After accompanying Nuwa for tens of billions of years, Xuanchen finally planned to set off to explore the realm above the avenue and explore the deeper path.

"The barriers of the eternal realm have become difficult for me to break. "

Xuan Chen's power impacted somewhere in the Eternal Realm, and although it instantly tore through time and space, this was not what Xuan Chen wanted.

What Xuan Chen wants to break the barrier of the Eternal Realm does not mean breaking the space, breaking the space is easy for Xuan Chen, even Xue'er and Ye Ling, who are still in the Chaos Realm, can easily break the space of the Eternal Realm.

In fact, what Xuanchen wants to break is the kind of barrier that cannot be seen, touched, or even known to exist or not.

This should be the first problem that Xuan Chen encountered after breaking through the realm of the Great Dao, after attaining the Great Dao, Xuan Chen was already omnipotent, but now he can't even find a barrier.

"Does it really not exist, the Great Dao Realm is really already the end?"

Xuan Chen began to ponder, could it be that his own conjectures and hunches were wrong, was the Great Dao really the only supreme and the end of everything?

"Is the master in trouble?"

Nuwa, they were watching from a short distance at this time.

"Even if the master has a problem, we can't help. Hou Tu shook his head slightly, even the things that were troublesome for the master who was the supreme of the Great Dao, of course they couldn't help.

"Chop. "

Xuanchen pointed a sword finger and slashed forward, and the Eternal Realm was cut out of an abyss by Xuanchen, and the entire Eternal Realm was completely split.

"Still no. "

As soon as Xuan Chen's mind moved, the Eternal Realm that had been cut off was restored and restored to its original appearance, without the slightest difference.

"Maybe I didn't find a way. "

Next, Xuanchen didn't try violently, sat down cross-legged and began to deduce, looking for a way to break the barriers of the Eternal Realm and leave the Eternal Realm.

"Well, I seem to have gone the wrong way, why open it, as long as I take the eternal realm back into my body, won't I be equivalent to being outside. "

At this moment, Xuanchen suddenly realized this, he didn't expect it before, but now Xuanchen thought of it.

"The Eternal Realm itself is my inner world, and it is also my Dao Fruit, and it shouldn't be a problem to bring the Eternal Realm into my body now. "

After Xuanchen's own accurate deduction, it was determined that it was indeed feasible, and it was indeed possible to leave the eternal realm in this way.

If you trap yourself in your own world, it will not be a joke.

Xuanchen began to take the Eternal Realm into his body, originally thinking that it would be a little difficult, but he didn't expect it to be easily reached.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy. "

At this moment, Xuanchen was standing in a void, the void of nothingness was emptier than chaos.

"Is this beyond the Eternal Realm?"

The Eternal Realm has devoured chaos, this is equivalent to outside the chaos, unlike what Xuan Chen imagined, the environment in this void is equivalent to a very bad existence, without the slightest power.

It is impossible to cultivate here, but it is indeed big enough that even Xuanchen will find it difficult to explore this space.

"Go back to Nuwa first, and they will say it, so that they don't worry. "

Xuanchen returned to the Eternal Realm first and explained the situation to them, otherwise Nuwa and the others would definitely be worried.

"Master, you're back, have you succeeded?"

Nuwa and the others ran over excitedly and surrounded Xuanchen in the middle.

At the same time, they also let go of the worries in their hearts, if Xuanchen didn't come back to say something, I'm afraid they would keep worrying.

"I did make it to another dimension, but I was a little disappointed there. "

Xuan Chen was indeed disappointed in his heart, the higher power in his imagination did not exist, not even the slightest strength, and now there was no gain.

But if it was just a simple space, Xuan Chen would never believe it, there was definitely a secret hidden in it.

"I'm going to explore that void space, you don't have to worry. "

Xuanchen and Nuwa said that it might take a lot of time, so they had to talk to Nuwa on purpose.

"Master, remember to come back to see us, and come back when you have time. Chang Xi said.

"Well, you should also cultivate the Dao of Enlightenment and strive to attain the Great Dao, I don't have any restrictions on you, it shouldn't be too difficult to attain the Dao. "

Xuanchen patted Chang Xi's little head, and then left the Eternal Realm, anyway, the Eternal Realm is in Xuanchen's body, and he can come back at any time if he wants to come back.

"I hope that the master can find out as soon as possible, and then come back soon. Houtu said with anticipation.

"Nuwa, what are you going to do?"

Suddenly seeing Nuwa's figure leaving, Houtu couldn't help asking.

"Of course, I want to cultivate, I want to attain the Great Dao, and then I will help Shizun, at least I have to walk with Shizun. Nuwa said very firmly.

Originally, after the master attained the Great Dao, Nuwa had no idea about improving her strength and attaining the Great Dao, but now Nuwa's thoughts have risen again.

"Yes, I'm going to retreat too. "

Nuwa's words reminded her that Houtu also went to retreat, and as long as she attained the Great Dao, she would be able to walk with her master, instead of watching her explore it, but they stayed here.

Later, not only Houtu and Nuwa, but also Xihe, Enchantress Queen, Wangshu, Changxi, and Long Li'er all went to retreat and cultivate, hoping to attain the Great Dao.

Even in the Eternal Realm, if Xuanchen allows, there will be no obstruction to the Dao Dao, but the Dao Dao is still not a simple matter.

It's not that with Xuanchen's permission, they can attain the Great Dao at will, where is it so easy to attain the Great Dao.

Maybe it won't be as difficult as Xuanchen, but it also needs to put in effort, at least their current accumulation is not enough, including the accumulation of the enchantress.

If they want to attain the Great Dao, they must master the Three Thousand Great Dao, which is also extremely time-consuming for them.

Xuanchen left the Eternal Realm and reappeared in this void space, where he couldn't recognize the direction clearly, so Xuanchen casually chose a direction to leave.

Walking in this void space is even more boring than being in chaos, and at least you can see the chaotic air flow in the chaos, but you can't see anything here.

However, Xuanchen was not affected at all, his expression was very calm, he did not let go of any place, and he was always exploring.

"If there is nothing, how does this space exist?" Xuan Chen couldn't help but think, feeling more and more that this space was really weird.

The chaos that was once swallowed by the Eternal Realm existed in this space, because the Eternal Realm only replaced the original Chaos, and the space that could accommodate a chaotic side had no power, Xuanchen didn't believe it.

"Time, space, fate, cause and effect, reincarnation, these don't even exist. "When Xuanchen explored the avenue here, he found that nothing existed, as if there was no trace of the dao here.

"It's okay, the deity is very patient. "Xuan Chen's current state of mind in the realm of the Great Dao will not be affected by what he can't discover, not to mention how long he has only been exploring now.

In fact, Xuan Chen himself doesn't know how long he has been exploring, because there is no concept of time here, and there is really no time, which is different from the chaos.

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