At the same time, the world is outside.

The land of the Luo tribe.

As one of the eight tribes of Daitian, the Luo tribe disappeared from the eyes of the world after the Daitian organization collapsed.

Even the rest of the Eight Tribes rarely know where the Luo Clan is.

In addition, the Tianzhong has been looking for the tribes that once swept away the secrets of Daitian. They borrowed the power from the burial coffin and constantly sent people to attack and kill them. The Luo people have been wandering and fleeing for a long time.

It wasn't until Lord Luo, the distant ancestor of the Luo Clan, was seriously injured that he passed away. At the end of his life, he used supreme means to cut off the connection between the Luo Clan and the rest of the world. Only then did the Luo Clan gradually stabilize and live in seclusion outside the world, not caring about the vast world.

Many people of the Luo tribe firmly believe that the distant ancestors of the Luo tribe will not die and will return at some time in the future. Therefore, every era, they will select the descendants with the strongest and purest blood as sacrifices to their distant ancestors for the sake of their ancestors. He illuminates the way back in the vast darkness.

Luo Xiangjun escaped from the Luo clan and became a"thief" precisely because she witnessed with her own eyes the entire process of her parents being sacrificed by their clansmen.

During this process, her parents and others never resisted at all. Instead, they were intoxicated and considered it a supreme honor to be able to sacrifice themselves as sacrifices to their distant ancestors.

Luo Xiangjun believed that the entire Luo clan was crazy, sacrificing their clansmen generation after generation in exchange for a meager hope for a long-dead, long-gone, illusory faith.

Such a sick and crazy ethnic group will completely perish sooner or later.

It's a pity that after many years of escaping, she once again set foot on this disaster-like land full of despair and misery.

In particular, I also learned from the mouth of the Eternal First God that the distant ancestor of the Luo clan was probably not dead, but was hiding from the sky and hiding like him.

The elders of the Luo clan have already received the news from Luo Xiangjun and are waiting for her arrival in the ancestral hall.

The great elder of the Luo tribe is a silver-haired, energetic man. He is wearing a silver robe, his face has traces of time, and his eyes are silvery.

There are two cross-like cracks in the pupils, and strands of silver light escape, filled with the breath of time and space, which is extremely amazing.

This is a natural characteristic of the Luo people. They are born with the ability to activate the power of time and space. Luo Xiangjun usually just hides it. Otherwise, with her cultivation strength, many large tombs would be impossible to touch, let alone herself. Escaped for his life.

She dared to take over the key to the eternal secret from Gu Changge's hands because she relied on her racial talent.

"The burial place of our distant ancestors is located deep in the cemetery of the ancestral hall, where the heroes of our Luo people sleep.……"

"Senior, if you want to go, please follow me."

The great elder of the Luo Clan led the way, taking the Eternal Beginning God to the cemetery, while Lord Luo Xiang lagged behind and followed suit.

She didn't know how the Eternal Beginning God convinced the great elder of the Luo Clan with just a few words. , and agreed to his request, allowing him to go to the burial place of Lord Luo.

But there should be some connection between the Luo clan and the Eternal Ancestor.

The Eternal Ancestor God is by no means comparable to those ordinary ancestor gods, whether it is the Luo Clan or the Eternal Ancestor God. The avenue of time and space controlled by the Lord, or the avenue of time controlled by the Eternal Prime God, are both the most mysterious avenues in the world.

Even for those in the ancestral realm, it is difficult to dabble in the two avenues of space and time. The realization is far away.

The cemetery of the Luo people is built deep in the back mountain. It is said to be a cemetery, but it is actually a majestic ancient mountain.

It is surrounded by towering ancient trees, blocking the sky and the sun, with thick branches and leaves, and the charred black earth seems to be covered by Poured with blood, there are wisps of blood-colored mist swirling around. One can see the mausoleums built one after another, stretching towards the mountain, stacked like stairs. There are no bones in each mausoleum. The moment the Luo people died , will disintegrate into flying debris all over the sky. The mausoleums here are actually just tombs.

On the way to the top of the mountain, Luo Xiangjun saw the graves of his parents.

A trace of sadness flashed in his beautiful eyes, and then this emotion returned. She was suppressed.

Her parents voluntarily became sacrifices. No, it should be all the tombs on this mountain and all the sleeping Luo heroes.

Their souls returned to the arms of Lord Luo until they were sacrificed. The moment of the sacrifice was peaceful and honorable.

She ignored them and went to mourn for them.

The highest point of the cemetery was a magnificent square tombstone, which was extremely tall.

There was not a single weed nearby, and everything around it was The planted spiritual tree is lush and green, with simple and swaying branches, like a real dragon knotted here, blocking out the sky and the sun, looking peaceful and solemn.

After the great elder of the Luo tribe brought the Eternal Beginning God here, he went down respectfully He didn't bother him.

But when he saw Luo Xiangjun, he was a little surprised, but he didn't take her with him.

After Luo Xiangjun left the Luo Clan, he was not held accountable by the Luo Clan. , the Luo tribe actually does not force every tribesman to bear the sacrifice, they respect the choice of every tribesman.

This time Luo Xiangjun will return to the Luo tribe again, which surprises the great elder

"There is nothing in the tomb, not even the tomb.……"

After the great elder of the Luo tribe left, the Eternal Beginning God shook his head slightly, and said with thoughtful eyes,"According to my understanding of Luo, it is impossible for him to be severely beaten to death. The eight tribes organized by Daitian have nothing to do with each other. If the water in the well does not conflict with the river, it is unlikely that they will attack him together. The purpose of Tianzhong is to recover the heritage of Daitian, and it is impossible to kill Luo."

"How did he get hit so hard?"

Luo Xiangjun stood quietly behind him without saying a word.

She didn't care whether Lord Luo was dead or alive. Now she just wanted the Eternal Beginning God to let her go. As for the detachment he promised her before Overall, she doesn't expect anything more.

"Luo is not dead"

"If he wants to hide, I'm afraid it won't be possible for me to find him. It's hard to find anyone who can match him in the world for his mastery of time and space."

The Eternal Beginning God swept through the cemetery one by one with thoughts.

He did not comment or express his own opinions on the matter of the Luo people sacrificing themselves and offering sacrifices to revive the Luo Lord.

He himself is an innate creature, He is born aware of the meaning of his existence and will not go against his will because of someone or something.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to feel the slightest pity or sympathy because of these actions.

He now only If he wants to find Lord Luo, in the vast turmoil that will follow, it will be difficult for him to stand alone, let alone plan and control it to seek his own interests. With the help of

Lord Luo, and with the help of two people He was confident of the past friendship and could gain benefits from it.

The vast turmoil and the turbid water were naturally suitable for"fishing". In the past, those who only dared to hide and never dared to show up would definitely be unable to bear it. It is impossible to miss such a good opportunity.

The same is true for the Eternal Beginning God

"Luo had also followed the former Lord of Daitian. He must have understood his style of doing things and would have chosen to hide early. I am afraid he had already expected something.……"

Suddenly, the Eternal Beginning God realized something, and his expression became uncertain.

He stared at the empty tomb in front of him, and then, as if he had made a certain decision, he suddenly waved his hand, and the upper layer of restrictions in front of him disappeared, the rocks shook, and a large crack appeared, revealing a bronze coffin underneath..

The coffin had long been opened, and there was a burst of blood and the aura of space filling the air, making the place hazy.

Seeing this scene, before Luo Xiangjun could realize what was happening, she was wrapped in the sleeves of the Eternal Beginning God and threw her directly into the coffin in front of her.


There was a tremor there, and suddenly a terrifying aura filled the air, but the next moment it fell silent again, and ripple-like fluctuations flashed past.

"Sure enough, it's here……"

The Eternal Beginning God showed a sneer, then strode in, and soon disappeared into the coffin.

The next moment, the blurry scene in front of him became clear, and a valley appeared with birds singing and flowers fragrant, beautiful scenery, and the lake light reflecting the mountains.

The gurgling water in the distance gathered into a green lake. Farther away, a huge rumbling momentum could be seen, a silver-white waterfall, which seemed to fall from the ninth heaven, stirring up boundless waves, steaming water, and a misty atmosphere.

In the entire world, no Taoist breath could be felt, and time and space seemed to be completely frozen.

Luo Xiangjun looked at this place with surprise and uncertainty, standing not far from the Eternal Prime God.

She had no idea what was going on, but she knew that the Eternal Beginning God must be testing her, so he pushed her into the coffin with one palm.

If a fatal restriction breaks out, I'm afraid she will die instantly and explode into a ball of blood mist.

A chill flashed through her beautiful eyes, and she was finally suppressed by her. The situation was stronger than others, so she could only endure it.

"It is a good method not to exist in the past, future or present, but to transform oneself into Tao and integrate into this world."

"In this way, heaven and earth decay but you are immortal, all worlds wither but you remain forever, even if the vastness collapses and eternity decays, you will still be transcendent. As expected of you, Luo……"

The Eternal Beginning God exclaimed in admiration and looked at the world in front of him, with undisguised amazement in his eyes.

He did not expect at first that there would be a node passage to another world in that coffin. But for a moment, thinking of Luo's past caution and his following the Lord of Daitian, the Eternal Beginning God woke up. Tempting heart.

The moment he pushed Luo Xiangjun towards the coffin, he had already determined that there was something else hidden behind the coffin. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sure enough, looking at it now, there are no laws or rules flowing in this world, and they don't even exist in any time and space.

It is difficult to find traces of it in the past, future and present.

Even those who have extraordinary means and reach the extreme end can never hope to find out where Luo's true identity is.

This method is even more clever than his fake death escape.

Who would have thought that the distant ancestors of the Luo people have been hiding in its mausoleum for a long time. The so-called most dangerous place is actually the safest place.

And at the same time that the Eternal Beginning God spoke out, the heaven and earth rumbled.

In the originally clear and cloudless sky, blurry ripples suddenly spread and turned into a huge human face with eyes closed.

This human face is so huge that it covers the entire sky. No, to be precise, the entire sky is covered by this human face.

"is it you?"


A moment later, a horrifying sound like the heaven and earth roaring together sounded in this world. Lord Luo Xiang could not bear the majestic pressure of this sound.

Blood and tears flowed down his pretty face, and he kept coughing up blood. The whole person was suppressed to the ground and could not move. His clothes were stained red with blood, and he was extremely embarrassed.

".Hey, my descendants?"

This voice seemed to have noticed the presence of Lord Luo Xiang, and the majestic pressure dissipated.

Lord Luo Xiang felt better now, but he still couldn't hide the fear and horror in his eyes. This was the aura of his distant ancestor. Even if it is just a wisp, it is enough to wipe out her Dao realm cultivation countless times.

And such a person was once willing to follow the Lord of Heaven.

"Long time no see, old friend."The Eternal Beginning God smiled lightly and was not disturbed by this pressure.

"Sure enough, only you can find this place."

The sky was still rumbling, and the next moment white clouds gathered, the mountains trembled, and all the rivers and waterfalls flowed backwards, rushing toward the sky like blood, turning into a silver-haired man wearing a silver robe and a handsome face.

There is a vertical silver crack between his eyebrows, and his eyes are also silver, shining with divine light. He is none other than Lord Luo, the distant ancestor of the Luo clan, an innate being like the Eternal First God.

"You'll come to me, it seemsHaving trouble?"

Lord Luo landed in front of the Eternal Beginning God, glanced at him, and said calmly.

"Nothing can be hidden from you. Do you understand the current confusing situation?"The Eternal Beginning God asked with a smile. He talked for a long time, and his tone could not hide his emotion and joy.

In today's vast world, nothing makes him happier than reuniting with his old friends.

After the end of the innate era , , born and bred in the vast world, innate creatures like them died, fled, hid, and were captured, and only a few people survived.

Other creatures are eager to rebel against their innate nature, To create an innate and flawless foundation, only existences like them did the opposite.

Lord Luo made the same choice as him at the beginning, but he was born later and followed the Lord of Heaven.

At that time, he still chose to hide Hibernating, avoiding the patrolling eyes of the real place above the vast sky, even if the three existences fall into deep sleep, their unfathomable power still turns into the eyes of the true ancestors, controlling the way of heaven, patrolling the world, and all aliens. Eradicated.

After the end of the Xiantian Era, the emergence of the New Heavenly Dao began to eliminate dissidents. Creatures from the Xiantian Era like them were naturally regarded as aliens (by Li Hao) by the New Heavenly Dao."

Of course, they don't know whether the new way of heaven that emerged after the innate era was transformed by the will of the three beings, or whether it was the consciousness of the independent birth of heaven and earth.

In the Xiantian Era, heaven and earth had not yet been born, and there was no concept of heaven. All ethnic creatures acted in accordance with meaning and instinct.

If there is one, it should be the so-called great road at that time. The great road leads to the same goal and evolves all things.

The concept of the way of heaven actually only appeared in the era after tomorrow.……

"Today’s confusing situation?"

Master Luo frowned slightly, and then closed his eyes slightly, as if he was aware of something.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and nodded, indicating that he understood, but the expression on his face became very solemn.

"Are you planning to end it?"He looked at the Eternal Beginning God.

The Eternal Beginning God nodded and said matter-of-factly,"This is natural. I have been dormant and waiting for so long, isn't it because I can one day reproduce the glory of the innate era? That is our era, it cannot just be buried and cut off in the years.……"

Lord Luo looked at his old friend and sighed. Although he hadn't seen him for countless years, he still hadn't changed.

"The innate era has long ended. No matter what, even if we return to the ancient times and reappear chaos, we can't go back to that time." His tone was heavy,"As long as the realm of origin exists for a day, there will be no innate era Mai in the vast world."

"The innate era you want to return to is just a false innate era……"

The reason why the Xiantian Era is called the Xiantian Era is because at that time, there was no concept of"Heaven", and all living beings acted according to their instincts, without restraint or rules.

In fact, according to the evolution and development of the general trend in the world,"heaven" will also be born in later generations. The innate era and the acquired era are actually the general trend that conforms to the great road, and there is no difference.

But in that general trend, the appearance of the three ancestors shattered the great road and destroyed the general trend. Their thoughts were carried into the so-called"heaven".

For beings like them, today's era of tomorrow should actually be called the"Pseudo-Heaven Era""

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