In a place outside the world, a vast expanse of time and space floats, like a river and sea, with undulating waves.

The surrounding mountains are located, seemingly without roots and boundless, just rooted in this time and space.

Among them, there is a cave entrance on the highest mountain range.

Not far from the entrance of the cave, there stands a square bluestone tablet, which is three feet high and more than six feet wide.

"The three ancient Chinese characters"Yinxu Cave" are painted with silver hooks and iron. The brushwork is like a dragon and a snake, and the rhyme of the Tao is natural. It seems to be interpreting the myriad ways of the heavens, filled with misty rays of light.

"Judging from the current situation, the ancestor Xu has never deceived me."

"But why do I always feel that the timing is not right? What is the problem?"

"How did he know that the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance would appear at the Immortal Alliance Conference? What else is he hiding from me?"

"He should know the origin of the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance.……"

At the entrance of the cave, the sun and moon flickered in the light, the smoke and dust dispersed, and a wisp of fresh air floated out, transforming into a middle-aged man with a bun in his bun, a square and mediocre face, but extremely gentle and profound eyes.son.

It is the owner of Yinxu Cave, the Master of Luck.

He was wearing a Taoist robe, with divine radiance shining on his sleeves. The stars in the sky were rising and falling, and divine chains were falling in an orderly manner. There was a simple and vast aura surging around him, as if he did not exist in any place in time and space.

In his palm, he held a whisk. The whisk was light and made of the hair of an unknown beast. It was filled with the aura of the boundless avenue.

"Master, as per your plan, the Zhengyi League has officially entered into a decisive battle with the Futian League."

"The second master is taking charge personally, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Two boys followed behind the luck master, and one of them said respectfully.

"Naturally, I am not worried about Zhengyimeng."

"The only thing I'm worried about right now is still the reality of the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance. I really can't figure out what he is."

The Master of Luck shook his head and looked deeply into the void in front of him.

As he moved his whisk, a wisp of fresh air drifted away, and it immediately turned into a round mirror, which reflected the scene in the Miao Miao Sanctuary.

It's a pity that that The boundless black fog in the sky rose from the border area of ​​the Miao Miao Sanctuary, obscuring the scene inside. No matter how he deduced, it was difficult to get a clear glimpse of it.

"This Black Lotus Sect must be closely related to the Ancestor's Exhaustion. Is he planning to use this Black Lotus Sect to test the leader of the Defying Sky Alliance?"

"But if he didn't do it himself, how could he test out the truth? There's no guarantee that he would use the Black Lotus Sect to plot against me."

The Luck Master frowned, and he was actually very hesitant in his heart, whether to agree to the agreement with the First Ancestor Xujian.

Since the destruction of Xianchu Haotu, he had made plans to end the situation.

Because he could vaguely see that there would be something like this in this world. Part of the"authority" seems to have surfaced. At the same time, it may also be because the great catastrophe of the era is coming, causing the situation in the vast world to change. Many blurry scenes that were originally invisible have also dissipated and become clear.

In this way, He felt that he had a chance.

The illusory"authority" was the only hope they could pursue in today's confusion.

Unfortunately,"authority" was not common, and it could only be obtained when the catastrophe of the era came. Parts of it may emerge.

And every time"authority" appears, it will cause the world to turn upside down. Even the catastrophe of the era can't erase that terrifying influence. The luck master is very ambitious, and he doesn't want to collapse and the future will be cut off. , so he planned to fight.

However, he had a premonition that if he ended up, he would encounter an unimaginable catastrophe and encounter an extremely terrifying enemy.

That kind of premonition has been around since ancient times. It has always been lingering in his mind.

For a being like him who has already survived nine tribulations of heavenly decline and is walking and groping on the road to the end of the road, the timeline has long since ceased to exist. He can see the past and the future at a glance. Many scenes.

In order to survive this destined catastrophe.

He has been planning since ancient times just for this slim chance. For this, he paid a very heavy price.

And the biggest threat to him in the world was The existence is Gu Changge, the leader of the Fatian League.

Because Gu Changge has been expanding his power, the Fatian League has grown rapidly, annexing all the worlds and universes, and growing at a terrifying speed like fire burning willow catkins.

During this period , he never stops conquering the true world civilizations of all parties, and constantly harvests the destiny in the vast world. The destiny master does not want everything he has planned so hard to be in vain, so even if the time is not yet ripe, he has to take action. Otherwise, the opportunity would pass by, and all the luck in the vast world would be harvested and occupied by Gu Changge.

He was taking action, and it was almost impossible to take the lead.

For this reason, he borrowed the chess pieces he had left behind and founded Zhengyi Alliance used this to confront the Fatian Alliance established by Gu Changge and slow down his speed of encroaching on the vast destiny. At the same time, he negotiated with some ancient beings he was familiar with, paid some prices, and began to make arrangements to deal with Fatian. Tianmeng, to deal with Gu Changge.

He was waiting for a suitable and foolproof opportunity to annihilate and annex the Tianmeng and Gu Changge.

During this period, the ancestor Xu came to him, who once followed the Lord of Daitian. A terrifying existence whose strength is also unfathomable and not weaker than him.

The two tested each other and finally reached a deal.

The ancestor Xu bluntly said that he was interested in the body of the former lord of heaven and wanted to annex the remnants of the old party of heaven. Occupy the power that the Lord of Daitian once had.

For this reason, he needs the help of the Lord of Luck to help him deal with the high priest of today's people. When the ancestor Xu takes action against the people of heaven, the Lord of Luck needs to take action to delay the high priest. Do not let her divert her energy.

For this deal, Luck Master happily agreed.

Of course, he also made his own request and asked First Ancestor Xu to help him deal with Fetian League and Gu Changge, but he was directly rejected by First Ancestor Xu. It says that the conditions are not enough and the operator needs to add weight.

Luck Master then retreated to the next best thing and asked Ancestor Xu to help him test the true and false status of Fetian Alliance and Gu Changge.

Ancestor Xu did not refuse and said he would take action.

The two of them had their own plans. Although they both swore to each other's ways and paths, there were still other plans and plans in their promises.

Just like Luck Lord, he didn't believe that the ancestor Xu was just trying to deal with the Heavenly People, and that the other party would take the initiative to find him for a deal. It happened that not long after the Dark Clans reappeared in the world, the choice seemed very reasonable, but it also contained a lot of things. When there is a coincidence, you can feel something fishy no matter how you deduce it.

When the ancestor Xu promised to test the reality of the Feitian Alliance, he was very confident.

This makes Luck Master still doubt whether the ancestor Xu has known Gu Changge's origin and heel for a long time, so he took the initiative to find him to trade.

There was an obvious pit waiting for him to jump.

However, the ancestor Xu was very anxious when he caught him. He couldn't hold back his thoughts and was sure that he would go on even if he knew there was a pitfall.

The luck owner had to pinch his nose and suffered this small loss.

"What is the origin of the Black Lotus Sect? Can it be used to detect the true identity of the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance?"

"Ancestor Xu didn't dare to deceive me. I guess the person behind the Black Lotus Sect was also plotted and used by him to test the strength of the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance?"

The Luck Lord's eyes were deep, and the dust swept by. The scene in front of him dissipated. When it manifested again, it was already the place where the Futian League and the Zhengyi League were fighting. The universe was devastated, civilization collapsed, and wherever the war swept through, it was all unsightly misery. Elephant.

The flames of war spread, ancient warships rumbled across the sky, one after another, it was endless, covering everything, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

In the universe and space, fighting and chaos can be seen everywhere, whether it is Immortal Dao beings and Dao realm beings were all fighting with them.

A Taoist Dao realm being roared and rushed away, fighting with his opponent. As the aftermath spread, many worlds collapsed and shattered, and countless living beings Buried in it.

The Luck Lord looked at these scenes with neither sadness nor joy.

The world is such a reincarnation. No matter how many creatures die or how many civilized universes are destroyed, new life will appear before long. , a new universe is born.

Like the endless harvest of leeks, waiting for every spring rebirth.

If he cannot escape that fate, he will eventually be like the hundreds of millions of creatures that dissipate and collapse at this moment. Toward the same result.

Under the way of heaven, all living beings are equal.

"Authority, only by occupying or eliminating some authority can I have a chance to escape my fate.……"Luck Master's eyes were dark, but it was difficult to conceal his persistence at this moment.


With a flick of his broad sleeved robe, a dark crack suddenly opened in the space-time in front of his eyes. The Master of Fortune and the two boys stepped forward and disappeared in an instant.

Now the time agreed between him and Zuxu is almost here. Zuxu plans to take action against the remnants of Tianzhong's old party, so he will naturally have to help according to the deal.

But before that, he still needs to wait for a result. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He wanted to know whether the so-called Black Lotus Sect could test out the true identity of the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance.

And now that there is no leader of the Fatian League, the Fatian League naturally does not pose much of a threat. Just in case, he still has to use some more methods.

0 Asking for flowers 0

In a universe where spiritual energy is almost exhausted, the rules of heaven and earth are almost wiped out, and there are not many living beings at all.

On an ancient star filled with yellow sand in the sky, a collapsed temple sits, submerged by endless yellow sand. It is extremely tattered, with only half of the plaque left, and the other half has been corroded by time to the point where it is almost invisible.

But at this moment, a dark crack suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The Luck Master walked out of it with two boys. He looked at the temple in front of him, paused for a moment at the only remaining word"killing", and then stepped into

"Master, will there be any accident?"One of the two boys obviously recognized this place, with a look of fear in his eyes.

"It's been a long time, don't worry."The Luck Lord said calmly.

Not long after, the place suddenly shook violently, and the whole ancient star was shaking.

Endless yellow sand rolled into the sky, like wolf smoke turned by real dragons, hovering in the sky..The earth cracked open, black lava spurted out, and endless black energy rolled up, covering the sky and the sun, covering the stars in the blink of an eye.

The black energy was like substance, and finally turned into an incomparable murderous aura. The river of blood surged, and all kinds of corpses, bones, broken weapons, and fallen immortals and demons all appeared together, as if falling from the sky and the earth. The scene was extremely horrifying.

"Kill, kill, kill……"

A violent voice sounded, containing an endless aura of killing, as if it wanted to annihilate all living creatures in the world.

The sound of clattering chains sounded like they were rushing out of the Nine Nether Underworld.

The temple collapsed in an instant, and a terrifying rift appeared in it. A terrifying figure shrouded in black energy, bound by chains, broke free.

A tattered black robe hangs above his skinny figure. His face cannot be seen clearly, except for a pair of eyes, which are dark and hateful, like the reincarnation of an evil ghost.

"My dear, what did you call me for? Are you planning to release me?"

"Jie Jie……"

This figure looked at the luck master who appeared in front of him, with a cold smile on his lips.

The moment one of the boys noticed his gaze, his expression became frightened. However, his eyebrows split open instantly and exploded into a blood mist that filled the sky with a pop.

The other boy had the same fearful look on his face, and his whole body trembled as if he was remembering something.

Only the luck master shook his head gently and shook the dust, and the dead boy came back to life again.

"Only death is the destination of all living beings. I give you the glory of death, why are you still afraid?"

"Death is my long-cherished wish"

"Why do you want to prevent me from giving them death?" thisThe figure looked at Luck Master coldly, with a terrifying anger emerging in his eyes.

Luck Master seemed to have a headache at this figure, but he still tried to maintain his calmness at this moment and said,"Death is indeed the best destination. All living beings in the world are destined to die. Now there are living beings in this world who are trying to transcend death. I need Go and send those creatures to where they belong."


Hearing this, the figure covered in black energy suddenly became excited. The terrifying aura was surging and frightening, as if it was going to tear the entire universe apart.

"I'll send you there and you'll know when the time comes."The Luck Lord said calmly.

Then he swept away the dust, and a space-time crack suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. On the other side of the deep darkness, there seemed to be faint sounds of fighting and war.

"Okay, I will go and give them the great honor."

The figure laughed loudly, and the stars under his feet burst into pieces as he roared.

All the chains on his body were broken, and then like a demon, he rushed towards the crack.

"Master, if you let him out, won't he be noticed by that place?"The boy who was resurrected still had fear and trembling in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, he has been refined by me into one of the Five Aggregates. No one knows his current identity except me."

"Just in time, I want to see, will that place end?"The Luck Lord said calmly.

Throughout the ages, those places that have controlled part of the"power" have always been hidden deep in the world, and will only occasionally show their figures when the calamity of the era comes.

But now the water in the vast world is so muddy. , the luck master cannot even control his own future destiny.

Naturally, he has no fear of what consequences will follow, and there is no need to worry or care.

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