
The endless sound of rushing and killing sounded, and at the end of the distant horizon, a dense black shadow swept in, like an all-powerful torrent. The sun, moon, heaven and earth seemed to be overturned. In this kind of atmosphere, the atmosphere was chaotic and darkness shrouded down. , like a pair of giant hands covering the universe, pushing from far away latitudes, bringing the deepest despair to all beings in the world

"Countless years later, I smell the decay of the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms again. What a despairing day it is."

"This day of destruction will be kicked off by us."

On a golden avenue that seemed to extend from the depths of the universe, stood a figure that was extremely blurry, but with eyes like a blood moon.

He was whispering, as if he was sighing.

But it was more of a A kind of contempt, indifference, and many terrifying visions appeared behind him.

There is no doubt that this is an enlightened person, whose cultivation is profound and difficult to estimate, coming from the immortal religion in the upper world.

Next to him, there is also a figure that is still standing There are many existences with terrifying auras, all of which are real bodies that have come here, not the previous Dharmakaya.

Behind this group of figures, there are still several ancient beings with more terrifying auras standing, all of them are indifferent, their eyes are cold, and they are... The vicissitudes of eternity are nothing but the meaning of a command room

"I wonder what Tianlu Xuannv thinks of this battle?"

A very ancient existence, hidden in thousands of red clouds.

At this time, he suddenly spoke and looked at the Tianlu Xuannv who stood silently at the back, like a white jade carving. There is something strange in his eyes.

He comes from the ancient royal family, and he once even dealt with Tianlu Xuannv. One of the most powerful people in their family was killed by her.

It can be said that there are some differences between the two. The hatred that is hard to eliminate.

But now, Tianlu Xuannv is obviously very close to Gu Changge, and he does not dare to insult her casually.

But there is playfulness and ridicule in his words. He wants to know, as a former Tianlu City How would the guardian Tianlu Xuannv feel when she witnessed the destruction of Tianlu City?

At this moment, the eyes of the other strongest people also flashed slightly and looked over.

Tianlu Xuannv would return to the upper world, which was actually beyond their expectations. People's expectations, especially as Gu Changge's concubine.

This made them feel incredible. After thinking about it carefully, they felt that there should be some kind of agreement between Tianlu Xuannv and Gu Changge.

"The power of the upper realm is strong, and the Eight Wastelands and Ten Realms are invincible, and they will fall sooner or later."

Tianlu Xuan Goddess looked at the most powerful person from the ancient royal family calmly, and her voice was calm.

"Oh, it seems that Tianlu Xuannv has known this for a long time, so she surrendered to our world early, which is quite smart."

Hearing this, the most powerful man smiled, as if he was a little enlightened, but he could not hide the meaning of ridicule.

These words were clearly mocking Tianlu Xuannv for being greedy for life and fearing death. After knowing that the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms would fall, Only then did he choose to surrender to the upper realm.

There were all ancestors of various races present, and their seniority was very scary. Naturally, they could hear the meaning of his words.

However, none of them spoke.

After all, Tianlu Xuannv came from the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms, and was not from the same realm as them, so there was inevitably a gap.

Tianlu Xuannv frowned, she did not want to cause unnecessary trouble.

But the most powerful person in front of her was very It was obvious that she was brooding about what happened back then, and her words were full of unabashed malice and ridicule.

However, when Tianlu Xuannv was about to speak, Gu Changge beside her suddenly waved her hand to tell her not to in this way

"Senior, you seem to have made a mistake. Xuannv did not surrender to the upper world, but followed me."

Gu Changge glanced at the enlightened man, with a slight smile on his face, and said,"So, Xuan Nu is mine. If seniors are not clear about it, I can help you remember it a little longer."

His words were understated and without any fireworks.

However, the expressions of many enlightened people here changed slightly, their hearts skipped a beat, and they felt an unspeakable strength.

Gu Changge was still protecting his shortcomings as always.

What he said just now The most powerful man, his face was a little uncertain, a little unwilling, and finally fell silent without saying anything else.

On the eve of the battle, he did not want to offend Gu Changge.

And Gu Changge's words had already made it very clear, Tianlu Xuannv is his, and if he dares to take advantage of Tianlu Xuannv, he will obviously be offended to death. During this time of the war between the two worlds, it is said that the ancestor of the Gu family who destroyed the Zi Mansion also came, It’s just that he has never revealed his true body.

This made him very afraid.

The great elder of Zi Mansion was one of the best among the enlightened people at the beginning.

Some people even felt that if heaven and earth allowed it, the great elder of Zi Mansion might have He has achieved the fairyland.

However, as powerful and terrifying as the great elder of the Zi Mansion, he was slapped to death by the ancestor of the Gu family.

As an enlightened person, he naturally attaches great importance to this kind of thing and does not dare to joke with his own life.

Tianlu Xuannv She looked at Gu Changge in a daze.

She didn't expect that Gu Changge would stand up for her at this moment, which made her feel a strange emotion. It seemed that he was not really cold and unfeeling? Or did this incident arouse his feelings? Unhappy?

This enlightened person from the Taikoo royal family seems to be provoking Gu Changge in disguise.

"Remember your current status, you are a member of my Gu family. If you can bully any cat or dog, wouldn't it be disrespectful of my Gu family?"

Gu Changge gently held her hand, and his voice was very calm.

Tianlu Xuannv's eyes moved slightly and nodded, although she knew that Gu Changge's words were more for the enlightened people present.

But there are still ripples in her heart.

To the outside world, her identity is Gu Changge's concubine, and she is indeed a member of the Gu family.

Although Gu Changge doesn't care about her identity, it still matters. A matter of face for the Gu family.


In front, the rolling fog was torn apart, and a mighty pressure appeared above the sky and the earth.

The army of the upper realm broke through the abyss of the sky and descended from the sky. It was vast, endless, and infinite. The mist is even more terrifying and shocking.

If you look from high in the sky, you will find that there are ancient warships and armies within tens of millions of miles.

There are ancient gods carrying stars on their backs, and war giants as big as continents. Beasts, and even the Behemoth Protoss, these are all races born for war. They are naturally warlike and their power is unimaginable.

Just stamping one's feet makes the sky tremble and a terrifying rift valley breaks out. There is a thick The chaotic energy rushed out and flooded the world.

The endless fog descended outside Tianlu City. This army was very solemn and cold. Everyone was on the ancient warship, looking there in the distance. It could be invaded from a million distance away. In front of Tianlu City, the city wall there is as tall as the backbone of heaven and earth, standing at the end of the horizon, blocking everything behind it. The stars are rotating, reflecting the vast fluctuations there.

On the blue-gray wall, countless runes flicker , finally glowed, and rushed out together, turning into energy like a vast sea, surging and boiling at the end of the world.

Like the upper world, after learning that the Boundary Monument Sea had dried up, all ethnic groups in the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms gathered together. All the clan members rushed to Tianlu City.


Unimaginable divine lights emerged from the depths of Tianlu City, penetrating the sky and making the entire universe tremble.

A strong man with extremely terrifying aura appeared. , the true body appears in the sky, shrouded in chaotic energy or colorful clouds, and it is difficult to see the face clearly, but it is very old.

Among them are the ancestors of various races, and there are also some domain lords from large areas, including the eight great wildernesses. Lord.

In normal times, many people thought that they had fallen, but today, they suddenly appeared in the world, causing huge waves.

On the city wall, there are still many monks standing, wearing precious armor, Holding a heavy treasure, the one with the weakest cultivation level is also at the level of the Great Saint.

In this battle, the younger generation does not even have a chance to take action, because once the war breaks out, the strongest men on both sides will inevitably fight.

The rest are involved, They will all be crushed into ashes, not even the bones will be left.

"Tianlu Xuannv is over there in the upper world. Maybe the destruction of the Nine Mountains this time has a lot to do with her."

"This traitor! We thought she was the patron saint of Tianlu City, but at this most critical moment, she actually abandoned us and surrendered to the upper realm."

Many old people looked gloomy and cursed angrily. Their cheekbones were glowing, and powerful fluctuations spread out. This was a sign of extremely powerful mental power. The four war god clans of the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms, and today's most powerful ones are also Appearing here, everyone has gone very far in this realm.

Behind them, many followers followed solemnly and silently, all of them are strong men in their tribe.

Ancient flags stained with blood, Swinging between the sky and the earth, there is an endless brilliance that can illuminate distant places.

This is the ancestral flag passed down from generation to generation by the four war gods. It was once stained with the blood of immortals. At this moment, all the clan members are kneeling on the ancestral flag. , pray sincerely.

A large number of runes appeared on the ancestral flag, and finally turned into terrifying shapes such as Xuanwu, true dragon, red bird, white tiger, etc., swallowing the sky and blocking out the sun, as if they were going to travel through space and reappear between heaven and earth.

Countless The monks and creatures waited solemnly, waiting for the army from the upper world to come and kill them.

"Master, she must have her own reasons. How could she give up on Tianlu City and us?"

The contemporary Tianlu Xuannv, also known as Song Chan, is among countless people at this moment, looking a little sad and disbelieving.

Until now, she still doesn't believe that Tianlu Xuannv betrayed Tianlu City.

"Tianlu Xuannv is not such a person. She should have other plans. Perhaps she wants to sacrifice herself to reduce the sacrifices of Tianlu City or the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories?"

"We have no chance of winning this battle."Next to her, Lin Wu said comfortingly.

The matter of Tianlu Xuannv returning to the upper world, for himI was shocked at first.

But then I thought about it, maybe Tianlu Xuannv had the same idea as him. When facing this hopeless battle, the only thing he could do was to minimize casualties.

"Do you think Master has her own reasons?"Song Chan murmured, staring at the distant sky, where the sky was getting dark quickly.

It can be seen that the army of the upper world is coming to kill, but it has not really arrived here yet.

"Yes, I think Tianlu Xuannv was definitely not willing to do this. In the end, she had no choice but to compromise. You must know that Tianlu City cannot stop the upper world for how long."

"At that time, if the city is broken, we will all be killed by the upper world. Do you think Tianlu Xuannv can bear to see such a situation with her own eyes?"

Lin Wu sighed and said that he had already mentioned this matter to the family behind him.

Unfortunately, as a dragon-blooded war god clan, many clan elders are very disdainful of this, and they are proud and disdain to return to the upper world.

If it weren't for At a time when the two worlds are at war, he may still be imprisoned.

"I knew Master had her own reasons."

"She did it all for us."

Song Chan pursed her lips, as if she had thought of something, and looked towards the distant place.

She didn't know if this was right, but as long as she could help the master, she didn't care.

"The army from the upper world has arrived, and we don't have any chance."

The rest of the young geniuses behind Lin Wu are also saying at this moment, feeling a kind of trembling and despair.

However, the location where they are standing is far away from the city wall.

But they also feel the vast fluctuations coming from the distant place. The other side of the world swept in, the world shook, and all the runes seemed to collapse. The expressions of all the young people were the same as Lin Wu and others, with solemnity.

The upper world finally came to kill.

At this moment , many of the Eight Wastelands and Ten Territories rushed out, looking solemnly at the distant land on the city wall. On

Tianlu City, countless runes lit up, containing the meaning of the great road.

Finally, they gathered on the sky and turned into In the protective array, the fairy light is shining brightly, and there is vast energy surging. Even the stars are as fragile as dust under this energy and will break at any time.

This is the most powerful protective array in the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms for countless years. Once the method is opened, it can withstand attacks from those who have attained enlightenment.

Now the Immortal Realm is not visible, so even the remnant immortals will find it difficult to break through it.

"We will burn the ancestral texts, ignite the ancient decrees, and repel the upper realm."

Some powerful man roared and saw a black army in a distant place, coming from the universe like a torrent.

Soon, from the depths of Tianlu City, there was a huge sound of chanting, and there were ancient chants one after another. The mysterious words were ignited and transformed into vast and unpredictable power, trying to repel the army in the distance.

"Is this the ancestral text of the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms? It's a pity that it's just incomplete. The people who abandoned the tribe at the beginning are still proud of it now."

"It's just ridiculous."

In the thick black fog, there was a figure like a magic mountain standing. The one who spoke was an enlightened person. He obviously had a deep research on the origin of the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms. The others were very indifferent and did not speak. Just looking at those burning ancestral texts indifferently

"The origin of the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms?"

Tianlu Xuannv has some unconcealed doubts about this.

In her consistent understanding, the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms were once part of the upper world, but at some point, they finally split away.

In the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms, According to the records, the upper realm has always played an invading role, and the Eight Desolates and Ten Realms have been resisting from the beginning to the end.

As for the reason? It is that the Upper Realm is trying to occupy the Eight Desolates and Ten Realms, and values ​​the cultivation resources of the Eight Desolates and Ten Realms. and territory.

But now in her opinion, the upper realm is much wider than the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms, and there are countless resources in the billions of lower realms alone.

This reason is obviously untenable.

Gu Changge's gaze He looked slightly different, shook his head casually and said,

"It seems that you don't know that before a certain era buried in ancient history, the land of Eight Desolations and Ten Realms was always called the Desolate Realm, surrounded by a sea of ​​void stars, making it very remote. There is even a theory that it is specifically for the exile of those people from all the major ethnic groups in our world who have committed serious crimes but not committed them to death.……"

"Over time, some members of the sinful clan thrived and spread in it, and gradually spread their branches and leaves. Until the upper world fell apart, and a certain supreme being born in the wilderness took the opportunity to steal part of our luck and use it to feed back the wilderness."

"For this reason, no fairyland has been born in the upper world for countless years."

"Of course, these are just rumors recorded in our world. I don’t know whether they are true or false."

As he said this, he couldn't help laughing. Whether it was the Upper Realm or the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms, they all had their own reasons and positions.

But history is ultimately written by the winner, and will always be beautified. Just like the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms, until now, many monks and creatures still don’t know why the upper world repeatedly invades

"So...this is the reason?"

"Only when the two realms merge into one can the immortal gate be born and the path to immortality emerge in the upper realm?"

Tianlu Xuannu felt a little heavy, and she suddenly realized that this matter was not about right or wrong, but about differences in stance.

If the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms were related to a certain realm, it would be difficult for all the monks to be promoted to a higher realm.

I'm afraid. The behavior of the Eight Desolates and Ten Realms will be the same as that of the Upper Realm.




At this time, in front of Tianlu City, several enlightened persons from the Upper Realm took the lead to take action, from the ancient ethnic group.

"After countless years, I wonder if the Tianlu City Formation can stop us again?"

They used extremely terrifying magical powers and pressed forward. The world suddenly became dark, and then endless bloody hurricanes swept in. It was terrifying and contained unimaginable energy, rising and falling like an ocean.

In this bloody hurricane, all kinds of creatures appeared. Their figures were so huge that they could not be seen. They were covered in blood and roared in a way that shook the earth.

There were Taotie, Qiongqi, Bifang, Shenjian, and even real dragons and immortals. Phoenix, Suzaku, Qilin...

This kind of sight is enough to make the supreme being tremble with fear and make the enlightened person change his expression.

All the ancient evils seem to have been resurrected, raising their heads and roaring in the blood-red hurricane, creating a terrifying momentum all over the world.

The boundary of the universe here seemed to have exploded. The sky and the earth were turned upside down, and all the sun, moon and stars were turned into powder.

Star skeletons were scattered and the stars and rivers were dried up.

All the creatures and monks in Tianlu City had pale faces and were frightened. Frightened, worried that the barrier outside Tianlu City would not be able to stop this power.

"Don't worry, the great formation in our world can block the power of the true immortal, and a few enlightened people cannot break it."

The faces of the enlightened people from several major ethnic groups were solemn, stabilizing their military morale, and their voices spread out, containing a soothing power.


And the next moment, a bloody hurricane fell, and countless ferocious beasts roared. They came to submerge this place.

This was a scene caused by the wrath of the earth and the earthquake. They all rushed to the big formation on Tianlu City in front.

But above the formation barrier, there was a vast light emerging, which was a Ancient and mysterious runes build a kind of supreme power there.

All of a sudden, countless torrent runes erupted, converging into beams of light, blasting forward, trying to destroy the phantoms of these ancient evils. Obliterate it.

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