If Lao Tzu still has the treasure of Taiji Diagram in his hand, it is no problem to compete with Rahu, and pass the tricks.

But without Lao Tzu of the Taiji Diagram, his combat power will indeed decline a lot, not to mention that Lao Tzu does not even have the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

just held on for a while, and was cut in two by Luo Hu using the Zhuxian Sword, and his body was annihilated.

However, for the saints, the loss of the body is really not a big problem, and they only need to worry about the problem of the true spirit now.

If the true spirit is not completely annihilated, they will not really fall, but they still need to worry about this aspect, unlike the original god true spirit who once entrusted the heavenly dao and did not need to worry about the fall.

"It seems that Hongjun will not come to your rescue. "

Rahu knocked away the Pangu Banner in Yuan Shi's hand, and swept away the body of Yuan Shi with one blow.

At this time, Rahu suppressed the four saints, and Hongjun didn't make a move, so it was obvious that Hongjun wouldn't make a move.

In fact, even Xuanchen didn't know what Hongjun was doing at this time, and Xuanchen didn't pay attention to Hongjun.

He was calculating the matter of the origin of heaven and earth, in fact, the origin of heaven and earth was in front of Xuan Chen, but Xuan Chen was not easy to make a move.

The will of the Heavenly Dao is always watching, and as long as Xuanchen makes a move, he will be discovered.

"It seems that Heavenly Dao is really smart. Xuanchen sighed, it's hard to do it.

Let's wait for the opportunity to continue to look for opportunities, it is definitely impossible to give up if you give up now, and the time spent in the flood famine before will not be in vain.

"Huh? "

Xuan Chen, who was observing and looking for an opportunity, suddenly sensed Hongjun's breath, and Xuan Chen felt as if it was deliberately released.

"What the hell does Hongjun mean. "

Xuanchen had already discovered the Zixiao Palace in the chaos, as if he was deliberately trying to expose it, as if he was waiting to be discovered by someone.

If nothing else, he must want him to find out, this is Xuanchen's guess.

"Go check it out. "

Xuanchen is not afraid to go to Hongjun's Zixiao Palace, even if Hongjun and Honghuang Heavenly Dao unite, he can't stay Xuanchen, and Xuanchen can leave at any time.

So there's no need to worry at all, just go over and take a look, if it's really dangerous, turn around and leave directly.

One step through the space, and then came to the Zixiao Palace, and Hongjun was sitting cross-legged in the main hall of the Zixiao Palace.

After seeing Xuanchen coming, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, Xuanchen guessed correctly, Hongjun really wanted to attract Xuanchen over, if Xuanchen didn't come, Hongjun would really be in trouble.

"Xuanchen Dao friendship has not been seen for a long time. "

Hongjun took the initiative to greet Xuanchen.

"You have something to ask me, right?"

Xuanchen looked at Hongjun deeply, although Hongjun didn't seem to show it, but Xuanchen had already seen that Hongjun meant this.

"Definitely. Hongjun didn't hide it, and attracted Xuanchen over to ask Xuanchen for help.

"Let's get straight to the point. "Xuanchen doesn't want to beat around the bush with Hongjun, and he doesn't have that time now.

"I want to get out of the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao, and I hope that Xuanchen Daoist can help me. Hongjun took a deep breath and said to Xuanchen.

Xuan Chen smiled when he heard this.

"Aren't you planning to replace the Heavenly Dao, why do you want to break away from the Heavenly Dao now?"

Hongjun was silent, if he could replace the Honghuang Heavenly Dao, of course Hongjun would not choose to leave the Heavenly Dao, and now Hongjun knows how ridiculous his original idea was.

After planning to merge with the Dao, he planned to replace the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Desolation and leap into the Heavenly Dao Realm, and it was not an ordinary Heavenly Dao Realm.

can really let Hongjun replace the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao, I am afraid that one leap will be the Nine Heavens of the Heavenly Dao, and the real step will be to the sky.

But how can such a good thing happen, with the power of Hongjun, it can't shake the Heavenly Dao at all, how to replace the Heavenly Dao?

On the contrary, Hongjun found that he was really trapped by the Heavenly Dao, and it was not so easy to get out.

"Xuanchen Daoist should be able to see my current situation, with the power of my half-step Heavenly Dao Realm, there is a world of difference between me and the real Heavenly Dao, and it is impossible to replace the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao. "

Hongjun sighed, if he knew that the gap between the half-step Heavenly Dao and the Heavenly Dao was so big, Hongjun would definitely not choose to die and join the Dao.

Now it's hard to ride a tiger, it's easy to go up and hard to come down.

This time the catastrophe of the end of the law is the only chance, if you can't grasp this opportunity, there will be no chance in the future.

"At that time, I hope that Xuanchen Daoist can help me drag down the Desolate Heavenly Dao, and I will also help Daoist friends to involve some of the power of the Heavenly Dao. "

Hongjun said to Xuanchen, not so much asking for help, but more like a transaction, where both sides achieved their goals.

As for Xuanchen's purpose, Hongjun can also guess it, so he will say this proposal, and I believe that Xuanchen should not refuse.

"The proposal is good, but how much power can you involve in the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao?" Xuan Chen asked lightly towards Hongjun.

If the power that Hongjun was involved in was not worth mentioning to him, then it would mean nothing.

"Hongjun doesn't know, but Hongjun will do his best to help Daoyou involve some of the power. "

Hongjun didn't say anything casually to deceive Xuanchen, and it was impossible to deceive Xuanchen.

"Okay, then I'll promise you. Xuanchen looked at Hongjun deeply, and then agreed to Hongjun.

"But leave your Zixiao Palace to me. "

Xuanchen helps Hongjun, naturally it needs a price, and this Zixiao Palace in front of him is the price that Xuanchen needs.

Hearing this, Hongjun took a deep breath, Zixiao Palace looked ordinary, but in fact, Hongjun had spent countless precious divine materials to refine it.

And after the tempering of the power of the Heavenly Dao, it is better than the innate treasure, and Hongjun is really reluctant.

But what's important at the moment, Hongjun is still very clear, and there is no problem with Zixiao Palace handing it over.

"When I make a move, you can do it together. "

Xuanchen didn't know how much Heavenly Dao power Hongjun could be involved, but even if he was involved, it was better than nothing.

Anyway, there are only benefits and no disadvantages for him, so Xuanchen agreed, and it can be regarded as a transaction between the two parties.

"Hongjun is also pitiful and has taken the wrong path. "

Now although Hongjun has a half-step Heavenly Dao realm cultivation, but he has taken the wrong path, if he continues to be a Dao Merger, I am afraid that he will never have a chance to break through the Heavenly Dao.

In fact, Hedao is a pit, whoever jumps into it will never be able to get out, Xuanchen is also glad that he has never risen this idea, otherwise he will enter the pit like Hongjun.

It's still unknown whether Hongjun can jump out now, he is in line with the Heavenly Dao, is it possible to surpass the Heavenly Dao?

As for replacing the Heavenly Dao, this is also impossible, and the Heavenly Dao is not so easy to replace, especially the Heavenly Dao of the Flood World.

"I hope Hongjun can give his strength, otherwise I may not get much benefit this time. Xuanchen looked at Luo Hu and the Four Sages, who were still fighting, and said with a sigh.

It's different from the last two times, it was a steal before, but this time Xuanchen is going to rob it, and the difficulty is naturally much higher than last time.

If he really can't get it, Xuanchen won't force it, and he won't let himself really fall into danger because of some immediate benefits, that's not Xuanchen's style.

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