After hearing this, Queen Xiyao came back to her senses, and her eyes fell to look at the man in blue.

She frowned lightly, then relaxed her eyebrows, and said,"This person's name is Jun Fan, he is the third son of the Pingluan King, and now he is also an extremely dazzling genius in our demon world."

"However, in the past few years, it has been hidden by the King of Peace and Rebellion, and it was only recently that it began to emerge."

As the queen of the demon world, her eyes are spread all over the place, so she naturally knows many young talents clearly. Talents such as Song Youwei and Jun Fan have actually fallen into her sight a long time ago.

When she founded Black and White The purpose of the school is also to recruit the geniuses from all over the demon world, and finally use it for her.

If there are no accidents, Jun Fan will definitely be in the top three at today's genius banquet.

Thinking of this, she feels a little good, and she has rarely seen such outstanding talents. He is a genius, and he will definitely become famous in the demon world in the future.

Hearing this, Gu Changge said with some interest,"The name of the third son of the Pingluan King is a bit special, Jun Fan"

"What's the relationship with Jun Bufan?"

After hearing this, Qingzhu, who was standing behind Queen Xiyao with her head bowed, turned slightly pale, but fortunately, no one could see her with her head lowered.

Queen Xiyao glanced at Jun Fan at the bottom of the mountain and nodded. He said,"When I first learned about all this, I was a little surprised."

"However, I single-handedly promoted King Ping Chaos, and I also knew the origins of several of his children, so I didn’t pay too much attention to this matter."

The Pingluan King is a person she knows very well.

So she has no doubts about this very similar name of his heir.

Moreover, Jun Fan's talent in cultivation is really dazzling, which makes her cherish his talents.

She thought that Gu Changge was suspecting something, so he explained this more.

Gu Changge smiled and continued,"Now it seems that this man named Jun Fan is somewhat extraordinary. I think his strength is better than The rest of my peers are all much stronger."

"Jun Fan and Youwei surprised me a little."

Queen Xiyao also smiled and looked at another equally dazzling genius, Song Youwei.

Her climbing speed was not much slower than Jun Fan.

And she didn't seem to use all her strength, and she looked calm and leisurely. Her skirt was fluttering, giving her a sense of scholarly family status. She never fought, falling slightly behind Jun Fan.

Many of the geniuses who had taken action against her had already rolled down, and they were shocked.

Song Youwei's strength should not be underestimated.

"I think it's not just a surprise……"

Gu Changge's eyes were still interested and pointed.

Everyone near the Holy Mountain looked at this scene with admiration in their hearts.

Especially Jun Fan's father, the King of Ping Chaos, couldn't hide the joy on his face.

He had no idea that Jun Fan would be able to conquer his peers and reach one hundred and eight steps. Many of the geniuses in the demon world were suppressed by him and were no match for him.

This made him look very proud. Listening to the compliments and envy of many colleagues around him, his smile never stopped.

"Fan'er really didn't disappoint his father!"

He sighed in his heart. Jun Fan's eldest brother and second sister behind him also had smiles on their faces and were proud of them.

"Sister Lian'er, the young man you said is the person we are looking for."

Bai Hua and Bai Lian'er, who were hidden in the crowd, were also staring at the many scenes on the holy mountain at this moment.

The person who spoke was Bai Hua, and his face was full of shock.

Bai Lian'er looked cold. , said,"It's unmistakable, that person is definitely him. Apart from him, no one among the younger generation in the demon world is so powerful."

Listening to the affirmation in Bai Lian'er's words, Bai Lian'er's expression also changed several times.

"Then why is he going to the top of the Holy Mountain at this time? Queen Xiyao is not the person he hates the most, why is it still like this?"

"Isn't he afraid that Queen Xiyao will discover his identity?"

He said in disbelief, unable to understand Jun Fan's actions.

Bai Lian'er said lightly,"It's just that he wants to prove himself. Even if he comes back from the dead, he is still good.……"

"From love to hatred, now his heart is absolutely full of hatred and anger, and he will go to Xiyao for revenge."

However, there was a hint of sneer and disdain in the words.

She had grown up with Jun Bufan, so she naturally knew his character.

Bai Hua listened thoughtfully and asked,"Sister Lian'er, what should we do according to the rules? Do you want to give the things to him as the master said?"

When Bai Lian'er heard this, there was some hesitation on her face.

Naturally, she also saw Gu Changge, who was talking and laughing with Queen Xiyao on the top of the Holy Mountain. This man was completely invisible to her.

As for why Gu Changge Will appear in the demon world.

She guessed that it was for her, or for the tips in her hand.

After all, her father fell into Gu Changge's trap, and as long as Gu Changge had some tricks, he could easily get it from his mouth. , tortured something out.

Otherwise, how could the timing be so coincidental?

As soon as she came to the demon world, Gu Changge followed her?

So now she actually has two choices. One is to follow her father's request and give the kit to Jun Bufan.

The second is to find Gu Changge and make a deal with him, asking him to let his father go, and she will give him the tip bag.

So now she is struggling in her heart, how to choose.

Gu Is Changge worth trusting?

If Gu Changge can be trusted, she will choose to hand over the tips to him in exchange for her father's life.

Jun Bufan is just a stranger to her now.

Once upon a time The two almost grew up together. Although they are not biological brothers and sisters, their relationship is not inferior to that of biological brothers and sisters.

But all this changed after meeting Xiyao.

She had great hopes for Jun Bufan and wanted him She became a demon emperor like Xuanyang Demon Emperor, dominating all directions.

As a result, many of Jun Bufan's actions deeply hurt her. Even though she warned Jun Bufan many times, saying that Xiyao's mind was impure, it was not what she saw on the surface. She was so innocent and kind, but Jun Bufan never listened to advice, loved without regret, and died as expected in the end.

During this period, Jun Bufan even maliciously slandered her many times because of Xiyao's affairs.

There were too many of these.

In the end She who cared about Jun Bufan the most ended up becoming the person he hated the most.

Thinking of this, Bai Lian'er couldn't help but laugh at the corner of her mouth. She was indeed so stupid back then, so much so that now she wishes she could cross the river of time and transfer her former self to him. Strangling to death with her own hands.

If it weren't for the fact that this matter was her father's last commission, how could she have agreed to it.

And just when everyone was in different moods, on the top of the holy mountain, Jun Fan's body was glowing, and many talismans were circulating. , the last step fell.

On the one hundred and eight steps, there was a buzzing and trembling sound.

Finally, a bright brilliance was reflected there, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, various colors intertwined, and the clouds flowed, extremely dazzling and eye-catching, To show his first place.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in all directions, making a sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

All the demon people looked at the man in blue walking towards the top of the holy mountain, with wonder, reverence and envy in their eyes. Wait for the mood to come

"It's him!"

"The third son of the Pingluan King, this speed has probably broken the record that has been set for thousands of years, right?"

"It’s too scary! Is he that strong? He is completely crushing everyone behind him!"

"Even Song Youwei, the only daughter of the Taifu, fell behind him, which is incredible.……"

Everyone watched in shock, never expecting that someone would break the six thousand year old record at the Tianjiao Banquet.

What I saw today will probably cause quite a shock in the demon world!

"It actually broke the record……"

Queen Xiyao's face also showed a rare smile in front of outsiders, and she looked at Jun Fan who was walking towards her.

This talent was indeed rare, and it really surprised her.

Gu Changge's face did not change at all, but he was very interested. The higher Jun Fan stood now, the harder he would fall when he fell.

Jun Fan maintained a neither humble nor arrogant expression on his face, and quickly landed on the top of the Holy Mountain.

Looking at Queen Xiyao and Gu Changge sitting together in front, he felt a little gloomy in his heart.

Just now under the mountain top, he had actually been paying attention to the movements above and knew that Gu Changge and Queen Xiyao were having a pleasant conversation.

Although the behavior was never intimate or transgressive.

But it made him very uncomfortable after all, so he showed his true cultivation level and broke the record of Tianjiao Banquet in one fell swoop.

Nowadays, the limelight is unprecedented.

However, Jun Fan still maintained a somewhat humble expression and walked over.

"Jun Bufan, right?"

However, the next moment, Gu Changge's smiling voice came, which shocked Jun Fan's heart.

His mind buzzed even more, as if he was struck by a yellow bell, booming, and went blank.

His expression changed slightly, and for the first time, His first reaction was to be on guard, planning to crush the jade talisman in his sleeve and let his subordinates who were ambushing everywhere do it.

He couldn't believe it.

How did Gu Changge know his identity?

Could it be Qingzhu's betrayal ? To him? Tell all this truthfully?

"Oh, no, your name is Jun Fan. I confused the two names."

However, just as various thoughts flashed through Jun Fan's mind, he was shaking abnormally, and he was about to take action.

Gu Changge's voice came from the front again, with a sense of suddenness and a slight apology.

After hearing this, Jun Fan first He was stunned for a moment, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he was also a little confused. He didn't expect that he was too cautious and nervous, so he had such a big reaction because of Gu Changge's words.

Jun Fan didn't know that he had just Will there be any abnormality in his performance?

He would not be like this on weekdays.

The most important thing is that Gu Changge's question was too unexpected for him to react, especially in front of Queen Xiyao.

"Jun Fan has met Young Master Changge, and met Her Majesty the Queen."

Soon, Jun Fan regained his composure, greeted the two of them, and his behavior returned to his natural state.

Gu Changge looked at him with an incomprehensible expression, then smiled and said,"No need to be polite. Seeing such a genius today opened Gu's eyes, and I feel that this trip is worthwhile."

Jun Fan heard this and showed that he was neither humble nor arrogant. With a look on her face, she said,"Young Master Changge, you are ridiculous. In front of you, how can Jun Fan be called a genius?"

Queen Xiyao glanced at Gu Changge, and she didn't know why Gu Changge called you Jun just now. Everything is extraordinary for you.

Could it be a bad joke?

However, she also saw Jun Fan's slight change and sudden nervous expression just now, and she felt a little funny in her heart.

In her opinion, Jun Fan's reaction was actually normal.

After all, anyone who knows Jun Bufan knows what his name represents.

Suddenly hearing Gu Changge shouting like this, Jun Fan's first reaction must have been fear and uneasiness. She thought it was nothing to show such an emotion.

The main reason is that she knows Jun Fan very well

"Young Master Changge, don’t scare him."

Queen Xiyao smiled and glanced at Changge. It was rare to show a smile in front of outsiders. Then she waved to the female officer beside her and offered a seat to Jun Fan.

Jun Fan's eyelids twitched and he thanked him respectfully. Then he sat down and looked at Looking at his nose and heart, his heart gradually calmed down.

The expression that Xiyao had given Gu Changge just now completely fell into his eyes.

He couldn't believe it.

As the queen of the demon world, how could Xiyao show such a look to a man? Looks so intimate?

Thinking like this, Jun Fan felt even more uneasy.

However, he was still thinking about Gu Changge's intention just now. Was it really confusing, was it a bad idea, or something else?

Then, he secretly took a closer look. Zhu glanced at him.

Seeing Qingzhu shaking his head slightly at him without any other meaning, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Queen Xiyao hadn't noticed anything unusual yet.

And soon, listening to the conversation between Queen Xiyao and Gu Changge The content of the conversation.

Jun Fan's face looked a little ugly, but he was still suppressed by him and did not show any abnormality.

To him, some of the conversation between the two people sounded like they were very familiar to each other. She only said this in time.

Especially Queen Xiyao, who is usually cool and dignified, stern and avoids strangers, but now she is chatting and laughing happily with Gu Changge.

Jun Fan took a deep breath and quickly calmed down..

A small impatience will mess up a big plan.

And soon, several more figures appeared on the white jade stairs, all of which were other young geniuses with advanced cultivation and powerful talents, including Song Youwei.

Jun Fan broke the six thousand years of genius banquet. Record, this shocked their hearts, and at the same time they were envious and resentful.

However, in front of Queen Xiyao, they did not dare to say anything. After paying tribute, they began to sit down and waited for a while for Her Majesty the Queen to personally give the royal wine, and There are many palace-specific spiritual foods and so on.

These things all contain unimaginable energy and Taoist charm.

In addition to the royal wine, the spiritual foods set up at the Tianjiao Banquet are also sacred objects that they cannot come into contact with at ordinary times. Their value is Liancheng can help them make another breakthrough.

However, there are only 108 seats for the Tianjiao Banquet, which means that among the tens of thousands of Tianjiao, only the first 108 people are eligible to sit down, which shows the fierce competition.

"The strength Brother Jun Fan showed today really surprised Youwei."

After sitting down, Song Youwei looked at Jun Fan who was not far away from her, showing surprise and said with a smile.

Jun Fan replied with a smile,"After all, this is an opportunity to show off my strength in front of Her Majesty the Queen. It is so rare, so naturally I Keep a firm grasp."

His words were recognized by many geniuses. At this moment, they all looked at Queen Xiyao, who was in the first place. Many young men had a look of obsession in their eyes.

Although Queen Xiyao's face was covered by a layer of chaotic mist, she could not see clearly..

But judging from this simple voice and appearance, it is already so beautiful that it makes people enchanted and willing to fall into it.

Song Youwei didn't ask much about Jun Fan's answer.

But she felt that the Jun Fan she saw today was different from before. What she saw was slightly different.

In the past, Jun Fan would not be so flamboyant and would act carefully.

However, she did not think too much about it. After all, this was a chance to become famous in the world at the Tianjiao Banquet. As a young man, he will naturally hold on tightly.

Soon, all one hundred and eight seats on the top of the Holy Mountain were filled with people.

Everyone looked at Queen Xiyao, who was in the first place, with respectful expressions.

"The banquet is full and the banquet is served."

Queen Xiyao stood up, her eyes swept across all sides, and finally landed on the faces of Jun Fan, Song Youwei and others, and then said lightly. Before the remaining geniuses had time to catch up, they heard a female official above announcing the end, and their faces were filled with despair. Withdrew with regret.

All the people of the demon world in the nearby mountains, and even many big shots, were waiting eagerly and looking at this scene with great envy.

Although they only watched the ceremony of every genius banquet, they could also feel the meaning contained in it. The many creations of the world.




With three huge bells ringing, the sound spread to all directions, and the Tianjiao Banquet officially began.

During the banquet, a series of sparkling and flowing souls The food was brought to the table by many maids.

The fragrance was fragrant and contained unimaginable divinity, making people's pores seem to stretch out. The spiritual food was first cooked with the meat of various ferocious beasts with powerful qi and blood, and then supplemented with With many spiritual herbs, the effectiveness is astonishing.

Many geniuses took the first bite, and their bones and blood spurted out from their pores, turning into a small piece of continuous red mist. The power of Qi and blood surged like a river, and then hurriedly stayed in place Meditating and refining, not daring to waste anything.

Jun Fan paid attention to Queen Xiyao's actions calmly.

Seeing that she first asked the female officer next to her to test the poison before eating it, he was so cautious and cautious, but it did not surprise him..

But these are all trivial matters, and the main event is later.

"The Tianjiao Banquet is divided into three banquets, first the meat banquet, the fruit banquet, and finally the wine banquet.……"

At the head of the table, Queen Xiyao smiled slightly and explained to Gu Changge.

Gu Changge nodded and praised aloud,"These meats are not simple. They contain unimaginable energy and creation. If you want to refine them on weekdays, it is quite difficult, but after cooking, they are mild." A lot."

He took a few bites and was not worried that there would be poison in the meat.

He can refine and devour even the source of Jueyin at will, let alone the many poisons in the world.

In the field, the first meat feast began, and many young geniuses began to supportUnable to hold back, they began to sit cross-legged on the spot and chose to refine. The subsequent fruit banquet and wine banquet were no longer possible for them.

After all, it’s not anyone else’s fault. It’s difficult for them to absorb so much good fortune.

Soon, the second fruit banquet began, and what was served were all crystal clear spiritual fruits that contained many Taoist charms.

They have different shapes, with rays of light gushing out, and some surfaces are even shimmering with divine light, with strange lines and vaguely enlightening effects.

The moment they saw this result, many talented people's eyes were straightened, their hearts were shaken, and they could not calm down.

All the big shots watching from a distance were also envious and wished they could replace them.

"It seems that Her Majesty the Queen spent a lot of money to prepare for this genius banquet, and even brought out the Bodhi Dao Fruit."

"Even if the palace suddenly takes out so many, I am afraid it has been considered for a long time."

Many big figures sighed with envy. Even at their level, they are extremely eager for the fruit of Bodhi.

Because this thing can help them achieve enlightenment and breakthrough. If they encounter a bottleneck, they are very likely to break through and reach the goal. Another world.

Queen Xiyao actually took out such a good thing, which really shocked them.

Soon, many geniuses did not hesitate, picked up the Bodhi Dao Fruit in their hands, and began to swallow the refining.

Even Song Youwei, He also took it carefully, with a rare expression of caution.

Jun Fan's expression remained unchanged, and he quickly swallowed the fruit, not wanting to be noticed by others.

Suddenly, a rich fragrance began to fill the place, and the rays of light intertwined, reflecting the sky. The sound of the Word echoes, resounding everywhere

"After the meat and fruit feast, is the wine feast the highlight?"

Looking at the many geniuses who fell into a state of enlightenment, Gu Changge couldn't help but ask with interest.

Queen Xiyao nodded, with a hint of mystery in her smile, and said,"I have been preparing for this banquet for a long time.."

Gu Changge looked at her with a somewhat inexplicable smile and said,"Then I'll wait and see."

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