.Looking at Gu Changge's current situation, it is basically impossible to have a child.

For him, he actually didn't want to have heirs, it was more like a trouble.

Su Qingge also knew it, but she still had a little hope. Maybe for her, this was more like a kind of sustenance.

By now, she no longer thinks about anything else. She just feels that such peaceful days are particularly beautiful.

Even if all the worlds are destroyed and all eternity returns to ruins, she doesn't care.

Many years ago, she quietly returned to her original lower world and took a look at her father.

Not long after leaving the lower realm, his father moved into a new house and already had children. Perhaps in his opinion, after his daughter left the lower realm, she might never come back in this life.

So she married another person, spread her wings, and had children in the future who could inherit the eternal foundation of Taixuan Holy Land.

Su Qingge did not show up to reunite with her father, but left some elixirs in the original palace..

She also went to Ji's house later to visit her mother.

As for sister Ji Qingshang, the two have turned against each other long ago and have lost the warmth they had at the beginning.

Nowadays, Ji Qingshang holds great power and behaves like a queen, and is living a high-spirited life.

For Su Qingge, everything has been explained and she has no regrets.

I originally lived in seclusion in Qingshan Village, just thinking that I would die of old age alone. [

And Gu Changge's unexpected appearance made up for her last regrets and expectations in some respects.

She has nothing to regret or be reluctant to give up.

Half a month later, the woods were all dyed, and the autumn wind was rustling. Gu Changge looked at the sky stained with rosy clouds, and thousands of thoughts"Seven Two Seven" flashed in his mind.

He had woken up a long time ago. In fact, he didn't wake up. It seemed like he had ended this experience earlier.

All kinds of things in the world, the rolling dust of mortals, all kinds of life, and the end of everything are extremely natural.

The road is safe, and the road is endless. In this short period of time, it is naturally impossible for him to truly understand the way of man. But ITINITA JaiJANELLER only gave him a deeper understanding of this alternative road..

What is human and what is heaven.

The pencils are washed away and returned to the world of mortals.

This process, Gu Changge would rather call it returning to others, rather than returning to the world.

And this process was equivalent to planting a seed about"the way of man" in his heart.

This seed may not have sprouted yet, but Gu Changge has a hunch that this will be a great opportunity for him, an opportunity to truly transcend variables.

"Do you want to leave here with me?"

After thinking about it, Gu Changge withdrew his gaze and spoke casually.

He could not stay in Qingshan Village forever. As he said at the beginning, he just regarded this as a short journey of rebirth, a new journey. Reincarnation.

Where there is a beginning, there must be an end.

Su Qingge appeared behind him and shook his head gently,"I still want to stay here. I am tired of the practice world and don't want to experience the things before again."

Gu Changge is not surprised. Since Su Qingge chose to retire here in the first place, it must be her reason.

He respects her choice and will not force her to leave with him. She will unexpectedly appear here during this period, and Her reunion was indeed an accident.

Even Gu Changge had to lament the coincidence of fate. It had been destined for a long time.

This kind of thing involving oneself, it was clear from the beginning that Gu Changge wanted to deduce it, but he couldn't It can definitely be deduced.

And Su Qingge is obviously involved in many things with him.

If the future intersection between her and himself is forced to be deduced, the backlash will probably fall on her. By then, not only will she be destroyed in body and soul, but she will be doomed. So simple

"Will the entire world encounter an unimaginable catastrophe next??"[

Su Qingge asked, but didn't talk much about the topic of separation.

Gu Changge nodded, then shook his head. For all living beings, this was indeed a catastrophe.

But for him, it is an opportunity to integrate the entire mountain and sea world.

"Beyond the vastness, countless civilizations have been born. The immortal civilization we practice now is just one of them. The Immortal Realm and the Upper Realm are just one branch of the vast world of immortal civilization....

"Many civilizations are born and dissipated every day, and competition is always the constant theme."bik" I am afraid that in this world, we are fighting for it every day, let alone the vast civilized world."

"This catastrophe can be said to be another civilization’s plunder and conquest of the fairyland in order to continue.....

He kept his story short and casually explained the current situation of the Shanhai Zhenjie.

Su Qingge nodded somewhat understandingly.

Although she lives in seclusion in Qingshan Village, she still understands the current turmoil in the outside world. [

However, she is only in the quasi-emperor realm now, and is still far away from being an enlightened person. What can she do in this catastrophe?

She has no pursuit of realms now.

But I have to say, because of the close relationship with Gu Changge.

Somewhere in the dark, he understood that she had never practiced cultivation, and that there was a strong power of blessing and luck coming down to help her increase her cultivation level.

In fact, those with great supernatural powers should feel this more clearly. [

Since ancient times, relying on strong people, strong traditions, and powerful forces has had many benefits.

Some innate gods in ancient times actually had some subordinate divine servants who were protected and blessed by them.

"There is nothing I can do to help you now. The only thing I can do seems to be not to cause any trouble for you. The fairyland, the true world of mountains and seas, and the vastness are too far away from me. Speaking of which, I am just an ordinary woman among all living beings. If you hadn't brought me to the upper world, I might have reached the end of my bottleneck and transformed. make dry bones"

"Maybe I can only pray for you now and clean the place where you have lived. If you are tired or want to rest tomorrow, you can come back and have a good sleep."

"I will always be here waiting for you."

Su Qingge spoke softly, with a smile on her face.

Gu Changge also smiled, put his hand on her face, and then nodded,"Okay."

He left Qingshan Village, still wearing the coarse linen clothes.

This was something Su Qingge had sewn with her own hands over the years. Although it was not so gorgeous and exquisite, every stitch and every thread came from her hands.

Gu Changge did not want to let him down. Her kindness.

In the Gu family, the ancestors of the Gu family, dressed in black robes, had to come forward.

The further back, the more powerful people came from all over the place, and there were also many ancient creatures who came from foreign lands, and they were very angry. , as if he won’t live long.

"What is the purpose of coming to my Gu family?"

The ancestor of the Gu family is named Gu Wu'an. Although his whole body is covered in black robes and his true face is not revealed, no one dares to look down upon him. [

He asked knowingly and glanced at Pass all comers[

"This ancestor of the Gu family is truly terrifying in strength....

The old man wearing a broken orchid Taoist robe had a cautious expression. When he saw the ancestor of the Gu family appearing just now, his heart skipped a beat and he almost screamed out in surprise.

As a person in the mid-level realm, he considers himself invincible in the contemporary era and has almost no rivals.

But today I was shocked one after another.

In addition to the unfathomable Ming, there is now another ancestor of the Gu family. [

This reminded the old man in Taoist robes of the young man he had seen in Qingshan Village before. If he remembered correctly, he seemed to have the same surname of Gu? Could it be that this young man also came from the Gu family?

At this moment, including Ming Ye With such an extremely serious expression, he could sense how powerful the ancestors of the Gu family were, and their strength was definitely far above him.

He is currently at the first threshold of the Tao Realm and has not yet passed through the first calamity of natural decline.

The ancestors of the Gu family were at least people who had survived several natural disasters, which made Ming feel awe-inspiring and shocked at the same time.

If he hadn't suddenly had a whim, he would have rushed to Gu's house to ask about Gu Changge's whereabouts and whereabouts.

I'm afraid he still doesn't know that there is such a terrifying figure in the Gu family.

This is probably the strongest person left in the Shanhai True Realm.

The other monks who have not yet reached the threshold of the Tao realm are not yet aware of the power of the ancestors of the Gu family.

But judging from his actual attitude and expression, this ancestor of the Gu family is definitely not a simple person.

They didn't dare to disrespect Ming Ming, who was probably a group of Immortal Palace survivors, claiming to be the orthodox of the Immortal Realm in the past, and they didn't dare to say anything now.

Shen Shuang and others stood quietly behind Uncle Yi, waiting for the situation to change.

"I came here to find my seniors and discuss ways to break the situation together. A catastrophe is coming outside the vastness. If we don't deal with it, then the entire mountain and sea world will probably be destroyed."

In front of the ancestors of the Gu family, he has to call himself a junior, because the ancestors of the Gu family are definitely far above him and have lived longer than him.".......

"How to break the situation?"

Ancestor Gu Dong just laughed when he heard this and waved his sleeves,"I don't have any way to break the situation. Have you found the wrong person? I just want to preserve the foundation of my Gu family."

"Mountains and seas are destroyed, and all the people in the world, what does it have to do with me?"

These words made everyone here change their expressions, Ming was even more unbelievable, he did not expect to get such a reply.

"Senior, there are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned"[

"If the true world of mountains and seas is sacrificed, the Gu family will not be spared either....

Xu Teng opened his mouth and tried to persuade the ancestor of the Gu family.

At this time, if the Shanhai Zhenjie does not unite to fight against foreign enemies, it will only end up being destroyed by sacrifice. The cultivation of the ancestors of the Gu family is unfathomable. If he helps, there will be many more opportunities for them.

The other strong men of the Taoist tradition also raised their brows, feeling that things had become extremely difficult.

Understand that the orthodox forces that had hatred before have now cleared up their past feud and are discussing how to solve this disaster.

If this disaster is not resolved, then they and the orthodoxy behind them will be destroyed and become history.

This is not what they want to see

"Although the senior is strong, do you really think that you can protect the clan with your own strength??"

"The hunters outside the vast expanse have long been prepared to make a desperate move."

Luo Yanxi said, as a former quasi-immortal emperor, she is naturally among the crowd now.

She has personally experienced the disaster of losing her homeland, and she can understand better that in this situation, unity is more important than anything else.

So she is also trying to persuade the ancestors of the Gu family.

The more she understands what Gu Changge has done during this period, the more she can understand Gu Changge's intentions. The

True World of Mountains and Seas is the world where she wakes up after reincarnation, and Luoyan Xi also I don’t want to see it, like my own homeland, fall into ruin and return to ruins forever.

Before, many people felt that it was difficult to speak because of their different status, but now they all spoke up, trying to persuade this ancestor of the Gu family. [

This is a deep statue. The unpredictable master doesn't know which realm he has reached.

Among the remaining members of the Immortal Palace, the man in silver robes, who was called Uncle Yi by Cen Shuang and others, also spoke and advised,"Senior, this matter is of great importance and involves the entire mountain and sea." The true world, the vast vitality of all souls, hopes that the seniors will be kind and help. Although the Gu family is strong, its heritage is immeasurable."

"But if it is difficult to resist this catastrophe, the entire mountain and sea world will be sacrificed. There will still be a place for the Gu family to stay....

He was the former great commander of the Immortal Palace, commanding countless heavenly soldiers and generals, with long luck and powerful cultivation. [

After resurrecting from the dead, my cultivation has surpassed its previous peak, but it is still far away from the Tao realm.

"There is no need to say more about this, I understand the truth of the matter better than you 1.8

"The cruelty of the catastrophe is beyond your imagination. If you don’t want your whole family to be destroyed along with the true world of mountains and seas, you should move away as soon as possible."

The ancestor of the Gu family frowned. His delay in agreeing to establish a Heaven-defeating Alliance with Gu Changge was not because he was afraid of those"hunters."

Although those"hunters" were strong, they were at most the same level as him, and they were still at the same level as him. It is impossible to truly threaten him.

What he is worried about is that among those"hunters", there are also"madmen" mixed in.

Such"madmen" walk in the vastness and destroy and devour the real world with their own hands. They are countless, and their strength is by no means imaginary. The ancient cultivators in the Virtual Dao Realm can compete.

In the vastness, the Dao Realm is divided into the Virtual Dao Realm and the True Dao Realm. The threshold is the Heaven Decline Tribulation.

After surviving the fourth Heaven Decline Tribulation, you can jump to the True Dao Realm. And In the True Dao Realm, that is, after passing through the seventh Heavenly Decline Tribulation, you will have the opportunity to reach nirvana. The monks at that level are also called the Ancestral Dao Realm. b As far as the ancestors of the Gu family know, there are many"madmen" in the vast world. , which is the ancestral realm. Of course, this is only a small part. After all, there are too few people who have reached the ancestral realm.

They have abandoned all the past, future, and present, and their figures no longer exist. They are like lonely people. Their souls are wandering in the vastness like ghosts, and they are afraid that no amount of calamity can kill them. What the ancestors of the Gu family are worried about is that among the"hunters" who have come to the true world of mountains and seas this time, there will be that"crazy

Gu Changge" who is now unknown. Wherever he goes, he may have completely abandoned the true world of mountains and seas.

The only thing he can do for the ancestor of the Gu family is to preserve the Gu family

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