaoren he had chosen, and said:"This Mr. Superman is not easy to tie, but he has Two sons, then let Superboy be the hostage."

"This Mr. Huo is easy to tie, but he has a precious daughter who usually feels very distressed, so just tie his daughter up."

"Finally, this Young Master Li, oh, he is a famous stock market sniper in Hong Kong. He is a young talent. He is not yet married and has no children. He does have an old mother, but she is not in good health."

"The old man doesn't know what will happen after being stimulated like this, so it's better not to do anything and just tie him up."

Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong have no objections to this.

What Ji Zhengxiong said just now is really not flattery. Zhang Zihao is really more professional in this kind of kidnapping work.

After the target is determined, it is the detailed information of these three people.

Zhang Zihao has also been prepared..

Next, the three thieves began to plan the details of the three kidnappings, when to do it, where to do it, and where to hide it after they succeeded...

They discussed it for two hours, and finally Only then was it confirmed.

The night was getting darker and the wind was getting stronger.

Zhang Zihao picked up the wine glass, laughed heartily and said:"Okay, let's set it in three days!""

"Those rich tycoons have nothing to do, but they want to hold a grand charity event. It is sensational and exciting enough, just in time to let the whole Hong Kong know that our three thieves have joined forces!"

"Let those guys help us. This is also charity."


"Come, cheers, and wish this operation a smooth start and a successful start!"

Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong, Lao Gou and others raised their glasses at the same time, touched each other lightly, and drank it all in one gulp.

The plan is set.

Action begins!

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