"My Great General...... You're coming......",

Although when he first heard the news of Zhang Xun's defeat, Yuan Shu naturally had dissatisfaction with Zhang Xun in his heart, and even had the urge to behead Zhang Xun's family on the spot.

However, he also knew that Zhang Xun was the most loyal to him, or the general who was most loyal to Dachengguo.

Therefore, at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yuan Shu did not hesitate to hand over the general, who was in charge of all the soldiers and horses in Dacheng, the head of the general.

Sure enough, Zhang Xun did not disappoint Yuan Shu.

Zhang Xun fell to his knees, and a hideous wound appeared in the broken mouth of his armor, and blood was dripping. He had at least been stabbed several times, and the blood stains on his armor were even more terrifying at a glance.

Yuan Shu straightened up, only feeling a tingling pain in his neck, knowing that it was the sequelae of being almost strangled to death just now.

"Your Majesty, please also move, this place is dangerous, let's go back to Lujiang and make plans again. Zhang Xun's tone was loyal, but with unmistakable firmness. ,

Obviously, if Yuan Shu didn't agree, then it wouldn't be strange for Zhang Xun to do something to knock Yuan Shu unconscious and take him away.

"No, I am the king of Dacheng, and I should live and die with Shouchun, the capital of Dacheng. Yuan Shu insisted, of course, the shirk at this time is naturally pretending, so it seems that not all the fault of Dacheng's fall is on him, the emperor, he is the emperor who wants to live and die with Dacheng.

Yuan Shu's clothes floated slowly, and his dragon robe was full of nobility, and he also carried the last dignity of Dacheng.

"Then Your Majesty, how much will you offend in the end!" Of course Zhang Xun knew the process behind him, but he understood clearly as the emperor, if he could not die, he would definitely not be martyred.

So, a few soldiers came up and took Yuan Shu away, but he still retained his dignity as an emperor, so it can be seen that Yuan Shu did not resist very fiercely.

Then, Zhang Xun looked at the ministers in the main hall, looked at the traces of their tears that had not dried up after crying bitterly, and smiled faintly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since you love Dacheng so much, please go down to the underworld and pray for my Dacheng national fortune!" Zhang Xun's tone was firm, with a terrifying affirmation.

The ministers above the main hall were completely stunned there, they were not without families, but if the family members could get them out with a wooden staff, they would not have stayed here.

The most frightening thing is the smile on the corner of Zhang Xun's mouth slightly upturned, and those who know him know that he is serious.

Poisoned wine was forcibly poured into the mouths of the ministers, whether they swallowed it or not.

If you don't swallow it in your mouth, then forcibly swallow it for him, whether it is the prime minister, or Shangshu, or the ministers. At this time, they were just chickens in the hands of the Praetorian Guard, suffering from devastation.

The ground is in disarray, all the ministers, at the moment they are all lying on the ground of the main hall twisting, their bodies are rapidly changing color at this moment, they are twitching wildly, and some of them have spit on the corners of their mouths.

Use poison, kill people.

None of the ministers above the court were able to escape this fate.

Death, like a muffled firecracker, quietly took the life of the civil servants of Dacheng Kingdom.

Zhang Xun turned around and went out towards the palace gate with the taxi belonging to the Praetorian Guard.

He ordered a few people to protect Yuan Shu, and changed Yuan Shu's dragon robe, Shu put on the ordinary armor of a soldier, and followed Zhang Xun around.

The 2,000 cavalry who had just entered the city were left with less than 1,000 men after a charge, and more than half of them were lost.

But at this moment, although they are physically and mentally exhausted, their fighting spirit is extremely boiling, and each of them yearns for what kind of official position they should be rewarded after arriving in Lujiang.

You know, you have been fighting for most of your life, isn't it just for fame? 、

"Everyone, I'm Zhang Xun, your general!"

Zhang Xun Lema was in front of the palace gate and shouted at the soldiers who were less than a thousand.

"Back then, when I first entered the army, I was also a pawn, but after fighting, I finally became the general of this Dacheng!"

"And I'm a big soldier, and I've experienced setbacks in the past!"

"But, I'm Dacheng, I'll never give in like this!"

"I will never fall in this battle of Shouchun!"

"Dacheng!" Zhang Xun's tone was filled with a strong inspiring magic, which simply made everyone feel that this battle would be won!

"We will win!" the soldiers replied with a loud voice, with a fierce fighting spirit!

Their Dacheng army is not an ordinary army that is greedy for life and afraid of death, they are real and daring to fight, and they are the patron saints of Dacheng.




The earth-shattering shouts spread throughout Shouchun City and echoed.

The morale of the Dacheng cavalry was raised to its peak at this moment, with an incomparable light of glory. Unprecedentedly, Dacheng's cavalry felt that their strength was enough to prove to the Han army in front of them that Dacheng's might was powerful.

"Crunch~" The palace gate hit, and the cavalry in the passage, with the belief that they would die, fiercely clamped the horse's belly and flew forward.

All the places that were rushed were washed away.

The cavalry of the Han army had completely lost their speed at this moment, and the Dacheng cavalry, which had accumulated speed in the palace gate, was like a god descending from the earth, and no one could stop it, and they actually rushed out of the way.

However, at the city gate, there were 2,000 Han cavalry, waiting quietly.

The cavalry in both places began to accumulate their speed, wanting to teach each other a hard lesson.

Zhang Xun took a breath and yelled despite the sharp pain from the wounds on his body.



"Kill!" replied the soldiers.

At this time, everyone's body is full of adrenaline stimulation and excitement, and they are not afraid of death at this moment, because their brains are completely occupied by adrenaline.

Killing, killing the enemy in front of you, is the common goal and idea of all people.

Only in this way can you fill the anger in your heart!

The knight of Dacheng launched his final charge.

"For Your Majesty!"


Finally, the two teams of cavalry collided fiercely, and the neighing of the war horses and the muffled hum of the knights suddenly resounded throughout the battlefield.

Countless knights, in this impact, lost their lives.

However, the comrades behind them are supplementing their positions, so that the entire battle line can maintain a certain unity.

The two teams of cavalry rushed and killed each other, blending with each other.

Zhang Xun did not take the lead in killing the enemy at this moment, but looked at Yuan Shu, who was guarded by several people behind him, and the worry in his heart suddenly rose.

You must know that if Yuan Shu dies here, then Dacheng will really lose the emperor, so if Dacheng does not have Yuan Shu, it will really be meaningless.

That Dacheng will also die. _

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