A press conference is just a carnival for the winner, and the winner in the eyes of the world right now is Yoshiaki Tsutsumi!

It's Mitsui Yan!

It's Hamabe Ryoma!

Anyway, it's not Huo Wenyao, so he is naturally not in the mood to stay. Even if he knows that he won't need it for half a year and the winner is himself, he will not turn his face to him at this time.

After leaving the Imperial Hotel, everyone returned to Imamura's villa as quickly as possible.

Huo Wenyao, Imamura Hiroshi, and Imamura Kiyoko were all in the same car.

Bentley, a luxury business car, has a surprisingly large interior space. Two sofas are arranged opposite each other. Huo Wenyao and Imamura Kiyoko sit together, and Imamura Hiroji sits opposite them.

They were all his own, so Imamura Hiroji no longer tried to cover up, and asked in a panic:"Ayao, what is going on?" Huo

Wenyao was confused and said,"What?"

Imamura Hiroji wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said:"Of course the Sang Kingdom's economy is collapsing. If you withdraw so decisively, even if you don't have a 100% chance of winning, you have at least a 70-80% chance!"

"Will the Sanggu economy really collapse? Huo

Wenyao nodded and said with a smile:"Of course, uncle, haven't you noticed that the economy of Sang Country has gone crazy? This madness has created a bubble that is too big and will burst with just a tap.""

"You don’t think that Sang Country’s current prosperous situation will continue forever, do you?"

Hiroji Imamura shook his head and said:"Of course not."

"The moon waxes and wanes, the tide rises and falls. This is the law of nature, and the same is true for the economy. But I think our economy in Sang will not collapse immediately, but will put on the brakes and slowly decline."

"Once there is a big problem in the economy, the government of our country will never sit idly by and ignore it. It will definitely take measures to control it. At that time, it can withdraw."

"but you——"

Huo Wenyao said:"But my reaction is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

Imamura Hiroshi nodded.

Huo Wenyao looked out the window and said expressionlessly:"Things will not develop as you think. As crazy as the Sanggu economy has been in recent years, it will be terrifying when it collapses.""

"Even though Tsutsumi Yoshiaki and the others are proud now, when they cry in the future, they should just let the bullets fly for a while."

It became quiet in the car.

Imamura Hiroshi fell silent, sometimes frowning, sometimes raising his head, looking at Huo Wenyao in surprise.

In fact, he wanted to ask why Huo Wenyao dared to be so sure.

Just, really so sure. At this moment, he, a rich man worth tens of billions, was as confused as ordinary people.

In this silence, Imamura Kiyoko, who had been listening quietly without speaking, suddenly said:"Brother Yao, then When do you think our country's economy will completely collapse?"

Huo Wenyao didn't look back. He still looked out the window and said,"Within half a year."


Imamura Hiroshi's pupils widened in vain. He looked at Huo Wenyao in astonishment, and he was so shocked that he couldn't express it in words.



Imperial Hotel, first floor, press conference site.

Just a few minutes after Huo Wenyao and others left, Tsutsumi Yoshiaki, Mitsui En, Hamabe Ryoma and others gathered their emotions for a while, and then took the elevator together to the press conference.

The three people came to the interview stage, sat down, and began to formally accept the reporter's interview.

Of course, what all reporters are most concerned about is the outcome of the negotiations.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi and others did not tantalize anyone's appetite, and directly informed the results. When they learned that Huo Wenyao had sold all the equity in Imamura Real Estate he held without leaving a cent -


Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded and looked at the three people in disbelief.


This, this...this is really fucking shocking news!

In this era, being a reporter is an absolute talent.

Of course, these guys are very smart. They have already done the investigation, and they naturally know why Huo Wenyao came to Sang Country. He was completely forced by the situation and had to come.

As long as he comes, he will probably cut his flesh and bleed!

But the problem is, with Huo Wenyao's arrogant and domineering character, he will definitely not give in easily, so what follows will inevitably be a drama of fighting between dragons and tigers to the death.

The results of it? day!

Huo Wenyao actually didn't resist at all and directly sold all his shares in Imamura Real Estate. The only thing worth mentioning was that it was a 5% premium to the market price.

What is this? Is this Huo Wenyao?

Give up without firing a shot?

Imamura Real Estate is a real estate company that owns many core areas in Tokyo and is comparable to gold. It is too nonsense to be able to raise a white flag without firing a shot, right?

All media reporters at the scene were spartan and fell into an eerie silence.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi adjusted his glasses, with a smile on his face, and said:"Dear friends, although Mr. Huo is not here, the reason why he did this was already mentioned during the negotiation. Let me convey it to you."

"The return rate on his real estate investment in our country has reached 180%, which greatly exceeded his expectations."

"So he chose to settle down and not want to take any more risks"

"The reason is that simple."

Damn, such a nonsense reason is such a liar!

As far as the current economic situation in Sang is concerned, hot money is constantly pouring into the stock market and real estate. It is far from reaching its peak. Who is Huo Wenyao? What he likes most is high risk, high risk, etc. Profit!

But he just gave in, and the real reason is already coming out.

It's not that he wants to quit, but he has to quit!

This has nothing to do with business, it is completely because he can't beat Tsutsumi Yoshiaki, Mitsui En, Hamabe Ryoma and others. The local consortium of Sang Country.

Gee, this is also big news!

Huo Wenyao!

That is Huo Wenyao, who has never been defeated since entering the eyes of the world. Although he has made money, he has lost face and has to completely withdraw from Sang Country. country.

This is really rare!

After the deathly silence, the media reporters at the scene were as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they exploded instantly.

"I would like to ask Mr. Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, if you say that Mr. Huo wants to withdraw from the Sang Kingdom, will he regret it?"

"Is this just a verbal agreement or is there a signed contract?"

"Mr. Huo Wenyao has always been an investment genius and is invincible. This withdrawal across the board is an unprecedented rout. Could he have other plans?"

One question after another flew towards Tsutsumi Yoshiaki and others, and their answers set off the scene again.

It was not a verbal agreement, but... a contract! The contract has been signed!!

Then there will be no more doubts, and the final result is confirmed : Huo Wenyao’s real estate investment in Sangguo made a fortune just like the stock market investment, but it also collapsed!

The Huo Group completely withdrew from the Sangguo market!

This press conference did not last long because there was not much The matter only lasted for more than half an hour and came to an end.

After that, this explosive news spread quickly in the relevant areas with lightning speed.

The mainland of Sang and Hong Kong and Olympics were naturally the top priority.

Secondly People in other parts of Asia, especially East and Southeast Asia, and people in Europe and the United States are not very concerned. It is the financial investment circle that has been paying attention to the development of the situation.

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