.The ancient saint's cultivation level is unpredictable, at least it is comparable to the Tao realm. As far as Birk knew from Lian, before the Lingxu royal family, there was actually an even older civilized race.

The Lingxu royal family was actually an outsider. They were once called extraterrestrial demons. They captured the world that originally belonged to that civilization and occupied the magpie's nest.

However, he had only seen such rumors in some incomplete ancient documents and books, and was not sure whether they were true or false.

The ancient saint mentioned in the Ball of Ambition is an existence belonging to another civilization. He is enshrined by heaven and supported by the will of all sentient beings. He upholds the concept of heaven's way. If he obeys the will of heaven, he will be rewarded. If he disobeys the will of heaven, he will be punished.

Now what Chu wants to find is the cave left by the ancient holy place, and sign in there.

He also didn't know what method the Great Wish Ball used to give him the Ancient Saint's Dao Fruit and thirty-six Ancient Saint weapons.

This is not something he can think about or think clearly about now. For birk, as long as he can become stronger, he has nothing to worry about, no matter what the reason.

Now Chu Lian is very much looking forward to the other functions of the Ball of Ambition, refining the power of will and luck, and condensing the power that can transform him into a powerful one.

This is much faster than him simply becoming stronger by signing in.

Time passed quickly, and next, Gu Changge also temporarily lived in the palace of the Lingxu royal family.

By the way, he absorbed the power of luck accumulated by the Lingxu royal family for countless years, and condensed two substances called immortality and creation from it.

The power of luck itself is a nearly omnipotent force, and its origin cannot be truly explained. At the same time, it can form a variety of opportunities.

The heavy rain of creation given by Gu Changge in the Daochang Realm is the creation substance and immortal substance condensed by the power of luck. They are two extremely special substances, one of which can evolve into chance. And one can transform the level of life.

Light is understood literally. The created matter is changing every moment. It does not have a certain structural level with characteristics, which means infinity.

Immortal matter represents the true meaning of immortality, which cannot be destroyed, cannot be changed, and is eternal and one. It is the general outline of all matter in the world and is the"one".

Immortal matter and created matter can be understood as countless infinite changes extending from the general outline of matter. This change naturally includes all tangible and intangible matter, including space and time, time, latitude, nothingness, concepts, etc.

Ming Ming is afraid that even those who have survived the Eight Decays and even the Nine Sorrows and stand on transcendence cannot understand these two substances in a true sense.

Because of the different levels and latitudes of life, it is destined to be impossible to truly understand. We can only try to get closer and closer to this aspect as much as possible.

Taoist realm, what is Taoist realm, is the process of continuous understanding, insight, enlightenment, and knowledge of the essence, birth, gestation, and existence of this"Tao".

Regardless of the way of heaven or the great road, they are all restricted to the category of Tao.

Gu Changge's own life level is destined that these creatures are different, so he can easily condense these two substances from them, pointing directly to the end point, starting point, and essence of Tao.

What the endless monk is looking for throughout his life, he knows and masters it from birth.

The existence of the Tao realm requires various methods such as enlightenment, penetration, practice, and condensation to make a little progress on this Tao. Gu Changge can definitely use this material to enrich himself and restore his peak prosperity.

It's just that the process of condensation is quite boring and long, and it itself is a time-consuming process.

Fortunately, Gu Changge has nothing to do now.

At the same time as this ancient warship from the Lingxu True Realm crossed the vastness and headed towards the Daochang True Realm area.

Deep in the vast starry sky, a round warship like a shuttle also appeared across the sky. It was huge and boundless, crushing the vastness, approaching the Daochang True Realm, and had landed in the outermost layer surrounded by nebulae.

Deep in the warship, many profound and ancient runes shine.

Thunder, flames, and light rain danced in the void, all bright, as if they were practicing some kind of portal.

The female figure named Chaos You is standing devoutly in front of this portal at this moment, seeming to be explaining something with her mind. Behind this portal, a strange scene gradually emerged, and the last large ball of light kept flashing, as if it was alive, buying, shrinking, collapsing, and the true meaning of life was faintly emerging."Who disturbed my eternal sleep?The vast and ruthless thoughts rolled in this ball of light.

Surrounding this door, the other civilized tribesmen treated them all seriously, with the same respect and piety. Feilu Novel Network 103263101

In the distance, there were creatures wearing silver armor with their whole bodies shining, guarding them solemnly. Avoid being disturbed


Zhuoyou looked at this ball of light and also communicated with his thoughts, sending out his own voice.

The fairy civilization behind her is countless billions of light years and latitudes of time and space away from here. Even if the coordinates are clear, it will take a long time to get there.

Therefore, this time when the battle in Daochang Zhenjie was approaching, You could not let the family behind her help her.

She thought of the palpitations and uneasiness she had felt before, and finally felt that using the power of her soul, she could use a The method of communication is to contact the grandfather on the other side of the family.

I want to ask him to help me perform some divination to see if I can capture the power of destiny and predict whether her trip will go smoothly.

That grandfather was one of the oldest beings in the family behind her. His strength was also unfathomable and he was proficient in many deduction and divination techniques.

He once extracted and captured a long river of destiny, and condensed the real substance of destiny from it. Then he placed his soul in the substance of destiny and was called the master of destiny by the world.

The process of contacting this grandfather consumes a lot of spiritual power and also requires a source material.

Rao Shiyou is also very distressed, but to be sure, she must do this to ensure her own safety.

"It turns out that you are my most beloved descendant, Xiao Zhuoyou. I didn’t expect that you are about to undergo your third spiritual transformation. The last time I saw you, you were still a small ball of light no bigger than a fist."

After learning that it was Zhuoyou who woke him up, the master of fate's tone became much softer.

However, he could not hide his ruthlessness, like an indescribable thing standing in the clouds overlooking the fate of all lives.

"Thanks to your blessing, grandpa, I gained a lot after leaving my clan this time. I trudged and searched in the vastness, and unexpectedly found a true world where the fire of the immortal civilization was left. Immortals and source matter can be extracted from it to help me. After the fourth spiritual transformation, it will be comparable to the existence of the Tao True Realm in the Immortal Civilization."Zhuoyou replied respectfully.

Although the vast mass of light in front of her belonged to her grandfather's thoughts, she knew very well that the presence in it was not the grandfather who had a blood connection with her.

It was a much older generation. None of the elders in the clan could name him or know who he really was.

Her grandfather was a well-known genius in their clan. He was born with terrifying spiritual power that ordinary clan members could not match, and his future achievements would be limitless.

As long as According to the cultivation and training methods of the fairy civilization, one will definitely be able to undergo spiritual transformation in the future, comparable to the existence of the Tao realm of the fairy civilization.

And when her grandfather just came of age, he received the gifts and legacies of his ancestors, and his strength underwent incredible leaps and changes. Go directly to the first spiritual transformation...

This is the method of inheritance and continuation in the fairy civilization.

Every clan member, including Zhuoyou, may suddenly have a sudden surge in strength one day, reaching an incredible level.

Although this is called accepting the legacy and gifts of the ancestors, in fact, the ancestors placed their souls on the descendants and changed the container to achieve immortality in the true sense.

This is something Zhuoyou only understood after undergoing his first spiritual transformation.

Ordinary tribesmen would only be proud of it. In order to obtain the remains and gifts from their ancestors, they would continue to work hard and strive for that precious spot....

"The remaining fire of the immortal civilization?"

After hearing this, the thoughts of the vast light group in this bright portal were obviously a little more intense.

Even across endless time, space and latitude, there was a trace of the aftermath of the terrifying spiritual storm.

All the people of the fairy civilization, including You, couldn't help but take a few steps back, feeling that their heads were about to explode.

And this was just a trace of the spiritual storm that was leaked and weakened countless times.

In Zhuo You's heart The awe of this grandfather is even deeper.

With the strength of this grandfather, the spiritual storm launched can easily destroy endless time and space and the endless universe. All living beings will die in an instant, their souls will be exhausted, and they will turn into powder.

"Yes, I dare not hide it from my grandfather. I have no doubt that in that new world, a very terrifying existence once stopped and gave me the fire of immortality. Therefore, I was worried whether there might be any backhand left behind by him, and I wanted to ask my grandfather to deduce it for me and predict the good and bad luck."Zhuoyou said respectfully....Asking for flowers.0

This is the shortcoming of the fairy civilization. It cannot capture the fate and cause of death, predict misfortune, good and bad fortune, and seek good fortune and avoid misfortune like the monks of the fairy civilization.

As far as Zhuoyou knows, there is an ancient and powerful civilization that adheres to the laws of nature and has developed and prospered to the extreme.

The cycle of Heaven's Way has its own destiny, and that civilization and Heaven's Way complement each other and adhere to the movement of Heaven's Way, and will never encounter disasters.

That civilized strong man, with his thoughts, all kinds of things, ghosts, gods, nothingness, and all kinds of changes in the world can be sensed without saying anything. He can also use his thoughts to communicate with the way of heaven and accept the various ideas conveyed to him by the way of heaven.

Knowing destiny and disaster, one can easily calculate and avoid various disasters and become truly immortal.

The Fairy Civilization once tried to capture the strong men of Fang Civilization, and Mingwu analyzed their abilities, but failed later and paid a heavy price for it.

"It turns out that the existence that can leave the immortal fire is not something you can deal with. He may even notice it when you don't know it. He wants to kill you and completely wipe out your soul. It's just a thought. things."

The tumbling fluctuations of the vast group of light reflected behind the portal slowly calmed down and seemed to be thinking.

Zhuoyou naturally also knew that the fire of the immortal civilization meant the true origin of the immortal way. Zhongzhongzhongzhongzhongzhongzhongzhongzhongzhongzhongzhongzhongzhong. middle middle middle....................................


It contains many mysteries of the Immortal Way, allowing a weak civilization to develop and multiply into an Immortal Way civilization.

The fire of the immortal civilization can improve the rules of heaven and earth, the environment of heaven and earth, and the avenues of heaven and earth. In short, it can perfect all places that are not suitable for practicing the immortal way, and evolve a system suitable for practice, and the paths and media suitable for the reproduction and spread of the immortal way.

In the vast vastness, the civilization of the immortal way, But there is no one that deserves to be the most powerful civilization.

"If it is a complete civilization of the Immortal Way, then I know that I have to take it at all costs. This can help me capture and perfect the power of the Immortal Way. If I extract the true origin of the Immortal Way and condense it into the source material of the Immortal Way, then I can regain it. Transform once...This thought surged with unconcealed greed and ambition.

Zhuoyou also understands that in this real world, there is only the true fire of immortality remaining, it cannot be complete, it is just a wisp of remaining ashes.

But even if it's just a wisp of ashes, it's worth all the effort she takes to get it.

After a long time, the thought behind the portal slowly calmed down and said,"You can't find the real fire of immortality, but you understand that it is just a wisp of ashes, and it is also your great fortune. I have just performed it for you. , that side of the real world is very weak and has no power that can threaten you. You can go there with confidence."

"Don't disturb my sleep anymore."

After this wave was transmitted, the bright light behind the portal slowly disappeared.

Then the portal quickly closed, and the terrifying pressure of the vast sea shrouding this place completely dissipated.

All the immortals, including Chongyou , The civilized people also breathed a long sigh of relief, and the depression in their hearts disappeared.

"Come, gather an army, and be ready to fight with me at any time."

With your grandfather's accurate answer, You's doubts were completely dispelled, and you directly ordered the tribe to gather an army.

This ancient warship, as round as a shuttle, belongs to the fairy civilization, and its interior is made of rare space mother gold. There are four walls carved with large and small shapes.

In each concave wall, there is an irregular world, which supports many fighting groups and can be driven by the fairy civilization.

After giving the instructions one after another, it will soon fall. Entering these worlds, the screams of billions of terrifying creatures suddenly sounded.

There were inner demons that looked like humans, and ancient demons that looked like aliens. They were well-armored, and their mounts roared up to the sky with anger.

These creatures stepped on the void. Appeared, gathered in the world there, with clan flags hunting and fighting spirit overwhelming.

After You gave the order, light and shadow appeared on the crystal wall in front of her.

The Daochang True Realm in front of her was getting closer and closer, like an oval Eggs, lying across the vastness, wrapped in endless mist, seem to contain amazing vitality and luck.

"It seems that you haven't noticed it yet? However, even if you notice it early, what can be changed?" A cruel sneer appeared on You Ping's face without facial features..

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