"Another special building!"

After holding back for a winter, the system finally amplified its moves.

The last special construction of the government strategy mansion has brought great benefits to Xiao Yat's economic development and agricultural development. With the increasing number of talents, the total political attributes are getting higher and higher, and the bonuses of the political strategy are also increasing.

Today, the bonuses of agriculture, commerce, animal husbandry, forestry, fishery, and municipal construction have all reached 20%, and the bonuses of mining and handicrafts have also reached 10%!

It used to be just a county town, and the effect of the bonus was not very obvious.

But now, Yat rules a state. In agriculture alone, the grain harvest can be two to three million more stone per season! This figure is a bit terrifying.

Youzhou, a barren land, has suddenly become an important agricultural production town.

The special buildings rewarded by the system are all great things.

Xiao Yi hurriedly opened the special building column, and his eyes were locked - barracks!

After reading it all in place, he probably understood.

There are two bonuses to the Barracks: Total Force and Presidential Marsh.

Total force affects the training of soldiers.

The higher the total force value, the better the soldier's training and the more room for improvement. It can greatly improve the combat capability of the troops, as well as the quality of individual combat!

And it's not just a single unit, it's a bonus for the whole unit!

It's terrifying.

Level 1 training bonus, which can increase the training effect by 2%.

Now, the total force value under Xiao Yi's account has reached 2477, unlocking the training level - Lv4, and the training effect is +8%!

Another bonus,

The presidency affects recruitment.

The higher the President's Commander, the higher the chance of recruiting highly gifted soldiers. At the same time, it will also improve the overall quality of recruits.

Same as the training bonus, level 1 increases by 2%!

Now, the president's handsome value is 2609, unlocking the recruitment level - Lv5, and the recruitment effect is +10%!

In addition to these two bonuses, there is also a feature that makes Xiao Yat very excited!

Talent customization!

This reward is given for completing a special reputation achievement, which is naturally inseparable from reputation.

The so-called talent customization is to spend reputation points and choose the type of recruitment!

For example, Xiao Yat is now short of 3,000 sailors.

According to the traditional recruitment method, it may be necessary to recruit 10,000 people to select 3,000 recruits who are suitable for training into the navy.

But with talent customization, Xiao Yi can spend 30,000 reputation points to designate 3,000 recruits with the talent of the navy.

In this way, it is enough to recruit only three thousand people.

Also, when a talent is formulated, there is a 1% chance to spawn a talent critical hit.

In other words, for every hundred people customized, a high talent can be generated. Such a person has a great chance of becoming a talented person and greatly fills the vacancy of middle and low-level officers.

Judging from these points, the second special building is also a good thing!

However, this special prestige achievement will not only reward the barracks.

There are also seed purchases for several crops, and an investment bar has been added.

Spring has arrived, and it is time to sow seeds.

The new crops can be distributed to increase food diversity and meet everyone's nutritional needs.

In the investment column, Yat Siu has formulated two kinds of investments.

Quyuan plough and coarse salt extraction technology!

Now everyone uses a straight plow, which is difficult to turn around, and it is laborious to plow the land. If the curved plough can be straightened out, it can greatly improve the efficiency of farming, save manpower and material resources, and increase the yield of crops.

It is also imperative to extract coarse salt, and the coarse salt eaten now is not filtered to remove impurities, not to mention the impact on the taste, and it is not healthy to eat too much.

And the price of salt is very expensive, and many people cannot afford to eat salt.

With this technology, Yat can dry the sea salt himself and then process it into refined salt.

When the time comes, the common people will be able to afford to eat salt, work hard, and not be easy to get sick.

Although salt and iron are two things strictly controlled by the imperial court, Xiao Yi believes that the refined salt he produces will be recognized by the imperial court.

Some nobles have the agency of salt and iron, and he believes he can get it!

Of course, this will have to wait until the investment is successful.

Quyuan plough is very cheap, and it only takes more than half a million prestige to invest successfully. But the extraction of coarse salt requires five million, and there is a long way to go.

When he came to the state capital, Xiao Yi gathered his civil and military officials.

After a winter break, it's time to make plans for the new year.

Today, he is also considered to have a lot of talents, with more than 20 civil and military officials, not including those who are scattered to various counties.

"Yue Pengju, in ten days, you will draw up a conscription plan for each branch of the army and give it to me. After a winter, it's time for us to recruit some new recruits. "

Xiao Yi is now more than 60,000 people at full strength, and there are less than 30,000 available people after excluding the troops guarding the counties.

Too little.

In the past, they did not dare to recruit more soldiers because they were afraid that the quality of the recruited soldiers would be too poor, which would affect the overall combat capability of the army.

But now it's different, the common people have plenty of food and clothing, and everyone eats fat and strong, and has endless strength.

In addition, Xiao Yat promoted the national martial arts and fitness, and vigorously advocated sports.

Although the people have grown a lot of fat this winter, their physical fitness has really improved several times compared to a year ago!

Plus, the barracks' recruitment bonus!

Xiao Yat believes that the physical fitness of the recruited recruits will definitely not be too bad!

"Back to the lord, my subordinates have finished the investigation, and I will be able to sort it out immediately, and I will be able to give it to you tomorrow. "

Yue Fei is a hard-working commander, Xiao Yi let him be a soldier Cao to manage the soldiers of the whole state, and he saved a lot of trouble.


Xiao Yi nodded appreciatively, and continued, "In terms of agricultural development, Zhang Juzheng needs to work hard, tour the counties, and make overall arrangements. Recently, I have found several new crop seeds that can enrich everyone's food variety and meet more nutritional needs. You also arrange for it to be planted. "

Zhang Juzheng is in charge of the state's agricultural development, which is naturally not limited to crop cultivation, but also animal husbandry, fishery, and agriculture-related water conservancy construction.

With his ability, it is no problem to govern a country, and it is more than enough to govern a state.

"Subordinates take orders!"

"Du Ruhui, while the ice and snow have not completely melted, you organize people to build reservoirs in critical places to prevent flooding in rainy days and fierce in hot weather. "

"Wei Zheng, I appoint you as the superintendent of the post, and the micro-service private visit to inspect the corruption in various places is unfair. I will let the embroidery camp secretly cooperate with you to ensure that the political style of the whole state is clear!"

"Li Cunxiao, Yang Zaixing, Chang Yuchun, Zhao Zilong, the four of you are responsible for patrolling the border. After a winter, the alien race will run out of ammunition and food, and will definitely want to plunder the border people. Your job is to ensure the safety of all. If you find a foreign race approaching, you will be killed!"

One order after another, resounding through the magnificent council hall!

Today's Xiao Yat has also grown a lot, and he has a good grasp of various government decrees and is relaxed.

Even this group of amazing talents under his hands can't find any fault!




Everyone, gladly take the order!

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