During the period when Gu Changge left the Fatian Alliance, Ling Yuling and Yaoyao came to see him several times. One wanted to mention Jiang Weiyang's affairs, and the other wanted to ask about the Immortal Alliance, but there were no exceptions. No sign of him was seen.

On the day when the Immortal League was established, the Zhengyi League sent many high-level officials there.

Nowadays, all the Taoist ethnic groups in the vast expanse of land are turning their eyes and paying close attention to every move of the Fatian Alliance.

But at this juncture, Gu Changge disappeared. Even Ling Yuling, who was usually considered closest to him, did not know his whereabouts.

This made Ling Yuling slightly helpless, feeling that the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuch was.

Many senior officials of the Fatian League, such as Chu Heng, White Bone Ancestor King, Hunyuan Jun, and others, were all proposing that Ling Yuling should make the final decision regarding the birth ceremony of the Immortal League.

After all, Gu Changge had said before that he would not embarrass the Immortal Dao Alliance, nor did he want to make too many enemies and become a public enemy of all Daoist worlds.

"Let’s wait a little longer."In the main hall, Ling Yuling shook her head gently.

Now, except for the senior leaders of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, many civilized groups in the outside world believe that she is still trapped in the void of time and space.

Even many powerful people in the Fighting Heaven Alliance don't know. In fact, she was fished out of the void of time and space by Gu Changge the day after the battle between the Fatian League and the Zhengyi League.

Ling Yuling had never had any doubts about Gu Changge's strength.

"But I am worried that the Zhengyi League will interfere with it and instigate hatred between me and the Heavenly League and the other civilized worlds. Hunyuanjun frowned.

Chu Heng on the side sneered,"In the eyes of all the tribes in today's vast world, aren't we, the Fighting Heaven League, just deviants?" Hatred and such have already existed. If it weren't for the alliance leader sitting in charge and fearing the whole world, I'm afraid they would have been attacked by a group of people."

"In my opinion, the establishment of the Immortal Alliance this time can be said to play into the hands of the Zhengyi Alliance. They will probably find a way to counter our Defeating Heaven Alliance in the future."

"The best way is to stop the establishment of the Immortal Alliance once and for all. Anyway, a war will break out sooner or later, so it is better to solve it earlier to avoid it becoming a big problem in the future."

The senior leaders of the Fatian League are actually divided into several factions now.

Chu Heng happens to be a militant faction. He likes to lead armies, fight in all directions, expand territories, and accumulate enough military exploits, so that Gu Changge can fulfill his wish and help him resurrect. Wife.

Hunyuanjun, Zhuofengxie and others are moderates. They don't like to be too strong. They want to take advantage of everything slowly. They first use means to disintegrate its interior, and then annex it through encirclement.

Or they first shock and force the other party. Surrender and submit, but in the end it doesn't work, and then use force to attack.

Over the years, Gu Changge has never intervened in this. Everything is handled by Ling Yuling, quite like a hands-off boss.

On weekdays, only when important things happen He will only make a decision when the time comes. For example, the last battle with the Zhengyi League was what he ordered.

On such a big matter, no one can shake his decision.

Ling Yuling listened to the hall The high-ranking officials who were arguing had their eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and they rubbed their eyebrows with a headache.

But at this moment, she seemed to feel something suddenly, and she glanced outside the hall, thought for a moment, and let everyone Waiting here, she will turn into a stream of light and go away

"Could it be that the alliance leader is back?"The White Bone Ancestor King guessed.

Next to him, followed a gray-haired girl with snow-white skin and delicate facial features, as if carved from ice and snow. She was the one who was brought out from the arena of the fairy civilization by Gu Changge. Mo Tong.

She inherited the mantle of the White Bone Ancestor King and entered the Tao through killing. Among the countless talented and arrogant young geniuses in the Fatian League today, she is also the leader.

Mo Tong came from behind, and on the surface, her cultivation strength has almost caught up. Mu Yan.

Due to laziness, Mu Yan's cultivation progress was very slow. If Gu Changge hadn't kicked her out of the courtyard some time ago, she probably wouldn't have taken the initiative to practice outside to improve her cultivation strength.

"Master, I want to participate in the viewing ceremony of the establishment of the Immortal Alliance this time."After Mo Tong watched Ling Yuling disappear, he whispered to the Bone Ancestor King.

"If you want to participate, there is no problem, but we are not yet sure of the true intention of the alliance leader."The Bone Ancestor King nodded and said

"The leader of the alliance will not take action against the Immortal Alliance, because the Immortal Alliance will restrict the dark group. For the sake of the overall situation, the alliance leader will not easily deal with the Immortal Alliance."

"At present, the dark group is the biggest threat."Mo Tong whispered.

The White Bone Ancestor King glanced at her, smiled, and did not comment.

And soon, Ling Yuling left the hall and returned, but with a strange look on his face.

"Regarding the Immortal Alliance, the alliance leader has said it, and he will go there in person when the time comes."

"At that time, the Bone Ancestor King, Tong Xian and others will follow."

She swept through the high-level officials in the hall, and then looked at Chu Heng,"Commander Chu Heng, the Zhengyi Alliance needs you and the Demon Emperor Di Kun to lead the army. The alliance leader plans to establish the Immortal Alliance this time. At that time, a huge surprise was given to Zhengyimeng"

"On that day, the leader of the alliance might personally take action to defeat the Zhengyi Alliance."

As soon as she finished speaking, the hall suddenly fell into a dead silence. All the senior leaders of the Fighting Sky Alliance, no matter what their cultivation level, were all shocked, with surprise and horror on their faces. Even the ones who had been standing not far away were all shocked.

, several taboo beings who had never spoken before, such as Mu Fuguang, Compassion Zen Buddha, Tong Xian, etc., could not help but look over, their faces extremely shocked.

Gu Changge might take action personally, what does this mean

? The Tianmeng and the Zhengyi Alliance may truly face a decisive battle.

The vast situation is about to undergo a major reshuffle.

They have witnessed Gu Changge's power that is impossible to match, and understand that only the true power behind the Zhengyi Alliance The mastermind has appeared, otherwise with the current strength of the Zhengyi League, it would be impossible to stop Gu Changge.

Or does Gu Changge just want to force that person to show up?

He has never intervened between the Futian League and Zhengyi League before. Why did the alliance suddenly make such a decision?

Even Ling Yuling couldn't guess what Gu Changge was thinking. Just now, she sensed that Gu Changge's aura returned to the Fatian Alliance and rushed to the place where he was practicing Qingxiu. In a courtyard.

But she saw a group of orioles and swallows around Gu Changge. They were all stunningly beautiful, and their beauty was no less beautiful than hers.

She almost suspected that she had come to the wrong place or at the wrong time..

But Gu Changge still had that calm and calm attitude, and he was not surprised when he saw her arrival. He just introduced her casually. These women were all his wives who had been married to matchmakers.

Ling Yuling didn't know that Gu Changge's past, but after seeing such a scene, it still took a long time to recover. It turned out that during the time when he disappeared, he went to see his beautiful wife, but she never thought that he actually had a family before..

Ling Yuling always thought that Gu Changge was alone and independent.

I am afraid that no one in the entire Fatian League knew these things.

No, Gu Changge's apprentice, the girl Yaoyao who likes to wear red skirts, she She should know this.

In fact, she should have guessed this a long time ago. After all, she has disciples and has a family, which is natural.

When Ling Yuling's thoughts were confused.

Among them, a cunning and weird woman... He stepped forward, addressed her as sister, took her arm in a familiar manner, and then asked about the origin of her name and the details of how she was taken down by Gu Changge.

This made Ling Yuling very overwhelmed, her face became hot, and she felt that Yan's temperament is comparable to that of this woman.

She had seen Gu Changge opening up the world and refining chaos in this courtyard, and she was still a little curious and confused. Was he too idle? Now it seems that he must be She was also making preparations early to bring in all the female family members.

This made Ling Yuling feel inexplicably sour and envious.

It turned out that Gu Changge also considered the others.

Later, she remembered When it came to business, she asked about the Immortal Alliance, and Gu Changge informed her of many plans and instructions.

Ling Yuling did not continue to disturb him and left the other courtyard.

In the main hall, Fa Many senior officials of the Tianmeng League have complicated thoughts.

The establishment of the Immortal League has already made the situation in Cangmang even more chaotic. If Gu Changge really kills the Zhengyi League, then Cangmang will really become a troubled world.

"It seems that they are not planning to give the Zhengyi League any chance to breathe. Maybe the Zhengyi League still feels that the war has just ended and the Fatian League needs to retire and recuperate."

"No one could have expected this sudden change."Mu Fuguang, Tong Xian and others couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

In the previous battle, they didn't end up because they felt that there were existences similar to theirs on the Zhengyi League, hiding in the dark, in Waiting for the opportunity.

But then a decisive battle breaks out between the Zhengyi League and the Futian League. If even Gu Changge takes action, they cannot stand by and stay aloof.

With Gu Changge's character, it is impossible for them to watch from the sidelines. It’s a joke.

Maybe a few Ancestral Realm beings of the same realm will die next, and even they may be robbed.

"He was not in a hurry before, so why did he suddenly want to take action personally? I always felt that he had some ulterior motives?"Mu Fuguang is the oldest living among the forbidden beings, and the one with the most unfathomable strength. At this moment, she feels that there is a terrible malice coming from somewhere, which will sweep through all the worlds.

At the same time , , in the courtyard, Gu Changge has finally settled down in the Kingdom of God. Although he wants to go to Daochang Zhenjie, it is just a thought and a few breaths of effort, but for Yue Mingkong, Jiang Chuchu and others Even though he was speaking, it seemed like he was separated by hundreds of millions of light years and endless time and space.

Now he placed the Kingdom of God in this courtyard, and it became a separate universe world, equivalent to his back garden.

Jiang It was easy for Chu Chu and Wang Zijin to see him. They could come out of it at any time. Although the practice process was boring and boring, it also gave them more peace of mind and fun.


In the pool, bursts of excitement arose. Gu Changge put Xiyao's reincarnated fish into the ripples of water.

The rich essence of the sun and moon and the aura of heaven and earth were incorporated with her breathing, and the originally crystal and beautiful body surface began to glow with traces of chaos. After all ,

Cangmang is different from Daochang True Realm. The world level and the rules of heaven and earth are completely different. Xiyao's practice and transformation here has created a foundation far beyond what she had ever been in the demon world.

When her spiritual wisdom was born, Su Hui When she remembers it, her cultivation will probably catch up with her previous life.

Especially in this pool, there is also part of the godhead that Gu Changge accidentally caught when he was fishing for Taixuanzu God. Essence.

This is also a rare tonic for Xiyao.

Of course, Gu Changge did not interfere with her growth and just let it take its own course. However, when mentioning the Taixuan Ancestor God, Gu Changge remembered that he was in her The backhand left on her body should be working soon.

After all, how can the bait that passed through his hands be retrieved so easily? Even if it was something that originally belonged to her, it would be the same..

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