In the early summer season, the night breeze blows, refreshing and pleasant!

In this silent night, looking at the stars and a bright moon in the sky, it may be the most common romance for ordinary people.

"Cuihua, I haven't seen you for so long, are you okay?"

The men in the army also have love,

On a lonely night, a Yellow Turban remembered his childhood sweetheart who had been privately committed for life.

Now that he is in the army, he can only send the moon to convey his feelings.

"You know, today I saw a piece of paradise, a real paradise.

There are green fields of crops everywhere, and there is an endless supply of food. I really want to take you with me to live in that place.

Without worries and worries, you can give me a few big fat boys sooner......

Well, girls can do it too. The girl must be like you, pretty. "

This honest young man looked at the sky and smirked.

His ideals, like his identity, are simple and unpretentious.

However, the moment he joined the Yellow Turbans, his fate was completely changed.

Rebellion will bring him more involuntarily,

Like, where you are, where you die!


An arrow pierced his skull, interrupting his dreams,

"Emerald Flower ......"

At the moment of death, he seemed to see the emerald flowers beckoning to him on the moon.

The smile of the emerald flower blooms like a flower.

Cuihua, I'm here.


"Night Raid, Night Raid!"

"The enemy is coming to rob the camp, everyone hurry up!"

A dense stream of arrows shot into the camp, each one extremely accurate, and the soldiers who defended the camp kept falling.

The horses neighed, easily breaking through their hastily constructed defenses.

The cavalry brandished their spears and trampled on their lives.

The most frightening thing was the cavalry that rushed to the front, but there were more than 100 people, both men and horses with ghost faces, as if they were Shura soldiers who suddenly came out of hell, and the Yellow Turban Army was so frightened that they lost their resistance in an instant.

"Yellow turban thieves, your grandfather Zhang is here, and those who descend will not be killed!"

"Guan Yunchang is here!"

"General Yan Liang is here, don't be afraid of death!"

As Li Cunxiao broke through the enemy's defensive line, several other people and horses killed one after another.

In this robbery camp, six fierce generals and back-to-back troops were dispatched, and the camp was extremely luxurious.

With these fierce generals taking the lead, the soldiers were highly motivated, and they all fought bravely to kill the enemy, and those who knew each other compared each other and gambled with the enemy's head.

As soon as the battle began, the Yellow Turban Army was completely suppressed.

The infantry and cavalry rushed to the front at once, and the archers, who were the first to attack, had a feeling of abandonment.

They put away their longbows, drew their swords, and asked their generals for their lives.

"Master Xu, these thieves are vulnerable, we can kill the enemy even if we are in close combat!"

Archer melee combat!

Sounds crazy.

However, in Xiao Yat's barracks, all branches of the army must undergo basic training to improve their comprehensive combat quality.

As a result, infantry and cavalry could shoot arrows, and archers also had the ability to fight in close combat.

The one who led the archers this time was the military advisor Xu Shu.

"You don't need to fight in close combat, you also have the opportunity to make meritorious contributions!"

At this time, Xu Shu is no longer the reckless man he was at the beginning, under the teaching of Liu Ji, He Shen, Ji Xiaolan and others, his growth is extremely amazing. In just one month, intelligence has risen by 5 points!

Many schemes can be tricked at a glance and can be inferred!

Although his intelligence has not yet exceeded ninety, Xiao Yi has already seen the prototype of a super military division.

His head reacted very quickly, and he asked the archers to tie hay to the arrows and fire the arrows.

For a time, the Yellow Turban Barracks were on fire, and countless camps were devoured by everyone.

The Yellow Turban Army, which was beaten by cavalry and infantry, saw that there was fire all around, and I don't know how many people from the Han army came, so they were so frightened that they gave up resistance and fled into the distance!

The defeat was like a mountain.

The soldiers of the forward battalion retreated like a tidal wave, and the Yellow Turban Army behind had no idea what was happening, so they were led back and retreated.

"What's going on!"

Zhang Bao woke up from the camp and hurriedly shouted, "Quickly order everyone to stop!"

Half of the 100,000-strong army has now become a pot of porridge. And it's big night now, everyone is just running for their lives, who can still see the flag.

A few Yellow Turbans tried it and found that it didn't help at all.

And the Han army has already been killed!

"Doctor, the Han army has already been killed, let's go, it's too late to go!"

"General Zhou is right, it's night, we can't see anything, and we don't know how many enemies there are in the dark. It's better to retreat into the city first, and wait until dawn before making plans!"

The general trend has gone, Zhang Bao had no choice but to order the team to retreat and retreat to the county seat!

In this battle, Xiao Yijun did not waste his efforts, and scared away 100,000 Yellow Turban troops!

Their purpose was only to force the Yellow Turbans back into the city, so there were not too many frontal clashes.

Although he only killed one or two thousand people, he did not lose a single person on his side, and won a complete victory!

When the news reached Zhuoxian, it was not yet dawn.

Xiao Yi and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lord, since the robbery camp has been successful, you can also go back to rest. Just leave it to your subordinates here. "

Xiao Yi stayed with them all night here, and Gao Changgong and others admired them very much.

"I'm a little sleepy, I'll rest on the gate tower for a while, I'm sorry for you here. "


Outside the city,

Xun You ordered the army to rest and recuperate, and after dawn, he pressed towards the county.

On the other side, Han Zhuo brought 10,000 horses to support.

The two armies blocked the water around the city.

Seeing the large army on the outskirts of the city without attacking, Zhang Bao realized that something was wrong with the situation.

"Zhou Cang, you quickly take someone to check the grain stock in the city!"

That's 100,000 mouths, and the daily consumption of food is staggering, and if there is no surplus food in the city, the consequences will be unimaginable!

After a while, Zhou Cang came back staggered.

"Great doctor, there is not a single grain of surplus grain in the treasury of the city, and General Pei and a few others have only raised thirty or forty stones of grain in the city to loot large households. "

Hearing the news, Zhang Bao was like a bolt from the blue, "How can this be?"

Zhou Cang explained, "A few months ago, the grain in the county was bought by Zhuo County at a high price. At the beginning of the uprising, our people ransacked the place and moved all the food. Therefore, it is almost a short city......"

Zhang Bao gritted his teeth,

Xiao Yat, you are really calculating!

He thought that Xiao Yi had expected today, so he bought the grain in advance.

"How many days will we have enough food to eat?"

"The subordinates collected all the grain, but ...... Less than two days!"

Zhou Cang lowered his head and said.

An army of 100,000 people needs to consume too much food every day. Plus they only cared about running for their lives last night, who would care about food. So they fled almost empty-handed, and they had nothing to eat but some grain that they had looted in the city!

"Damn it!"

Zhang Bao jumped angrily, clenched his fists and shouted, "Organize people to break through immediately, we can't be trapped here!"

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