Xuanchen recovered from his injuries in the chaos, but in fact, Xuanchen's injuries were not serious, and he returned to his peak state in just a hundred years.

"This time, the harvest was far lower than expected. Xuan Chen shook his head with a little disappointment.

Now the flood is silent, but Xuanchen still hasn't completely given up the idea of planning the flood.

The big leeks of the flood famine can continue to be harvested, the wool has not yet been bald, how can Xuanchen give up the flood famine.

It's just that if you want to plan the flood again, you have to wait for the flood to pass the era of the end of the law, and then recover and prosper again, and then it will be the time for Xuanchen to gather wool.

Returning to the Eternal Realm, after Xuanchen came, he was naturally asked about the situation by Nuwa.

"That's all you need to get. "

Xuanchen pointed to the two stars of the Taiyin Sun, as well as the Pangu Banner and the Divine Killing Spear, plus a small part of the Heaven and Earth Origin.

"Master, your harvest is too little. "

Nuwa couldn't help but pout.


"Ouch, it hurts. Nuwa covered her head and looked at Xuanchen aggrievedly, could it be that she said something wrong?

"Do you think it's easy to snatch things from the Heavenly Dao? I took the risk to get these things. "

Although the benefits are not high, Xuanchen is really risking a certain amount, if it weren't for the weakening of the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao by the End Law Tribulation, Xuanchen might have overturned.

Of course, if the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Desolation had not been weakened, Xuan Chen would not have gone to the tiger's mouth to grab food.

In short, it is extremely rare for Xuan Chen to be able to snatch something in the hands of the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao.

"What are the next plans for the master?" Hou Tu glanced at Nuwa with a slight smile, and then asked Xuanchen.

"The plan is there, and that is to build strength. "

Xuan Chen's gaze looked at the Chaos Bead, and he could only go to other worlds through the Chaos Bead to plunder the origin of heaven and earth in other worlds.

For other worlds, Xuanchen's actions are immoral, but this is Xuanchen's way.

And this time, Xuanchen plans to ignore the strength of the world, as long as it is encountered, all the worlds that can be handled will be included in the eternal realm and become a part of the eternal realm.

There is also the mysterious chaos, Xuanchen is ready to continue to explore the chaos, the eternal sword is obtained from traveling through the chaos, Xuanchen is ready to try his luck again.

Speaking of the Eternal Sword, Xuanchen still needs to repair it, and the Eternal Sword has several cracks in the previous collision with the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao.

"Master, don't forget to let us help. "

Xuanchen's disciples said to Xuanchen, and when they learned that Xuanchen was going to plunder other worlds, they also offered to help.

Xuanchen did not refuse this, some powerful worlds, he solved them by himself, and those weak worlds, just let Nuwa and them do it.

It just so happened that he could save time to explore the vastness of chaos.

There are many secrets hidden in the chaos, and these secrets are also of great interest to Xuan Chen, and they are even related to his attainment of the Great Dao.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and Xuanchen walks in the chaos, as if he has become one with the chaos.

At this time, Xuanchen's cultivation once again broke through a level and reached the Heavenly Dao Realm Six Heavens, which should actually be called the Chaos Realm to be precise.

But it's all the same realm, and it doesn't matter what it's called.

"The Burial Heaven Coffin has finally been promoted to Chaos Spirit Treasure, but unfortunately the Chaos Bell is still a step behind. "

There are several innate treasures in Xuanchen's hands, among which the Burial Heaven Coffin has been promoted to a low-grade Chaos Spirit Treasure, but in fact, it is still of little use to Xuanchen.

There are two top-grade Chaos Spirit Treasures in his hands, who would use the lower-grade Chaos Spirit Treasures.

The Burial Heaven Coffin was able to be promoted, thanks to the origin of the Six Soul Banners, otherwise it would not have been possible to be promoted to a low-grade Chaos Spirit Treasure.

At this moment, there are three treasures floating around Xuanchen, which are the Pangu Flag, the Chaos Bell and the Taiji Diagram.

The Taiji diagram was asked by Xuanchen from Nuwa, and at the same time, Xuanchen also handed over the Hongmeng measuring ruler that he could not use to Nuwa.

It can be regarded as using Hongmeng to measure the sky ruler and exchange Nuwa's Taiji diagram.

"The three treasures transformed by the Open Heaven Axe are all here, how can they be fused together?"

These three treasures are fused together, even if it is impossible to restore the power of the Chaos Treasure, at least it is the best Chaos Spirit Treasure.

It's just that Xuanchen always feels that there is still one thing missing, which causes the three treasures to be unable to fuse, or even repel each other.

Let's put aside the research on the three Arcana for the time being, and then find a way to fuse them later.

Since the key thing for fusion is missing, that thing must be in the flood wilderness, and after returning to the flood wilderness in the future, it will be good to look for it again.

"It's a barren place in the chaos. "

Xuanchen has been walking in the chaos for millions of years, and as a result, he has picked up a few stones, and he has not even touched a single spiritual treasure.

"Master, the abyss world has been conquered by us. "

The voice of Houtu came into Xuanchen's mind, and Xuanchen instantly returned to the Eternal Realm, and the Eternal Realm changed greatly at this time.

Now the Eternal Realm has also experienced several tribulations, but under Xuanchen's control, the impact on the entire heaven and earth is not great.

"Next, isn't it time for Master to find a new world?"

After Xuanchen returned to the dojo of Penglai Immortal Island, Chang Xi said to Xuanchen.

They will not take the initiative to find a new world, mainly because Xuanchen does not allow them to find it by themselves.

Through the gate of time and space of the Chaos Bead, you can reach the new world, but if the world you step into is extremely strong, Nuwa and the others will be in danger.

"You're pretty fast. "

Xuan Chen said with a little surprise, the previous abyss world also belonged to a world that was not weak, and it was actually handled so quickly by Nuwa.

"Of course it's fast to shoot together. Houtu said with a smile.

It's not just them who make a move, but also the creatures of the Eternal Realm, who cross the world together and participate in the plundering of the resources of other worlds.

For this kind of thing, the beings of the eternal realm do not reject it at all, and the more they contribute, the more rewards they will receive.

"In that case, it is time to find a new world. "

Xuanchen stepped into the gate of time and space, and his breath was released, and he began to perceive the breath of the heavens and all worlds.

Now Xuanchen can already feel the breath of the powerful world through the gate of time and space, and when the time comes, he will directly enter the powerful world through the gate of time and space.

Plundering the Heaven and Earth Origin of a hundred weak worlds is not as good as the Heaven and Earth Origin of a powerful world.

After choosing one of the worlds, Xuanchen entered this world, and now the world that Xuanchen came to should be one of the most powerful worlds he has encountered.

Second only to the existence of the Flood World, after coming in, Xuanchen was discovered by the will of the Heavenly Dao.

"It seems a little too unscrupulous, this new world is a bit strong. "

Xuan Chen raised his head and looked at each other with an eye without the slightest emotion, this eye was the Eye of Heavenly Dao.

The aura of destruction continued to rage, but he didn't do anything, he just suppressed Xuanchen.

"You didn't even do anything with me. "

Xuan Chen was a little surprised, generally entering other worlds, as long as he was discovered by the will of the Heavenly Dao, he would shoot at him mercilessly.

But the Heavenly Dao will in front of him actually didn't make a move towards him, which made Xuan Chen a little surprised.

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