After occupying the advantage, Xuanchen was still steady and steady, and he did not relax his vigilance at all because of his current advantage.

Because the war demon and Xuanchen are in the same realm, once Xuanchen relaxes, the war demon will not have a chance to turn the tables, and Xuanchen definitely doesn't want to give the war demon this chance.

"Do you want to give up?" asked Xuan Chen as he turned to the resisting war demons.

As long as Xuanchen didn't deliberately give the war demon a chance, there was no possibility for the war demon to escape, so now the war demon's resistance was only a futile resistance.

"Give up? I never give up here. The war demon said indifferently, and then still resisted Xuanchen's Great Dao chains.

At the same time, the Great Dao Treasure of the War Demon is also constantly trembling, wanting to return to the side of the War Demon.

If he is allowed to get his Dao Supreme Treasure, not to mention defeating Xuanchen, it is still possible to escape.

Xuan Chen obviously also discovered the shaking Great Dao Treasure, and directly raised his hand to press down, and the terrifying power overwhelmed it.

The stick that was originally going to return to the hands of the war demon was directly settled, and the chaos bead suppressed it, and it was too whimsical to want to escape.

"You don't have a chance anymore. "

Xuan Chen said to the war demon again, this time the war demon really lost all opportunities, and the Great Dao Chain had completely blocked him.

All the power was suppressed and sealed in his body, everything was over, and the war demon had lost the strength to resist Xuanchen.

"I fell into your hands, and there was no unwillingness. The war demon's expression was calm.

Being able to meet an opponent who fights him, even if he loses, is worth it for the war demon.

"Even if you are unwilling, it is useless. "Xuan Chen is holding the Great Dao Treasure of the War Demon in his hand, and even the master has been completely sealed, and of course a stick can't turn over any waves.

"Come with me to my world. "

Xuan Chen said a word to the war demon, and then directly took the war demon to his own world.

Entering the Eternal Realm means that the war demons will never have a chance to escape, unless their strength can surpass Xuanchen, otherwise the Eternal Realm is allowed to enter and not leave.

"Master, it's solved?"

Nuwa immediately came to Xuanchen's side and asked.

In fact, Nuwa and the Enchantress were still quite worried, and if they were suddenly included in the Eternal Realm, they must have encountered a strong enemy.

It is definitely the existence of the same realm or a stronger realm.

"It's been solved, and the existence of the same realm as me. Xuan Chen smiled lightly and said to Nuwa and the enchantress.

Then Xuanchen pointed to the war demon who had been bound by the Great Dao chain, although the power of the war demon was sealed, the momentum on his body still made Nuwa and the demon queen feel terrified.

The Enchantress and Nuwa felt that in the hands of this war demon, they might not be able to survive a single move and would be defeated.

"Next, it's time to refine him. "

Xuan Chen looked at the war demon and frowned slightly, this is really not a simple matter, after all, it is the war demon that needs to be refined this time.

"We're here to help. The enchantress immediately said to Xuanchen.

Hearing the demon queen say help, this time Xuan Chen shook his head instead, it was no problem to let the demon queen and Nuwa refine the will of other Great Dao realms before.

But forget about refining the will of the war demon, the war demon is the existence of the five heavens of the Great Dao Realm, not to mention that the will of the war demon is extremely strong.

At that time, not only will they not be able to help, but they will also suffer a lot of backlash, so Xuanchen doesn't want them to help.

"Just watch, don't help. "

Xuanchen and Nuwa explained the situation, and Nuwa and they also understood that the existence of this sealed was dangerous to them.

Still not strong enough, Nuwa once again lamented that her strength was weak, and at this time, Nuwa's heart was already thinking about how to improve her strength.

wants to improve her strength, but she is not Xuanchen, it is not so simple to improve her strength, and if you want to improve your strength in the Great Dao Realm, the time consumed needs to be calculated in epochs.

"So you want to refine my will, do you want to completely wipe me out?" The war demon listened to what Xuanchen and Nuwa said, and already knew what Xuanchen wanted to do.

Xuanchen didn't mind that the war demons knew, anyway, the war demons would definitely know when the time came, and it didn't matter if they knew now.

"My will will never waver, never be refined. The war demon said to Xuan Chen calmly, this is the self-confidence of the war demon itself.

Even if he was defeated in the hands of Xuan Chen, the war demon was still full of confidence, and the confidence in his heart would definitely not fade.

"That's just what you think. "

Xuan Chen heard the confident words of the war demon, and said equally plainly.

There are many self-confident existences like you, but their final outcome is that they are completely refined by Xuanchen, and even their bodies are refined into the eternal realm by Xuanchen, and they completely become a part of the eternal realm.

"Since you don't believe it, then come. The war demon glanced at Xuan Chen with an indifferent expression, and then waited for Xuan Chen to show his strength, no matter what kind of strength Xuan Chen exerted, the war demon was fearless.

Xuanchen didn't want to talk much about the war demons, now you don't believe it, it doesn't matter, even if you don't believe it, it doesn't matter, I won't explain anything more to you.

I will tell you in the following results that I can indeed refine your will.

It is indeed not easy to refine the will of the war demon, because the will of the war demon is extremely strong, and it is still the fifth heaven of the Great Dao realm.

At first, Xuanchen's refining did not move at all, but Xuanchen did not give up, and persevered in refining the will of the war demon.

With the blessing of the Avenue of Time, ten epochs have passed, and the original stable will has begun to disintegrate, and as long as there is a disintegration, it will not be able to hold on.

There is a loophole that Xuanchen grabs, and Xuanchen can completely collapse the will of the war demon.

In the end, the war demon was completely refined by Xuanchen, and after the will was refined, the war demon did not have any threat, so Xuanchen asked Nuwa and them to come over and refine the Dao Fruit of the war demon together.

The Dao Fruit of the War Demon is the comprehension of the Great Dao of the War Demon's life, and it is definitely good for Nuwa and them.

The Dao Fruit of refining the War Demon is much easier than refining the will of the War Demon, and it is easy to refine the Dao Fruit of the War Demon.

Then there was the body of the war demon, which was also completely refined into the Eternal Realm by Xuan Chen and became a part of the Eternal Realm.

"Success is not easy. Xuanchen couldn't help but sigh, even Xuanchen didn't know how long it took time, and the final result was quite satisfying, at least it completely refined everything about the war demons.

An existence of the Great Dao Realm Five Heavens was completely refined and disappeared by Xuan Chen, and there will be more existences falling into Xuan Chen's hands in the future.

Although the existence of the Great Dao Realm Five Heavens is the first, it is definitely not the last, such as the War Demon, the peak of the Five Heavens of the Great Dao Realm, Xuanchen can refine it.

In this case, those existences who had just entered the Great Dao Realm Five Heavens did not have any ability to resist in Xuan Chen's hands.

Xuanchen glanced at Nuwa and them, Nuwa and they were cultivating at this time, and they had not yet completely digested the harvest of refining war demons before.

After Xuanchen refined the war demon, his own strength did increase, but he was still far from breaking through.

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