Gu Changge didn't rush him. There was no need to be too anxious about this kind of thing.

What's more, it will be some time before the group of"hunters" from the vast sea come to the true world of mountains and seas.

And that's not the point. Those"hunters" are not qualified to be taken into consideration by Gu Changge.

What he is considering now is whether to contact other true worlds. Naturally, it is impossible for only one true world to participate in the establishment of the Tianfa Alliance.

If you want to rely on one side of the true world to shake the real place, that is, the origin world, that is simply a fantasy and a fool's dream.

Gu Changge scanned the rest of the land again.

When the power of nothingness was refining the Demon Lord's true blood, even Jiang Chuchu, Yin Mei and others fell into seclusion.

They are also trying to reach a higher realm. Compared to before, there are no more things to deal with in the Kingdom of God and Heaven.

On weekdays, there are only some heavenly soldiers and generals patrolling all sides to maintain order and tranquility.

All races and traditions are not stupid and cannot offend the Kingdom of God and Heaven.

In addition, during this period, many old monsters resurrected, and some ancient figures were even in the same era as Gu Changge and experienced the dark catastrophe of the Forbidden Era.

Therefore, they are more aware of Gu Changge's terror. Wherever he dares to act rashly, they all huddle within their respective territories.

"Counting the time, maybe I haven’t seen that girl Xian’er for a long time.……"

Gu Changge's figure appeared in the Sifang Temple in Heaven.

The magnificent hall seemed particularly cold and quiet, without any human beings.

No one has appeared here for a long time.

After Yue Mingkong fell into seclusion, Gu Changge gave the order.

Many affairs in the Heavenly Court were handed over to many ministers, including the major Immortal King families in the Immortal Domain, for them to handle.

Therefore, there are almost no figures in the vast central area of ​​​​the heaven.

Even those powerful men who had followed Gu Changge and his trusted confidants did not dare to set foot here without permission.

He shook his head slightly. In the empty hall, only the hanging curtains were fluttered by the wind blowing from a distance.

Gu Changge stood here alone, without moving for a long time.

Since the last time he came back from the fairyland with the big red bird, he glanced at Gu Xian'er, and the two of them may not have seen each other for a long time.

The big red bird said that Gu Xianer was the reincarnation of the world son of the True World of Mountains and Seas, and he once died when the True World of Mountains and Seas was resisting a calamity.

It's just that Gu Changge's memory of the world of mountains and seas is very vague and very little.

He never cared about it at first. He focused more on Qing Yi, the true spirit of the real world of mountains and seas.

"It still lacks the smell of people and smoke. Even though I am used to the eternal loneliness, I am still a little unaccustomed to not seeing this venting bag for a long time.……"

Gu Changge sighed slightly, knowing that Gu Xianer should be training and becoming stronger somewhere with the help of the big red bird.

Therefore, no means were used to deduce her whereabouts.

After a long time, he walked out of the hall. The void in front of him was blurry, and he walked slowly in it.

In the Temple of Destiny, Xiao Ruoyin, dressed in a plain long dress, was sitting cross-legged on a futon with her eyes closed, motionless.

She also fell into some kind of deep retreat.

It's just that the Temple of Destiny has always been quiet, and there are not many living creatures in the star field that is nearly a million miles around.

Xiao Ruoyin also dismissed all the maids in the temple and stayed with the Immortal Boat Ancient Lantern.

Gu Changge's arrival did not wake her up.

He just watched without making a sound. After watching for a while, he left quietly.

Gu Changge didn't know why he came to the Temple of Destiny.

And why would he want to take a look at Xiao Ruoyin?

Is it because everyone around me has gone into retreat? A little lonely? Want someone to talk to?

Or do you feel a little guilty for Xiao Ruoyin?

Gu Changge had some difficulty understanding these emotions.

He is not a ruthless person, but whether he is a demon lord or a true ancestor, he is destined to be different from ordinary people.

It is impossible for him to follow the steps step by step, like ordinary people, go through all kinds of mundane things and experience all kinds of sentient beings.

"Will I have this kind of emotion? Is this the internal review telling myself that my emotions are incomplete?"

Gu Changge shook his head gently. He never thought that he was a sentimental person.

In order to achieve his goal, he would do anything and use all possible means.

In his opinion, the result is more important than the process.

So consider When it comes to many things, he will first consider the result, and then consider what means can be used to achieve the result as quickly as possible.

This is a natural habit that has been deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul like a brand.

In Gu Changge's eyes, all kinds of things in the world, whether people or things, can be regarded as tools.

The only difference depends on their value.

Therefore, many times, it is difficult for him to have real feelings for these tools. Come

"Maybe I should also, in a real sense, experience for once the seven emotions and six desires of a sentient being, the true emotions……"

Gu Changge looked inside himself and then thought quietly.

At his level, if there are many things he feels, it is not groundless, and it may mean a huge opportunity.

The more seemingly simple a problem is, the easier it is to get to the essence, return to nature, and get closer to the origin of nature.

He discovered this problem when he reunited with Qing Yi on the moon in the vast sea.

He was a little confused at first, why he felt guilty and unbearable towards Qing Yi.

This was impossible in the past.

As long as Qing Yi can help him complete his plan and achieve his goal, he will abandon her without hesitation.

Therefore, there is no such thing as soft-heartedness and compassion.

But when Qing Yi hugged him and regarded him as his only support, never doubting him from the beginning to the end, his heart was still a little palpitating.

This made Gu Changge think of Yue Mingkong, Gu Xian'er, and Jiang Chuchu...

During this time, while refining the drop of true blood, Gu Changge was also thinking about this issue.

How does he view the beauties of his relatives around him?

A tool? Or a plaything?

He did not practice the ruthless way. He had indeed experienced many things with them before his past memories were completely awakened.

And these emotions had never occurred before.

Therefore, after Gu Changge introspected, he suddenly realized something.

His current body is walking the path of humanity.

The way of man is not a sage, how can he be ruthless?

If we have to make a comparison, the bodies of the Demon Lord and the True Ancestor are the way of heaven, ruthlessness in the true sense. All these and all the phenomena in the world are all illusions.

Gu Changge would now feel sympathy and other emotions.

In his opinion, it is the process of transformation from the way of heaven to the way of man.

"The way of heaven is to make up for what is missing when there is excess damage. The vast number of people and countless souls are this so-called surplus."

"As for the way of man, if there is not enough loss, there will be more than enough benefit. The two complement each other.……"

Gu Changge had many realizations in his heart.

This is indeed a huge opportunity for him now. In his opinion, it can even increase the chance of winning by 30% for the many plans he has laid out.

The existence of the true ancestor can be said to be the representative of the way of heaven and the will of heaven.

What he wants to do now is to complete the way of human beings.

The birth of the True Ancestor is a secret that no one can trace, trace, or know. because reallyAccording to the established trajectory, even if anomalies and variables are added, it is impossible for a new one to appear, such as the True Ancestor.

The True Ancestors originally represented the concept of Tao. Because of their existence, Tao was born. They stand at the end and starting point of all tangible and intangible matter.

Their power is truly incredible.

It is impossible for such existence to be born between heaven and earth. Even from the beginning of time to the end of time, no existence like them can be found.

No one can even really describe it. They don’t know what kind of existence it is, and they can’t understand it.

Gu Changge knew all this, so he made eternal arrangements for this.

But the current opportunity allowed him to see another possibility.

After all, he was originally the True Ancestor, so he was naturally familiar with the power of that level.

And the emergence of the way of man, in a sense, has a glimmer of possibility that allows him to transcend the realm of the true ancestor at a fundamental level.

After leaving the Temple of Destiny, Gu Changge started walking in various universes, and he also visited the kingdom of killers cultivated by Jian Bai Lian'er.

The predecessor was also the Dark Heaven established by Gu Changge.

It's just that after the merger of Dark Heaven and Heaven, the several major factions that emerged were controlled by Bai Lian'er.

Such as the Suppression of Evil Division, Shura Hall, and Slaughter Hall, are actually under her management.

Over the years, Bai Lian'er and Ji Qingxuan have been responsible for selecting the seeds of geniuses in the Kingdom of God and Heaven.

The two girls enjoyed it, but the pursuit of cultivation was not important to them.

Gu Changge just watched all this in the void, and then left quietly without appearing.

Bai Lian'er has also become an enlightened person, a veritable killing emperor.

It's just that in today's big world, the power of enlightened people is too small to play a big role.

Ji Qingxuan's cultivation level is not very strong. She was not good at cultivation originally. After all these years, she is only at the quasi-emperor level.

Even in Gu Changge's opinion, with her qualifications, it is really difficult to break through the shackles and enter the realm of enlightenment, that is, the emperor.

If there were no other good fortune, I would probably be trapped in this realm for the rest of my life.

In fact, if he wanted to, he could tell Ji Qingxuan's future fate with just one glance.

It's just that Gu Changge didn't do that. It was really boring to see the future at a glance.

Now, he just wants to experience the various emotions of ordinary beings, see all the seven emotions and six desires, and complete the missing human path.

But seeing Ji Qingxuan's words made Gu Changge suddenly think of her sister Su Qingge.

He might not have seen Su Qingge for a long time since the last time they met.

Although Su Qingge had the idea of ​​going against him after being bewitched by Chan Hongyi.

But Gu Changge had said a long time ago that he had no intention of killing her or punishing her.

He was not a good person. He had been using Su Qingge from the beginning to create an almost perfect image for her, making her trust him almost wholeheartedly.

Finally, after learning the truth, Su Qingge will be on the verge of collapse and feel that the world has collapsed. This is normal.

Gu Changge was not crazy enough to think that Su Qingge would trust him as always after learning the truth.

There is another soul in Su Qingge's body.

That true soul had also stayed in the Demonic Burial Abyss, and had been infected by demonic energy. All its actions and thoughts tended to be demonic.

Over time, Su Qingge will be affected to some extent.

What's more, later on, she rushed to the Magic Mountain to seek asylum from Chan Hongyi. She was bewitched by Chan Hongyi's words, and then she wanted to go against Gu Changge and wanted Gu Changge to give her an explanation.

Of course, what's more, she wants to give herself an explanation and want to know what kind of status she has in Gu Changge's heart.

Worthless chess pieces that can be thrown away?

Or maybe it’s not even a chess piece?

Just a ridiculous toy for him to play with?

From the perspective of an onlooker, Su Qingge is actually a pitiful person. After being taken to the upper world by Gu Changge, he had to become a inheritor of magic skills because of his two souls.

As for Gu Changge, he openly threw the blame for many disasters on the inheritors of magic skills.

Although these things were not done by Su Qingge.

But she had no choice but to run away, fearing that someone would find out her true identity.

Later, even she firmly believed that she was the inheritor of the magic power, who would bring trouble to the world in the future, and would stand on the opposite side of Gu Changge.

During that time, every day was torture and pain for her.

Gu Changge left this area and continued to walk in various universes, passing through various life star fields, and then descended into the ancient life star.

He walked among the mortal world and truly returned to nature, just like an ordinary living being, watching the mountains and rivers, and swimming down the river.

He didn't deduce Su Qingge's current whereabouts, nor did he want to do so. Everything went as it should.

If you are destined, you can see it naturally. If you are not destined, why force it?

In today's world, she no longer needs to worry about the identity of the inheritor of magic skills, and can choose to live the life she wants.

Gu Changge didn't want to disturb her peace.

In the end, he traveled to many mountains and rivers, sometimes with others, and sometimes walked alone in mountains, rivers and swamps, passed through many small countries, experienced wars, witnessed the birth of ancient countries, the collapse of ancient cities, and the demise of dynasties...

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