After only a hundred moves, Luo Hu completely suppressed Lao Tzu and used the Twelve Rank Extinction Black Lotus to prepare to suppress Lao Tzu.

On the other side, Yuan Shi and Tongtian are quite evenly matched, and without using the Zhuxian Sword Formation, although Tongtian is at a disadvantage, it is not invincible.

"Yuan Shi, this is what I have prepared for you. "

Tongtian took the initiative to retreat, and then took out the six soul flags, which were triangular, and there were six tail flags fluttering gently under the flag, and there were the names of all the saints at the end of the flag.

The names of Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, Jieyin, Zhun Ti and Rahu are all there, but the last banner tail is a blank without a word.

After taking out this treasure from Tongtian, Yuan Shi felt dizzy and confused just by looking at it, and there was a sense of crumbling.

I was shocked in my heart, I didn't know what this little flag was, and he actually had a great sense of horror when he looked at it as a saint.

When Tongtian took out the six soul flags, Xuanchen's eyes moved slightly, and he felt that these six soul flags seemed to have a special connection with the burial coffin.

"If you can, consider getting the Six Soul Banners in your hands. "

These six soul flags can threaten the saint, it is not ordinary, Xuanchen can feel the ominous aura emanating from the six soul flags.

Maybe there is no threat to him, but for the existence of the saint realm, although it will not pose a threat to his life, it can severely damage the saint.

Tongtian shook the Six Soul Flags, a force similar to a curse, towards Yuan Shi, Lao Tzu, and Rahu.

Even if he was suppressed by Rahu in the Twelve Grades of World-Destroying Black Lotus, he did not escape this catastrophe.

The blood of the Yuan Shi Saint was dripping, and the breath on his body was unstable, and he looked a little sluggish.

Even Rahu was affected a little, and his strength was reduced by at least more than half.

"Damn it. Luo Hu didn't expect that he would be put on a plate by Tongtian, and he dared to calculate him.

Tongtian was completely unmoved by Rahu's anger, although they joined forces, but the relationship between them was mutually calculating.

Anyway, Tongtian didn't believe that after solving Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu, Rahu would let him go, and sooner or later he would become an enemy.

After using the Six Soul Banners, the Six Soul Banners in Tongtian's hand also lost some of their brilliance and lost their previous ferocity.

"Do you really think that this can do anything to this Demon Ancestor?"

Although Rahu sensed that the injuries caused by the curse of the Six Soul Flags could not be recovered for the time being, even if Rahu's strength was halved, he could still beat Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi and Tongtian.

Even if the three of them joined forces, they couldn't defeat Rahu, who was cursed at this time.

However, it is impossible for the three Qings to join forces, Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu can join forces, but Tongtian is no longer possible to join forces with them.

The god-killing spear swept Lao Tzu away, and then the twelve-grade world-destroying black lotus sealed Lao Tzu, and sealed three saints in a row, and the twelve-grade world-destroying black lotus was also a little unstable.

Then Luo Hu looked at Yuan Shi and Tongtian, and shot at Yuan Shi who was hit hard first, because it would be good if Yuan Shi, who was hit hard by the Six Soul Banners, could exert one-fifth of his strength.

And Yuan Shi, who could only exert one-fifth of his strength, was naturally easily defeated by Rahu, if it weren't for the fact that the Twelve Rank Annihilation Black Lotus couldn't bear it, Yuan Shi would also be suppressed in the Twelve Rank Annihilation Black Lotus.

Just when the god-killing spear was shooting towards Tongtian, Dao Ancestor Hongjun, who was in line with the way of heaven, appeared and blocked the edge of the god-killing spear with one hand.

"Wait until that. "

Hongjun said indifferently, and then stretched out his hand and pointed, Lao Tzu, Jieyin, and Zhun Ti, who were suppressed among the twelve world-destroying black lotuses, were all released.

"I'll wait to see the teacher. "

Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, Tongtian and the two sages of the West naturally respectfully greeted Hongjun, and as for Luo Hu, he gritted his teeth a little when he looked at Hongjun.

It's a pity that when Luo Hu wanted to do something, he was already imprisoned by the power of heaven, and in the face of Hongjun's power, Luo Hu is now like a child.

Hongjun didn't even look at Rahu, which was definitely humiliating for Rahu, and the former opponent now didn't even look at himself.

"Can you see what the desolation has become now?"

Hongjun asked them, and the Five Saints only paid attention to the desolate land at this time, more than half of the desolate land that was divided had been completely destroyed.

Feeling the karma on his body, the five saints were all in a cold sweat.

Just as Hongjun reprimanded them, an invisible and phaseless fluctuation swept through the entire desolate world, and even Hongjun didn't feel it.

Xuanchen used all the avenues he had comprehended to frantically plunder the origin of the desolate world.

He could sense that the Heavenly Dao of the Desolate Heaven and Earth was angry, but now Xuanchen was already in the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Although it is not as good as the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Desolate Heaven and Earth, it is essentially in the same realm as the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Desolation.

Therefore, it will not be so easy for the Heavenly Dao to discover itself, but the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao is not stupid, when Xuanchen snatched the origin of the Flood Desolate Heaven and Earth, he immediately collected the origin of the Heaven and Earth and stored it.

This is a battle between Xuanchen and Tiandao, but compared to the rightful master of Honghuang Tiandao, Xuanchen is a robber and thief.

"Enough is enough, it's time to go. "

Xuanchen stopped, and the origin of heaven and earth that had escaped had been collected by the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao, and now Xuanchen couldn't grab it.

If he doesn't leave, when Heavenly Dao finds him, he will definitely let him know what the wrath of the desolate world is.

Then Xuan Chen reached out and grabbed the Twelve Rank World Destroying Black Lotus, as well as the Six Soul Banners of the Tongtian Sect Master, and then left the Flood Desolate World.

At the last moment, the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao had already found Xuanchen, but it was too late to find it, and Xuanchen had already relied on the Chaos Bead to successfully leave.

"It's really exciting to get out of the mouth again. "

Xuan Chen had a faint smile on his face, even now, the Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao was still a great risk to Xuan Chen.

Xuanchen is taking a risk to do things, but this time, even if it is ten times more risky, it is worth it, the harvest is too great.

Entering the eternal realm, Xuanchen also knows such a thing, and there will be no next time in the future, but one can be two or three.

If the third time can still let Xuanchen take advantage of the fire to rob successfully, that day Dao will really become a waste.

"Houtu, you want to get the twelve-rank extinction black lotus. "

Xuanchen erased the mark on the twelve-rank extinction black lotus, and then handed it over to Houtu, and then fused with the twenty-four-rank reincarnation purple lotus, and handed it over to Houtu himself to do.

"Looking at the smile on Shizun's face, the harvest must be great, right?" asked Nuwa towards Xuanchen.

"Naturally, this time the harvest will be greater than the last one, and you will also benefit from it. "

As long as the Eternal Realm can be promoted, Nuwa, as the saints of the Eternal Realm, will also usher in a skyrocketing in cultivation under the condition that Xuanchen opens up his authority.

"I'm going to refine the origin of the desolation, you should also take advantage of the current cultivation to cultivate, this is also the best period for you to achieve enlightenment. "

When Xuan Chen went to help the Eternal Realm refine the origin of the desolate heaven and earth, he reminded his disciples, lest they waste this good opportunity.

"Knowing Master, you should hurry up and get busy. "

Nuwa nodded, although she didn't like cultivation, but such a good opportunity still had to be seized, and it would be a fool not to seize it.

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