"If you want to live in my hands, it's up to you to pay what you can pay. "

Xuanchen looked at the Light Demon God in front of him, and did not rush to kill the Light Demon God, let's see what other background this Light Demon God has.

"I'm afraid I don't have anything in my hands that you can look at. "

Listening to Xuan Chen's words, the Bright Demon God said in embarrassment, he only had a book-like treasure in his hand, Genesis, which was an innate treasure.

Such a treasure doesn't seem to be of much use to the other party who has reached the realm of the Heavenly Dao.

"You can't take anything out, do you still want the master to let you go? The master must not let him go. Nuwa said to Xuanchen.

Nuwa is very vindictive, this Light Demon God has attacked her before, and of course Nuwa doesn't want to let go of this Light Demon God.

"It seems that you really can't take anything, so in that case, take yourself as the price. "

Xuanchen raised his hand and grabbed it towards the Light Demon God, facing Xuanchen's palm, the Light Demon God was naturally unwilling to fall into the hands of Xuanchen 07, and immediately resisted.

Even if he knew that his resistance was very small for Xuanchen, the Light Demon God still had to resist, otherwise he would not be able to live and die in the hands of Xuanchen.

All resistance was in vain, and in the end, the Light Demon God was still caught by Xuanchen, just like pinching an ant.

"What is Shizun going to do with this guy?" Nuwa asked Xuanchen.

"It would be a pity if you kill it, after all, it is also one of the former Chaos Demon Gods, so let's keep it first. "

Although Xuan Chen planned to keep him, the will of the Light Demon God was still erased by Xuan Chen, and then injected a new will into the Light Demon God.

With Xuanchen as the mainstay, the will that can never be betrayed.

"Meet my lord. "

After the Light Demon God was changed all his will, he knelt down in front of Xuanchen with great respect.

"Shizun wants to accept him as a thug. Nuwa saw what Xuanchen meant, and she should accept the other party as a thug.

"That's right, after all, it is also the existence of the Saint Six Heavens, and looking at the heavens and all the worlds, he is also a terrifying powerhouse. "

Xuan Chen felt that it would be useful to control the Light Demon God in the future, so he left his life behind.

"Let's go, let's go back first. "

Xuanchen first sent the Light Demon God into the Eternal Realm, and then returned to the temple with Nuwa.

"Nuwa, what danger have you encountered, and you actually asked the master to rescue you?"

After Nuwa came back, Houtu and the others asked Nuwa curiously, but they didn't expect that they could still encounter danger when the Heavenly Dao was sealed.

"The former Chaos Demon God, if you go instead, you are not an opponent together. Nuwa didn't feel ashamed when she said it, after all, she was facing the former Chaos Demon God.

In fact, if you count it, Nuwa also has some of the heels of the Chaos Demon God, but Nuwa does not have the memory of belonging to the Chaos Demon God.

For example, this Light Demon God, there is only a little memory of the Light Demon God, and when Xuanchen transformed the will of the Light Demon God before, he checked all the memories of the Light Demon God by the way.

In the memory of the Light Demon God, Xuanchen is not without gains, it turns out that in addition to the Light Demon God, there is also the Dark Demon God in the world.

The two of them were enemies and still are, but they didn't fight each other to the death.

Now the Dark Demon God is also sleeping, and wants to transform into a Chaos Demon God in his sleep.

Looking at Nuwa, who was talking to Houtu about the Chaos Demon God, Xuanchen raised his hand and grabbed the sleeping Dark Demon God.

Now that he knew of his existence, Xuanchen naturally wouldn't let him go.

"Who disturbed my sleep?" the angry voice of the Dark Demon God reached Xuan Chen's ears.

"Noise. "

Destroy the will of the Dark Demon God with one finger, and then forge a new will, loyal to Xuanchen's will.

Then the Dark Demon God was also thrown into the eternal realm by Xuanchen.

"Master, who was that just now?" Chang Xi couldn't help but ask Xuanchen.

From the pitch-black figure just now, they felt a terrifying and invincible aura, but in the hands of the master, they were still very weak.

"The Dark Demon God, who fled to this world with the true spirit of the Light Demon God, should be considered lucky among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods. "

Xuanchen answered to Chang Xi and them.

The Light Demon God and the Dark Demon God are indeed lucky, if their true spirits had escaped to the Flood Wilderness, I am afraid that they would have fallen long ago.

In the flood wilderness, the true spirit of the Chaos Demon God is the most reincarnated, but there are also many deaths, such as time, yin and yang, Qiankun, etc., all of which died in the flood wilderness.

And they were all unlucky to die in the hands of Xuanchen and were killed by Xuanchen.

This Light Demon God and the Dark Demon God also ushered in misfortune after luck, and they also fell into the hands of Xuan Chen.

Although they seem to be alive, the will has been killed by Xuanchen, and they are not them now.

"Did the master say that they were lucky? I am afraid that meeting the master is the greatest misfortune. Chang Xi couldn't help but complain and said.

"Chang Xi, you are so bold, you dare to complain about Shizun, hurry up, Shizun, I caught Chang Xi, hurry up and teach her a lesson." "

Nuwa grabbed Chang Xi and shouted at Xuanchen.

"Ahh Chang Xi shouted loudly.

"Hehe, I'd like to see how you can be polite to me. Nuwa smiled, could Chang Xi still do anything to her.

Chang Xi was annoyed, looked at Nuwa's arm as smooth as jade, and then bit it.

"You actually bite, let me go. Nuwa was annoyed, and she didn't know who Chang Xi was learning from, and the dignified saint Supreme actually bit 090 people.

If Chang Xi knew what Nuwa was thinking, he would definitely give Nuwa a roll of his eyes, I learned this from you.

Houtu and they watched Nuwa and Chang Xi's fight with great joy, and they didn't mean to get involved at all, even Xihe didn't mean to get involved.

"Nuwa, don't make trouble, you suffered a loss before, and now you don't hurry up your cultivation. Xuanchen said to Nuwa.

"But cultivation can't be improved in a while. Nuwa had a distressed expression on her face, now in the realm of saints, where can you break through if you want to.

After all, they are not Xuanchen, and when they are in the Mixed Yuan realm, the breakthrough is simpler than eating and drinking.

In fact, it is not simple, but Xuanchen took the risk of planning the origin of the flood wilderness, so that he could reach the half-step Heavenly Dao realm in one step.

Don't look at Xuanchen's cultivation to improve quickly, but he has obtained it at the risk of risk, and it is not easy to get this power.

"If you don't cultivate all the time, then your cultivation will never be able to be improved, it seems that I am too lenient with you. "

"Don't, it's not loose anymore, I'll go to practice now. "

Nuwa seemed to know what Xuanchen meant, and immediately spoke.

Then Nuwa pulled them up and ran to retreat and go to the Great Dao of Enlightenment.

After Xuanchen went to retreat, there was nothing to do for a while, and the rules of the Heavenly Dao of the Western God Realm had been completely understood by Xuanchen. _

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