In his current state, many things don't need to be deduced deliberately, they are just foreseen.

Even a monk's life or past and future can be clearly understood with just one glance.

The reason why he thought about moving the Gu family and leaving this world.

It's because in the future clip, the real world of mountains and seas is covered in blood, the sky collapses, and the world is covered in darkness.

All souls were reduced to ashes, and the whole world was sacrificed.

In this, he couldn't see the slightest hope, only gray and devastation everywhere, the world collapsed, and the world was enveloped in endless blood and fire.

But now, Gu Changge suddenly told him that he had underestimated the true world of mountains and seas?

The black-robed old man quickly began to deduce with a trace of doubt and confusion in his heart. However, as the deduction progressed, his brows furrowed even more tightly.

Why, in his deduction, did the Immortal Realm remain the same as the future he had seen before, broken and collapsed, with order destroyed?

He felt there was something fishy in it, so he repeated the deduction over and over again.

There are billions of possibilities in every moment, but in the eyes of a being like him, these billions of possibilities are clear lines that can be followed to find the established results in the future.


Especially when he tried to deduce Gu Changge in front of him again, he suddenly discovered that his figure seemed to be missing from the past, the future, and even the current world.

He is obviously standing here, but he seems not to be there, standing in an unknown latitude, overlooking all living things.

The old man in black robe suddenly raised his head and stared at Gu Changge.

"Obviously you have not yet returned to your previous peak, but why are you nowhere to be seen in this world?"

"Who are you?"

"Was that dark catastrophe many epochs ago a deliberate trap set by you?"

He seemed to understand something at this moment, and asked with a heavy voice.

If this is really the case, doesn't it mean that even he was deceived by Gu Changge at the beginning?

He thinks that he is like an outsider, and with the eyes of an onlooker, Gaze, overlooking the changes of people in the era, the turbulence of mountains and rivers, and the changing of stars.

In fact, all this is under the control and planning of Gu Changge?

All the Gu family members in the ancestral hall have a feeling of depression, and their souls seem to be trembling.

This is just black When the old man in the robe spoke just now, he inadvertently revealed a breath, which was not directed at them.

But the terrifying suffocation that was as vast as the entire universe was overwhelming, still made them horrified and horrified.

Just like the ancestor of the Gu family. Their existence and cultivation can really only be described as unpredictable and indescribable. It is completely beyond the level they can guess and imagine.

Gu Changge seemed not to feel this oppression, with a calm expression on his face and said with a faint smile. ,"What does the ancestor mean by this?""

"Are you doubting me, thinking that I really intend to destroy the true world of mountains and seas and let all living beings be buried with me?"

His words changed the expressions of all the ancestors in the ancestral hall. Suddenly, it seemed that Gu Changge and this ancestor were becoming quarrelsome.

In any case, Gu Changge was a member of the Gu family in this life. , and even knew some of them well.

Naturally, they did not want Gu Changge to conflict with this ancestor.

The old man in black robe also understood his gaffe, and his expression quickly recovered.

It had been a long time since he had been as active as he was today. His mood fluctuated greatly.

Originally, he had a detached attitude towards the true world of mountains and seas, because since ancient times, there were not many characters that could really come into his eyes. The only exception was Gu Changge.

But why? From Gu Changge, he could not sense the breath of other time and space, the breath of other times, or the fluctuations of existence.

It was as if Gu Changge had truly consolidated all the figures on the timeline, and the endless time and space were unified and unique for all eternity.

As a walking He is an ancient cultivator in the Void Dao Realm who has embarked on the road to transcendence and has even survived two catastrophes of heavenly decline.

He knows what this means, and it is unbelievable for everyone.

He stands in this world, and Gu Changge's figure in the past cannot be found.

It's like it doesn't exist in the past, nor in the future, nor even in the current world he lives in now. It

's as if Gu Changge appeared out of thin air.

What a terrifying thing.

"It’s not that I doubt you, it’s just that I suddenly don’t understand your origins. Since ancient times, only those who are qualified to break the shackles and restrictions are qualified to leap to the fairyland and step into the Taoist realm.……"

"Could it be that you are a mutation among mutations, a so-called anomaly?"

The old man in black robe said in a deep voice.

His origins are extremely ancient and can be traced back to countless epochs ago.

At that time, the realm of cultivation was not as detailed as this. Ancient cultivators like them were used to calling it the mortal realm. Fairyland and Taoist Realm.

The Mortal Realm generally summarizes all the realms before the Immortal Realm. Even those who stand at the pinnacle of the human realm, that is, the enlightened ones, are only the ultimate in the Mortal Realm. The opposite of the Fairyland is actually from the True Immortal to the Immortal Emperor. This series of realms.

After embarking on the road of transcendence, you can reach the Tao realm. The division between the virtual Tao realm and the true Tao realm also comes from this.

It’s just that there are too few ancient cultivators who have embarked on the Tao realm.

Even though Those ancient true worlds have given birth to countless epochs and experienced many tribulations, and they can only give birth to a few Dao realm beings. Therefore, the old man in black robe is fully qualified to look down upon the true world of mountains and seas.

This is just a new life of one side. In the ancient world, there is not even an ancient cultivator.

During the first battle against the sky, if the demon lord had not appeared, there would have been no second calamity, and naturally there would be no true world of mountains and seas today..

This series of things made the old man in black robe have to think about something.

Especially today, Gu Changge said these words in front of him.

"Ancestor, I just want to tell you that the world of mountains and seas will not be destroyed by this catastrophe."

"As for odd numbers, you can actually understand them this way, but I would rather call them variables."Gu Changge still smiled faintly.

The old man in black robe frowned more tightly,"Variable?"

If there are variables in the dark, it is understandable. He does not dare to say directly that he can really judge the past and present and understand everything. The road of cultivation is long and dangerous, and the road is boundless. He does not I think that when I reach this level, I am truly invincible. If

I am as strong as my ancestors, there will be times when I am unable to recover.

"I came here to look for my ancestor. Actually, I want to discuss something with you. I also know everything about the Gu family."

"Jiutian is really far away, and some unavoidable accidents will inevitably happen on the way. Naturally, I don’t want many clan members to die and be put in danger."

"The way of heaven is unkind and regards all things as stupid dogs. All living beings are nothing but grass. One crop after another is cut off.……"

Gu Changge ignored the confused expressions of the black-robed old man and the many clan members in the ancestral hall.

He began to explain his purpose of coming here. Since the big fish had been caught, it should have its purpose.

From a certain perspective, there is indeed no more suitable candidate than this ancestor of the Gu family.

The old man in black robe fell into silence after hearing this.

Perhaps the Gu family members in the ancestral hall did not understand the meaning of these words, but at his level, they naturally understood what Gu Changge wanted to express.

Although it is destined by fate, after eternity, every true world will be considered by calamity.

If you survive the calamity, it will lead to new life and transformation, and you will rise to the next level.

If it cannot survive the catastrophe, it will disappear in form and spirit, return to ruins, and be buried in chaos, waiting for an accident billions of epochs later to give birth to new life again.

Just like a monk, he is destined to struggle all the way from the beginning of his spiritual journey.

All living beings and all things in the universe are not immune to this fate.

If this is their destiny, then they might as well accept it.

But the higher the level, the more you will realize how terrifying this world is.

The so-called struggle is nothing more than being locked in a cage, growing and fighting like a poison, waiting for the right time, and then harvesting and liquidating.

To put it nicely, they are called monks, but in fact, they are just leeks in the eyes of higher-level beings, nurturing and harvesting again.

Even if there is an oddity born among them, there is hope that they can break out of this cage and get closer to the real place.

But in the end, he will be crushed to death by a terrifying big hand stretched out there.

What Gu Changge is saying now, in the view of the old man in black robe, does not mean this.

"Of course I understand what you said, but what’s the use of understanding it?"

"Even our distant ancestor couldn't escape this fate. What can we do?"

He couldn't help but show some sadness on his face, shook his head, and felt a little disinterested.

"Over the endless years, haven't there been many sky-defeating warriors trying to rush out and get closer to the real place?"

"Even if his body is broken into pieces and his body and soul are destroyed, he will not hesitate. What does the ancestor have to fear?"

Gu Changge still smiled faintly.

When he mentioned the Sky Defender, the black-robed old man's expression changed slightly. He couldn't help but look up at the sky outside the ancestral hall. He didn't see any strange phenomena, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Defeat. The word"heaven" is not something that can be uttered easily, as it will easily lead to endless disasters.

As a result, Gu Changge said it so calmly and in front of many Gu family members in the ancestral hall, which made the old man in black robe worry. Wry smile.

This is really unscrupulous.

The more you reach his level, the more you can find the kind of invisible and ever-present gaze. You must be careful with the words you say and the actions you take.

"Just tell me directly, what do you want to do?"

The old man in black robe felt a little emotional. It seems that he is really living longer and longer, but his courage is getting smaller and smaller.

Although Gu Changge should be a more ancient and mysterious existence than him.

But now this He looks just like a young man, young and energetic, fearless and careless, and he speaks the word"Fighting the Sky" openly.

"I want to reorganize the world of heaven, use the name of conquering the heavens, and establish an alliance to conquer the heavens."

Gu Changge still smiled lightly, and his tone seemed to be understatement.


But as his words fell, the face of the old man in black robe changed drastically, even shocked, horrified, and unbelievable.


In the void of darkness, billions of thunders seemed to sound at this moment. A terrifying momentum was about to rush from the sky.

It was as if these words had touched a taboo that should not be touched, awakening a sleeping terrifying existence.

All the Gu family members in the ancestral hall felt that their souls were about to explode and their spiritual seas were about to collapse. The whole body trembled with the feeling.

The whole person was about to collapse to the ground.

A pair of eyes that seemed to fall from nowhere were staring at them. The boundless power that came with it was like a piece of blue sky falling down, trying to knock them down. His spine was crushed, and his soul was reduced to ashes.

However, Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged.

With a dull expression, he waved his sleeves, and there seemed to be a dull groan deep in the world, and then this terrifying The power suddenly dissipated like a tide.

All the Gu family members seemed to be fished out of the sea at this moment, and their bodies were wet with cold sweat.

Even those who had experienced many storms, their eyes showed some panic and uneasiness. and shock

"What exactly is this?"

Someone couldn't help but murmured, with horror still lingering in the depths of his eyes.

The old man in black robes' complexion has now recovered, and he just looked at Gu Changge with a complicated look.

He really didn't expect that Gu Changge's His ambitions are so great that he dares to attempt to defeat the Heavenly Alliance.

How much courage and courage does this have?

You must know that just now, he just said these words, and it caused such a terrifying vision, which caused The gaze of someone somewhere.

If it is true that the Alliance to Defeat Heaven will be set off, it will set off boundless waves, and it will carry such terrible karmic backlash. The old man in black robe simply dare not imagine.

However, what shocked him even more Yes, Gu Changge just waved his hand and blocked the prying eyes.

Although this strength has definitely not returned to its previous peak state, it should not be far away.

"How far have you come?"

"How could he be reincarnated and rebuild?"

At this moment, the black-robed old man finally couldn't help but ask the biggest doubt in his heart.

With Gu Changge's strength, even after the Forbidden Era, it would be easy to destroy the entire mountain and sea world.

What kind of existence is there? , can compete with him?

But why did Gu Changge, who had such invincible strength, end up in reincarnation?

Although the old man in black robe has experienced that era, he only has a partial understanding of many things.

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