When Xuanchen arranged the plan, he was also paying attention to Hongjun's movements, and at this time, Xuanchen was very curious about whether Hongjun would move.

The trajectory of the Heavenly Dao, Xuanchen has already figured it out, as long as Hongjun doesn't want to sleep with the Heavenly Dao, then Hongjun will inevitably plan.

This time, the flood famine has turned from prosperity to decline, and the flood famine heavenly way will inevitably sleep, waiting for the day of recovery and prosperity in the future.

Xuanchen didn't believe that Hongjun would be willing to sleep with the desolate heavenly way.

"Forget it, Hongjun has the Heavenly Dao to cover it, and it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be discovered by the Heavenly Dao if he has been observed, and if Hongjun makes a big move, he will definitely not be able to hide it from me. "

Xuanchen won't go to explore Hongjun anymore, there is no point, let's wait until Hongjun acts.

Hongjun must find a way to break away from the Heavenly Dao, but he doesn't know what method Hongjun wants to use to break away, if he fails, he will definitely fall asleep with the Heavenly Dao.

Sitting and watching the development of the Flood Desolation Tribulation, Xuanchen has been staying in the Netherworld, and as for the Heavenly Demon Realm, it has now been taken away by Xuanchen.

Anyway, after trading with Rahu, the Heavenly Demon Realm has become Xuanchen's thing.

It's no problem for Xuanchen to take it away, he won't have half of resistance to Xuanchen, and the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao can't detect it.

After all, the Heavenly Demon Realm is very special, although it is in the flood wilderness, but it is independent of the flood wilderness.

This is related to the birth of the Heavenly Demon Realm at the beginning, and the method of giving birth to the Heavenly Demon Realm at the beginning was Xuanchen's method of opening up the inner world.

Xuanchen specially taught it to Luo Hu, if there was no Xuanchen, maybe the Heavenly Demon Realm would not have a chance to appear.

Everything has just begun, and Rahu has not moved, but even if Rahu has not moved, most of the entire world has already fallen.

In the Netherworld, there are countless creatures incarnated as demons, including the ghosts here, and in the earth fairy world, whether it is the human race, the demon race, or the witch race that exists in the desolation, there are all existences that have fallen into the demon path.

Buddhism has also collapsed, and among the creatures who have fallen into demons, Buddhist disciples should have the highest proportion.

In the Western Spirit Mountain, Mo Luo was directly ordered to kill it, and now he is fighting with the Buddha, so that hundreds of millions of Buddhas will cry blood in the Spirit Mountain.

The Five Saints, who were originally discussing the matter of measuring the tribulation, did not expect that in a silent manner, the measuring tribulation had actually begun.

"I didn't expect us to be able to make a move. Lao Tzu's face was ugly.

I was about to take action to deal with those demons, and I dealt with them first, but I found that I couldn't do it at all.

This is the restriction of the way of heaven, this amount of robbery demon clan should be prosperous, in fact, Buddhism is just the appearance, and it is the demon clan that is really prosperous.

However, the prosperity of the demon race is stepping on countless corpses, and it is destined not to last long, and it is impossible for the way of heaven to let the demon race exist forever.

What's more, the current calamity is the calamity of the end of the law, and in the end everything will return to the ordinary, and the immortals will eventually fall, or they will be sealed in the void, waiting for the day of return.

"Rulai, do you still want to insist?" Mo Luo sneered and looked at the Buddha Rulai, his strength was not as weak as Lailai, and even stronger with the blessing of demonic energy.

Compared to Rulai, Mo Luo is the real old qualification, and he has transformed earlier than most of the creatures in the Flood Wilderness.

At the time of the original Dao Demon Dispute, Mo Luo was already a disciple of Rahu, and it was normal to be unable to fight Mo Luo.

Although the realm is the same, there are also strong and weak points, and they are all hung and beaten by Moluo.

In the heavenly court, there was also chaos, Haotian was completely infected by the demonic qi, and completely fell into the demonic path, he was no longer the emperor of heaven, but a demon.

"Hahahaha, let's die. "Haotian held the god list in his hand, and then directly destroyed the god list.

As long as it is the immortal god on the list, all of them have fallen, in fact, the god list has not been completely destroyed, but it is also tattered.

After destroying the list of gods and letting the gods of Heavenly Court fall, Haotian left Heavenly Court and headed towards the Western Spirit Mountain.

Haotian, who was completely eroded by the will of the demon path in his heart, went to Lingshan to naturally help Mo Luo deal with the Buddha.

"No wonder Haotian has changed so much, it seems that he has already fallen for Rahu's methods. "Amitabha Buddha knows why Haotian has changed a lot.

I'm afraid the changes that appeared before were all from Rahu's hands, but it's a pity that I couldn't find it at the beginning, and if I could have found it, maybe I wouldn't be so passive now.

"What should we do?" asked them, as they asked.

"I can't make a move for the time being, I can only watch how things develop. "

Lao Tzu sighed, he couldn't do anything if he wanted to, the way of heaven had actually become a shackle that restricted them.

Obviously, he wanted to destroy the demon and save the desolate land, but he was actually restricted by the way of heaven, which is really ironic.

Looking at the fallen disciples of his sect, the saint could only watch helplessly.

Even if it is a saint, there are times when there is nothing to be done, and Tongtian's violent temper is really a little unbearable.

"If Rahu comes out, I will surely make him fall. Tongtian clenched Qingping's sword and roared angrily.

The momentum made the entire dojo tremble, as if the dojo world was about to fall silent.

Lao Tzu glanced at Tongtian lightly, and then made a move to stabilize the dojo, Tongtian didn't care, but this dojo is Lao Tzu's.

Being in his own dojo, how could Lao Tzu not care, seeing that the dojo was showing signs of collapse, he immediately took action to stabilize it.

"Senior Brother Tongtian, pay attention to your own momentum. Lao Tzu reminded Tongtian, his expression a little dissatisfied.

As if sensing Lao Tzu's dissatisfaction, Tongtian immediately reined in his strength, and then was silent and did not speak.

"You can't make a move, but I seem to be able to do it. Zhun Ti said at this time.

"Senior Brother Zhun Ti. Amitabha Buddha frowned when he heard this, did the junior brother want to make a move? To be honest, Amitabha Buddha did not want to make a move.

Even though Buddhism is in dire straits right now, Amitabha Buddha doesn't want to take the plunge.

Today's Zhun Ti does not have the power of a saint, and it is more dangerous than him, especially if he deliberately intervenes in it, the danger is even greater.

"Can you make a move?" Yuan Shi glanced at Zhun Ti, his eyes lit up.

"In that case, let's see if our three corpses can make a move, the three corpses don't have the power of a saint. "

Yuan Shi's words made the eyes of the other saints light up at the same time, and then they immediately tried, but the final result failed, and even the three corpses of the saints could not move.

If you can use the three corpses, relying on the power of the three corpses, you will definitely be able to defeat all the existences under the saints.

"Senior brother, let's go and make a move, otherwise the Spirit Mountain will be completely gone, and Maitreya will fall. "Zhun Ti couldn't sit still at all.

The current situation has reached a very critical juncture, and under the siege of Mo Luo and Haotian, the Buddha can no longer support it.

Now only by taking action personally can it be possible to resolve the crisis of Buddhism.

"I can't watch Western Buddhism completely lonely. Zhun Ti resolutely chose to leave Lao Tzu's dojo and go to the desolate land to save Buddhism.

Amitabha Buddha's face was very bitter, and he didn't stop Zhun Ti's choice, and besides, Zhun Ti had already gone, and he couldn't stop it.

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