The majestic stone gate has a simple stone texture, stained with blood, and some places are broken and very simple.

And as Gu Changge came here with the big red bird, this stone door seemed to have some kind of reaction, and the incomplete parts became shiny, and then became extremely gorgeous!

The big red bird was very excited. He never thought that one day he would be able to come here again.

Its figure became faint and blurry, turned into a divine light, and was about to rush into the stone door, but Gu Changge's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly took action to stop it.

"This stone door is no longer alive. Your body may have dissipated long ago."

He said, his tone calm.

The figure of the big red bird paused, stopped abruptly in front of Shimen, and looked at all this in disbelief.

Its figure changed from faint to solid, and then landed on In front of Shimen, he finally seemed to calm down and feel it, and then he smiled sadly.

"It's really dissipated, I can't feel its existence anymore"

"This stone door was able to block thousands of horses and armies back then, but now it's all broken.……"

In the final analysis, it is just a ray of Tao soul separated from the main body in order to find the reincarnation of Gu Xianer.

The real body is actually entrusted in this stone door.

"What happened? Are these blood stains only left in recent years?"

It took a long time for the big red bird to recover from the grief and had to accept this fact.

Gu Changge nodded slightly, and it could be seen that it was in recent years that some kind of shocking changes occurred in the fairyland.

Moreover, some time ago, he tried to attract the Immortal Realm to come, but in the end he failed.

When the rules of heaven and earth in the upper world come into contact with the Immortal Realm, there is an overwhelming murderous intent that can wash away everything and eliminate evil. Charming.

This shows that there are super powerful people in the fairyland to stop all this.

"Maybe he wants to protect the upper world through this method……"

Gu Changge guessed, thinking of the so-called foreign land. When the true world was conceived and born, the qi of yin and yang separated, and the yin and yang true world appeared.

Before the Forbidden Era, the Upper Realm and Immortal Realm were both parts of the Yang Zhen Realm.

The opposing part is the Yin Zhen Realm. In the eyes of the Yang Zhen Realm, it is a foreign land with constant wars and conflicts.

There are also some ethnic groups in the Yin Zhen Realm that have long been accepted and accommodated by the orthodox traditions of the ancient tribes in the Origin Realm.……

"Protect the upper realm?"

The big red bird trembled when he heard the words, and suddenly thought of something, with a somewhat unbelievable expression, but also full of bitterness.

Among all the worlds of heaven, the world of mountains and seas actually ranks high.

However, countless epochs have changed. , many true worlds have been annihilated in the long river of time.

Nowadays, if the true world of mountains and seas wants to restore its former glory, in addition to defending against enemies from foreign lands, there are also opponents from other true worlds.

Some true worlds Spirits, in order to strengthen themselves, do not hesitate to control the ethnic groups in the world, conquer the heavens, and devour the origins of other true worlds.

This kind of thing has happened frequently since the ages, and it is even more cruel than the calamity coming.

Gu Chang Ge nodded lightly and felt that the reason for the changes in the Immortal Realm was probably due to a war. Some invading ethnic groups were trying to find the roots of the True World of Mountains and Seas and were searching for the whereabouts of the upper world.

In any case, the true world of Mountains and Seas The roots fall into the upper world.

Moreover, according to the plan to take care of Qing Yi, most of the sky-defying warriors in the Shanhai True Realm were still in reincarnation.

Many people were reincarnated in the upper world, but they have not yet awakened. Memory.

Then, Gu Changge's eyes fell on the magnificent stone door in front of him, as if it could hold up the sky, and he couldn't see the deep sky above his head.

"Jedi Tiantong!"

Those four words simply make people's souls tremble and their hearts throb. They are obviously very sacred, but they also have a kind of great majesty that makes people shake their souls.

"A sudden change has occurred in the Immortal Realm. It is impossible to open this door from here."

"I just don’t know if the Demon Lord can do anything about it?"

The big red bird fluttered its wings around, and finally couldn't help but said in despair, feeling that it could not open this portal.

It wanted to know the current situation of the Immortal Realm.

But if it wanted to open this portal, it must at least have the strength of the Immortal King, but In the current upper realm, even if the environment of heaven and earth changes, who has the strength of the Immortal King?

Although Gu Changge is mysterious and has unimaginable strength, it is impossible for him to break this rule.


However, the big red bird Just when he thought this, his eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

Gu Changge's expression was dull, and there was a vague energy lingering in his body.

He put his palm in front of him and pushed it gently.

This was quite an astonishing change, as if there was something wrong. A prehistoric beast is opening its eyes. Although it is filled with bright light, it is also terrifying! The ancient stone door emits light that has penetrated through the ages. It is so holy, like the first ray of light after the creation of the world, leading to immortality. and eternity.

On the stone gate, various marks appeared, telling the secret of the creation of the sky, the mystery of chaos, and many ancestors appeared, but it was too blurry to see clearly. Faintly, the long voice came, washing people The spirit of the spirit makes people feel as if they are about to complete an evolution!

The stone door was pushed open, cracks appeared, and blood rain seeped out of it, dripping, directly hitting the surrounding stone walls. It was an astonishing sight. The big red bird was struck by this scene. He was shocked and speechless.

Could it be that Gu Changge now has strength comparable to that of the Immortal King?

At this moment, Gu Changge's figure was blurry and hazy, shining like a ball of light, as if he could command the heavens and make the universe infinite. The creatures kowtowed, worshiped, and pushed open the stone door directly.

Because of him, the Immortal Realm and the Upper Realm were connected. Infinite light burst out from this place, directly illuminating the universe in all directions. The light rushed out from the Immortal Ancient Continent, above Reflected in the world.

Many monks and creatures in the universe felt the fluctuations there, and were shocked to the extreme. They saw endless light and shadow emerging at the end of the world.

A vague road ran through there, and then a strange energy When it comes, the rules of heaven and earth are evolving at a distance, and the spiritual energy is constantly boiling. The enlightened people and figures of the various races and traditions have the most profound feelings about this, and they are all stunned in place, in disbelief.

"Could it be that the fairyland has arrived?"

They murmured, feeling that the rules of heaven and earth in the upper world had undergone an unimaginable change at this time.

"Is this writing from ancient times?"

At this moment, on a broken continent, it is very primitive, with towering ancient trees, but there are also living tribes and ethnic groups.

A group of young men and women are exploring a ruins that suddenly appeared. At this moment, a young girl is looking at a piece of land in front of her in shock. The stone tablet, said in shock.

The words on it are very unfamiliar, not contemporary words.

Moreover, this stone tablet is extremely old to them. Ten thousand years is already an immeasurable time, let alone millions of years.

They are studying it. The words on this inscription want to understand the extremely glorious and splendid era.

The ancestors fought hundreds of battles and were full of passion. They fought against foreign lands and died without regrets!

Every time I hear the elders in the tribe talk about this In the incomplete ancient history, they can all feel the unyielding and fighting spirit flowing in their veins!


"There are descendants of the fairyland here!"

Suddenly, the place was filled with murderous aura.

A group of alien creatures appeared, riding fierce beasts, stepping across the sky, sweeping and ravaging this broken continent, searching for the descendants of the former fairyland.

Nowadays, the creatures living everywhere are immortals. The world and the foreign land are mixed together.

But there are also creatures from the fairyland that have survived, hiding everywhere, and the most powerful people don’t bother to search.

They are the hunting targets of all races in the foreign land.

"not good……"

On this primitive continent, many old people and men's faces changed drastically and suddenly turned pale.

"Hahaha, I found it again, there are descendants of the fairyland here"

"Don’t snatch this group of prey from any of you with me."

This group of foreign creatures were all laughing. They were sitting on ferocious beasts, like high-altitude gods, overlooking this tribe of thousands of people.

They were very cold, cruel, and aloof, with a cat-playing-mouse banter..

But at this time, all the men in this tribe stood up. There was no fear or fear on their faces, just determination. They held weapons and protected all the old and young wives and daughters behind them. The old and young wives behind them The woman was also strong, without panic or making a sound.

The backbone of the survivors of the Fairyland will never fall!

"Really boring……"

This scene made the foreign creatures feel boring. Their joking smiles disappeared and they became indifferent. After all, they could not see the panic of facing death and despair.

This kind of killing makes them feel bored

"Kill them."The leader among them spoke, and all the foreign creatures began to bend their bows and prepare arrows.


But at this moment, in the depths of this incomplete continent, there was an infinite light erupting, and a portal could be faintly seen penetrating the sky. Connected to a vast and vast world, all kinds of shadows are rushing out.

This group of foreign creatures were shocked by that scene, and their eyes could not hide the horror.

Some people reacted and couldn't help but murmur excitedly murmured,

"The Western Immortal Realm has long been destroyed and was trampled by the strongest of our clan, so what is this?"

"It is said that there is a mysterious road and a door hidden in the Western Immortal Realm. When the king of the Western Immortal Realm died, he used his supreme magical power to cover it... But all the time, strong men from all races have been looking for it."

"Did it appear today?"

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