Wanting to understand all this, Ding Yao's beautiful eyes flashed, and she couldn't help laughing, and said with a sweet smile:"I knew it would be like this, Ayao, how could you be like those idiots said!"

"In other words, we don’t have to do anything next, just wait for the country’s economy to collapse?"

Huo Wenyao didn't answer, only smiled and nodded.

Ding Yao's face was full of joy.

Not only because Huo Wenyao dug a hole and schemed against Tsutsumi Yoshiaki and others, but also because even with such a top-secret matter, Huo Wenyao He has no reservations and absolute trust in himself.

The more things like this happen, the more affectionate Ding Yao will undoubtedly become.

"How are the sales of Guoke VCD?"

Huo Wenyao changed the subject and asked about the most important things of the Huo Group in recent times.

Mentioning this, Ding Yao was even more happy and said quickly:"The second batch of Nutshell VCDs has been launched, totaling 150,000 units. They were all sold out in just half a month, and demand still exceeds supply!"

"More importantly, Guoke VCD has a very good reputation, and there is an endless stream of people who want to buy it!"

"Nowadays, the people of Henan have fully accepted the VCD product!"

After a pause,

Ding Yao continued to report:"So far, we have sold 280,000 units, mainly in Hong Kong Island and Macao. In the past half month, we have been opening up the Baodao market, and we will see results soon."

"280,000 units, with an average price of HK$4,200 and a turnover of 1.176 billion!"

"Putting aside R&D and publicity expenses for the moment, out of the 4,200 Hong Kong dollars, excluding the major costs of production, sales, and taxes, the profit margin reaches 56%, which is 659 million Hong Kong dollars!"

"This is an absolute huge profit. Ah Yao, your vision is so accurate!"


Huo Wenyao couldn't help but chuckle and said:"The net profit margin of 56% is of course a huge profit, but this is because we are the only one in the world doing the VCD business, and we are doing a monopoly business."

"In the future, as more and more people do it, the profits won’t be so high."

VCD, even if it is developed by Huo, cannot prevent other countries and companies from entering the market.

Ding Yao is also very clear about this.

Ding Yao chuckled and said:"Then other countries and companies have not yet had time to enter. Before the market, we should increase production capacity as much as possible, build up our Guoke VCD brand, and occupy more market share!"

"correct! Huo

Wenyao nodded slightly and asked with a smile:"How many units of Guoke VCD do we produce per month now?"

Ding Yao said:"It's still 150,000 units!""

"In the past two months, 300,000 units have been produced. According to your instructions, 50,000 units have not been fully invested in the Hong Kong and Olympic markets, but 50,000 units have been reserved to enter Baodao, the mainland, Goguryeo, Sangguo, etc. area. Huo

Wenyao shook his head and said:"There is no need to consider Goguryeo and Sangguo for the time being. The VCD storage capacity is too low, and it may not have a good effect in Goguryeo and Sangguo. It is mainly concentrated in Baodao and the mainland.""

"After entering the treasure island, the mainland, and then entering Southeast Asian countries, this is just a supplement. Their economic level is too low, many ordinary people cannot afford to spend, and the market is not very big."

It is indeed true that VCD did not perform very well in economically developed countries such as Goguryeo and Sangguo.

Because after VCD, DVD was born in those countries!

Compared with VCD, DVD has a larger storage capacity and is sufficient With the improvement several times, there will naturally be more market. As for the research and development of DVD, Guoke Technology has also put it on the agenda!

Huo not only wants to enjoy the honor of the world's first VCD, but also the world's first DVD, and he also refuses to miss it.


Ding Yao nodded, but immediately frowned, and said uncertainly:"Ayao, you said that the economic level of Southeast Asian countries is too low and they cannot afford such high-end products. What about the mainland?"

"The current economic level in the mainland is also very low, right?"

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"You are right. The current economic level of the motherland is indeed very low, but you have forgotten the two most important points.

Ding Yao said:"What?""

Huo Wenyao said:"First, the motherland has been engaged in reform and opening up since 1978. In recent years, the economic development has been getting better and better, and will far exceed that of Southeast Asian countries."

"Second, the population of our country is more than 1.1 billion. Among these 1.1 billion people, even if there are only 10 million rich people, that is at least a market for 10 million Guoke VCDs!"

"No matter how high the economic level of Hong Kong and Olympics is now, so what?"

"When it comes to the market, there is no comparison at all!"


There was a slight pause.

Huo Wenyao looked at Ding Yao with a smile and said,"If I told you that in more than 20 years, our Yan country will replace Sang country and become the world's second largest economy, what would you think?" What, what


Ding Yao was so shocked by Huo Wenyao's prediction: surpassing the country of Sang and becoming the second largest economy in the world?

This was beyond her imagination and beyond her imagination.

A few seconds later.

Seeing that Huo Wenyao was not joking at all, Ding Yao exclaimed:"Ayao, this, this is impossible... Then, that is the second largest economy in the world."

Huo Wenyao shook his head and said:"Nothing is impossible. I have created countless miracles along the way, let alone our country. What does it mean to create such miracles?"

"Forget it, let’s not talk about this, let’s talk about the layout of Guoke VCD in the mainland.……"

Immediately afterwards, Huo Wenyao asked in detail about the layout of the Huo Group in the mainland during this period.

Ding Yao answered fluently.

Huo Wenyao was very satisfied.

Even though he was no longer at the helm, Ding Yao, Jimmy and other close generals did not disappoint him. They strictly followed his instructions and spared no effort to promote Huo's entry into the mainland market.

From high-tech industries, to mid- to low-end manufacturing, to real estate investment, everything is covered.

So far, Huo's Group's investment in the mainland has reached HK$15 billion!

Just when Ding Yao was reporting to work, a phone call came over.

This is from Li Zhaotian.

Huo Wenyao saw the caller and answered the call with a smile. He was the first to speak and joked:"Master Li, I just returned to Hong Kong and you called me. Tsk, let me guess what you want to say.""

"You don't want to comfort me, do you?"

Li Zhaotian over there was staying in his office at the headquarters of Sihai Group.

When he heard Huo Wenyao say this -

Li Zhaotian's eyes widened and he shouted:"Comfort? Ah Yao, what are you talking about? You have only invested in real estate for five years, and you have made more than 8 billion in one go, and it is still in US dollars. Do you still need comfort?"

"I lost it!"

"If you even need comfort for this kind of thing, you might as well come to me and comfort me. I seem to want such a failure."

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