Even if he still can't beat him, Chang Xi can be sure that he will definitely not lose in the face of Nuwa.

In the same realm, it is not a realm weaker than Nuwa before, so Chang Xi will not lose, at most he will not be able to win.

So Chang Xi can be stiff in front of Nuwa, and he can straighten his waist to speak.

"It seems that after the breakthrough, it makes you a little inflated, so let's go, let's go and compete. Nuwa smiled, and then she and Chang Xi prepared to do it.

"If you two don't want to be beaten, it's better for me to stop, it's okay for you to fight, but don't affect the Eternal Realm for me, otherwise I'll let you learn the iron fist of the teacher. "

Xuanchen clenched his fists and thought that Nuwa and Chang Xi threatened him, and in an instant, the two of them became honest and looked very well-behaved.

"You take care of the Eternal Realm, and I'll take care of some things. "

"Is Shizun going to fight Pangu?" asked Wangshu as he turned to Xuanchen.

"Oh, Wangshu, how did you know?" Xuan Chen was surprised, he didn't reveal anything at all, but Xuan Chen did want to fight Pangu.

"I'm guessing, Master, be careful. "

Wangshu did guess, and she couldn't find out what Xuan Chen was thinking.

"Master, do you need our help?" Houtu hurriedly asked, after all, he was facing Pangu, the most feared existence of the creatures in the desolation.

Although Pangu can be regarded as her father, Houtu is still willing to help Xuanchen fight against Pangu, after all, this so-called father is only in name, but Shizun is in the real sense.

"Yes, Master, now that we have all broken through to the Heavenly Dao Realm, we should be able to help. Nuwa stepped forward.

"Don't think that you are strong now, if you face Pangu, I'm afraid that Pangu's breath can make your body collapse. "

Xuan Chen shook his head, the Chaos Realm and the Heavenly Dao Realm are indeed one realm, but the One Heaven and the Nine Heavens are not the same realm.

The gap between Xuanchen can't be described, in short, the gap is too big, they can't help if they go, and they will even catch themselves.

"What the master said is too exaggerated. "

Nuwa couldn't help but say, with her current power to destroy the world, she wouldn't be killed by Pangu with a breath.

Xuanchen looked at Nuwa, who didn't believe it, stretched out his hand and pointed slightly, and then a ray of light fell on Nuwa's body, and all of Nuwa's power was completely sealed in an instant.

"Now believe it, in fact, your current strength is still not worth mentioning in the Nine Heavens of the Chaos Realm. "

Reality hit Nuwa hard, and the excitement after the original breakthrough disappeared without a trace in an instant, and I didn't expect the gap to be so big.

"Think about the comparison between the Nine Heavens of the Saint Realm and the One Heaven of the Saint Realm, and the gap between the Nine Heavens of the Chaos Realm and the One Heaven of the Chaos Realm is ten thousand times greater. "

It is no exaggeration to say that the gap is indeed so big, which is also for Nuwa and Houtu to recognize clearly, so as not to feel very strong because of the breakthrough.

"Then wouldn't we be able to help the master now. "

Hou Tu's face was bitter, and from the time when he was not yet holy, Hou Tu wanted to help his master.

But now that he has achieved the realm of Heavenly Dao, a realm that he didn't dare to imagine at the beginning, but he found that he couldn't help his master, and he suddenly felt a little discouraged in his heart.

"You don't need to help me with anything, just enjoy the protection of the master, and the management of the Eternal Realm is also helping me. "

Xuan Chen comforted Hou Tu.

"Okay, I'll go see the power of Pangu, don't worry, even if Pangu is strong, I'll be fine, I'm your master, and I'll never be defeated. "

Xuanchen exudes his own pride and self-confidence, he Xuanchen will never be defeated, even in the face of Pangu, who once wanted to look up, he is confident that he will not be defeated.

If he didn't have this invincible belief, Xuanchen would not have been able to come to this point smoothly.

After that, Xuanchen left, and Nuwa and the others were a little confused.

Why did Shizun have to go to Pangu to fight, they were really worried in their hearts.

They had never been worried before, because they had absolute confidence in Shizun, but now that they knew that Shizun was facing Pangu, they really didn't have absolute confidence.

"Don't worry, Shizun will definitely win. "

Seeing that the atmosphere had become a little dull, Nuwa immediately suppressed all her worries in her heart and comforted them.

"That's right, we have to trust Shizun, but Shizun has never fought an uncertain battle. "

No matter how worried they were, at least on the surface, they didn't show it.

Xuanchen has gone to the former desolate world at this moment, of course, the desolate world at this moment has become Pangu's egg.

Pangu hadn't come out of the egg yet, and when Xuanchen arrived, he seemed to sense something, and the eggshell broke open instantly.

A giant came out of it, and even the former desolate world was not as large as his body.

A dangerous aura made Xuanchen sense, and Xuanchen looked at Pangu with a very flat expression.

"You're going to come to me on your own initiative. Pangu's eyes revealed murderous intent, and a strong killing intent pressed on Xuanchen's body.

"Even if I don't come to you, you'll come to me in the end, and I like to take the initiative and not be passive. "

Xuanchen didn't want to be passive, he wanted to take the initiative, so he came to find Pangu and forced Pangu to come out of the egg in advance.

At this moment, Pangu stepped on the thirty-six rank Chaos Blue Lotus under his feet, and the endless chaotic qi was absorbed by the Chaos Blue Lotus.

The current Chaos Qinglian is no longer the Chaos Qinglian it used to be, it is just a top-grade Chaos Spirit Treasure, of course, it does not mean that the top-grade Chaos Spirit Treasure is weak.

But compared to the Chaos Treasure, the best Chaos Spirit Treasure really can't be compared.

This Chaos Blue Lotus is a cut of the root of the original Chaos Blue Lotus, absorbing the Flood Desolate Heaven and Earth as nourishment, and then it grows back to the current best Chaos Spirit Treasure.

As for whether he can grow into a Chaos Arcana, this Xuanchen is not clear, and he can't be sure.

"You made me unable to preach, but today you have completely settled the cause and effect with you. Pangu's voice shook the desolate world.

"What did you say?"

Xuanchen's brows furrowed, he couldn't preach Pangu? When Pangu opened the sky, he hadn't passed through the flood wilderness, so how to start if Pangu couldn't preach?

"Xuanchen, does it still make sense not to admit it now?"

Pangu saw Xuanchen's expression, and the anger in his heart became stronger and stronger, originally he had a chance to attain the Great Dao, but it was destroyed at the last moment, and hindering people from becoming enlightened is the greatest hatred.

Looking at Pangu's hatred, Xuanchen didn't suspect that what Pangu said should not be a lie, so what was going on? Xuanchen was puzzled, but he didn't ask.

It is estimated that even if you talk to Pangu, you won't get any information, I'm afraid that in the end, I will rely on him to find the answer, maybe it has something to do with the mystery of his passage through the wilderness.

Although he didn't think much about crossing the flood wilderness, he still had some doubts in his heart, but he kept it in his heart and didn't explore it for the time being.

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