It is a matter of life and death for the Shu Sect. Even the old Sword Immortal is of astonishing seniority. He cannot make rash comments at this time.

Many elders looked at each other, and their eyes flashed with thoughts and reluctance.

"What Uncle Master said is reasonable, but our Shu Sect did not need to cause such a disaster. The strength of Mr. Gu is much more terrifying than the invading group of extraterrestrial demons."

Finally, the current leader of the Shu Sect, the elegant man known as Yi Jianxian by the world, spoke with a slightly helpless expression. The entire Jianxuan world now knows about Gu Changge's strength, and he can be crushed to death with one palm The three land sword immortals

, let alone the Shu Sect, even the strongest of all the forces in the thirteen states combined would probably be difficult to compete with.

The reason for all this is because the old sword immortal issued the sword immortal order without authorization.

Originally, there could be peace between Gu Changge and Jianxuan World.

"So now everyone is blaming me?"

The old swordsman is not stupid either. He quickly figured out the plans of everyone in the palace and said with an angry look on his face.

He really didn't expect that at this juncture, Shu Zong didn't want to think about how to resist Gu Changge, but he was thinking about it. How to avoid this disaster, and still blaming him.

This made him very disappointed, how could these disciples and disciples lose their blood and only know how to accept the situation. When the world of Jianxuan suffered such a disaster, how could Gu Changge be anything else? A good person?

It's just that he pretends to be very good. Now not only the Snow Sword Immortal has been deceived by him, but even the elders of the Shu Sect are so afraid that they dare not challenge him.

"Uncle Master, we all understand what you want to say, but our Shu Sect really cannot afford such a huge loss. Now there is only ruins in the Star Sword Valley. As for the reason, I think you are very clear."

"Even though the young master named Gu has no good intentions, until his plans are revealed, we are still safe and can continue to delay time and find a solution."Yi Jianxian sighed softly.

He has made it very clear. If Shu Zong goes to war with Gu Changge, it will be like an egg hitting a stone.

There will be no other end except being wiped out.

Now Shu Zong still has The last hope is to wait until the will of heaven and earth recovers, and wait for a big reversal in this world.

This is the inspiration and method they got at the ancient altar.

"I understand, so you plan to catch me today and specifically apologize to the man named Gu to avoid this disaster? Right?"

Hearing this, a sneer suddenly appeared on the old swordsman

's face. The face that originally looked like an immortal was now full of sadness.

There was a solemn silence in the Shu Zong Hall. All the elders did not speak. The sound of swords echoing between heaven and earth

"Okay, okay, okay, that guy Lynn will avenge me."The old swordsman suddenly burst into laughter and slowly glanced at everyone, full of disdain.

"I believe that he is the last hope of our world, not the will of heaven and earth that you place your trust in."

Yi Jianxian's expression remained unchanged and he said,"Uncle Master, please don't embarrass us."

That day, a terrible event occurred in the Shu Sect, which shocked all the disciples.

The ancient bells on the peaks trembled endlessly. Sword energy flowed across the sky and the earth, rushing to the main peak.

An ancestor of the Shu Sect, that is, The old Sword Immortal issued the Sword Immortal Order without authorization, which caused great disaster to the Shu Sect and even the Thirteen Jianxuan Prefectures. He has been defeated now. When the news came out, the entire Jianxuan world was in shock. Jianya, Kongshan and other forces, They were even more shocked and shocked.

Countless monks and souls opened their eyes in disbelief, wondering if they had heard wrongly. The old swordsman of Shu Sect, who was the supreme figure in the minds of countless swordsmen, was in various cities. There are still many rumors circulating about his youth.

The cliffs, sword valleys, and stone monuments where he once practiced have attracted countless people to observe and understand his sword intention.

But until now, he has been forgotten by Shu. Zong gave up and became an abandoned son.

The incident caused a sensation in the world, and no monk or living being was not shocked.

Many young people who regarded the old swordsman as a god䄦┗.He shouted in disbelief, unable to believe it all.

There is no doubt that this is a helpless choice made by Shu Zong, and it is also a show of weakness and mercy to Gu Changge.

Many monks saw it. Faced with such a catastrophe, the Shu Sect immediately captured the culprit, Jian Xian.

Such an attitude is low enough. I just hope that Gu Changge's anger will not implicate Shu Zong.

Jianya, Kongshan and other forces also immediately distanced themselves from each other.

At this time, they finally figured out that Gu Changge and the group of extraterrestrial demons were not in the same group.

The first time they learned that Shu Zong had offended Gu Changge, the demons from outside the territory showed gloating rather than anger.

So the best choice is not to provoke Gu Changge, and don't offend the river, so that we can live in peace.


Lin En, who was rushing towards the Endless Valley, had a deep look in his eyes for a long time, filled with a strong murderous aura, but it soon disappeared and calmed down.

He understood that if he wanted to rescue the old swordsman, the only way was to kill Gu Changge or avenge the old swordsman.

But no matter which one it is, it is not what he can do now.

So he must find a way to get deep into the Infinite Valley!

"In order to avoid this disaster, Shu Zong actually captured the old sword fairy with his own hands?"

Ah Qing and Princess Xuandie were also shocked when they heard the news.

Because Gu Changge crushed three land sword immortals to death in Gusang City, the entire Jianxuan world fell into panic, and many forces were extremely uneasy.

However , Fortunately, they are very close to Gu Changge and have no such worries.

Now they are on their way to Shuzong to investigate with Gu Changge. Today they just heard the news from Shuzong.

"It would be wise for Shu Zong to do this. However, if he does this, I am afraid it will make other forces feel shameless."

Princess Xuandie frowned slightly and looked at the vast mountains in the distance, where you can see the whistling sword light and the stretching mountains. There are many things to see.

That is where the Shu Sect is located. Unlike other forces, the Shu Sect is located in a deep mountain. It is a dangerous place with cliffs, shrouded in smoke and clouds, and many pavilions and palaces located there, making it look majestic and majestic.

"The fault lies with Shu Zong, and the benefactor himself did nothing wrong."Ah Qing nodded and said.

After hearing these words, the eyes of Xue Sword Immortal Yue under the white mask on the side couldn't help but reveal complexity.

At that time, she had advised the old sword immortal not to act rashly, but the old sword immortal did not listen. What she said was that she used the Sword Immortal Order to try to capture Gu Changge.

So everything has cause and effect, one drink and one peck.

Judging from her friendship with the old Sword Immortal, she didn't want to see such a day appear. It's a pity. contrary to expectations



Soon, in the direction of the Shu Sect ahead, several divine rainbows came over, all of them were the elders of the Shu Sect. They had already heard about Gu Changge's arrival and did not dare to neglect. Their expressions were full of worry and fear.

Except for the elders of the Shu Sect, they did not dare to neglect. In addition, there are also Yi Jianxian and others, who are also among them.

"What the old swordsman did was not what I, the Shu Sect, wanted. Now he has been imprisoned, waiting for Mr. Gu's fate."

Yi Jianxian recognized Gu Changge standing in front at a glance, and his attitude was extremely respectful.

The expressions of many Shu sect disciples who followed also revealed fear, and their whole bodies were trembling uncontrollably. The immortal figure in front of him was a Taoist man. This man can crush the Land Sword Immortal to death with just a raise of his hand. Even the huge Shu Sect has no chance of contending in front of it.

Even if it is a god, it is difficult to describe its terror.

"You can rest assured, I am not killing innocent people indiscriminately."

"Since you are sensible, I naturally won't blame you too much."

Gu Changge nodded calmly.

For him, Shu Zong's attitude was not surprising, and it saved him a lot of effort.

He had also been delayed a lot of time in this Jianxuan world, and he just happened to pass This time, we can use the power of Shu Sect to find the origin of the world.

"I knew that my benefactor would not implicate Shu Zong."A Qing was not surprised at all.

Xue Jianxian and Princess Xuandie were secretly shocked. They did not expect that Gu Changge would reveal the matter so lightly.

After hearing this, many Shu people including Yi Jianxian The elder of the sect could not help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, the entire Shu sect was shocked. Many disciples did not expect that Gu Changge would come so quickly. They were extremely frightened and feared, thinking that a disaster was coming.

But soon they learned that Gu Changge He had no intention of angering them, so he breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Many disciples even felt that Gu Changge was really different from the group of extraterrestrial demons who invaded the Jianxuan world. At least he would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

The words he said are not unbelievable.

As for the old swordsman, his cultivation has been abolished long ago. He is currently imprisoned in the Shu Zong Heavenly Prison.

Without Gu Changge's consent, he may not be released in this life..

For such an ant that could be easily crushed to death, Gu Changge himself was too lazy to take care of it.

However, from the mouth of Xue Jianxian, he learned a lot of information. The son of luck he saw in the ancient mulberry city that day was exactly This disciple of the old sword immortal is no longer in the Shu Sect. He seems to have traveled far away, which surprised Gu Changge.

So after thinking about it, he ordered the master of the Shu Sect to save the life of the old sword immortal.

After all, for the son of luck, this is his master, and he can still play a role more or less. The

Shu sect did not know Gu Changge's intention. Seeing him give such an order, many elders were even more grateful, and it was hard to express. Thank you.

Soon another few days passed, and the entire Jianxuan world became more and more chaotic. The thirteen states were swept away by the flames of war.

Many Taoist forces in the upper world sent down even more armies, which can be called endless.

Now even the quasi-emperor It exists in the realm, and also carries the supreme secret treasure to avoid its own breath and reduce theCome here and massacre.

This made countless monks desperate and unable to sense the slightest light.

Jianya, Kongshan and other forces all put their last hope on the will of heaven and earth.

Deep in the Shu Sect, there is a magnificent palace, where Gu Changge has been temporarily staying for the past few days.

At this moment, he was standing with his hands behind his back, his pure white clothes not stained by dust. He raised his head and looked at the forbidden area of ​​Shu Sect surrounded by sword energy, his eyes were somewhat thoughtful.

Many of the female disciples who came to present the spiritual fruit and spirit wine were a little distracted. If it hadn't been for the incident in Gumulberry City, who would have imagined that the existence of the Land Sword Immortal who was casually crushed to death would be such a fairy-like young master..._

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