Yuyang County!

"Quick, close the city gate, Gongsun Zhan has led the army to fight!"

After Taishou Gaoyan got the news, he was so frightened that he hurriedly ordered the whole army to close the city. Gongsun Chan is a fierce tiger, and he can't afford to mess with him.

"Fu Jun, didn't Gongsun Chan go to fight Fan Yang, we didn't provoke him. "

Some staff members are puzzled.

Gao Yan is a kind of eye that sees through everything, "What do you know, taking the sheep by the hand and cutting down the enemy on a false path are common tricks in the art of war. Gongsun Chan is strong, our strength is weak, if we don't take precautions, it is easy to be destroyed by him. "

"Gongsun Zhan doesn't dare, if he really does this, won't he become the public enemy of the whole Youzhou? "

The staff still felt unlikely, and they decided that Gongsun Chan would not do this.

Everyone knows that Gongsun Chan was harmed by Xiao Yi to become what he is now, and his reputation has plummeted. But he's a hero, and he won't do such things that hurt others and himself.

If he attacks us now, everyone in the other counties will surely be in danger and will rebel en masse, and will he not provoke many enemies?"

They thought that Gongsun Chan was only for revenge and would not make enemies everywhere.

Gao Yan snorted coldly, "Wait, you're still too young." "

Everyone is a little confused,

What does this have to do with our youth, are we not right?

"Do you think that Gongsun Zhan's current reputation is still salvageable? Now that the imperial court is weak, the binding force on local officials is extremely low, and all localities are supporting their own troops. Our Youzhou is far away from Gyeonggi, and the imperial power is difficult to restrain it.

With Gongsun's ambition, let alone us, I'm afraid we won't even be able to keep the history of Youzhou Thorn!"


Everyone was shocked, "How dare he do this?"

"Wait and see, time will tell me right. "

Gao Yan is like a wise man, who sees through everything.

"In addition, send someone to report to Xiao Yi. "

"If Fu Jun does this, won't he offend Gongsun Chan and attract his hatred?"

The staff didn't understand why Taishou was doing this,

According to what Taishou said, we should be careful to avoid Gongsun Zhan, why do we have to take the initiative to provoke him.

I don't understand, I really don't understand the routine of being too guarded.

Gao Yan smiled coldly, "Gongsun Zhan will be defeated in this battle, let's put the icing on the cake and earn a favor for nothing, why not do it." "


Fujun, you are a little floating, can you count anything?

A few days later,

Zhuoxian got the latest battle report,

"Gongsun Chan blitzed Yuyang and cut the Tai Shou Gaoyan. "

Hearing the news brought by Wei Zhongxian, the expressions on everyone's faces were a little wonderful.

"Gongsun Chan, what do you want to do?"

"Binggui is fast, if he doesn't come to attack us, how can he beat Yuyang?

The generals were puzzled by what kind of routine this wave was playing.

The strategists smiled, seeing through everything.

"Master Xu, what are you laughing at?"

Lu Bu scratched his head in confusion.

was originally a very shrewd person, but he was hit by this group of thinkers, and he became more and more naïve.

Xu Shu said, "This is Gongsun Zhan's fake plan."

It seems that his ambition is even greater than we think. He plans to take this opportunity to take down the entire Youzhou. "

Take down the whole Youzhou!

The crowd was shocked.

Just that notorious guy? Is he worthy?

"I'm afraid, his ambition doesn't stop there. "

Based on Xiao Yi's understanding of Gongsun Zhan, this person is not only ambitious, but also frivolous and arrogant.

In history, the reason why he lost to Yuan Shao was precisely because he underestimated the enemy and buried an ace army in vain!

Now that Guan Jing has been imprisoned by him, no one has given him advice, and it is simply wishful thinking that a group of reckless men also want to occupy Youzhou.

"Lord, a certain family will teach him how to be a man!"

Lu Bu clenched his fists and was eager to try.

After taking refuge in Xiao Yi for so long, eating and drinking well, Yu Lu was several times more than under Ding Yuan's account, but he did not make an inch, which made Lu Bu a little embarrassed.

The most important point is that if you don't make some contributions, you can't hold your head up in front of Li Cunxiao's group of critics.

"There's no hurry, there's going to be a chance. "

Xiao Yi waved his hand.

His strength is comparable to that of Gongsun Zhan, and if he fights hard, he will have a lot of losses.

Since he knew Gongsun Zhan's weakness, Xiao Yi naturally didn't want to see a situation where he killed 800 enemies and lost 1,000 himself.

"Yuan Zhi, everything goes according to plan. "

"Wow. "

Xu Shu responded.

Let's say that after Gongsun Chan occupied Yuyang, he immediately elected his subordinate Zou Dan to be the Taishou of Yuyang.

When Liu Yu heard about this, he was frightened.

He has no more than 20,000 soldiers now, and he will only have one or two, and he is not Gongsun Zhan's opponent at all.

Therefore, while sending people to appease Gongsun Zhan, he asked Xiao Yi for help.

Gongsun Chan also looked at Liu Yu unpleasantly!

Originally, Guo Xun was killed by the Yellow Turban Army, and he thought that he would be able to become the assassin of Youzhou. It was Liu Yu who took his place.

Therefore, Gongsun Chan has never really served Liu Yu.

This time, Gongsun Zhan went out, and he didn't do anything, and even Liu Yu cleaned it up.

On the surface, he assured Liu Yu that he was only looking for revenge against Xiao Yi and would not trouble Liu Yu.

However, he used a trick to repair the plank road and secretly Chen Cang, and raided Jixian County.

also blamed Liu Yu for being too honest and believed Gongsun Zhan's words.

So much so that when Gongsun Chan raided Jixian County, they were defenseless at all. Liu Yu's family was slaughtered!

The battle of Jixian County shook Youji!

Gongsun Chan is so strong, but Xiao Yi, who everyone has high hopes, has not moved.

The surrounding counties were intimidated by Gongsun Zhan's obscenity, and sent envoys to surrender one after another, and named Gongsun Chan the lord of Youzhou.

Of course, this is just a means for everyone to protect themselves, and when Gongsun Chan asked them for soldiers and food, no one was really willing to give it to him.

I really couldn't push it off, so I temporarily pulled up an old, weak, sick and disabled and gave it to Gongsun Zhan.

"My lord, Shanggu, Daijun, Liaoxi and other places sent some military rations over as required, but after a look, most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled, and they had no combat effectiveness, so they could only be used as cannon fodder. "

Jixian County has now become the residence of Gongsun Zhan.

Counting these 30,000 people, Gongsun Chan now has 70,000 or 80,000 troops.

In comparison, Xiao Yat's side is weak.

"Hmph, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, can also be used as cannon fodder. "

Gongsun Chan knew very well that if those people really listened to him, he had to convince them.

But now, they have superficially surrendered to themselves, and enough is enough.

The biggest enemy is Xiao Yi, and there is no need to waste time and troops for these wall grasses.

"What about Fan Yang, is there any movement?"

Gongsun Chan asked.


"Since we used the army, Fan Yang has not made the slightest move. Even Liu Yu asked him for help, but they didn't send a single soldier.

According to a certain opinion, Xiao Yi'er should be scared. "

Yan Gang snorted.

The shame of being seriously injured by Wei Zhongxian's slap that day, he always remembered it in his heart. In this battle, he will be ashamed!

"Whether you're scared or not, Fan Yang, you must get it. Xiao Yi's head, so-and-so too!"

Gongsun Zhan's eyes burst into essence, and the killing intent surged!

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