"What do you think?"

After releasing his momentum, Xuan Chen asked Bei Luo calmly and indifferently, asking him how he felt his current momentum was.

"It's just that you rely on the power of the Three Thousand Great Dao Trees, what if the momentum is strong, do you think that you can beat me just after stepping into the Seven Heavens of the Great Dao Realm. "

Although Bei Luo attached great importance to Xuanchen in his heart, he still showed disdain on the surface.

It is impossible for him to show an expression of jealousy of Xuanchen, in that case, wouldn't he be slapping himself in the face, he looked down on Xuanchen from the beginning, and now he naturally wants to continue to behave.

"Hehe, it seems that you don't want to admit it. "

Xuanchen sneered, Beiluo now is just a pitiful unwilling to admit Xuanchen's strength.

"Make a move, I'll let you. Xuan Chen said to Bei Luo.

At this time, Xuanchen put himself in a higher position, and his indifferent gaze seemed to be looking at his juniors.

Since Bei Luo looks down on himself, then Xuan Chen doesn't have to look down on him, and this is also Xuan Chen's mentality that affects Bei Luo.

Even though he was now the Seventh Heaven of the Great Dao Realm, he was still affected by Xuanchen's mentality, and the anger in his heart kept emerging.

"Tell me your name. "

Bei Luo said to Xuan Chen, now Bei Luo doesn't know Xuan Chen's name, after all, the two of them have just talked.

"The deity Xuanchen, what about you, at least inform the deity, lest the deity kill you, and you will not be able to erect a monument. "

Xuan Chen looked at Bei Luo lightly and said, further angering Bei Luo again, it is estimated that Bei Luo is completely angered now.

"I'm Beiluo, you don't need to remember, anyway, you don't have a future. Bei Luo sneered coldly at Xuan Chen.

The battle between the two of them hadn't started yet, just now Bei Luo angrily slashed a sword towards Xuan Chen, and then was easily blocked by Xuan Chen.

The two sides are a temptation, and the real battle has not yet begun, but there is no forgiveness in the mouth.

As far as it was now, Xuan Chen clearly had the upper hand, because Xuan Chen's expression was very calm, as if he had not been affected at all.

But Bei Luo is different, his eyes reveal anger, and he has been affected by Xuanchen's emotions, and the next battle will naturally be affected somewhat.

"If there is no future, it should be you. "

Xuanchen stepped on the Eternal Dao Lotus, and now the Eternal Dao Lotus is in Xuanchen's hands, but it is much more powerful than the previous Great Dao Lotus Platform.

The Eternal Dao Lotus completely protected Xuanchen, this is a defensive avenue treasure, the defense is unparalleled, and Xuanchen also has an attack-shaped avenue treasure in his hand.

Whether it is offensive or defensive, Xuanchen is not weak, and he has not yet fought, in fact, Xuanchen's chances of victory are already very large, so let's see how Beiluo is.

Now Xuanchen can't figure out Beiluo's strength, after all, Beiluo's move towards Xuanchen just now is just a temptation, and he can't show his true strength.

Only after the real outbreak of the war and the real battle in the next place, can Xuanchen completely figure out the strength of the other party.

The Chaos Bead and the Eternal Dao Seal were not taken out by Xuanchen at this time, as for the Burial Heaven Coffin, it was actually not Xuanchen's main treasure, it was a second-tier treasure in Xuanchen's hands.

Compared with the other four Great Dao treasures, the Burial Heaven Coffin is a little weaker.

Bei Luo had calmed down at this time, and he didn't talk to Xuan Chen anymore, because Bei Luo found that he had been affected by Xuan Chen's words.

Obviously, verbal attacks are not his strong point, but it doesn't matter, as long as he uses his strength to defeat Xuanchen, he can do it.

After all, no matter where you are, strength is always respected, strength is everything, and it is useless to be powerful.

"The Sword of Senro. "

A piece of annihilation of all things, the terrifying power slashed towards Xuanchen, and then landed on Xuanchen's Eternal Dao Lotus defense.

In an instant, the original terrifying attack disappeared, as if it had never appeared, and the moment it came into contact, it disappeared.

"Damn defense. "

After seeing that his attack had no effect, Bei Luo knew that what was going to happen next was definitely going to be troublesome.

If there is an opponent he is most reluctant to face, it is definitely such a defense.

"Not bad. Xuan Chen nodded lightly.

It was the first time that his Eternal Dao Lotus had shown its power, and the power that was showing up now would definitely satisfy Xuanchen and couldn't be more satisfied.

"I'm standing still, can you break through my defenses?" asked Xuan Chen towards Bei Luo, this was a provocation to Bei Luo, and at the same time, Xuan Chen really wanted to test it.

With the help of Bei Luo, he can test whether he can break through the defense of the Eternal Dao Lotus, and also let Xuan Chen know the upper limit of the Eternal Dao Lotus.

After all, in the face of an opponent, the first thing to do is to understand yourself, if you don't even know how much your own ability strength is, you will lose the first thing in the face of the enemy.

"Xuanchen, are you humiliating me?" Bei Luo's expression was gloomy, and looking at Xuanchen's appearance now, he really didn't make a move.

Naked humiliation, he hasn't been humiliated like this for a long time, and now Bei Luo remembers Xuanchen completely.

"Humiliating you? No, I think you're thinking too much, I'm not humiliating you, I just want to test the power of the Eternal Dao Lotus, is this also a humiliation for you?"

Xuan Chen said to Bei Luo flatly, with an expression that I didn't mean to humiliate you at all.

But after Xuanchen said this, it could be found that Bei Luo was obviously more angry, and the aura on his body was even more terrifying.

"Okay, good, let me break your turtle shell, don't fight back if you have the ability. Bei Luo said with a cold face.

"Hahaha, are you kidding? I didn't say I wouldn't fight back, I think you should be ready, because I could fight back at any time. Xuan Chen said with a laugh.

"This is also my reminder to you, don't think I'm sneaking up when the time comes. "

"Why do I need you to remind me, are you putting me in a weaker position?"

Bei Luo was angry in his heart, although Xuan Chen didn't show it, but his posture was a posture above him.

"Aren't you weaker than me? Obviously this is the truth, why do you still want to refute it, since you want to prove your strength, then first break through the defense of the Eternal Dao Lotus. "

Xuanchen still continued to provoke Beiluo, and Xuanchen's move was also for a reason, stimulating Beiluo to use more powerful power and use all his strength.

Because Xuanchen really wanted to know what the upper limit of the Eternal Dao Lotus was.

This is also very important to Xuan Chen, and it is not bad to be able to test it out with the help of Bei Luo's hand.

"Good. Bei Luo's face was cold, and he didn't continue to say anything, at this time, he could only speak after breaking the defense of the Eternal Dao Lotus.

Before he broke Xuanchen's defense, he was not qualified to speak, and then it was time for Bei Luo to prove himself.

Proving this to an existence that he looked down on, Bei Luo's heart actually felt very strange, and there was also a feeling of shame and anger in his heart, as if he was really in a weak position.

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