The Buddha's kingdom is extinct, and the entire universe is collapsing. A large world that was originally filled with vast vitality and Buddha's light has just died.

In other universes, many powerful people who noticed this fluctuation became frightened.

The Buddhist kingdom, which was at its peak of prosperity, collapsed in one day and was reduced to ruins, without any living beings left.

"There was an Immortal King sitting in the Buddhist Kingdom, but it was shattered and disappeared in the long river of history."


"It was definitely the forbidden being who took action, destroyed the Buddha Kingdom, and killed the Bodhisattva King."

Many true immortals are frightened. They look at the direction of the Buddhist Kingdom from a long distance and tremble all over.

They don't know what happened in the Buddhist Kingdom, so they can only guess.

Besides this explanation, they can't think of any other explanation. It is possible.

After all, even if an Immortal King takes action, it is impossible to destroy the Buddha Kingdom in just one day, but there is also a Bodhisattva King in charge.

"This is too terrible. An immortal Buddhist kingdom was wiped out from this world in less than a day, leaving no trace left."

"Did King Bodhi offend that taboo being?"

Many creatures trembled, extremely frightened, thinking of the four foreign fairy kings who died in the Western Immortal Realm.

The universe became extremely blurry, filled with the aura of decay, and many nearby star realms also began to appear. Collapse.

Because of the passing of an Immortal King, the rules of heaven and earth are changing, and traces of many great ways flow and intertwine. The fluctuations of the demise of the Buddhist Kingdom are too violent, especially with the demise of the Buddhist Kingdom, the original Tao of the Bodhisattva King that remains in the universe The breath of Dharma is also disappearing quickly.

The place seems to have turned into a gloomy ghostland, without any life.

Only endless silence and nothingness are left. The sky collapses, the stars shatter, and all the worlds are in ruins.

The originally prosperous Buddhist kingdom , faith is like a sea, with many Buddhist sects and countless believers everywhere.

But now they are all turned into ashes and buried by the collapsed universe.

Close to the northern fairyland, which is the closest to the southern fairyland, the three statues form a triangle and sit in the north. The Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm.

At this moment, they all feel the atmosphere of the demise of the Buddhist Kingdom. As Immortal Kings, they all sense each other.

"The breath of King Bodhisattva disappeared……"

"I really didn’t expect that when I first met King Bodhisattva, he was expected to go further."


The white-haired and white-bearded old man sitting cross-legged under the tree had a deep gaze. He stood up and let out a sigh. Naturally, he also received the order from Baichuan.

Before, he was still thinking about how to deal with it, should he delay it? Or go to the banquet in half a month.

Although he knew that this was a Hongmen Banquet, he had no choice

"At this time, even if those powerful beings from before the Forbidden Era come back to life, there is nothing they can do."

"This person is definitely the most powerful existence in history……"

"If he insists on destroying the world, who can stop him?"

The eyes of the old immortal king with white hair and white beard are full of sighs and helplessness, but he is not as desperate as other creatures.

At his current level, he has lived for countless epochs, and many things have been taken lightly.

Since there is no way No matter how hard you try to change your destiny, it's useless

"This scene of the demise of the Buddhist kingdom is very similar to the scene recorded in ancient books in which the heavens collapsed and all ages were reduced to ashes."

"By destroying the Buddhist kingdom at this time, does he intend to give us a warning?"

The void blurred, and a figure stepped out. The Immortal King with hair like flames came here. He also knew about the destruction of the Buddhist kingdom. He was extremely frightened and full of unwillingness.

He seemed to have seen himself. The fate that follows is that even if it is as immortal as the Buddhist kingdom, it will collapse and die in one day.

What else can this fairyland compete with?

The news of the Buddhist kingdom's demise in one day has caused a sensation in the fairyland, even for the existences at the level of the Immortal King. I also felt trembling and uneasy about this.

Not to mention the other living beings, I just felt that this catastrophe was coming and no one would be spared. The

Buddhist Kingdom in the Southern Fairyland was the best example.

Many people speculated , it must have been King Bodhisattva who was killed by that taboo existence, which caused the prosperous Buddhist kingdom to collapse in one day.

But no one dared to show up to the Buddhist kingdom to explore the truth, and no one dared to get close to the collapsed land. The universe.

What a terrifying power this is. In that area, the rules of heaven and earth were disintegrated into nothingness.

Deep in the foreign land, King Ming stood respectfully in front of a cave filled with eternal fairy light. Among them, the ancestor of the imperial clan reported the matter

"I can't undo the mark on you."

The ancestor of the imperial clan sitting cross-legged in the deepest part of the cave seems to be the Kaitian God who has existed since ancient times. He is ancient and vicissitudes of life. He is surrounded by the light of the great avenue and the sound of the world, which is extremely blurry.

"Even the supreme ancestor of the imperial clan can't resolve these?"

After receiving the exact answer, King Ming looked a little pale and seemed a little hard to accept.

"The foreign land is going to be in chaos. Even if you don't have this mark on your body, nothing can be changed."After a moment of silence, the ancestor of the Imperial Clan said again.

The eternal existence of the foreign land can be traced back to before the Immortal Realm experienced the Forbidden Era. In an even longer period of time, there is not only one ancestor of the Imperial Clan who is sleeping now. The one that

King Ming paid homage to The ancestor of the Imperial Clan awakened once tens of millions of years ago.

At that time, he also summoned King Ming and wanted to exchange him for a replica of the Eight Desolate Demonic Halberds.

"Then we can only wait to die and become his food and nourishment? If such a character appears again in this world, no Immortal King will be his opponent.……"

Although King Ming is an immortal king with great power and majesty, he still looks like an ordinary little monk in front of the ancestor of the imperial clan, with a look of fear on his face.

He actually hoped that the ancestor of the Imperial Clan would take action, walk out of the cave, and reappear in the world.

Moreover, there are quite a few ancestors of the sleeping imperial clan in the foreign land. If they join forces, there may not be no chance for the foreign land.

Because he concluded that Gu Changge had not returned to his former peak state, otherwise with his strength, there would be no need to hunt the Immortal King.

Even the most powerful ancestor of the imperial clan is far from enough to look at in front of him.

"In this life, foreign lands and fairy lands are destined to be reorganized, the true world of mountains and seas will be unified, and the existences of the past will return. If we are resurrected and born in advance, if an accident occurs, we will inevitably be liquidated."

This ancestor of the Imperial Clan rarely spoke a lot more and mentioned some things that were about to happen. The true world of mountains and seas will be unified, and the fairyland and foreign lands will be reorganized. This is an inevitable future.

They are The ancestors of the Imperial Clan can be regarded as one of the strongest people in the real world of mountains and seas. Except for those figures from the oldest era, no one can compare with them.

But over in the Immortal Realm, the secrets are too chaotic, and some strong people from the ethnic groups , in order to avoid the calamity of the era.

In the very ancient times, he started to plot and hide very deep.

Maybe in reincarnation, or maybe hidden somewhere

"Even the supreme ancestor of the Imperial Clan must face liquidation?"King Ming's heart was trembling, and he was a little frightened.

"The current situation is unclear. You can wait and see how it changes. This is inevitably not an opportunity to test."

"Maybe some people can't help it and run out……"

The voice of the ancestor of the Imperial Clan was very gentle, without much ups and downs.

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