Being glanced at by Xuanchen, Nuwa's expression changed slightly, could the master be trying to send herself to the Eternal Realm?

"Master, I want to stay and help you. Nuwa said to Xuanchen.

"Good. Xuanchen agreed straightforwardly, which made Nuwa a little stunned, and looked at Xuanchen with wide eyes, her expression was stunned and overwhelmed.

How did Nuwa know that Xuanchen had already made plans before and asked Nuwa to stay and help.

"Aren't you surprised?" Xuan Chen looked at Nuwa's expression and showed a faint smile.

"I'm really surprised, I thought you wouldn't want me to stay. "

Nuwa breathed a sigh of relief, since Shizun let herself stay, she couldn't let Shizun down.

"Master, what should we do now?" Nuwa asked as she turned to Xuanchen.

Of course, this situation has to be up to the master, and now the World Tree is in front of you, but if anyone starts to snatch it first, whoever will be attacked by everyone will suffer a loss.

But if there is a stalemate, then I don't know how long it will be a stalemate, and it may not be that it will continue to be a stalemate.

"To upset the current situation, of course. Xuan Chen's gaze froze, of course he wouldn't allow this to go on forever.

Just as Nuwa was about to ask how to break the situation, she saw the figure of the Chaos Dragon Emperor appear.

The figure of the Chaos Dragon Emperor, Xuan Chen deliberately released it, and he was released in order to attract firepower, and directly controlled the Chaos Dragon Emperor to make a move.

The Chaos Dragon Emperor stretched out his hand and grabbed towards the World Tree, but before he could touch the World Tree, he was blocked by countless existences.

"How daring. "

An angry voice rang out, and then a palm slapped towards the Chaos Dragon Emperor, and the other attacks also fell towards the Chaos Dragon Emperor.

In an instant, the Chaos Dragon Emperor was beaten to ashes.

It didn't matter, even if it was beaten to ashes, but in fact, the damage to the Chaos Dragon Emperor was almost equal to nothing, and the Chaos Dragon Emperor recovered again.

Completely recovered, he launched an attack on those attacking beings, and Xuanchen and Nuwa watched like this.

"There is actually an existence in the same realm as me. Xuan Chen's expression was a little more solemn.

Xuan Chen didn't find the other party before, but he used the Chaos Dragon Emperor to test it all at once.

"Master, shall we make a move?" Nuwa asked Xuanchen.

"I'm not in a hurry now, and I won't take advantage of it now. Xuan Chen shook his head slightly, at this time, he might have to suffer.

What's more, Xuanchen's opponent is not the one who is fighting for them now, but the existence of the Great Dao Realm Triple Heaven, an existence with the same strength as Xuanchen.

Hearing that Shizun said that she was not in a hurry, Nuwa also held back, although Nuwa's patience was not high, but with Xuanchen here, Nuwa would not make a casual move.

Xuanchen discovered the existence of the same realm as him, but the other party did not find Xuanchen, which is also Xuanchen's advantage.

A chaotic battle in the Great Dao Realm began, and Xuan Chen's brows began to wrinkle.

I thought that the other party would be unable to hold his breath and make a move that he couldn't bear, but he didn't expect the other party to be so calm.

"In that case, the deity can only strike at the World Tree first. "

Xuan Chen's eyes looked at the World Tree, and Xuan Chen still felt that he would get the World Tree first, otherwise, if he really fought with the other party, Xuan Chen would not be absolutely sure of winning.

Maybe you won't lose, but it's not so easy to win, so let's get the World Tree first.

With Nuwa, she slowly approached the World Tree, covering her existence with Chaos Beads to ensure that she would not be discovered by the other party.

"It's okay, Nuwa, you go and deal with them, and I'll take down the World Tree. Xuanchen instructed Nuwa.

Nuwa nodded, and then went to help the Chaos Dragon Emperor and deal with several other Great Dao Realm existences.

And Xuanchen also made a move in an instant, and the chains formed by countless avenues blocked the World Tree in an instant, and Xuanchen was already ready, so he shot quickly.

"How daring, daring to snatch something in front of me. "

A sound of anger came, and then an old man with a white beard appeared behind Xuanchen, and the old Taoist held the dust in his hand, and the dust in his hand came towards Xuanchen.

In the face of the attack that came over, Xuan Chen was not moved at all, and an avatar walked out of Xuan Chen's body, blocking the dust of the old way with his bare hands.

"Why should Daoist friends be angry, this world tree has a relationship with me, why don't you give it to the deity?" Xuan Chen said lightly.

"Hmph, how can the things that Lao Dao is eyeing give to you. Lao Dao couldn't help but snort coldly, and said coldly.

"It doesn't seem like there's anything to talk about. "

Xuan Chen sighed slightly, and did not stop attacking the World Tree, in fact, it was not so easy to take away the World Tree.

That old Dao wouldn't watch Xuanchen take it away, but Lao Dao was temporarily blocked by Xuanchen's incarnation, and it was no problem to block it for a while.

As for the existence of other Great Dao realms, they couldn't get over, and Nuwa could stop them.

And now it's not just Nuwa, there is also a Chaos Dragon Emperor, not to mention that those Great Dao Realms exist like this, and they are not of the same mind, and they are also intriguing with each other, Xuanchen doesn't have to worry about the threat they pose at all.

Now Xuanchen just needs to deal with this old Dao of the same realm as him with peace of mind, and then take away the World Tree.

"Luckily, the World Tree is very kind to me. "

Xuanchen could feel the kindness of the World Tree, so it was not particularly difficult to take it away, and he almost did not encounter the resistance of the World Tree itself.

Putting the World Tree into the inner world, Xuanchen turned around and faced Lao Dao.

The bearded and white-haired old Dao had anger on his face, and the momentum on his body caused the void to collapse, and an endless aura of destruction came, pressing towards Xuanchen.

"Fellow Daoist, now that the World Tree has been taken away by me, why do you bother me again. Xuan Chen had a faint smile on his face.

As long as the World Tree is taken away, then everything is easy to say, even if the other party's strength is stronger than him, Xuanchen is not afraid at all.

What's more, the strength of this veteran is not stronger than Xuanchen, his strength is only the same as Xuanchen, as for the combat effectiveness, this depends on the real fight to know.

However, looking at his own incarnation, he can block the old way for so long, and Xuan Chen is very sure about facing this old way.

"Hand over the World Tree, I can spare you, or ......"

Before Lao Dao's words were finished, he was interrupted by Xuan Chen's waving hand, the expression on his face became indifferent, and he looked at Lao Dao coldly and asked, "Otherwise, what about it?" Do you think you can deal with the deity?"

Xuan Chen's extremely cold words made Lao Dao even more angry, he had been crisscrossing the void space for a long time, and this was the first time he had suffered a loss, and he was snatched from under his nose what he wanted.

Now no matter what, it must be taken back, his expression became more and more indifferent, the momentum of the old Dao completely burst out, and the existence of the other Great Dao realms that had been suppressed could not move.

Nuwa was under pressure, turned her head and looked at Shizun worriedly, and after seeing that Shizun's face did not change in the slightest, the worry in Nuwa's heart disappeared.

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