"Now that such a big thing has happened in Cangmang, it's time for Jiutian to join the world. I just don't know what kind of changes will happen to Cangmang's situation after the establishment of the Immortal Alliance."

"Judging from the current situation, the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance should not prevent the establishment of the Immortal Alliance."

"But why do I always have a bad feeling?……"

"During this time, you should also have seen the followers who suddenly appeared around the Fatian League."

"The appearance of the Black Lotus Sect is quite appropriate, and we couldn't find any records related to it. The Lord of the Black Lotus believed by those sects is involved in the dark ethnic group."

"Could it be related to the former Daitian organization? Suddenly appearing around the Fatian Alliance, is there any causal connection?"

The scarred man and the black dog stood in the void, looking at the vast, unpredictable and strange scene in the Fatian League. They couldn't help but shake their heads and speculate. The vast situation changed again and again, like them. Beings in the Dao realm all feel trapped, with an uncertain future, and uneasy peace.

Ordinary creatures are probably just like the bubble phantom, which breaks at the touch of a touch, and are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

"Forget it, even if we want to intervene in this matter, we are not qualified, so we can only wait and see what happens.-"

"The most urgent thing now is to go back to Jiutian and take refuge. I feel that if I continue to hang out in the vastness, I may die one day.-……"

The scarred man sighed, and then each person and the dog disappeared from the spot.

After they left, Gu Changge, who was in the Fatian Alliance, withdrew his gaze and looked thoughtful.

In fact, ever since Yaoyao used that life-saving thing to"force" him to show up, he knew that someone had been paying attention to Jiang Weiyang's movements, and the causal connection had a lot to do with Gu Xian'er.

That's why he didn't take any more care and allowed the situation to develop.

This man and the dog came from the land of Jiutian, and for the entire vast world, the land of Jiutian has always had a transcendent status. It is called the birthplace of immortality and the end of the sky.

For countless epochs, there have been many powerful people who have sought immortality and enquiry, looking for the land of Nine Heavens and wanting to go there.

Before the Daochang True Realm changed its name, there was a man named Qing Feng who left the Shanhai True Realm and followed the clues left by his predecessors in the Immortal Palace to find the Land of Nine Heavens. He wanted to move reinforcements and stop it. A catastrophe in the true world of mountains and seas.

Gu Changge knew about the incident at the time and did not interfere in any way.

He understands the Land of Nine Heavens better than anyone else. It is actually not the source of immortality, but a cemetery of heaven.

Since ancient times, calamities have come, and many people who do not know their own capabilities have tried to"defeat the sky" to stop calamities. Some of the will of heaven in the true universe have been involved in those wars.If it falls into pieces, it will turn into the energy of Heaven, or fragments of Heaven, and be left on various battlefields.

Jiutian is a place composed of many dilapidated"Fighting Heaven" battlefields.

Many ancient"defeators of the sky" are buried there, and there are also many so-called cemeteries of the sky. Because of the special aura and disordered rules, the aura of the calamity has been assimilated, making it a"transcendent" area that is not invaded by the calamity..

But to Gu Changge, this is just a"loophole" in the operation of heaven in the vast world.

This is true even for those who have survived nine tribulations, but because the number of tribulations has increased, the place where the tree has grown has become more prosperous and huge, and its role has become more powerful, so it will no longer easily encounter small tribulations. of invasion.

In the face of the true calamity of the era, all living beings are equal, and the same is true for the most powerful true world.

From ancient times to the present, the world has been born and the world has been destroyed. I don’t know how many calamities it has experienced. It’s impossible to count.

If, as the sentient beings in the vastness believe, after surviving nine calamities, they will not be invaded by calamities, then how many supreme true realms will there be in the entire vastness?

But for ordinary living beings, they are not aware of these at all. For the entire life, they can only live in the world and the universe where they are.

Even if that world is exhausted and broken, and its ethnic group disappears according to its natural trajectory, it will not know what the calamity is.

It’s the same reason that it’s easy to enjoy the shade under a big tree.

Those new true worlds and ancient true worlds that are attached to the most powerful true world have suffered countless calamities from their birth to their natural demise. They will naturally think that as long as they become a true world like the most powerful true world, they will be able to survive. I won’t worry about the day when disaster strikes.

During such a long period of time, the calamity of the era has come, and even the strongest true world has perished and been shattered, and all eras have been reborn.

Only a handful of creatures who understand the truth and are strong enough survive in the unknown time and space, quietly dormant, hoping to survive the next epochal calamity.

Under such circumstances, there are naturally fewer and fewer people who"defeat the sky". At first, they dared to"defeat the sky" because of ignorance and fearlessness, but after truly understanding why"the sky", all that is left is deep awe and fear. fear.

God is irreversible.

This is the law that will never change since the birth of Cangmang. It is eternal and will never change.

And the Land of Nine Heavens has naturally become a place where those truly ancient and obscene beings who have escaped the calamity of the ages lurk.

The ancestor of the Gu family in the Nine Heavens can actually only be called the ninth ancestor, and his current body in the Daochang True Realm is just a shell of him.

He has been staying in Daochang True Realm just to find the true spirit left behind by the distant ancestor of the Gu family.

Back then, after the Immortal Palace in the True World of Mountains and Seas was destroyed, the ancestors of the Gu family had instructed some of the survivors of the Immortal Palace to flee to the Land of Nine Heavens.

It is precisely because of this that the records related to the later generations of the True World of Mountains and Seas and the Land of Nine Heavens were actually left by the ancestors of the Gu family at that time.

In order to let the Demon Lord wear the vest, Gu Changge changed TianyiSeam, let your wandering identity fit in with the strange number.

Of course, the most important thing is that after the Lord of Daitian is sealed, he needs a new identity to temporarily replace him, so that everything can be logically consistent.

Even if his identity as the Lord of the Heaven is now exposed, in the deduction involving many past and future, all his action trajectories will be reasonable and seamless without any flaws.

After the Black Disaster ended, as the Lord of Daitian, he was sealed and fell into a deep sleep.

A few years later, the power of the seal weakened, and he woke up. Then a ray of power left the place where the black disaster originated, and appeared in the vast world under the alias of the Demon Lord.

At that time, the Ji Chan clan of the ancient Tibetan civilization offended the"ancestor" of the real land because the Era Mother Tree had absorbed a lot of luck and origin in the vastness. The Era Mother Tree was chopped off by Hengkong with a palm, and the Era Mother Tree was intercepted. All life.

As a result, the Ji Chan family became the sinners of ancient Tibetan civilization.

The Mother Tree of Era was snapped, and the ancient Tibetan civilization where Ji Chan's family lived at that time almost collapsed and became exhausted.

So, in order to calm down the anger on that side, the high priest of Guzang reluctantly communicated with that side and learned that a tribute was needed to be sacrificed... That's why the nine princesses of the Ji Chan clan escaped in Tsing Yi wrapped in the fire of the immortal civilization. matter.

Only then did Qing Yi encounter danger during the calamity and was rescued by Gu Changge, who was transformed into a demon lord at that time...

It seems that every drink and peck has a cause and effect, but in fact, all this fate has been in place since the beginning. It was doomed by then.

Gu Changge had already arranged everything

"Xian'er should also return to the land of Jiutian now. Her existence should be noticed by the Gu family there.……"Gu Changge's eyes were profound.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Gu Xian'er had actually been a crucial part of his plan a long time ago.

Now that Gu Xian'er has been selected by the taboo power of"Ju Tian", this is not a back-up plan arranged by the existence hidden in the dark to deal with his identity.

The other party thought he had seen his future and his destiny, so he blatantly targeted his weaknesses.

Because in the world line he chose, Gu Xian'er was indeed his weak spot and negative side, and he had always behaved like this.

But is this really the case?

In fact, Gu Changge can no longer explain this point clearly. Maybe there is a lot of warmth, or maybe it is more calculation.

But people's hearts are complicated after all, and he has always believed that the deeds do not matter the heart.

Good and evil and good and bad have never been truly defined, let alone selfless love and kindness.

Besides, he is not actually a real person...

For this reason, he has been thinking of ways to make up for Yue Mingkong, Jiang Chuchu and others around him, so that they can feel that ray of warmth.

At the same time, there is a vast ancient land far away.

On one side of the extremely open mountain cliff, white mist surges.

The Xianyue Sect’s group, including Gu Xianer and the woman in white,Standing here, either frowning, concentrating, or thinking, staring at the middle-aged man in white in front of him.

The middle-aged man in white clothes sat quietly cross-legged, with a board of chess pieces in front of him. His expression was detached and calm, with an air of being otherworldly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There is a mysterious meaning surrounding him, as if he is surrounded by billions of stars, rising and falling, evolving into boundless fairy thoughts.

He looks like a true Taoist ancient immortal.

This is a majestic mountain range with surging energy and chaos. Accompanied by auspicious clouds, even the soil is glowing, with elixirs swaying and the fragrance fragrant.

The middle-aged man in white clothes in front of him was called the senior tombkeeper by Song Yu.

But since Gu Xianer and others arrived here, they found that they had been staring at the chessboard, as if they had not moved or paid attention to them in an eternity.

Song Yu has also been waiting respectfully by the side without disturbing him.

"Finally arrived at the land of nine heavens……"

Next to Gu Xian'er and others, a woman wearing a wide green robe, with a slender figure and a delicate face, with long hair tied with a wooden hairpin, was looking at the environment in front of her, with some strange colors in her eyes.

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