The next moment, the rich blood splashed and splashed in the air, looking extremely dazzling.

The girl looked at the scene in front of her blankly, a little unbelievable.

She didn't feel the slightest pain, because when the arrows were about to hit her, they were shot down by an invisible force and exploded into ashes in the air.

Several arrows shot from not far away, like lightning, piercing the forehead of the man in brocade who was riding on the ferocious beast.

There was even a cruel sneer on his face. Until the moment of death, he still didn't realize what was going on.

"Who saved me?"

The girl struggled to stand up from the swamp. She turned around and looked around, trying to find the direction where the arrow was coming from.

She couldn't believe it. Who would save her life at this moment?

"Zhao Kang is dead……"

"It’s over, his father is the elder of the Red Lian Sect, we are all over!"

The companions of the man in brocade clothes were also stunned in place at this moment, with a look of horror on their faces. They never expected that someone would suddenly take action and kill Zhao Kang.

"who is it? Who is attacking in secret?"

Then someone reacted and roared, their eyes filled with anger, trying to find the person who did it.

"it's me."

A dull man's voice came from the thin mist not far away, and Gu Changge appeared with Ah Da.

He seemed to have just finished shooting the arrow, and handed the bow and arrow in his hand to Ah Da behind him, and then he calmly Slowly walking towards this place"Zero 27".

The moment they saw Gu Changge, the faces of many young men and women here suddenly turned white. Many people even widened their eyes in disbelief and couldn't help but look at the original scene. The ground trembled, terrified to the extreme

"Changge... Young Master Changge……"

The person who roared just now had a trembling voice and was extremely frightened.

Even if he was given 10,000 more courages, he would not dare to scold Gu Changge casually.

"If you keep them as an eyesore, kill them all."

Gu Changge didn't pay attention to the expressions of everyone here, and said casually to Ada, still walking by himself.

"Yes, my lord."

Ada looked cold and ruthless. He was dressed in black and blue armor, like a burly unparalleled god of war. He was looking directly forward, trying to kill all the young men and women here. Seeing this scene, the faces of these people turned pale. , were almost scared to death, never expecting that Gu Changge was going to kill them.

Some people reacted and turned into a divine rainbow to escape.

But Ada's palm directly covered dozens of miles, and even collapsed The sky shrouded everyone in it.

With a pop, they all turned into blood mist, and before they even had time to scream, they were completely destroyed.

The powerful royal family who were responsible for guarding this hunting ground in the dark were far away. Seeing this scene, my eyelids twitched and I quickly looked away, pretending not to know.

"Now you can stand up."

The girl looked at all this in a daze. Before she could recover, a dull man's voice suddenly came to her ears.

She looked at the palm stretched out in front of her with some disbelief.

It was slender, white and clean. It seemed that there was no dust at all.

At this moment, this overly good-looking young man walked through the mud-covered swamp and walked up to her. His originally dust-free white clothes were stained with a lot of dirt. But he looked indifferent, which was completely different from the people she had met before.

And it was he who suddenly appeared just now, killed the group of young men and women, and saved her.

The girl also saw clearly that what happened just now The group of young men and women were extremely frightened and fearful of him.

The follower behind him was even more frightening, and even gave her the feeling of meeting a land swordsman.

But despite this, the girl remained silent and her eyes were very wary. , did not grab this hand and stand up, but frowned, endured the severe pain, grabbed the vine next to it, and stood up with difficulty.

She understood a truth, there will be no good things in the world for no reason.

She and the people in front of her This person had never met before, so why did he suddenly fall in love with her? This was an abnormal thing.

Seeing that the girl was very stubborn and calm, with extremely vigilant eyes, Gu Changge smiled softly and retracted his palm,"What a pair of Beautiful eyes."

The girl understood what he said. In fact, during the period of being detained, she learned this language, but she rarely spoke.

Gu Changge didn't have the slightest malice. The girl was silent for a moment, and then she kicked deeply and lightly. He walked from the swamp to the edge, and then asked in a hoarse voice,"Why are you saving me?". She was very calm and held the dagger tightly, still full of vigilance in her heart.

Real bad guys will not show their malice on their faces. This is a truth she has understood since she was a child.

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person, I just happened to see this scene and felt sorry for you."

"You have to know that there are not good people in this world, it’s just that you rarely meet them."Gu Changge smiled softly, and his words were casual.

The girl was silent for a moment, raised her dark eyes, looked at him and said,"Are you a good person?"

This is the first time she has seen someone say so frankly that he is a good person.

"No, I'm not a good person, I just show kindness occasionally."Gu Changge shook his head and still smiled.

The girl remained silent. The young man in front of her clearly made her feel very scary, but she didn't feel the slightest danger.

This is a strange and contradictory thing. a feeling of

"Your injuries are very serious. Even if you can escape, you will be eaten by some ferocious beast."

Gu Changge glanced at her casually.

The girl nodded, her eyes unchanged,"I know.

Then he seemed to feel that it was inappropriate to say this, and said,"Thank you for saving me just now.""

Gu Changge smiled, waved his hand and said,"You're welcome, it's just a little effort."

"I'm going to keep running for my life……"

The girl's face was covered with dirt and her expression could not be seen clearly."If I can survive, I will repay your kindness in the future."

After that, she planned to turn around and continue to escape deeper.

Although Gu Changge seemed very powerful and had a mysterious origin, it was even possible that he could easily let her survive.

But she didn't know how to ask. In this situation, she was still proud in her bones.

What's more, she understood that the man in white in front of her had no obligation to save her.

Perhaps it was just because of the effort that he took action just now.

But why should she let the other party continue to save her?

But when she tried to take a few steps, she accidentally touched the injury. Her face turned pale in pain and she almost fell to the ground again.

"I told you your injuries are serious……"Gu Changge seemed to sigh helplessly.

The girl frowned slightly and covered the wound. Blood seeped out of it again, mixed with a lot of dirt, making the ground in front of her black.

She really couldn't escape anymore. If she did, she would probably die from her injuries before the hunters behind her could catch up.

Thinking of this, the girl fell silent. She had not found her father yet and had not gone back to give her mother an explanation.

She can't just die here

"Can you help me?"She raised her eyes and looked at Gu Changge behind her, with questioning and a little vigilance in her eyes.

"May I have your name?"Gu Changge did not answer her directly, but smiled casually.

"Ah Qing, Chen Ah Qing."The girl replied

"Ah Qing? That's a good name."Gu Changge admired slightly, and then said,

"I can save you and keep you alive, but I want to know about your world."

The girl A Qing was stunned, and her eyes suddenly became wary. Gu Changge was different from the others. He actually saw through her origins..........

"Don't look at me like that. It's hard to see what's going on in this kind of thing. Living in different worlds will always be contaminated with the breath of the original world. The breath on your body is always different from ours."Gu Changge said with a smile.

"And you have to know that there are always good people in this world. Why don’t you try to believe me?"

"You are a good person."Aqing was silent for a moment again. She didn't know what to say, so she could only say this sentence.

It seemed that only this sentence could make her feel relieved.

"In fact, I have always felt this way."Gu Changge smiled.

Because of Gu Changge's protection, the girl A Qing also felt a little relieved. Her nerves and body, which had been tense, suddenly relaxed.

However, this relaxation almost made her She fainted because of the pain, and both old and new injuries broke out.

Fortunately, she had practiced swords since she was a child, and her willpower was extremely amazing, and she could endure the pain.

In addition, she still had a lot of feelings in her heart. Worried.

She knew nothing about Gu Changge, including his name, identity, origin, etc. Although his follower was very powerful.

But after experiencing the fight against the extraterrestrial demon, she discovered that in this world , it seems that strong men of that level are not uncommon.

Before, Gu Changge killed the group of people lightly, how will the subsequent troubles be solved?

She was very clear-headed and calm in her heart, and understood that the young men and women participating in this hunting game , are all from well-known families in this world, with strong backgrounds and must not be provoked.

Although Gu Changge always looked casual and relaxed, and did not take those things to heart, she was still very worried..

But she couldn't take the initiative to ask Gu Changge about these things.

In the following days, the girl A Qing didn't find anyone chasing her, and there was no roar of ferocious beasts around her.

Because she swallowed After a pill given by Gu Changge, many old wounds were miraculously healed, and its effect could be called an elixir.

In the world she lived in before, if such a pill appeared, it would definitely cause It was snatched by all parties.

Its value is simply unimaginable, and it can even be treated as another life.

However, among Gu Changsinger, it is used for her healing, which seems extremely common.

In fact, as long as she is given a little time, this injury can be cured. If he can be cured, there is no need to waste such an expensive 4.5 pill.

Many details made Ah Qing can't help but guess Gu Changge's identity.

Who is he?

She didn't see Gu Changge on the way. Ge Wan bowed and shot the other prisoners with arrows, but even if he saw them, he didn't pay much attention and left them to fend for themselves.

A few days passed quickly, and this little hunting game was finally over. Ah Qing silently followed Gu Changge. Afterwards, they returned to the place where they were imprisoned in the prison car, or to be precise, in the pavilion there.

There, the second prince Yu Lie, Yu Ming, Jueyin Prince Jia Luo and many other young supremes were already waiting.

They came back early , were surprised to learn that Gu Changge also entered the dense forest after they left, so they quietly waited here for Gu Changge's return.

For them, this small hunting game was just a way to kill boring time. That's all, it's actually not of much use.

But if we can deepen the relationship with Gu Changge through this kind of thing, it would be great.

"Young Master Changge, what is this?"

Yu Lie, Yu Feiya and others looked at A Qing who was following behind Gu Changge. They were all surprised and asked in confusion. He was wearing coarse linen clothes, which were still tattered in some places. His hair was unkempt and his face was full of dirt. , the long hair has been knotted, and only the outline of the facial features can be vaguely seen, and she can be identified as a girl. She looks like a prisoner.

How could such a person follow Gu Changge?...__

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