There was no suspense, and then Xuanchen made a serious move, and easily defeated Phantom Tiansheng.

didn't even take a complete shot against him before, the main thing was to try to see if he could force Phantom Tiansheng to blow himself up, and then Xuanchen wanted to try his own countermeasures.

Even if he really failed in the end, Xuanchen didn't have to worry about the other party being able to escape.

It's a pity that Xuan Chen was disappointed, even in the end, when Phantom Tiansheng was completely defeated by Xuan Chen, he couldn't blow himself up.

"It's not that I don't give you this opportunity, it's that you don't have the guts yourself, and you won't be able to give you the opportunity. "

Xuan Chen looked at the phantom born who was suppressed and sealed, and said lightly.

There was a look of disappointment in his tone, and he gave you a chance, but you didn't use it, and he wouldn't grasp who he could blame.

Phantom Tiansheng really wanted to scold after listening to Xuan Chen's words, are you giving me a chance, what will happen after I blow myself up, don't I know myself?

"I'm stupid to say it, wouldn't it be a good thing for me not to blow myself up? Xuan Chen suddenly patted his head and said.

Speaking of which, not blowing himself up is really a good thing for Xuanchen.

If Phantom Tiansheng really chooses to self-destruct, then what kind of scene will it be in the end? If Phantom Tiansheng succeeds in self-destructing, then I'm afraid Xuanchen will be seriously injured again.

And there's not much to gain.

Xuanchen can't guarantee 100% interception of Phantom's innate self-explosion.

Then Xuanchen walked over and picked up the Xingchen Dao Map, and the original large array was broken, but now even if the big array has been broken, Phantom Tiansheng can't escape.

"Let's go, come with me to my world. Xuan Chen said to Phantom Tiansheng.

As for Phantom Innate, there was no chance to refute it, and he returned to the Eternal Realm with Phantom Innate.

"Which one do I deal with first. "

Xuanchen glanced at Phantom Tiansheng, and then looked at the Star Dao Map in his hand, whether it was Phantom Tiansheng or Star Dao Map, it needed to be dealt with.

In the case of the Xingchen Dao Diagram, Xuanchen plans to try to refine it, but as for whether it can be refined, this Xuanchen can't be sure.

And the same is true of Phantom Nature, this threat Xuanchen can't stay forever, although it seems safe to seal him now, but you must also be careful that Phantom Born ran out by himself.

We still need to be a little vigilant.

"Deal with the Phantom Born first, and then solve the matter of the Star Dao Diagram in the end. "

Xuan Chen finally made up his mind after some consideration, and planned to solve the matter of Phantom Heaven first.

A message was passed out from Xuanchen's hands, and then Nuwa and the others arrived, and the refining illusion was definitely going to call Nuwa and them.

Although they can't help Xuanchen too much, they can also get some benefits, as long as they can get some benefits, their strength will improve, and the more help they will have for Xuanchen in the future.

Not to mention other help, although Xuanchen didn't have much hope in the battle, it was still okay to help Xuanchen manage the Eternal Realm.

In the future, the Eternal Realm still needs to be promoted, and they really need to manage it.

This can also allow the Eternal Realm to develop rapidly, Xuanchen is of course looking forward to the development of the Eternal Realm, this is Xuanchen's Dao Fruit.

If the Eternal Realm can be improved, then Xuanchen's power can also be improved.

"Okay, I won't say anything superfluous, let's refine the phantom nature first. Xuanchen didn't say much to Nuwa.

I didn't introduce too much to this phantom nature, and it was useless to introduce them anyway.

After hearing Xuanchen say this, Nuwa also let go of the curiosity in her heart and concentrated on helping Xuanchen refine the innate will and Dao fruit.

Seriously, Xuan Chen should be regarded as the first Refining Dao Realm Sevenfold Heaven existence, and the Phantom Heavenly Born should be regarded as the first.

As for the previous Beiluo, although Beiluo was essentially the existence of the Seven Heavens of the Great Dao Realm, Bei Luo at that time could definitely not be called the existence of the Seven Heavens of the Great Dao Realm.

At that time, Beiluo only had the power of the Great Dao Realm Six Heavens left, and after the self-explosion, Beiluo's strength had been exhausted, and he had no power at all.

Xuanchen refining the Illusion Innate, it took longer than the time it took to recover from his injuries before.

However, through the memories of Phantom Innate, Xuan Chen did know a lot about the Lost Ruins, and it was really a good place.

The Lost Ruins should be regarded as a battlefield, a battlefield where the Nine Heavens of the Great Dao Realm exist, so there are not many good things in that place.

The Xingchen Dao Diagram was obtained from there, but Xuanchen still had some concerns about the matter of the Xingchen Dao Diagram.

The illusion was born and was thoroughly refined by Xuanchen, including the will and Dao fruit were completely refined by Xuanchen.

"It seems that your cultivation has also made a breakthrough. Xuanchen looked at Nuwa's cultivation, and at this time, Nuwa's cultivation had obviously improved, and the progress was not small.

It is estimated that Nuwa is not far from the realm of the Great Dao Realm Five Heavens, but Xuan Chen thought about it and said to them: "Sometimes laying a good foundation is the most important thing, and improving your strength can be slowed down a little." "

In fact, the speed at which they improve their strength is fast enough, and they can slow down a little bit, which is actually for the good of Nuwa.

"Well, we absolutely obey the words of the master. Nuwa nodded towards Xuanchen and said.

Anyway, Shizun will definitely not harm them, and it is also for the sake of their future, speaking of which, they are indeed a little anxious to improve their strength now.

The idea of wanting to improve your strength is too urgent, which is a bit bad.

Then Nuwa and the others went to cultivate, and Xuanchen took out the Star Dao Map, it was time to deal with the Star Dao Map.

"It always feels like this thing is a nuisance. "Xuanchen felt that this Star Dao Map was a trouble, but even if he knew that it was a trouble, Xuanchen had to deal with it.

"If I give up, I'm really unwilling, and sure enough, I can't pass the level of greed. Xuanchen couldn't help but sigh with emotion, no matter who it is, it's greedy.

It's just that this greedy thing is different, ordinary things Xuanchen can not care about, but this star Dao map, Xuanchen still has to try to refine it.

"If it really can't be refined, it means that there is indeed something wrong with this Star Dao Map, and there may be a means left by the existence of the Nine Heavens of the Great Dao Realm. "

Xuanchen's heart still had some doubts about this Star Dao Map.

"The existence of the Nine Heavens of the Great Dao Realm will not fall so easily. Xuan Chen couldn't help but speak.

"After the actual refining is carried out, everything is still unknown. "

Xuanchen didn't go to the conclusion first, he hasn't figured this out yet, maybe he can refine it.

Thinking like this, Xuan Chen suddenly blessed himself with the power of the Eternal Realm.

Bei Luo couldn't refine it before, which means that it won't be so easy for him to refine it.

Considering that his strength may not be enough, Xuanchen blessed the power of the Eternal Realm.

I believe that with the power of the Eternal Realm, it should be enough, if not, it means that there is a problem.

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