Although the power of this punch is far inferior to Li Cunxiao, the cyclone produced exploded three times!

Everyone present was stunned as if they had been immobilized by Sun Monkey.

"Lord, could it be that you have already known this boxing technique?"

Li Cunxiao's eyes lit up and he was excited.

"Just learned. "

Seeing Li Cunxiao's excited appearance, Xiao Yi suddenly felt that it was so cool to pretend to be forced!

"Martial arts genius, the lord must be a martial arts genius that is rare in a hundred years!".

Affirmed by Xiao Yi, Li Cunxiao could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart.

On the side, Yue Fei Gao Changgong, who was studying with Xiao Yi, also kept nodding.

"I can only hit a small cyclone. "

"I didn't even hit the cyclone......".

They can all be regarded as martial arts geniuses, but the effect of fighting is far inferior to Xiao Yi.

What does this mean

They seem to be weak lords, but they are actually a hidden martial arts wizard!

"Lord, my subordinates still have a set of boxing techniques for actual combat here, can you try again?"

When it comes to martial arts, Li Cunxiao is like being beaten with chicken blood.

The Wind Breaker can be used to fight alone, but it has little effect on killing enemies in battle. Therefore, he plans to teach Xiao Yi a set of punches to kill the enemy in battle!

Still coming?

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes, and when he came again, he would be exposed.

He waved his hand pretending to be profound, "That's the end of today, you can't chew too much, and you have to learn step by step." "

Li Cunxiao nodded with admiration again.

"The lord is gifted and has such a heart, and his future achievements are immeasurable!"

"Poof, what a ghost......


Seeing Li Cunxiao's serious expression, Xiao Yi almost didn't laugh.

"Stop being a sycophant, there's something to do.

General Gao!".

"My lord, please command. "

"We have to recruit a lot of soldiers, but Zhao Jie said that there are not enough weapons, you go to some reliable blacksmiths to help us build weapons and armor. "

Gao Changgong has a lot of research on weapons, and he only needs to look at it to know how well the weapon is forged. So it couldn't be more appropriate for him to go to a blacksmith.

"The last will be ordered. "

Gao Changgong didn't say a word, and immediately went to do something.

"Mr. Shen," Xiao Yi's gaze looked at Shen Wansan.

"My lord. "

Shen Wansan bowed.

"You bring some money and come back with some fish. "

Shen Wansan understood as soon as he heard it, "The lord plans to use these things to win the hearts of the army?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "So, you know what to do." Don't be afraid to spend money, things must be good. In addition, let Cunxiao accompany you. "

"The subordinates understand. "

Shen Wansan is doing things, Xiao Yi is relieved.

After they left, Xiao Yi was left with Liu Ji and Yue Fei

"Mr. Liu, General Yue, what should I do next, what do you suggest?"

After all, he is a first-time official, and there are many things that he can't consider, and he needs to be supplemented by these think tanks.

Liu Jixian said, "Population is the foundation of development, so my subordinates believe that many people now have no fixed place to live and have become displaced people who beg everywhere.

The lord can take this opportunity to introduce some good policies to attract displaced people, first, to enrich Zhuo County, and second, to win fame. "

The best of both worlds!

This idea coincides with that of Yat Siu.

"That's right, since ancient times, those who have won the hearts of the people have won the world, and externally, we must expand the scale and expand the momentum to attract displaced people.

Internally, we should also encourage and optimize fertility. "

Because he knew that it was easier to be satisfied with the homeless people he recruited than the natives.

As long as the arrangements are in place, these people will be his most loyal supporters!

"Encourage fertility, optimize fertility?".

Liu Ji's eyes lit up

Obviously, this sentence touched him.

"Dare to ask the lord, what is the optimization of fertility?".

"Optimizing fertility means reducing fertility mortality and ensuring that the children born are healthy. "

In this era, due to the lack of medical skills, giving birth to a child is a very dangerous thing, and pregnant women often die of dystocia.

And the survival rate of the children born is not high.

The reason why the average life expectancy of the ancients was so low was because many children died young.

To solve this problem, medical skills and living standards must be improved.

In addition, it is necessary to prevent close relatives from marrying, which is the basis of eugenics!

Xiao Yi spent nearly half an hour to give Liu Ji the knowledge of popularizing science and eugenics, and the latter was like opening up a new world, and he was excited to draft the paperwork.

Xiao Yi and Yue Fei were left, and the two went to the barracks.

Xiao Yat promised to give the soldiers a pay increase and be able to eat meat at every meal. In addition, the promotion system has been changed.

Coupled with Yue Fei, the commander of the army, he easily subdued the army's heart.

Moreover, he also gained 2,000 prestige points.

PS: Ask for flowers~

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