Wrapped in the thick fog of time, the terrifying figure standing here has golden pupils like lava, flowing with dazzling light.

At this moment, in his eyes, there seemed to be a sharp sword that penetrated all eternity and was about to tear the universe apart in front of him.

"Not necessarily... no chance."

It seemed like an instant, but it also seemed like a long time passed.

This terrifying figure finally spoke, his voice was extremely hoarse, containing vicissitudes of life and exhaustion.

And the moment he spoke his words, it was more powerful than the previous eight emperors. When he opened his mouth, an astonishing and terrifying vision appeared in this world.

The blood-red thick thunder seemed to span the entire universe and strike directly at him.

One after another, it opened the world and tore it apart. Split the universe, so tyrannical that it makes people tremble, instantly turning this place into a vast ocean of thunder and lightning.

It seems that any material or existence, under this wave of breath, will explode instantly and become endless powder.

This is destruction in the true sense.

The entire foreign universe, under this aura, was as fragile as a boat, torn to pieces.

Countless foreign creatures were kneeling on the ground, trembling constantly, and their souls were about to be crushed.

To them He said that such a scene was even more terrifying and astonishing than when Gu Changge and the Eight Emperors fought just now, and it was no different from the destruction of the world.

Even the bones of the immortal kings far away were cracking. They couldn't bear the aftermath. Their bodies were cracked and blood was flowing, which was very scary.

They quickly retreated, evacuated several universes at once, and appeared in the distance.

"Just speaking can trigger such a terrifying vision. Once you take action, you can't even imagine that this world will be destroyed and the world will return to chaos."

"Even the Immortal Emperor couldn't bear such horrific cause and effect.……"

The old Immortal King Gu Xuan said with a slightly trembling voice.

After all, this is an Immortal Emperor in the true sense of the word. He came back through time and does not belong to this world.

Any words he says and any actions he takes will involve huge cause and effect, which can easily cause everything to be chaotic and reshuffled.

To put it bluntly, if this Immortal Emperor takes action at this time, he will even bring down this era.

That is bound to have an indelible impact on the future.

Of course, this world will definitely have the power to counteract and restrain this Immortal Emperor, and it is impossible for him to truly destroy everything.

The Immortal Emperor is so strong that it is easy to reverse the long river of time.

For them, looking from one end of the long river of time to the other is just a matter of glances.

The long river of time is in the hands of the Immortal Emperor, and it can be said that it is no different from a toy.

But even the Immortal Emperor cannot change the interference through the long river of time.

It will reshuffle everything at every turn, causing what happened to happen again, and even return to chaos.


Thousands of blood-red thunder and lightning surged at the end of the sky, like an angry dragon roaring, covering the sky and the sun, and falling down with pressure.

Among them, there are scenes of ancient pavilions and palaces rising and falling, and even vague figures can be seen, like heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals appearing, holding heavenly swords and divine weapons, charging towards them.

This is the amazing cause and effect caused by the Immortal Emperor's words.

Together with the depths of the world, terrifying power is brewing, like a terrifying millstone that will wipe him out from this world.

The Immortal Emperor from later generations has seriously interfered with the rules and order of this life.

However, he still stood there, surrounded by endless fragments of time, his eyes as scary as a sword from the sky, staring at Gu Changge closely, never moving or choosing to leave.

Chi, chi, chi...

He shook his hand gently, and unimaginable power burst out, directly drying up the sea of ​​thunder emerging from the depths of the sky.

All the laws were broken, turned into powder, and disappeared into thin air.

Thousands of Dao Dharma are not involved, and it seems to be based in an unknown territory. Even the Dao is exploding.

"Maybe there is no chance?"

"But I see despair in your eyes"

"You want to kill me just like that, end a period of time, and settle everything"


Gu Changge seemed to be repeating his words, but the faint smile on the corner of his mouth did not diminish at all.


This Immortal Emperor seemed to suddenly react, his eyes were terrifying and frightening, like a sword energy, crossing the eternity, illuminating the entire river of time, cleansing the past and present.

His figure was trembling, as if he was unsteady on his feet, but it was more of a feeling of disbelief.

"Are you desperate?"

Gu Changge's eyes remained unchanged, as if he wanted to see through the fog of time shrouded in this Immortal Emperor and gain insight into his origins.

"Who are you?"

The Immortal Emperor's voice could not conceal his trembling, as if he had realized something.

Those golden pupils were constantly shrinking, and various terrifying visions appeared in them. The universe collapsed, and the long river of time was annihilated.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I want to know who you are. Gu

Changge smiled faintly,"Why do you want to kill me in this life?""

An immortal emperor stepped against the long river of time, came from the future, and planned to kill him in this life.

This made Gu Changge inevitably not think about the third calamity that is about to come to the true world of mountains and seas.

Where will the third calamity be? When the time comes, he still doesn’t know.

But if the long river of time in the true world of mountains and seas has not collapsed and continues to continue, it means that the true world of mountains and seas will still exist in the future.

If this is the case, then why are there people from the future? The Immortal Emperor went against the flow of time and came here to kill him?

What is his purpose?

Logically speaking, with the foundation of the true world of mountains and seas, it is impossible to survive the first calamity.

But the first calamity, Because Gu Changge transformed into a demon lord and, as a former heaven-defeating one, led the Shanhai True Realm to escape the disaster.

Because of this, the Shanhai True Realm also suffered heavy losses, and many peak experts also fell in that calamity. Among them.

Some people fell into a deep sleep, while others used alternative methods to reshape reincarnation and wait for the future to reappear in the world.

The second calamity was because Qing Yi and Gu Changge discussed and designed a clever trick to deceive the heavens and avoid that The third calamity can be regarded as delaying all living things in the true world of mountains and seas for such a long time to recuperate.

Now the third calamity is probably not so lucky, not to mention that Gu Changge still has Another plot.

It only takes three. Once the third calamity comes, it will be absolutely devastating to the entire Shanhai True World.

No one can escape this reckoning.

But if the Shanhai True World does not survive the third After three calamities, which time in the future does this Immortal Emperor come from?

Or does it come from the future timeline of other true worlds?

In this way, the Immortal Emperor in front of us is actually A certain protagonist from the future, the son of destiny?

Gu Changge is a little interested, and he can only guess this way.

After all, this vast river of time spreads through the boundless world of heaven.

And the river of time in the true world of mountains and seas , it’s just one of them

"Indeed, as you said, only by killing you can everything be settled."

"There is no choice"

"But...who are you? Why are you nowhere to be found in the past and future?"

This figure of the Immortal Emperor has great emotional fluctuations. He is obviously wrapped in the endless fog of time.

But his face is about to collapse and disperse, otherwise he will not exist in this world. His words have touched a lot of cause and effect, and this body is almost It couldn't be saved anymore, there were signs of cracks, and it was about to collapse and explode on the spot.

This was why he felt suffocated, unbelievable, and even desperate.

At this time in the world, Gu Changge had clearly not yet reached the level of the Immortal Emperor.

For Gu Changge, he is even in a"weak" stage.

But why can't he feel the breath of other time and space, the rest of time, or the fluctuations of existence in Gu Changge?

It's as if Gu Changge has truly recovered. Binding all the figures on the timeline, the endless time and space are unified, and it is the only one in eternity.

As the Immortal Emperor, he knows what this means, and everyone will be unbelievable, even desperate.

He stands in the world, and Gu Changge cannot be found. The figure of the past.

He seems not to exist in the past or the future, but only exists in the current world where he lives.

Therefore, as the Immortal Emperor, it is impossible for him to have insight into Gu Changge's past in the long river of time.

It is impossible. Knowing the origin of Gu Changge, not knowing his future, or even knowing such a person.

It is as if Gu Changge appeared out of thin air.

This is such a horrifying thing.

Logically speaking, as an Immortal Emperor, he is still It comes from the future, to get rid of Gu Changge when he is still"weak".

Although this may lead to monstrous cause and effect, rewrite the entire history of the future, reverse the long course of time, and make the future a big flop.

But this is not up to him. It seems that it is also the only chance and hope.

But when he really came to this world, he suddenly despaired and found that everything was completely different from what he thought.

Gu Changge's"Weak"",It's just an appearance, and even the current Gu Changge may be just an appearance.

He also had a more terrifying guess. The real Gu Changge was not in front of him, and it might even be just a reflection.

The real Gu Changge has already reached a level that he cannot imagine or guess.

After reaching the realm of Immortal Emperor, he knew that there was actually a path called transcendence.

Only through transcendence can one truly be free and at ease for eternity and condense the Daluo state.

Da Luo, of which Da is vast, means immeasurable.

Luo is a net, which means encompassing.

The great Luo is immeasurable, that is, it embraces all things.

The Tao has no limit, the Daluo is limitless, but it has a limit.

In a sense, Da Luo has transcended the self and eternity, condensed his own way, is the only one in the universe forever, and consolidates all timelines.

No matter which era or era it is, as long as you have a body, it is your true self and does not exist in another self.

Gu Changge had clearly shattered his transcendental body before the Forbidden Era, otherwise it would have been impossible for him to re-enter reincarnation and rebuild his body.

After all, if his transcendental body is not shattered, there is no need to rebuild it. Every life is his true self, past, future, and present.

But why can't he find Gu Changge now in all the ages?

It was clear that the Gu Changge in front of him was not even the Immortal Emperor?

"It seems that you really know me, or have studied me, and are fully prepared?"

"Have you been to this world before and understood everything in advance?"

Gu Changge has been watching the changes in the expression of this Immortal Emperor. At this moment, he couldn't help but smile softly, and his words were still casual.

He had roughly guessed the origin of this Immortal Emperor.

"I made a mistake. I didn't expect that the origin of the big black hand from ancient times was beyond my imagination."

The eyes of this Immortal Emperor shot out terrifying chaotic light, and the time around the real body began to distort, and it was breaking and breaking.

He was almost unable to bear the terrifying cause and effect brought about by speaking these words.

Even Julien is bleeding from his mouth and nose, and will soon collapse and fall apart.

He is about to disappear into the world, and it is difficult to continue to support him.

At their level, every move can trigger incredible changes.

Not to mention It is said that he comes from the future, and every word he speaks may make the world repeat itself, and everything in the future will be reshuffled.

"The big gangster from all eternity?"

"Is this what the creatures of eternity will call me?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly, not taking this title seriously at all.

For the creatures in the infinite universe, their true existence has long been based on the end of all tangible and intangible things.

This end is conceptual. The end point can be understood as the end of Tao.

It can also be understood that because of the existence of his true self, the concept of Tao was born.

However, this Immortal Emperor was speechless, and the whole world was rejecting him. , the real body is collapsing.

Even if it is wrapped in the fog of time, it can't hold on at all, and blood spurts out from the mouth and nose. The long river of time is turbulent, and he retreats quickly, and his figure disappears there.

The kind that makes all the heavens become silent. The terrifying aura of destruction was also fading like a tide.

At this time, even if he wanted to take action, it was impossible.

Saying those words already meant suffering a huge horrific karmic backlash.

Gu Changge also He did not take action, but just watched the figure of the Immortal Emperor disappear.

The broken fragments of time seemed to remain in place, but the real body had long since disappeared.

"Years to come?"

Gu Changge's eyes were a little deep, but in the long river of time he saw, no immortal emperor would be born in the future.

Which time and space did the immortal emperor who just appeared come from?

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