Soon, what happened in the Hengyue Mountains today spread throughout the upper world immediately, causing an unimaginable huge sensation.

It's no different than a big earthquake.

All the monks who learned all this opened their eyes wide in horror, and were shocked on the spot, unable to react for a long time.

Everything that happened was spread throughout the country at an unimaginable speed through the mouths of many monks who witnessed it, as if it had grown wings.

Each piece of news is unbelievable, like a dream.

First, Gu Changge rushed to the Hengyue Mountains, found the Ziyang Tianjun, and suppressed him.

The mysterious man who tried to assassinate the Purple Smoke Saint that day also fled during the process and was nowhere to be found.

Then, a group of powerful men from the Zi Mansion broke through the space and descended. The leader was a supreme being, trying to rescue Zi Yang Tianjun.

His attitude was so strong and arrogant that the talented monks who saw all this at that time were deeply shocked.

During this process, a powerful man from the Zi Mansion who was at the peak of the Great Sage stood up for Zi Yang Tianjun and tried to teach Gu Changge a lesson.

But he never expected to be seriously injured by Gu Changge's backhand. If the Supreme Master of Zi Mansion hadn't saved him, this person would have died tragically on the spot.

After this incident, the Supreme Lord of the Zi Mansion became so angry that he ignored morality, bullied the small and attacked Gu Changge directly.

But at the next moment, a mysterious strong man appeared and struck out forcefully. A sword energy penetrated the center of his eyebrows, his soul was annihilated, and he fell directly on the spot.

The supreme fall, and in such a shocking way, really shocked everyone.

You know, the upper world has not seen a battle between supreme beings for many years, let alone the death of a supreme being.

Apart from the five declines of normal gods and humans, it is rare to hear about the death of a supreme figure in the orthodox lineage.

The death of the Supreme Lord of Zi Mansion today seems to be the beginning of this great world.

Many monks have a premonition that the next upper world may not be peaceful and something big will happen.

If something like this happens, Zi Mansion will be furious and will not let it go.

As for the longevity Gu family behind Gu Changge, their background is mysterious and unpredictable, and even the oldest aristocratic families are extremely afraid of it.

A strong man suspected of being in the imperial realm is now by Gu Changge's side to protect his safety.

It also shows that the Changsheng Gu family's attitude towards this matter is strong and domineering.

So what about the Supreme? He didn't care at all and went straight to kill him.

The relationship between Ziyang Tianjun and the inheritors of magic skills is hard to describe.

Zifu's move is tantamount to coming together with the inheritor of the magic power.

Many orthodox traditions have begun to have discussions.

Including Taikoo Ye Clan, Endless Fire Nation, Tianhuang Mountain and other Taoist forces, all have descendants who have encountered the vicious hands of demonic inheritors, and have irresolvable hatred with them.

They were worried that they could not find the trace of the inheritor of the magic skills and had no one to attack.

Zifu's action was like a slap on the face of many Taoists, instantly arousing public anger.

Among the major sects, some high-level officials began to discuss, planning to attack the Zi Mansion together with the Changsheng Gu family in order to bring justice to the world.

For a moment, the entire upper world felt like a storm was about to come.

At this time, Zhenxian Academy also quickly ordered all the experienced disciples to return to the academy to avoid being involved.

The geniuses who were still in the major ancient countries also evacuated one after another and stopped the trial, because they had a premonition that the place where Gu Changge was located would not be peaceful in the next period of time. at the same time.

There was no peace at all in the Zi Mansion.

Surrounded by mountains, shrouded in clouds and mist, the mighty purple air stretches out, showing its majestic majesty.

In a magnificent palace in the middle.

Many figures with terrifying auras stood there, their faces blurred, shrouded in chaotic energy, and they were discussing matters.

With a cold look on her face, Liu Ziyan stared at the old man with white beard and white robe above her, and couldn't help but shouted,"Great Elder, what you are doing now is tantamount to pushing the entire Zi Mansion into the fire pit and into the abyss. buried in"

"Now that the Zi Mansion has caused public outrage, the other Taoist forces are discussing a crusade. You don't want to solve the matter, and you are even planning to take revenge."

"Do you really intend to ruin Zi Mansion by doing this?"

The old man with white beard and white robe is sitting in the middle of the hall.

His eyes are deep and vast, like an endless starry sky, in which various scenes are evolving, which are mysterious and unpredictable. Behind him is the majestic and heavy aura rising and falling, It was like the world was rumbling and spinning, extremely terrifying.

Hearing this, he just glanced at Liu Ziyan with a calm and indifferent expression, shook his head and said,"You don't understand, Ziyang is responsible for the future of my Zifu, and there is no room for loss.""

"If something happens to him, my Zifu's luck will be cut off within a hundred years. Now the only chance for our Zi Mansion lies with him. A hundred years from now, we need to make a choice between leaping into the sky or declining."

The many figures behind him still looked indifferent and calm when they heard this, as if they had known about it for a long time.

After hearing this, Liu Ziyan still gritted his teeth and said,"In this case, why did the Great Elder take action? , you want to put my father under house arrest. Now, from top to bottom in the Zi Mansion, any voice of resistance will be suppressed by you."

"Is that why you're talking about?"

Her words were loud and powerful, full of righteousness, and contained anger and unwillingness.

I didn't expect that after returning to Zi Mansion, I would see such a situation.

All the disciples and elders who opposed were imprisoned in the dungeon.

The great elder Xiu The reason is unfathomable. When her father was still just an ordinary disciple, he was already the Great Elder of the Zi Mansion. He has been overlooking the world for countless thousands of years.

If the Great Elder takes action, even if her father is now the headmaster of the Zi Mansion, There is no chance to compete

"Liu Ming only knows the immediate interests and does not understand the long-term variables in the future."

The great elder's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly.

"Now that all the great avenues are uniting their efforts to fight against it, if the great elder insists on going his own way, it will be impossible for him to survive even for a year, let alone a hundred years.……"Liu Ziyan was still gritting her teeth, her beautiful eyes filled with unwillingness.

Why does the Great Elder not understand such a simple truth?

"Someone, please send the saint down to rest. During this period, the saint can practice with peace of mind. You don't have to worry about things within the sect."

However, the great elder did not let Liu Ziyan finish her words, and waved her hand to take her down. His expression remained calm and indifferent.

"Great Elder, where is the Changsheng Gu family?"

Then, after seeing Liu Ziyan being taken down, a terrifying being with a vague face standing on the other side spoke. Between his eyes opening and closing, there were hundreds of millions of divine clouds intertwining, the mountains and seas rising and falling, the sun and the moon collapsing, with asked tentatively

"The Gu family of Changsheng has been standing for a long time. It is indeed mysterious and its heritage cannot be underestimated. However, since the existence of our Zifu, we have gone through all kinds of hardships and endured many hardships. We have gone through many winds and rains and passed through the ages. How have we ever been afraid when we were in command?"

"It's impossible that the Changsheng Gu family didn't know about Gu Changge's frame-up, but they still didn't take any more care. How could they have the dignity to accuse me of Zifu's defense of a calf like this?"

"The blood of my Supreme Lord of the Purple Mansion cannot be shed in vain."When the great elder heard this, his face obviously darkened a lot, and then he spoke calmly and decided to seek justice for his supreme being.


When several terrifying beings heard this, their expressions became solemn, and they already understood the great elder's attitude.

Then they flashed, opened a space passage, and left this place.

Their cultivations were all at the Supreme Realm, and they were much better than before when they rushed to rescue Ziyang. Tianjun’s supreme being is much more powerful.

Now that he has received the order, he naturally has to start making arrangements. At the same time, he has to find a way to save Ziyang Tianjun’s life.

Otherwise, everything will be in vain.

"A hundred years from now, if there is no more Zifu in the world,……"

"So what if this day has changed?"

After seeing everyone leave, the great elder sighed quietly and his expression became very cold.

Then he waved his sleeves, stood up from where he was, passed through the void, and came to a very dark cave..

Here, the divine clouds spray thin, white, black, gray, three-color fog is filled, raging and vast, and it becomes more and more weird.

A man's robes are wide and his limbs are rigid.

His face is withered, his eye sockets are sunken, and his skin is like scales. On his arms and other places A strange figure with white hair is sitting here.

It seems that it has lost its life and is motionless.

"Brother Tao, I need to ask you to do some divination again."

"Facing the disaster of the Changsheng Gu family this time, how much hope does our Zi Mansion have?"

When the great elder of Zi Mansion came here, his face was a little solemn and fearful, for fear of being contaminated.

However, he thought of something, and he still pondered for a while and asked.

Very few people know that Zi Mansion can develop so far, and this thing in the cave mansion This weirdo cannot be separated from the relationship.

Even the original founder of Zifu relied on this weirdo's divination to find a place of opportunity, attain enlightenment there, and then found Zifu.

Hearing this, the weirdo's eyelids opened He closed it and seemed about to open it, but his eyelids were as heavy as the majestic blue sky, and could only open a tiny gap.

Seeing this , the great elder of Zifu's face became darker. The weirdo could still open his eyes a little before. , but now, it is very difficult to even open it.

If he can no longer open his eyes, it means that he is no longer able to divination. After all, how can this kind of power to spy on the way of heaven be easily used?

These backlashes on the weirdo are the most Good proof.

Thinking of this, the great elder of Zifu couldn't help but sigh.

It was based on the divination of weird people and various secret methods to attract the heroic souls of the powerful men from the Forbidden Era.

In the end, it cost a lot of money and even burned the Qi of Zifu. Luck, this is why Ziyang Tianjun was born with wisdom and accompanied by Hongmeng Taoist bones.

He devoted too much effort to Ziyang Tianjun, not only for Zifu, but also for himself.

If Ziyang Tianjun can If he becomes a Taoist before he is enthroned, the Zi Mansion will definitely continue to prosper for tens of millions of years, and he can be at peace with himself.

If not, then he can only use the heaven-defying forbidden technique to take away the life of Ziyang Tianjun before he is enthroned. Yuan and everything, live another life and continue the inheritance of Zifu.

If the weirdo didn't owe the founder of Zifu the favor, how could he have helped him so many times.

And it is for this reason that Ziyang Tianjun cannot afford to lose anything. , even if he really colludes with the inheritor of magic skills


At this time, the frowning elder of the Zi Mansion suddenly heard the words spoken by the strange man. They were so vague that if you didn't listen carefully, you wouldn't be able to hear them clearly.

"Ten percent?"

The great elder of Zifu looked happy and couldn't help asking.

However, when he heard the following words, his face suddenly turned pale, losing all color, and his whole person almost froze in place.

"Ten...death has no life"


"Aunt Qing."

On the other side, in the ancient Xuanwu Kingdom, in a quiet and deserted side hall.

Gu Changge stood by the window, with his hands behind his back, his robes fluttering, looking up at the dark mountains in the distance, with a faint smile on his face ,"Today's matter is of great help to you."

In the void in front of him, a vague figure emerged, with peerless splendor.

His face was unreal, as if he was standing in another world.

His green clothes were like black, his hair was fluttering, and his eyes were quiet and peaceful, as if they were warm and clear. Jade is like the bright and flawless moon

"No trouble"

"How can a little supreme being be qualified to be so arrogant?"

The woman in green shook her head. Her voice was as beautiful as the sound of nature and had the power to make people feel at peace.

"I haven't seen her for several years, but Aunt Qing is still as magnificent as ever. Now the most powerful person can be destroyed with just a few clicks."

Gu Changge smiled and chatted with her casually.

Aunt Qing, whose original name was Gu Qingyi.

In terms of real generation, she was not actually from the Gu family, and could even be traced back very far.

She was from the Gu family. An ancient freak who lived in the same era as Gu Changge's father.

When he was born, Gu Qingyi was actually much younger than Gu Changge's father.

Because of this, he was regarded as a righteous man by Gu Changge's father. She treats her like a younger sister and takes good care of her. That’s why Gu Changge calls her Aunt Qing.

As for why she became Gu Changge’s protector, there are actually quite a few twists and turns.

Gu Changge first showed his prominence at the age of three. , the brilliance overshadowed those of his peers in the Gu family.

Even those clan members who were slightly older than him looked extremely bleak.

During this process, many elders of the Gu family became interested, thinking that Gu Changge was so talented at such a young age. The future achievements are limitless.

Choosing a protector is naturally a top priority.

However, it was beyond everyone's surprise.

At that time, Gu Changge only said that he could dominate the world without a protector, and a three-year-old child was ordinary. Saying this really shocked everyone in the Gu family.

Some people think that Gu Changge is a bit arrogant at such a young age. After all, no matter how amazing a genius is, he will encounter danger before he grows up. A big tree attracts the wind, just now It's easy to break.

It's just that Gu Changge couldn't defeat this matter, and even his father couldn't do anything.

But in the end, to everyone's surprise, Gu Changge suddenly asked Gu Qingyi to be his protector.

Regardless of Gu Qingyi's talent or talent, She was very powerful in cultivation, but no matter what, it was impossible for her to be the protector of a three-year-old child.

But she actually agreed.

This matter caused a lot of waves at the time, making many Gu family disciples envious Incessantly.

After all, Gu Qingyi is well-deserved to be the most beautiful, and some even assert that she will become enlightened before Gu Changge’s father.

Many clan elders speculate that Gu Qingyi only agreed because of the face of Gu Changge’s father.

But in fact, Gu Chang Ge knew clearly that he was just coveting the family's origins at the time, and planned to pursue it slowly in the future. As for why Gu Qingyi agreed, it might be because of his father.

But the more reason should be that Gu Qingyi seemed to have noticed something.

Because of her Having an innate nine-aperture celestial heart is not a secret among the top brass of the Gu family.

"You haven't called me for several years, and I thought you had forgotten me as a protector."

When Gu Qingyi heard this, she just said calmly, as if there would be no change in her eyes through the ages and the vicissitudes of life.

Her figure was very blurry, like a floating light or a jumping shadow, in another infinite and distant place. world

"Is Aunt Qing blaming me?"

Gu Changge is still smiling.

To be honest, Gu Qingyi is the first person that he can't really see through, including his thoughts, cultivation, etc.

He even suspects that Gu Qingyi has already arrived. The Imperial Realm is a very deep state, and it is probably not far from enlightenment.

However, Gu Qingyi ignored his teasing and just shook his head.

"You seem different now than before"

"oh? What's different?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"A little more human."Gu Qingyi said.

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