Xuanchen drank a cup of enlightenment tea, and it is said that he can drink this enlightenment tea, and he has to thank Nuwa.

The Enlightenment Ancient Tea Tree was fished by Nuwa from a certain world in the heavens and ten thousand worlds, and if there was no Nuwa, it would not be able to drink it.

"Why did Shizun suddenly return to the Eternal Realm? Could it be that the plan of the Flood Wilderness failed?" asked Nuwa as she ate Huang Zhongli.


"Ouch, it hurts. Nuwa covered her head and looked at Xuanchen angrily.

Why do you like to bully your junior sisters, it's not because you've been bullied by Xuanchen a lot, so you want to make up for it from others.

"How can the plan fail before it has begun. "

The calculations in the flood have not yet begun, and Xuanchen does not plan to mix anything with the matter of Journey to the West, anyway, there is Rahu in the calculation.

Xuanchen has to calculate that after the journey to the west, when Buddhism is flourishing, there will inevitably be a catastrophe after the great prosperity, and it is also a catastrophe in the famine.

"Then what did the master do when he came back, did he simply bully me?" Nuwa asked Xuanchen in a bad tone.

"Originally, I was going to take you to the desolate land, but it turns out that you seem to be a little dissatisfied in your heart, so forget it. "

"Don't, Master, I want to follow you to the Flood Wilderness. Nuwa immediately changed her face, her original angry expression disappeared, and she hugged Xuanchen's arm with a smile on her face.

"This is changing so fast. Houtu couldn't help but sigh.

"If you have any will, if you are not willing to go to the wilderness, you can stay in the eternal realm. "

Xuanchen knew that Nuwa would definitely follow him, and then looked at Houtu, Xihe, and Wangshu.

"Although the Eternal Realm is managed by the will of the Heavenly Dao, I feel that I still need to stay and pay attention to it, so I won't go. "

Houtu shook his head at Xuanchen, Houtu has always attached great importance to the responsibility of managing the eternal realm of heaven and earth.

Although it was basically impossible for the Eternal Realm to have any problems, Houtu still insisted on staying in the Eternal Realm to guard.

"Since Senior Sister Houtu plans to stay, I will also stay with Senior Sister to guard the Eternal Realm. Xihe said.

"I think it's better for me to stay in the Eternal Realm, so as not to cause trouble to the Master. Long Li'er considered her own strength, and after learning about the danger in the desolation, she still decided not to go.

Well, it's definitely not that she is cowardly in her heart, but Long Li'er feels that she can't help herself when she goes to the flood wilderness, but on the contrary, she needs to be taken care of by her master.

Wangshu said that I am very homely, and even Penglai Immortal Island basically does not leave, and there is no desire to follow Xuanchen to the flood wilderness.

"Well, if you want to go to the Flood Wilderness, you can call me directly. "

Xuan Chen nodded, as long as they called Xuan Chen's name, Xuan Chen could sense it, after all, the Eternal Realm itself was in Xuan Chen's body.

After that, Xuanchen took Nuwa and Changxi to leave the Eternal Realm and go to the desolation.

"Where is this place?" Nuwa felt the surrounding Sen Luo demonic qi and couldn't help but ask Xuanchen.

I've never been to this place before, and I'm completely unfamiliar with it.

"This is the Heavenly Demon Realm, which belongs to Rahu's world, and of course, I also have half of the control of the Heavenly Demon Realm. "

Xuanchen said to Nuwa and Chang Xi to clear their doubts.

"Oh, but it's not a good place to live. "

Chang Xi looked at the environment of the Heavenly Demon Realm with some disgust, the endless Sen Luo Demonic Qi covered the entire world, and there was nothing decent at all.

It's barren, and there are no flowers and trees, in fact, it can't be said that there are all of them, but they are relatively rare.

There are not many spiritual roots and spiritual grasses that can absorb demonic energy to survive, and the Heavenly Demon Realm as a whole does look very barren.

"Rahu's place, how can it be good. Nuwa couldn't help but say something, and at this time, Luo Hu happened to appear and listened to it in her heart.

At this time, Rahu's face was dark, and his gaze at Nuwa was a little unkind, but Rahu also knew Nuwa, considering that Nuwa was Xuanchen's disciple.

So Rahu couldn't find trouble with Nuwa.

In fact, even if Xuanchen is not here, if Luo Hu asks for trouble with Nuwa, it will be a dead end.

Because in terms of strength, the current Rahu is not Nuwa's opponent at all.

Nuwa has the realm of the five heavens of the saint, and Rahu is just the four heavens of the saint, if it really fights, Nuwa can hit Rahu hard with a flip of her hand.

It doesn't take a few tricks at all to be able to completely suppress Rahu.

Although Rahu is the true spirit reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God, Rahu does not have the heel of the Chaos Demon God at all, and he cannot fight beyond the level.

"You're Rahu, what are you looking at? Are you dissatisfied with me?"

Nuwa raised her fist at Luo Hu threateningly, making Luo Hu feel a little aggrieved, and then glanced at Xuanchen.

If it weren't for Xuanchen being here, Luo Hu vowed to let Nuwa know how powerful he was, but he was the Demon Ancestor Rahu, and except for Xuanchen, Luo Hu would have confidence in facing any opponent.

Even if it is Hongjun, although Luo Hu feels that he is inferior to him now, the future is not yet known.

"Although you are a disciple of Xuanchen Daoyou, don't be too presumptuous, otherwise you will ......"

"What else can you do? Why don't you wait to beat me, or let's fight?"

Nuwa provoked Rahu, that's right, Nuwa was deliberately provoking Rahu and wanted to fight Rahu.

has strength, but has no opponent, Nuwa feels bored, and Rahu in front of her seems to be an opponent.

In fact, when Nuwa chooses opponents, she basically won't choose those who are stronger than her, and it just so happens that Nuwa can see through Rahu's strength.

The sage of the four heavens, the strength is one realm lower than her, and Nuwa has the certainty of victory.

And Luo Hu couldn't see through Nuwa's strength, he thought that it was Xuanchen's reason that he couldn't see through Nuwa's strength, but he didn't think that Nuwa's strength was stronger than him.

After all, Nuwa is just a junior in Luo Hu's eyes, how can her strength be as strong as his.

Luo Hu glanced at Xuanchen, even if he wanted to teach Nuwa a lesson, he had to consider Xuanchen's thoughts, after all, Nuwa was Xuanchen's disciple.

If he offended Xuanchen because he taught Nuwa a lesson, Luo Hu didn't want this consequence.

"If you want to fight, I don't mind taking a look, don't worry, Rahu, even if you really hurt Nuwa, I won't blame you. "

Xuanchen said to Rahu with a smile.

He had already seen what Nuwa meant and wanted to fight Rahu, and since this was the case, Xuanchen didn't mind adding fuel to the fire.

As for what Xuanchen said about hurting Nuwa, he wouldn't blame Luo Hu, of course, Xuanchen knew that Luo Hu couldn't hurt Nuwa at all, so he said so.

"Master, I'm afraid he won't dare, what kind of demon ancestor, obviously he was defeated by Hongjun, and he is embarrassed to call him an ancestor, and his face is really thick. "

Nuwa provoked without mercy.

Luo Hu's body gradually showed an uncontrollable chill.

"You junior is really rude, since this is the case, I will teach Xuanchen Daoyou a lesson. "

Luo Hu also deliberately glanced at Xuanchen while speaking, and from Xuanchen's face, he did not see the slightest dissatisfaction, and Luo Hu relaxed.

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