Little Wangyue was originally brought out from the Purple Mountain by Gu Changge when he was looking for the Seven Palm Heavenly Weapons secretly stored in Qi Immortal Palace.

But at that time, he had many things to do and had no time to take care of this guy.

Moreover, thinking that Gu Qingyi had more leisure time, he brought little Wangyue to her to raise for her.

It's just that after raising it like this, it has been raised until now.

When Gu Qingyi left the upper world, she took little Wangyue with her and left.

It was an accident that Gu Changge would see her in this place, but it seemed to be reasonable.


At this moment, little Wangyue's eyes were red and twitching, her little nose was twitching, she felt extremely aggrieved.

She didn't expect that Gu Changge would hold her head down and prevent her from coming closer.

When she saw Gu Changge appearing here, she was extremely surprised and came running up and down.

I want to have an unexpected reunion with Gu Changge and express my full grievances.

In the end, he was still so cold and ruthless, he directly held himself down and refused to let him get close.

Gu Changge looked at her, shook his head slightly, and said,"I'm not your master. Have you mistakenly recognized the person?""

"No……"Little Mochizuki looked at him aggrievedly, with tears in her eyes and sobbing.

How could I admit that I was wrong?

If he didn't want to support him, why would he follow his master in Tsing Yi?

Luo Yanxi and Yue Wang on the side were also shocked. They didn't expect that this silver-haired girl knew Gu Changge.

And he also called Gu Changge his master?

But they didn't dare to ask any more questions, they just watched in silence.

"Where is Tsing Yi? Where is she now?"

Gu Changge ignored Xiao Wangyue's emotional changes and just asked.

He knew this guy fairly well. If Gu Qingyi was around, she would never call him that. She could hide as far away as she wanted..

This look of grievance was purely for herself.

Maybe she couldn't stay in this place anymore and wanted to let herself take her away, so she showed such an expression.

Little Mochizuki sniffed and replied ,"Master Tsing Yi, after she brought me here, she fell into a deep sleep, and there has been no movement for hundreds of years."

"Falling into a deep sleep?"Gu Changge raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, Master Tsing Yi is sleeping in that palace now. Even I can’t disturb her easily."

"I don't know when she will wake up."Little Wangyue continued to answer, pointing to the towering ancient tree in the depths of Samsara Lake.

From this direction, only a vague outline can be seen, but the vastness and vastness of the sky and the vast and drooping chaos seemed to open up the entire world. , it is indeed shocking.

Luo Yanxi was once a quasi-immortal emperor after all, and his eyesight was amazing, so he could naturally see the clues.

"Could that be the World Tree, or the sapling of the Era Tree?"She was secretly shocked.

The Era Tree and the World Tree are actually the same, but people from different worlds have different names for this innate divine tree.

According to rumors, the Era Tree gave birth to all living things in the world, and every leaf , have supported an ancient world.

But this is just a rumor after all.

In the world where she was originally, the Era Tree has dried up and died, and has lost its vitality. No matter how hard they try, they can't bring it back to life.

So. , Luo Yanxi was shocked to see such a sapling that was suspected to be the Era Tree in this place.

Although the Moon King had not seen it with his own eyes, he could guess what it was.

It was rumored that the Era Tree in the Immortal Realm was It was guarded by the Immortal Palace.

However, after the Forbidden Era, the Immortal Palace collapsed and the Era Tree was missing. It was suspected to have been destroyed or stolen.

Can you see seedlings of the Era Tree here?

So combined with this What the silver-haired girl said shocked the Moon King even more.

She seemed to be involved in a secret from ancient times, involving many things in the Immortal Palace.

"Did it really happen after leaving the upper world?"

Gu Changge nodded when he heard this and looked into the depths of Samsara Lake. This was actually similar to his guess.

But he didn't expect that Qing Yi fell into a deep sleep.

Originally, he thought Qing Yi was planning something. She cannot be born and walk in the world for the time being. If she appears in the world, as the former master of the Immortal Palace, she only needs to raise her arms and those remnants of the Immortal Palace hidden in the dark will definitely appear.

After so many years , Yes, there are remnants of the Immortal Palace appearing even in the Fuyan Realm.

Not to mention in other ancient worlds and small worlds.

"Go and see your master."

Then, Gu Changge shook his head slightly and asked Little Wangyue to lead the way to the Era Tree sapling.

The Era Tree that was once in the Immortal Domain was stolen to the Eight Desolations and Ten Domains, and only then did the Upper Realm and the Era Tree emerge. The Eight Desolations and

Ten Realms have been a war for many epochs. But later, after the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms were breached, Gu Changge took away the Era Tree and planted it in his own inner universe.

At the same time, it was also because of that tree The Era Tree has its back, and he is trying to kill the entire existence of the upper world.

And now the Era Tree is being planted in the upper world, located in the Lake of Reincarnation opened by Gu Changge himself.

Of course the upper world The Lake of Reincarnation is not the same as the Lake of Reincarnation here.

The reincarnations it governs are also different.

Gu Changge feels that Qingyi intends to re-evolve and open up a true world.

But this process is still very complicated. It has been a long time, and now it only has its prototype. This place of reincarnation is only the beginning of evolution and is not complete.

She is planning for the future of the true world of mountains and seas. If it is destroyed in the third calamity, it can still survive. Some hope.

Gu Changge's eyes became more profound.

He actually didn't want to waste time on these things. For him, the True World of Mountains and Seas was just a tool that could be thrown away.

As a result, Qing Yi planned and paid for this. She paid many costs, even at the expense of her own sleep, to nurture this Era Tree seedling.

Soon, the little moon led the way, and the entire silvery lake seemed quiet, and thousands of light spots gathered and drifted, sinking into the water. In the middle of the lake.

This tranquility is in sharp contrast to the desolate and dilapidated scene seen before.

The saplings of the Era Tree stand in the depths of the Samsara Lake. Although they have not really grown up, they have already shown their appearance. It has that kind of ancient majesty.

It has the meaning of the new rules of heaven and earth, gestating in it, as if waiting for the day when it will be fully born. The huge crown of the tree is full of the sky, and the chaotic energy hanging down all over the sky, in every leaf, is Carrying a small world.

At this moment, the collision made a rumbling sound, which was extremely shocking.

The Moon King felt an unprecedented Tao breath here, which was completely different from the Tao he encountered in the fairyland.

Gu Changge stood under this tree and looked up at the lush canopy.

The magnificent palace complex was located on the top of the tree, exuding solemnity and sacredness.

Although this era tree was only a sapling, this kind of pressure was enough to oppress the immortals. The king-level creatures made them breathless.

The branches were old and knotted, shining brightly, lingering around the fairy light and Daoxia.

He stepped forward, and the golden avenue extended all the way to the tree crown, and the majestic pressure was all over. It dissipated and could not have any impact on him.

Yue Wang and Luo Yanxi quickly followed behind.

Little Wangyue stayed close to Gu Changge, regardless of his disgusted look. In her opinion, only Gu Changge can take her out of this hellish place now.

She doesn't want to stay any longer.

In the palace, Gu Changge saw the sleeping Qing Yi, who was lying quietly on the bed , the curtain floats gently.

The facial features are somewhat thin and beautiful, and the eyebrows are clear and clean, like the people in the painting.

The whole person looks very peaceful, with a kind of otherworldly refinement, and has nothing to do with anything in the world.

"Tsing Yi master……"

Little Wangyue stood nearby, calling softly. She didn't know how long Qing Yi would sleep.

The Moon King did not approach, but was completely shocked by the scene in front of her, which subverted her previous understanding.

The person sleeping in the palace turned out to be the former great palace master of the Immortal Palace.

According to rumors, didn't she die among Gu Changsinger during the Forbidden Era? Even the bones no longer exist.

But she seemed to be intact and alive, but she didn't know why she was sleeping here.

According to many rumors, the Grand Palace Master of the Immortal Palace is the beauty of the Demon Lord.

As for why the two eventually turned against each other, this is also an eternal mystery that no one knows.

Luo Yanxi was not as shocked as Moon King.

After all, she was not from this real world. She had learned some rumors about Gu Changge, so she guessed that many things that had happened had reasons and secrets.

Just like what she said before when she wanted to follow Gu Changge.

He has his own purpose, and everything he does is to achieve that purpose.

From the perspective of the two women, Gu Changge was standing quietly by the side, silently looking at the sleeping Qing Yi. He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to smooth out the green hair around her ears, but it stopped in mid-air.

This move seems to hide millions of emotions and complexities.

Is it love but regret?

Or is he hiding all kinds of guilt? Helpless?

Or all of these emotions?

The Moon King did not expect that Gu Changge, who had always been cold and heartless in her eyes and regarded all living beings like ants, would show such an expression.

This strengthened her suspicion that many unknown things happened before the Forbidden Era.

There are many secrets hidden and buried in the years.

Otherwise, Gu Changge would not attack the Immortal Realm and Immortal Palace smoothly.

"You all go wait for me outside."

Suddenly, Gu Changge spoke up and asked Yue Wang, Luo Yanxi, and Xiao Wangyue to leave the palace.

Although several people were puzzled, they did not dare to ask any more questions. It was obvious that Gu Changge It seemed that he was worried, maybe he wanted to say something.

After watching everyone leave,

Gu Changge stretched out his palm that had fallen in the air and said calmly,"How long will you continue to sleep?"

The moment he finished speaking.

Qing Yi, who had her eyes closed, suddenly fluttered her eyelashes, and then slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at Gu Changge.

These eyes were quiet and peaceful, like The warm and clear jade is like the bright and flawless moon.

"You came."

Qing Yi sat up on the bed. His face seemed normal, but he still couldn't hide his paleness and fatigue.

Gu Changge nodded slightly.

He knew that Qing Yi didn't really fall into a deep sleep, but his consciousness fell into a state of cultivation..

This state can be awakened by the outside world at any time, just like the instinct of a certain creature.

When it is on the verge of an extremely bad situation, it will cause the consciousness to fall into a certain state and slowly cultivate itself.

Qingyi was originally the real person of Shanhai It is normal for the true spirit of the world to cultivate and recover in this way.

"There is no need for you to waste your own resources on nourishing this Era Tree seedling."

Gu Changge thought for a moment, shook his head and said.

Qing Yi did not answer, but just tilted his head and looked at him.

"Do you want to call me Qingyi or Qingyi now?"She asked, directly changing the topic.

"Is there any difference between these two titles?"Gu Changge seemed a little helpless.

"Of course there is a difference. Qing

Yi smiled playfully at this moment and said,"If you call me Aunt Qing, it means that you may not have recovered your previous memory. If you call me Qing Yi, it means that you should have remembered everything.""

Gu Changge shook his head and said,"Then I'd better call you Qingyi."

"It seems that during this period, a lot of things should have happened in the upper world and the fairyland."

"It's great, I can feel your breath again, it's so reassuring. Hearing this

, Qing Yi smiled, then put her arms around his waist and leaned her head against him.

Changge lowered his eyes and looked at her, and the palms he originally wanted to drop became slightly stiff.

But after thinking about it, he still chose to put it on her head and gently stroked her black hair.

"There have indeed been many changes in the upper realm and the fairyland, but they should all be within your expectations."

"It won't have much impact on what happens next."

He said softly.

When he transformed into a demon lord and as a heaven-defeating one, he walked across the vast heavens and rescued Qing Yi from the first calamity he encountered in the true world of mountains and seas.

This has always been the case. The gentle and kind-hearted woman has sunk from that moment on.

However, he has always regarded her as a chess piece that can be used or discarded at any time.

Even in the dark years countless epochs ago, he always used her to his advantage and stayed with her. She performed a good show, concealed the truth and deceived all living beings.

However, even now, she is not aware of it at all, and always feels that she is helping her.

For this reason, she even became a devil and a scourge in the world's eyes. The evil man in the world.

He has been blamed for countless epochs.

Gu Changge has never felt guilty.

But at this moment, for some reason, he felt a little unbearable and a kind of sadness in his heart.

It was because he thought of those who had suffered similar experiences. Yue Mingkong? Jiang Chuchu? Or Gu Xianer?

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