"Do you want to dance too?"

Ye Chen looked directly at this Sand Ninja, his eyes were sharp and cold and ruthless!

After saying those proud and domineering words, all the surrounding ninjas stopped for a moment.

Their eyes were shocked as they looked at this Konoha ninja who had conquered thousands of armies by himself..Who is this? Why are so many of them frightened by one person's aura?

Isn't he a genin? Why is this genin so strong?

Hearing this, the sand ninja was choked and couldn't say a word When he came out, his pupils were dilated and his whole body was trembling.

Seeing this, Ye Chen used a little force on his palms and squeezed him to death.

"Let’s go together!"

Ye Chen looked at the hundreds of ninjas in front of him, looking down at them proudly with Ni's eyes.


"How dare you look down on us!"

"Use ninjutsu to kill him together!"

"Yep! Keep the distance and use ninjutsu together!"

Being so ignored by Ye Chen, they finally couldn't bear it anymore and became furious.

"Only the weak will join a group to keep warm and comfort their fragile soul! But in front of the absolute, it’s useless!"

Ye Chen said, putting his arms on his chest, looking down at all the ninjas, and his overwhelming aura spread out, making the enemy ninjas feel that they were not facing a person, but an insurmountable mountain, and they were intimidated.

"Fire escape, the art of flaming bullets!!"

"Fire escape, the art of flaming bullets!"

"Fire escape, the technique of big fireball!"

"fire escape……"

In an instant, everyone released the same ninjutsu, or ninjutsu with similar attributes.

The fire escapes performed by dozens or hundreds of Iwagakure sand ninjas were superimposed together, creating a huge heat wave in an instant!

The muddy ground was dried up by the heat almost instantly, and the rainwater all over the sky also made a sizzling sound when it fell into the flames.

This is not over yet!

After the ninjas in the front row released their fire escape, they all squatted down, and the ninjas in the second row immediately stepped forward. There were dozens more ninjas who had already formed the seal.

"Wind Escape, a big breakthrough!!"

"Wind escape, vacuum strike!"

"Wind Escape, Wind Flame Bomb!"


It's the Wind Release Ninjutsu used by multiple ninjas again. A dozen strong winds gathered together in an instant, carrying the sound of thunder, roaring away, and crashing onto the Fire Release in front. In an instant, the wind Adding fuel to the fire, the fire was so fierce that it seemed like huge flames covered most of the battlefield!

This scene caused the Chunin fighting outside to stop, and they ducked away to prevent being affected.

Because the power of this level of combined attack ninjutsu has already exceeded It has reached A level, or even S level.

Even the jounin is not willing to resist!

"What a tragedy!"The Konoha ninjas in the rear all showed regret. It was too late for rescue. They even had to retreat for defense because their number was not as large as the sand ninja and rock ninja.

As for Yechen, it was impossible to resist nearly a thousand people. The combined attack of the ninja, and the extremely destructive Fire Release Ninjutsu. With such a huge disparity, it is impossible to survive! The

Senju Nawaki among the Konoha genin looked at this scene in a daze. He wanted to stop it just now, but he couldn't. Powerless, said angrily:

"This guy, why do you have to rush so far?"

Senju Naoki clenched his fists, and in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

Namikaze Minato did the same. He originally saw Ye Chen monopolizing a thousand troops, and his style was still the same as before. His amazing taijutsu made the Iwa Ninja and Sand Ninja howl like wolves!

I was sincerely happy for Ye Chen. This was the opponent he had been looking forward to chasing!

But the battle situation changed rapidly, and I felt a little regretful and uncomfortable for a moment.

The terrifying flames seemed to burn the dark clouds in the sky into blood red, so The muddy ground made a sizzling sound wherever it went, and the water was evaporated in an instant.

Yechen, who was in the middle, looked at this scene without any panic. Instead, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Watching The Konoha ninja who retreated had a look of ridicule on his face, which meant that only he knew!

But could this sky-filling flame, the scorching heat that devoured everything, really be able to do anything to him?

He faced the flames directly, with his arms on his chest. , it seems to be forming seals, but in fact it is just a beat, and then there is no movement.

"What is he doing?"

"Could it be that he wanted to practice ninjutsu to resist?"

"This is a combined attack compound ninjutsu for thousands of people. Its power is comparable to S-level. How can it be resisted?"

At this time, Yechen's every move attracted the attention of everyone in the field, especially the enemy ninja Sand Ninja Rock Ninja!

"Fire escape!"

"Da Yanjie: Emperor Yan!"

There was a loud shout, like thunder, a bolt from the blue!

As soon as he finished speaking, with Ye Chen as the center, the ground under his feet turned into circles of golden flames in an instant!

The range was so wide that it exceeded hundreds of meters or kilometers, and it could be seen at a glance Boundless!

Under its feet, the earth has turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, which is unstoppable!

Then, these flames continue to rise in a spiral shape and condense together in the sky.

The temperature on the battlefield rises in an instant, and the earth is burned It was all gone, the air was scorching, and even breathing made my mouth feel dry.

In just one breath, I saw Yechen holding up the sky with one hand, and in the sky above, a hot fireball hundreds of feet in size was held by it!

Looking from a distance, the fireball several hundred feet in size looked like a scorching sun!

The entire battlefield was silent at this moment, and everyone looked at this scene in disbelief!

"Emperor Yan!"

Ye Chen, on the other hand, directly threw this round of fireballs from the Great Sun Flame Emperor towards the opponent's sky full of flames!

As if the end of the world was coming, Emperor Yan flew across the sky and collided with the destructive flames. In an instant, the fireball was hundreds of feet high. Yan Emperor exploded with a bang, and then continued to enlarge and expand. It was several thousand meters wide, and it actually directly resisted the opponent's combined flame attack!

Moreover, Yan Emperor's fire was full of stamina. It kept burning, blooming, and devouring!

In a short time, In just a few breaths, it gradually spread towards the enemy ninja coalition!

The situation was reversed in an instant! The monstrous sea of ​​​​fire approached the Iwa Ninja and the Sand Ninja, carrying the power of thunder, and seemed to devour them completely. Iwa Ninja.

The genin of the sand ninja were stunned. Nearly a thousand of them looked at the annihilating sun above their heads and forgot to move.

What happened? Their heads were frozen. Even if they reacted later, it was too late..

Thousands of genin will perish in the sea of ​​fire!

Dozens of jounin in the sand ninja and rock ninja teams came to Entei with the technique of teleportation, and quickly formed seals with their hands!

"Water escape, water dragon bullet!"

"Earth escape, earth flow wave!"

"Wind Escape, vacuum breakthrough!"

"Fire escape, fire dragon flame bullets!"

"Earth Escape, Earth Formation Wall!"


All A-level ninjutsu against Todoroki Entei!

At the same time, the earth formation wall is used to summon hard earth and rocks to protect the team! boom!

Violent energy filled the entire battlefield, and a strong explosion occurred. All eyes were snatched away for a moment, and they couldn't help but cover their eyes. No one could see clearly what happened.


Alas, my writing power is limited, and I feel like I still haven’t been able to describe that explosive battle scene.

Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, and rewards!

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