"The third princess is back……"

"That aura just now was indeed that of the third princess"

"Very good……"

This is the clan land of the Ji Chan clan, but now, there is only one towering ancient tree standing here, and this ancient tree was cut off by some majestic and terrifying force, leaving only half of it.

The half of the tree still looked vast and boundless, with no edges visible at all. Each branch and leaf was extremely lush and towering, receiving endless chaotic energy and galaxies. The extended roots alone spread throughout countless time and space universes.

In the various palaces in the tree canopy, the Yuki Chan clan members felt the approaching aura just now, and they all expressed surprise.

In the void, there were ripples, and in the ancient palace hidden in it, there were also figures who opened their eyes.


"I thought you would never return to the Ji Chan clan again in this life."

At this moment, in the main hall, after hearing these words, the woman in colorful clothes sitting cross-legged finally slowly opened her eyes.

In her dreamy eyes like glass, it seemed that all the scenes in the sky were reflected.

SheThe voice is very beautiful, like the sound of heaven, enough to make any man get lost in it and not want to wake up.

"This is the place where I was born and raised, how could I not come back here?"

"There have been a lot fewer people in the clan over the years."

The complex meaning on the face of the woman in black has somewhat subsided.

The journey back to the ancient Tibetan civilization from the Defeating Heavenly Alliance was very smooth. Apart from crossing the vastness and needing to avoid some dangerous areas, it did not waste much time.

Moreover , , now the Fatian Alliance has formed a unified trend. Except for the dark group that is invading and occupying the Jiutian Land, all the territories in the vast sky are actually very stable, and no wars or fighting have broken out. In terms of the turbulent and urgent situation in the entire vast sky , this can be regarded as a rare kind of peace.

When she returned to the ancient Tibetan civilization, she saw many ancient warships, wrapped in the glow of light and the aura of chaos, beings in the Tao realm opened the way, trekking across the vastness, trying to migrate Going to conquer the territory where the Tianmeng League is located.

However, the vastness contains many unspeakable dangers. She saw with her own eyes that an ancient true world was on the way to migration, and was swallowed up by a huge and unknown beast in the vastness, and billions of creatures were swallowed up in one gulp. , died in an instant.

It is simple to say that the Ji Chan clan wants to migrate to the Fatian League, but in fact there are still many unknown dangers.

She may not be able to persuade her second sister to take the entire Ji Chan clan.

Not to mention Those elders were stubborn and stubborn. They knew the fate of the Ji Chan clan but were still unwilling to recognize the facts. They still stubbornly wanted to stay in the ancient Tibetan civilization.

The woman in colorful clothes smiled softly, looked at her and said,"The last time I saw you By leaving so persistently, I thought you would never set foot in ancient Tibetan civilization again in this life."

"I'm relieved to see you are safe and sound."

There are nine sisters in Ji Chan's generation. They are named according to the nine colors. The third-ranked woman in black is named Ji Xianyi. The second-ranked woman in colorful clothes is also called Ji Xianyi.

"Second sister, you are worried."

Ji Mingyi looked guilty, and then seemed to remember something, and asked again,"On the way back to the clan land, I saw many fewer clan members. What's going on?"

As a clan with the ancient Tibetan civilization backed by the Era Mother Tree, the Ji Chan clan has a very special status and is not comparable to ordinary clan power.

Even several major royal families will treat the Ji Chan clan very politely.

However, when she returned to After leaving the clan, it is obvious that the clan is gloomy and bleak, and the number of clan members is also much smaller. You must know that it has only been thousands of years since she left the Ji Chan clan.

For those with advanced cultivation, this is just a blink of an eye.

Why is it such a short time? Such a big change happened within the temple?

Could it be that the high priest at the sacrificial temple was still suppressing the Ji Chan clan because of that incident.

Ji Xiangmiao seemed a little helpless when he heard this, shook his head and said,"In ancient times, The Tibetan royal family doesn't know what to do and is recruiting people. All ethnic groups in the ancient Tibetan civilization are required to send their elites. Even our Ji Chan family is also in the recruitment sequence.……"

"Recruiting people?"

Ji Zhenyi was stunned, and a chill appeared on his cold face, and he said,"Is it possible that the Guzang royal family is planning to start a war with the Fatian Alliance? Recruiting people?"

Ji Xiangmiao shook his head and said,"I don't know about this either. Maybe he intends to start a war, or he is repairing something... In order to inquire about the purpose of the ancient Tibetan royal family, Xiao Wu went to stop him, but he was injured by the royal family. I am still recovering from my injuries during this period. I cannot leave the clan area, and the elders also persuaded us to be patient."

"The royal family and the five royal families are all planning something. The ancient Tibetan civilization is not as peaceful as before."

"Especially since I have a premonition that the great calamity of this era is about to come.……"

"If we cannot survive the cold winter of the era, our Ji Chan clan may face the disaster of annihilation."

Hearing this, Ji Chan's face became even colder. In any case, Ji Chan's family has guarded the Era Mother Tree for generations. It still has an irreplaceable status and role in today's ancient Tibetan civilization. The ancient royal family actually took action to hurt Wu.

This Are the Ji Chan clan really easy to bully?

"Over there in the ancestral court, what did mother and the others say?"Ji Zhenyi asked

"My mother also persuaded me to be patient."Ji Xianmiao still shook his head, but his eyes couldn't help but reveal a bit of helplessness.

Ji Xianmiao clenched his jade hands tightly and said,"Why are you doing this? Just because the Era Mother Tree was cut off, our Ji Chan clan has completely become a criminal clan. Do we have to tolerate everything?"

"Why can’t the various ethnic groups of the ancient Tibetan civilization see our contribution to protecting the Era Mother Tree for generations? Is it really because of a momentary mistake that all the credit of our family has been negated?"

Ji Xiangmiao sighed and said nothing more, but there was a touch of sadness in his eyes.

"Zhenyi, you have always had a tough personality, but you also have to understand that in many cases, the tougher you are, the more likely you will be hit with a bloody head."

Ji Zhenyi felt sad for a while, and then felt helpless and didn't say anything more.

"Let’s not talk about this anymore, Zhenyi, how have you been doing outside these years?"

"I have heard a lot about the rumors about the Fatian Alliance. Sometimes I wonder if you were too impulsive when you left, but I also wonder if the decision you made was the right one. of……"

"I'm also asking the clansmen to pay attention to the Fighting Heaven Alliance to see if I can get some news about you."Ji Xiangmiao asked with a smile.

Ji Xiangyi did not expect that her second sister, who has always been aloof and peaceful, would pay so much attention to her. Because of the long lifespan of the Ji Chan family, the emotional relationship between these sisters is compared to the rest. The ethnic group is even weaker.

However, although the emotions are weak, they are relatives whose blood is thicker than water after all. They cannot leave their own tribe alone.

"I'm doing well in the Fatian League, but there are so many experts in the Fatian League now, and I'm not a big figure among them. And because I'm an outsider at the back, I basically don't have access to the top management."Ji Zhenyi shook his head and said

"Even the cultivation level of the Ancestral Dao Realm cannot reach the top?"

Ji Xiangmiao was surprised. The Fighting Heaven Alliance was more powerful than she thought.

Ji Xianyi was quite forthright about this topic, and said with some praise in her words,"As far as I know, the Fighting Heaven Alliance There are dozens of beings in the ancestral realm, among whom there are also a lot of beings who have survived eight heavenly decline tribulations. In addition, there are also some extremely ancient figures, such as the Piaomiao Saint Ancestor in the Piaomiao Sanctuary. , already very close to the end of the road realm……"

"In addition, the leader of the Fatian Alliance is also accompanied by two mysterious figures who are suspected of having stepped into the Luji Realm. His own strength is even more unfathomable, and he may be a supremely broken existence."

"end of the road……"

Hearing this, Ji Xiangmiao showed some fascination, and then sighed slightly,"If the eldest sister had not replaced Xiaojiu and been sacrificed to the other side, with her talent, she should have reached that realm now, right?……"

The eldest sister is the oldest among the sisters, and also the most powerful.

Ji Zhenyi's eyes dimmed slightly.

When the eldest sister was still alive, she treated these sisters very well. Even when the Ji Chan family encountered the five royal families, they had the confidence to deal with them calmly.

With the sacrifice of the eldest sister gone, the mother's energy and blood have weakened, her strength is far from its peak, and the status of Ji Chan's family is also far less than before.

"Second sister, you should be over the ninth tribulation of heavenly decline soon.……"

Ji Xianyi paid attention to Ji Xiangmiao's current cultivation level, but she could not see clearly.

The dense, chaotic and hazy substance lingered around the second sister, blocking all prying eyes. She just felt more and more that the second sister was unfathomable.

"It should be soon."A smile appeared at the corner of

Ji Xiangmiao's mouth. Ji Xianyi nodded. Although the two sisters seemed to be reminiscing about old times, they both tacitly understood each other and did not mention the important points.

After a long time,

Ji Xianyi sighed in her heart. , intending to inform the Hui people of their purpose

"Second sister, when I came back (cbdd) this time, I actually planned to make the Ji Chan clan migrate away from the ancient Tibetan civilization.……"

When Ji Xiangmiao heard this, she was not surprised at all. She understood the character of the third sister very well, and there must be no reason for her coming back at this time.

She did not object immediately, but asked calmly,"Where are you migrating to? Fighting the Tianmeng Alliance?"

Ji Minyi looked at her glass-like eyes that seemed to be filled with thousands of colors, lowered her head and said,"Except for the Fighting Heaven Alliance, there is no other place to move to now."

Ji Xiangmiao sighed and said,"But you should know that our Ji Chan clan can go anywhere, but the Fighting Heaven Alliance cannot go. You You should also know the reason."

The Ji Chan clan exists because of the Era Mother Tree, and the Era Mother Tree is regarded as a gift from God to all living beings.

If they migrate to the Fighting Heaven Alliance, this is essentially disrespecting Heaven and abandoning the faith they have had for generations.

Ji Zhenyi also understood this truth, but she had already made up her mind, and her eyes were even more firm and persistent.

"Now I, the Ji Chan clan, have no choice. I don’t want to repeat my fate from generation to generation. My eldest sister was sacrificed to the other side. Now even my nine sisters are on the shore of the sea of ​​samsara, suffering from the cold and bitterness day and night. erosion……"

"I want to change the fate of Ji Chan's family."She said in a deep voice.

Ji Xiangmiao looked at her blankly and remained silent.

"Second sister, I know you are unwilling to accept it. Now you have such an opportunity, placed in front of our Ji Chan clan."

"The leader of the Fatian Alliance has promised me that he will guide me on the way.……"

"Maybe you don't know, but Xiaojiu and the leader of the Fatian Alliance are from the past. For Xiaojiu's sake, he will help us."Ji Zhenyi said again.

"Zhenyi, how can you guarantee that our Ji Chan clan will be able to get rid of our fate when we go to the Futian League?"Ji Xiangmiao sighed lightly.

"Overthrow the real place, overthrow the so-called heaven, and you can get rid of it……"Ji Zhenyi's voice was firmer than ever.

Ji Xiangmiao was silent for a long time, and then said,"In that case, I won't stop you. You go to the ancestral court and negotiate with your mother, elders, and others. If they agree, then naturally I won't have anything to say." (Watch Bao Shuang.) For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Now that my eldest sister is gone and my mother's energy and blood are weak, I must consider the whole clan. If I were alone, I would naturally stand by your side."

Ji Zhenyi looked at her and said extremely seriously,"Second sister, you know that mother and elders are stubborn and stubborn. They would rather let Xiaojiu go to the high priest to admit his mistake and be punished than show any betrayal. Do you think they After listening to what I say, will you really consider it?"

"No, they would only think that I was bewitched by the Fatian Alliance, and they would even work together to capture me and imprison me in a prison so that I could face the wall soberly."

"Now among the entire Ji Chan clan, you are the only one who can help me. I must kill him first and then tell him."

Her tone was sonorous, containing indescribable determination and will.

Ji Xiangmiao was stunned.

She didn't expect that the third sister had already considered the consequences and possibilities of everything. This was different from the third sister who only acted out of impulse. completely different,She has also changed over the years she has been in the Fatian League.

Seeing Ji Xiangmiao's silence, Ji Xianyi knew that she was hesitant.

She immediately said firmly,"Second sister, just give me the jade talisman to enter the Yuanyuan Ruins of the Era. No matter what the consequences are, I will bear them all when the time comes.""

"If the elders of the clan hold you accountable, you will say that you were deceived by me and stole the jade talisman."

"Why are you going to Era Yuan Ruins?"Ji Xiangmiao was stunned again. That is where the roots of the Era Mother Tree are located, and it is also a forbidden place. It has been guarded by the Ji Chan family for generations. After all generations return to ruins, many universe debris will eventually flow there.

Even the Ji Chan family If you want to enter it, you also need the jade talisman from the clan.

"I want to take away the Era Mother Tree, and I can only succeed if I start from there."Ji Zhenyi said

"It seems...you are really crazy……"

Ji Xianmiao sighed. On his slender white palm, under the mist of sunlight, a simple and crystal jade talisman appeared, shaped like an ancient cicada, filled with mysterious fluctuations.

When Ji Zhenyi saw this, he also knew the second sister's thoughts, and looked touched. Then he didn't say anything directly, took the jade talisman, and disappeared into the hall in a flash.

"Third sister is right"

"In this case, I will help you once. If something goes wrong this time, I will be with you forever."Seeing that the figure of the third sister disappeared, Ji Xianmiao remained silent for a long time, then moved his jade feet lightly, turned into a colorful light, and went to the ancestral court of the Ji Chan clan.

All the elders of the Ji Chan clan were in the ancestral court. Qingxiu, and now the emperor of the Ji Chan clan, their mother, is also recuperating there.

As Ji Xiangmiao walked to the ancestral court, a mist of colorful mist steamed away from her body, and a faintly visible bird could be seen. The huge and beautiful colorful cicada shadow spreads its wings in the void. Boundless galaxies and the aura of chaos hang down from each wing. There are particles of the world gestating in it, covering the land of the Ji Chan clan, hiding a certain... There was a movement of aura.

In the ancient Tibetan civilization, many people with powerful auras seemed to have noticed something at this moment, and they opened their eyes one after another.

A series of terrifying auras swept across, like huge waves hitting the sky, and they were shocked. The entire universe was trembling.


And in the vast void outside, ripples spread out, and there were passages connecting them. Ancient warships bearing the flags of the Weiyang Immortal Dynasty were descending from there.

The mighty and stretching army followed and stood on those ancient warships, which was as thrilling as a torrent.

On top of the ancient warships, in a courtyard, Jiang Weiyang stood quietly leaning on the railing, with an elegant appearance and a suit of indigo. Gauze skirt, cloud bun and misty servant girl, phoenix hairpin inserted diagonally, slender neck, as slender as a white swan.

Graceful and slender figure, like white lotus blooming in the beginning, skin like snow lotus root, pure and flawless, with crystal clear luster.

Behind her, Zhu Cangning, the Shenwu General of the Weiyang Immortal Dynasty, and others stood respectfully one after another.

In addition, they were also loyal to Yinxu Cave, but after the collapse of the Zhengyi Alliance, they disappeared and were not taken by the luck master. The Xingming Imperial Master left.

After the Heaven-defeating Alliance quelled the chaos and formed a unified force, he appeared again and appeared in the Weiyang Immortal Dynasty to answer Jiang Weiyang's doubts and inform him of the former Emperor Weiyang's stay. The order was issued.

It was the Imperial Master Xingming who told him that he had noticed the causal aura of the Luck Lord, which was hiding in the ancient Tibetan civilization. Only then did Jiang Weiyang and Ji Hanjing give up on exploring the Nine Heavens Land and set their sights on The ancient Tibetan civilization was born.

Because of this, the Weiyang Immortal Dynasty sent out troops from all over the country. Their iron cavalry was like a dragon, and the smoke was rolling. They galloped in the universe and space, broke through the passage, and rushed to the sky. The sound shook the starry sky.

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