It took a lot of effort, and Xuan Chen could be regarded as refining the will of the lifeless Dao people.

"Whew, it's finally successful, I'm really tired. Chang Xi was going to give up before, but after thinking of the benefits that he could reap, Chang Xi retracted his mind of giving up.

After all, if she refines the will of a lifeless Dao person, it will also be of great help to her Dao comprehension.

If she chooses to rest, then at this time, the hard work of Wangshu and them will not be able to leave herself far behind.

Because of the psychology of comparison, I don't want to be weaker than Wangshu, so even if I want to give up, I must persevere.

"Will this be tiring?" Xuan Chen glanced at Chang Xi.

Although it took a long time, Xuan Chen did not feel tired, and Xuan Chen did get a lot of gains from the lifeless Dao people.

It will also be of great help for Xuanchen to break through the Nine Heavens of the Great Dao Realm in the future, well, the premise is that Xuanchen's strength is enough.

Now Xuanchen has only just broken through to the Eight Heavens of the Great Dao Realm, and he doesn't know how far he is from the peak of the Great Dao Realm.

"Then Chang Xi, do you want to take a break?" Xuan Chen asked Chang Xi with a chuckle.

Because next, but it is still necessary to continue refining the Dao Fruit of the Lifeless Daoist, what was refined just now is the will of the Lifeless Daoist, and the Dao Fruit of the Lifeless Daoist still exists.

And not only is it the Dao Fruit of the Lifeless Daoist, but even the Dao Body of the Lifeless Daoist, Xuanchen also intends to refine it.

"Forget about rest, I don't want to rest now. Chang Xi shook his head slightly, and now Chang Xi doesn't plan to rest.

"If I rest, won't Wangshu and them take advantage of this time to overtake me, so I can't rest. Chang Xi's expression was very serious.

"Only then will you get serious. Xuanchen looked at Chang Xi and smiled.

Competition is also Chang Xi's motivation, if there is no competition, I am afraid that Chang Xi's character will be more salty.

"Then continue refining. "

Xuan Chen opened his mouth and said, if you want to continue refining the Lifeless Dao person, it will not be so easy, I am afraid that refining the Dao Fruit of the Lifeless Dao person will not be much easier than refining the will of the Lifeless Dao person.

In the blink of an eye, several eras had passed, and Xuan Chen had finally succeeded in refining the Dao Fruit of the Lifeless Daoist, and even the Dao Body of the Lifeless Daoist was not left, and it was also completely refined.

"The middle of the Eight Heavens of the Great Dao Realm. "

Xuanchen's current cultivation, after completely refining the lifeless Dao people, Xuanchen's cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Eight Heavens of the Great Dao Realm, which is much stronger than before.

The Eight Heavens of the Great Dao Realm, even if it is a little progressive, but the enhancement of strength will still be very huge.

"Has Master's strength improved again?" asked Houtu towards Xuanchen.

That's right, Houtu has already felt it, and he has already felt the improvement of Xuanchen's strength.

"Yes, the strength has improved a little bit again. "

Xuan Chen nodded, although it was only a small realm, but even if it was a small realm, it was not easy for Xuan Chen.

"I feel like I can try to break through the Great Dao Realm Six Heavens now. Nuwa said.

Hou Tu Wen Yan glanced at Nuwa, with a bit of envy in her eyes, she was still far from the Six Heavens of the Great Dao Realm, but there was still a big gap.

"It seems that there is no way to compare with you, Nuwa. "

Houtu felt that if he wanted to surpass Nuwa in cultivation in the future, there was no hope, forget it, instead of comparing, it was better to work his own cultivation.

"Master, how long are you going to stay in the Eternal Realm?" asked Wangshu as he turned to Xuanchen.

"Leave the Eternal Realm now. "

Xuanchen still needs to find more opportunities in the lost ruins, so he doesn't have time to stay in the eternal realm for long.

"That's right. Wangshu had a little disappointment in her eyes, in fact, she wanted Xuanchen to accompany them more, but the improvement of Shizun's strength was indeed very important.

After leaving the Eternal Realm, Xuanchen didn't let his disciples follow, after all, there are many dangers outside, and if Nuwa and them follow, Xuanchen is not sure to completely protect them.

"This palace, you can consider merging with the Eternal Dao Lotus. "

After Xuanchen left the Eternal Realm, he held a palace in his hand, this was the Great Dao Treasure of the Lifeless Dao People, that is, the palace they had entered in the first place.

This is a defensive treasure, even if Xuanchen didn't have the means to prepare before, it would be difficult to break through the defense of this palace.

Compared to defense, it will definitely not be much weaker than Xuanchen's Eternal Dao Lotus.

If you can let the Eternal Dao Lotus fuse this palace, it will definitely make the Eternal Dao Lotus's defense stronger.

Moreover, the will of the lifeless Dao people in this palace has been completely refined by Xuan Chen, and now even if Xuan Chen himself refines and uses it, it is no problem.

Of course, because this Great Dao Treasure is not Xuanchen's Natal Great Dao Treasure, even if Xuanchen is really refined, the power that can be exerted will not be very ideal.

After coming out of the Eternal Realm, Xuanchen looked at Dan Qingzi, and now Dan Qingzi's injuries were almost recovered.

However, the natal treasure was also blown up by Dan Qingzi before, so Dan Qingzi now has nothing.

"Danqingzi Daoyou, I see that you don't have a Great Dao Treasure in your hand now, so let's leave this Great Dao Treasure to you. "

Xuanchen suddenly took out the palace and handed it to Dan Qingzi.

That's right, originally Xuanchen thought about fusing the palace with the Eternal Dao Lotus, but thinking about it from left to right may not be good for the Eternal Dao Lotus.

In fact, they are not compatible with each other, so Xuanchen is ready to be generous once and give this Great Dao Treasure to Dan Qingzi to gain Dan Qingzi's gratitude.

At the same time, it is also to strengthen Dan Qingzi's strength.

After all, next, Xuanchen and Dan Qingzi will inevitably cooperate with each other, and since they will continue to cooperate, it will definitely enhance Dan Qingzi's strength.

If Dan Qingzi's strength can be improved, Xuanchen will be able to do more things in the future, and he can also make Dan Qingzi grateful.

"This, do you really want to give it to me?" Dan Qingzi looked at Xuan Chen with some shock, he could even hand over this Great Dao Treasure to him.

It's too generous, this is the treasure of the Great Dao of the Lifeless Daoist before, the defense is very terrifying, Dan Qingzi has already seen the horror of this treasure before.

"This Great Dao Treasure has completely erased the imprint of the Lifeless Daoist, and Daoists can use it with confidence. "

Xuan Chen smiled at Dan Qingzi and then spoke.

"Thank you, Daoist Xuanchen. Dan Qingzi didn't say anything, and silently put away this Great Dao treasure, but he remembered it in his heart, and he would definitely find a way to repay Xuanchen in the future.

Speaking of which, Xuanchen also helped him a lot, and Dan Qingzi was very grateful to Xuanchen.

Of course, Dan Qingzi would never have imagined that in fact, Xuanchen treated Dan Qingzi as a tool, and giving him a treasure of the Great Dao that he couldn't use was also buying people's hearts.

Moreover, this Great Dao Treasure can be regarded as Xuanchen's storage here in Danqingzi, if Xuanchen wants to get it back, he can get it back at any time.

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