The fire was bright, the barking of dogs stopped, and all the villagers seemed to have been hit by a talisman, unable to move.

One could only look at the two people who suddenly appeared in horror and awe.

For them, these deeds are nothing more than legends of ghosts and gods, falling from the sky and ending easily.

"It seems like you are very interested in this little baby girl."

The Grand Palace Master of the Immortal Palace in Tsing Yi looked like she was made of the flawless moonlight. She was so beautiful that it was almost unreal.

She spoke softly, her voice was like the sound of nature, and her eyes fell on the baby girl Gu Changge was holding. body

"I just think she is destined to me"

"a poor little guy……"

Gu Changge just shook his head slightly, raised his hand casually, and there was a hazy light falling in front of him. Something was erased from the minds of all the frozen villagers.

The originally frightened expressions became dull, and then they returned to their respective houses like zombies.

The parents of the little baby girl also seemed to have forgotten what happened just now. Their expressions were very dull, and they turned around and walked back to their house.

"Even if you erase these memories of theirs, you are only treating the symptoms but not the root cause. Ignorance is rooted in their hearts and will one day break out again."The Grand Palace Master said.

"If such a day comes, it is up to her to judge and decide whether it is foolish or evil."

When Gu Changge heard this, he just shook his head and spoke calmly.

"Let's go."

After that, he put the baby girl back into the house, turned around and left with the Grand Palace Master, turning into a blue rainbow. The two figures disappeared into the sky.

All the villagers' memories of tonight were wiped out, including the little one. The parents of the baby girl also forgot about this.

The so-called bloody disaster and ominous omen disappeared from the minds of all the villagers.


"Is it up to me to judge whether it is foolish or evil?"

Chan Hongyi looked at all this blankly, and while muttering this sentence to herself, she somewhat understood what Gu Changge meant.

That is, she wanted to one day understand this for herself before making a choice?

She was at the same place. After standing in silence for a long time, he gathered his emotions and walked closer to the house again, looking at the sleeping baby girl at close range.

The baby girl slept very quietly, and the skin that had been bruised by stones before was completely intact, even She was still shining brightly, and she was carved from pink and jade.

If Gu Changge hadn't appeared tonight and rescued her, she would have been burned to death by her parents and other villagers as a bad omen. Stoned to death. She has already died here.

It is impossible to say what will happen in the future.

However, Gu Changge has never told her about all this, and it is even as if none of this has happened.

"Master, why do you never tell me this?……"

"Not even an explanation?"

"What do you want to do?"

Chan Hongyi murmured and asked. She knew that according to the character of caring for Changge, everything he did had his own purpose.

He would rather be misunderstood by herself than tell herself the truth of all this.

"Master, why are you hiding this from me?……"

Chan Hongyi's heart trembled, her eyes glistened a little, and she suddenly thought of what Taoyao had said to her before.

After Gu Changge turned against the Immortal Palace and defeated all the heavens, if he really wanted to kill her, why did he just seal her and throw her into the Demon Burial Abyss?

With Gu Changge's strength, if he wanted to kill her, she really couldn't resist even a palm.

Chan Hongyi had always felt that this might be due to Gu Changge's temporary compassion and soft-heartedness at that time, and he finally couldn't bear to kill her.

This is what she has been telling herself.

However, after seeing all this, Chan Hongyi suddenly realized that she had been blaming him wrongly all along.

Many things are preconceived and assigned to the enemy's side, but many details are ignored.

After reincarnation, it was he who personally released himself from the Demonic Burial Abyss in this life.

Even during the encirclement and suppression battle in the Divine City, he did not attack her. Instead, he designed to attract many strong men and let her devour her and restore her original energy and blood.

When she was living in the Boundary Monument Sea, she pretended to be insane and forgot a lot about her past, trying to poison Gu Changge.

But he still enjoyed it very much. Even though he knew it was highly poisonous, he did not refuse to swallow it.


Too many things were sweeping in like a tidal wave, leaving Chan Hongyi stunned in place.

Only now did she realize that she had been seeking revenge on Gu Changge all along.

Even though he has now unified all the heavens in the upper world and has regained his previously unbelievable and terrifying strength, he has never made a move against her.

"I have always been seeking revenge against him, but he has helped me secretly many times without complaining about being misunderstood by me, and he has silently endured all this."

"And I keep trying to cause trouble for him……"

Chan Hongyi murmured, her eyes were a little sparkling, her hair was covered with flying hair, and she stood in the vast void.

This fragment of the long river of time, which was originally broken, is even more unstable and about to collapse.

She figured out many things at once.

Why did the river of time riot before? I'm afraid it was Gu Changge who sensed that she and Tao Yao risked their lives by stepping into it and might be buried here forever, so he trudged over to try to stop them.

After she sank to the bottom of the sea, it was Gu Changge who showed up and brought her back.

As for why Gu Changge never explained this and allowed her to misunderstand and hate him so much?

Chan Hongyi guessed that this should be his shocking outcome in the next game, with his own concerns and calculations

"If those bandits who were homeless more than ten years later were really arranged by Master, that would make sense.……"

"But I have an intuition that it is impossible for Master to do such a thing."

Chan Hongyi was convinced.

Especially the relationship between Gu Changge and Qing Yi, the grand master of the Immortal Palace, was very good. They were like close friends. Why did the two of them suddenly turn against each other?

It even led to the destruction of the Immortal Palace and the burial of all the gods together. , the entire era fell into darkness and became a taboo.

This itself is like a fallacy, and it is difficult to explain.

Chan Hongyi finds it a bit unbelievable. There must be some unknown secret hidden in it, or it is just Like today, she didn't know the truth.


The passage of time in front of her eyes became blurry. She did not reverse time this time, but followed the timeline, witnessing this world like a bystander. Many things happened in the past few decades.

Because of Gu Changge's unfathomable and unpredictable strength, even in this timeline, she could only vaguely see some shadows.

His whole person was Shrouded in fog, it was difficult to see his true appearance.

However, Chan Hongyi was extremely familiar with him and could naturally tell who he was.

If it were another terrifying existence who was lucky enough to travel through the long river of time and come to this period of time, then he would never Maybe she could know who Gu Changge was.

Fortunately, Chan Hongyi had such a special relationship, which allowed her to sort out many things.

From a distance, she watched the little baby girl grow up and experienced everything she could remember. After that, she became a disciple of Gu Changge and practiced with him.

But gradually, Chan Hongyi noticed that something was wrong.

Something would happen between Qingyi, the Grand Master of the Immortal Palace, and Gu Changge because of her existence. Unpleasant disputes.

There would be some teasing at first, but later on, she could feel that the Grand Palace Master Qing Yi seemed a little unhappy with her existence.

And every time Gu Changge treated these issues, he seemed very casual and nonchalant. , doesn’t seem to take it to heart

"Could it be because of this?……"

She was really in disbelief, and her eyes widened suddenly.

Moreover, Chan Hongyi couldn't help but think of another matter. Could it be that the group of bandits who massacred her village were arranged by the Grand Palace Master Qingyi?

Is the purpose just to sow discord between her and Master?

Did the conflict between the two arise because of this?

However, Chan Hongyi still didn't believe it, feeling that this was different from the Grand Palace Master Qing Yi she knew.

"The Grand Palace Master, Qing Yi, is so aloof. It is impossible to be petty because of this. It seems more like there is some reason for doing this."

"Is this done on purpose?"

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