The news of Huangfu Song's arrival with his army soon spread in Fanyang, and for a while, the Yellow Turban troops who had disarmed and returned to the field were terrified.

Their fear of Huangfu Song has gone deep into the bone marrow.

This guy, like the nemesis of the Yellow Turban Army, only used a few battles to defeat the Yellow Turban Army of millions of people, and the good situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

These Yellow Turban soldiers who took refuge in Xiao Yi finally lived a stable life, and they were very afraid of being taken away by this big man killing god.

Stationed in Fanyang, Huangfu Song did not continue to lead the army to force the city, he ordered the army to stay, and he only brought hundreds of relatives into the city.

Xiao Yat, greet at the city gate.

After a simple greeting, Huangfu Song had no intention of entering Fanyang, he wanted to go to Zhuo County to have a look.

That legendary city is like a paradise!

Xiao Yi is not Fan Yang Taishou yet, and staying in Fan Yang is a bit unworthy of the name, so he got on the horse directly and took Huangfu Song and his party to Zhuo County.

From Fanyang to Zhuoxian, although it is only a short journey of 100 miles, the scenery along the way is like two worlds.

On one side is lush and fruity.

On one side is the barren grass, starving in the wild.

Although Zhang Jiao had already given Fan Yang to Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi had not had time to take over, except for Zhuo County and Yi County, other places had not yet had time to govern. As a result, the scene is rather bleak.

"Sure enough, as rumored, Xiao Jun's Zhuo County is really much better than other places. "

After entering Zhuo County, Huangfu Song immediately felt the charm of Zhuo County.

He fought all the way from Yuzhou to Youzhou, walked most of China, and it was the first time he had seen someone who could govern a place so prosperously.

Huangfu Song admired Xiao Yi a little more.

He now understands why Zhang Jiao is willing to use his own head to entrust hundreds of thousands of people to Xiao Yi.

In other words, he is a common person, and he wants to live in such a place.

"I was very curious, I heard that there was a great drought in the north, and all counties and counties were affected by a very serious drought, and the crops in the fields were not harvested, and hundreds of people either starved to death or died of disease. Why is Xiao Jun here without any signs of disaster?

Could it be that God really favors you, and in the entire north, only Zhuoxian has rain?"

Behind Huangfu Song, a man who looked a little sorry for the audience, but the pair of eyes exuded a heroic spirit, and he was not angry and arrogant when he spoke.

This person, with another Chinese character face, a middle-aged man with extraordinary martial arts, has long aroused Xiao Yi's idea.

It's just that along the way, I didn't find an opportunity to chat, and I didn't ask about their identities.

At this moment, the ugly man spoke, and Xiao Yi also asked, "Dare to ask General Huangfu, who are these two generals?"

Xiao Yi's gaze fell on the two people.

Huangfu Song hurriedly introduced, "This is Cao Cao, Cao Mengde, the cavalry captain, and this is Sima Sun Jian, the assistant army of General Zhu, X Wentai."

The two of them helped a certain Bocai in Yingchuan, and destroyed Zhang Liang in Guangzong, and followed all the way to this, and they have made a lot of contributions.

Song was able to break the enemy, thanks to the help of the two of them. "

It turned out to be them!

Xiao Yi was a little dumbfounded, and he didn't expect to see the two heroes in this situation.

"It turned out to be Cao Mengde, who was the five-color rod of the Codex, and the descendant of the soldier saint, X Wentai, who had admired it for a long time. "

Xiao Yi arched his hand.

The two hurriedly returned the salute and said politely, "A little bit of a name, Xiao Jun actually knows it." "

"Those deeds of a certain person are not worth mentioning in front of Xiao Jun. "

"Xiao Jun, can you answer our doubts that Zhuo County has not been affected?"

Xiao Yi smiled, "It's actually very simple, as long as everyone works together, there is no hurdle that cannot be passed."

The reason why Zhuo County did not receive disasters was because everyone dug ditches, built canals, and borrowed water from the big rivers and stored them in the lakes. When needed, the water can be drawn out. "

Sun Jian was surprised, "This is the same as building a dam?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "The rivers in Zhuo County are relatively gentle, and they are not suitable for building dikes to store water, but these lakes are natural reservoirs. "

Xiao Jun's ability to take precautions is really admirable!

"Yes, having a strange person like Xiao Jun as an official is a blessing for the people. "

Passing by a village, it happened that the people in the village were opening the grain and milling rice.

They saw villagers pouring a load of millet into an oval-shaped woody species, next to which a man turned the handle, and then a huge wind was formed to separate the millet from the weeds and rice leaves.

Cao Cao and the others were amazed, pointing at that thing and shouting, "Xiao Jun, dare to ask what it is?"

It is so easy to separate the rice from the debris, which is dozens of times more time-saving and labor-saving than the method they use.



Xiao Yi smiled slightly, "This thing is called a blower,"


They were all very intelligent people and, as the name suggests, quickly understood the principle of the blower.

But getting them to make one is by no means as simple as imagined.

Cao Cao was very interested, "Xiao Jun, can you try that blower?"

"Whatever you want. "

The group walked over, and when the people saw Xiao Yi, they all gathered around excitedly and thanked Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Jun, this blower you invented is so easy to use, it can easily separate the debris in the rice from the empty grain. "

"You are simply more powerful than the gods, with threshing machines, blowers and rice mills, the work that used to take ten of us thirty days to complete, now only two or three people can be completed in four or five days. "

"These things are so practical for us ordinary people, thank you so much. "

The common people gossiped, put down the work in their hands and surrounded them.

You can work at any time, but Xiao Jun can't be seen at any time, they warmly pulled Xiao Yi into the house to sit, and from afar, they asked the people in the family to prepare herbal tea and fruits to entertain.

Huangfu Song and others have never seen people who are so enthusiastic about officials.

For a while, Xiao Yi's status in their hearts rose to a new height.

Cao Cao, in particular, heard the words threshing machine and rice mill carefully.

Hurriedly pulled a farmer and asked, "What are the threshing machines and rice mills? Could it be that you Xiao Jun invented more than this kind of artifact?"

The peasant glanced at him with disdain, and said in his heart where did the soil buns come from, but he didn't even know Xiao Jun.

I'm afraid that Cao Mengde was despised by a civilian for the first time.

If it weren't for the fact that he was Xiao Jun's guest, the peasants wouldn't have bothered to pay attention to him.

"The threshing machine is a machine that can easily pull the millet off the ears of rice, and a handful of ears of rice can be cleaned with a few steps with your feet in two or three breaths. The rice mill is a machine that peels the husks of millet.

In the past, everyone used to rub it by hand or use a wooden spoon, and once the rice was not peeled in a day, it was impossible to finish it. Now with the rice mill invented by Xiao Jun, once the rice can be peeled off in only half an hour, and the rice grains are almost not damaged. "

Cao Cao heard it in a fog,

"Is it really that amazing?"

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that he had said the wrong thing, and at least a dozen murderous glances fell on him.

The peasant who spoke to him was even more angry, "You actually dare to question Xiao Jun? Do you know that if it weren't for Xiao Jun, I would have starved to death."

Xiao Jun is an immortal, his wisdom is something that mortals like you can understand!


The farmer snorted and walked away arrogantly.

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