"Whew, it's finally done!"

Xiao Yi touched the sweat on his forehead and threw the tools in his hand to his subordinates.

After a few days of hard work, the transfer pump was finally done.

"Husband, what are you doing these days, I won't tell you if I ask. "

Diao Chan hurriedly walked up and helped Xiao Yi wipe the sweat from his forehead while complaining.

"Just leave these things to the next person to do, you are the state pastor, why do you have to do it yourself. "

Liu Xuan was holding a book and helping beside him.

She is dedicated to her acting career and rarely cares about these things at home.

Moreover, she is the eldest princess, she has been pampered since she was a child, she has never worked, and naturally she will not be allowed to do it.

However, Cai Yan has been helping for the past two days, and seems to have seen some clues.

"Did you build something that recycles water?"

Cai Yan tilted his head and asked.


Xiao Yi snapped his fingers, "It's still my Yan'er who is smart!, come, reward you with a kiss." "

Xiao Yi leaned over to kiss her, but in front of so many people, Cai Yan was embarrassed to dodge.

"What's the thing that recycles water?"

Diao Chan is unconscious,

Could it be that the husband has invented another great thing?

"It's a circulating water pump! Just a little external force, those water pipes laid in our room, the water in it can circulate. "

Xiao Yi looked at his work with satisfaction, complacent.

The principle of this simple circulating water pump is very simple, similar to the principle of a pump. It is to use the piston to increase the internal space to achieve the effect of pressurization and drive the water flow circulation in the pump.

The principle is simple, but it is not easy to do.

Xiao Yiyi does not have a PVC pipe, and there is no rubber ring for a piston.

He uses copper pipes instead of plastic pipes, which is naturally not low. As for the closed piston, cowhide is chosen. Although the resistance will be much greater, the airtightness is okay and can achieve the pressurization effect.

The pump uses several gears to make a device like a grinding disc.

With just a little power, the piston is activated to circulate the water in the house.

"So...... What are you doing it for?"

Liu Xuan was still puzzled.

Spending so much money and time just to make something that makes the water flow in the pipes under the floor?

Don't talk about her, she is the first talented woman in the Han Dynasty, and she is blind in both eyes, and she doesn't understand Xiao Yi's intentions.

"Water has a cooling effect, could it be that the owner wants to use the flow of water to cool the room?"

Ah Qing was also attracted and joined the queue of thinking.

However, she is too bad, and the whole thing is in the opposite direction.

"It's winter, wouldn't it be even colder if we cooled down the room?"

Her eyes widened, very curious.

"You can think of that, you're better than a few of them. "

Xiao Yi's praise made Ah Qingqiao's face red.

She was just a maid, and she didn't dare to compare with a few ladies. hurriedly waved his hand, "The lord praised it falsely, Ah Qing is guessing randomly." "

"You're half right, this device is indeed used to change the temperature in a room. But not cooling, but warming!

I call this thing underfloor heating. "

Yes, Xiao Yat spent such a price to do floor heating.

When the house was first built, the pipes were laid.

Now that the circulating water pump is also ready, you only need to fill it with water to boil water for heating.

Although the conditions are limited now, you still have to enjoy what you should enjoy, and you can't be wronged.

Isn't that what people are, always striving for higher satisfaction?

And it is understandable that Xiao Yat will do this, this will not cause global warming, and the temperature in winter will be at least ten degrees lower than that of later generations!

There is a kind of cold, called frozen autumn pants!

Last winter, Xiao Yat vowed that he must make his life more comfortable.

Floor heating is imperative!

"Underfloor heating!"

The women were shocked.

Isn't the water cold, how can it heat up?

"Yes, do you remember that there was a big tank in the kitchen, and as long as the biogas from the digester ignited, the water in the tank could be boiled.

When the water gets hot, the circulating water pump is used to deliver hot water to each room, and the room is warm. "

Yat explained.

"When the time comes, even if it's bitterly cold outside. As long as we close the doors and windows, the room is still warm as summer. "

"Warm as summer!"

The women's eyes widened in surprise, and they couldn't imagine what it was like to be wearing single clothes in their rooms when it was snowing heavily.

Just thinking about it, it's very exciting.

"Husband, hurry up and get the floor heating up, my sister Yan'er and I are writing the script, and our hands and feet are almost frozen. "

Liu Yu took Xiao Yi's arm and sprinkled coquettishly.

There are only a few maids here, and she is also bold, and she keeps rubbing Xiao Yi's arm.

She and Cai Yan want to write, and their hands are the most sinful.

Two small hands, often red from the cold.

So when she heard Xiao Yat describe such a miracle, she couldn't wait.

"We have to wait, the circulating water pump is still missing. "

Xiao Yi smiled and patted her head, and then threw a hot water bag sewn from cowhide to her.

In order to protect these women of his own, he can be regarded as racking his brains.


Liu Yu hurriedly retracted his hand into the hand warmer bag, blinking and looking at Xiao Yi pitifully.

"The circulating water pump still lacks power, so does the husband want to let his subordinates push this turntable?"

Cai Yanliu's eyebrows frowned slightly, a little unbearable, "If that's the case, wouldn't it be too wasteful of manpower." "

She is kind-hearted and does not see others suffering.

If it was for her own comfort, she asked her subordinates to pull the turntable in the cold wind, she couldn't bear it.

"It's too inefficient to push people, and I have a better alternative. "

Using people to push and grind is the stupidest way, although there is no power equipment, but Xiao Yat will not use this stupid method.

After a while, the men drove in a group of donkeys.

"Pull it on a donkey, but you still need someone to drive it." "

Cai Yan said curiously.

If you want to keep the room warm, you have to pull the water cycle continuously for twelve hours. In other words, someone has to be guarded all the time.

"Just try it. "

Xiao Yi took out the bamboo pole that had been prepared, tied a carrot with a rope, and dropped it in front of the donkey.

The donkey kept going in order to eat the carrots.

However, if the bamboo pole is grasped on its body, it will naturally not be able to eat it.

"Husband, you can actually think of such a way!"

Liu Yan's beautiful eyes widened in surprise and gave a thumbs up to her husband.

A group of maids in the house couldn't help but cover their mouths and laugh when they saw the funny appearance of the donkey wanting to eat carrots.

"The host is extremely clever and can solve any problem!"

"With this method, we can greatly save manpower, and we can also spend the winter comfortably. "

"There is no need for scourging, and the donkey suffers many less. The owner is really kind at heart. "

Xiao Yi prepared six donkeys, one donkey pulled for two hours, and six took turns.

People save trouble, and donkeys also save trouble.

"You can fill it with water and light a fire. "

Xiao Yat ordered someone to fill the water pump, and after filling it with water, leaving a gap for the piston to breathe, and then ordered the kitchen fire to be lit.

In less than two hours, hot water was being supplied to the rooms and the temperature was rising.

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