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The mighty Fatian Alliance army came and retreated very quickly. The boundless murderous intent that shrouded the world also dissipated as the ancient warships quickly retreated.

The Dao realm beings who were fighting in various places in time and space also quickly withdrew and did not want to fight.

Fighting between beings of the same level can last for tens of millions of years. Unless multiple people intervene, it will be difficult to determine the winner, or even life or death.

Unless a Taoist being is attacked and killed, it would be difficult for him to fall in such a battle.

Whether it is the Fighting Heaven Alliance or the Zhengyi Alliance, not many Dao realm beings have fallen.


Ancient warships flew across the sky, ripples in time and space spread, portal tunnels were opened one after another. The army of the Tianfa Alliance came with great force, and retreated without any scruples. It seemed that they were not afraid of being pursued by the Zhengyi Alliance.

Chu Xiao, Zhuo Fengxie, Hunyuan Jun and many other high-level figures were at the back of the palace, facing off against the strong men of the Zhengyi Alliance across a universe. After watching the massive army retreat, they turned and left.

The white-robed figure stood quietly in the universe with his hands behind his hands, without any expression or any obstruction.

Many strong men from the Zhengyi Alliance had ugly expressions on their faces, but no one had the courage to step forward to stop them. They could only watch as the Fatian Alliance army retreated like a tide.

Although they seemed to have the upper hand and an advantage in this battle, they knew very well that the Zhengyi Alliance had never had any advantage.

From the time when the Fatian Alliance fought against the Zhengyi League until now, the mysterious and invincible leader of the Fatian Alliance has never appeared, let alone made a move.

He is sitting in the Fatian Alliance across a distant latitude of time and space, intimidating the entire vastness, countless civilizations, and countless ethnic groups, not daring to act rashly.

Even powerful and domineering creatures like the dark ones would not dare to touch even an inch of territory that invades the Heaven-defying Alliance.

The existence of the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance is like a terrifying mountain, hanging high above the heads of all living beings, bringing unparalleled terror, oppression and deterrence.

The Zhengyi Alliance indeed won this battle, but what about the next battle?

It is absolutely impossible for the Fatian League to let go of the Zhengyi League.

What would happen if the alliance leader took action personally?

Many high-level officials of the Zhengyi League who had originally breathed a sigh of relief because of the victory in this battle, when they thought of this matter, their hearts became heavy again, and a haze appeared in their hearts.

"By then, can we still count on this senior?"Someone looked at the mysterious white-robed figure and thought of the killing formation diagram in his hand.

Can the ancient fourth killing formation, known as the Immortal Killing God, withstand the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance?

After experiencing this battle After that, every universe was devastated, the star field was shattered, corpses and weapon fragments were flying everywhere, the smell of blood was strong, and there were many broken chariots floating in various universes.

Although the army of the Zhengyi Alliance was not afraid Yu and the Fatian League fought in a fierce battle, but at this moment, seeing the mighty Fatian League army retreating, many people couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief and finally relaxed.

The terrifying oppression that shrouded their heads finally dissipated.

At least in the future, the Zhengyi Alliance can take a breather and get some time to relax.

Many entities in various places in the vast world are paying close attention to this crucial battle. At this time, they also withdrew their gazes, with different and complicated moods. Incomparable.

Many people were surprised by the outcome of this battle. They did not expect that such a mysterious being would emerge from the Zhengyi League and hold the Fourth Killing Formation of Ancient Times. His powerful methods trapped the deputy leader of the Futian League, causing The armies of the Fatian League evacuated.

But from a long-term perspective, although the Zhengyi League has forced the Fatian League back, it does not mean that they can rest easy.

The Zhengyi League can defeat the Fatian League countless times, but the Fatian League We only need to win the Zhengyi League once.

The huge disparity in strength has been fully demonstrated in this battle.

There are still many tyrannical and terrifying figures in the Futian League who have not yet come forward.

As for the Zhengyi League, they have almost shown their full potential. Not to mention, the leader of the Fatian Alliance, who was feared by the entire Cangmang, never made a move from the beginning to the end.

"The army of the Futian League dared to retreat so recklessly, but the Zhengyi League did not dare to pursue it. That is because they lacked confidence and felt guilty.……"

Many ancient beings couldn't help but sigh.

Both the Futian League and the Zhengyi League are behemoths that have encompassed many Taoist civilizations, and their underlying strength far exceeds that of the most powerful civilization in the world.

When the land of the source of darkness is about to return to the vastness, they don't want these two behemoths to fight to the death and let the dark creatures benefit from it.

No one could guess the thoughts and purposes of the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance, let alone try to persuade him to change his mind.

The results of this crucial battle between the Fatian League and the Zhengyi League soon spread throughout time and space across the vast expanse of land, causing a huge sensation.

Many orthodox civilizations are speculating on the identity and origin of the mysterious white-robed man.

After all, he was able to push back the army of the Heaven-defeating Alliance on his own. Such a record was shocking.

Many living beings speculated that the strength of the mysterious man in white robes surpassed that of ordinary Ancestral Dao Realm beings, and that he might even be an existence that had survived nine heavenly decline tribulations.

As soon as this speculation came out, it immediately caused an uproar in various civilizations.

In today's era, what does it mean to survive nine tribulations of heavenly decline? It means that he is already close to the realm of the end of the road, and has reached a point on the road to the Tao realm that few people can reach.

However, there are also many ancient existences, which I think are unlikely. If they are ancestral realm existences that have survived nine heavenly decline tribulations, they should not be able to allow the Heaven Defying Alliance's army to retreat safely.

With such strength, why should we be afraid of the leader of the Heaven-defeating Alliance?

Prior to this, some Taoist civilizations had actually speculated that Gu Changge, the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, was a being who had survived nine heavenly declines and truly entered the realm of end of the road.

It's just that this guess has never been verified. The people who have actually seen the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance take action are either dead or have surrendered to him and become his subordinates.

If the strength of that mysterious white-robed man is comparable to that of the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, then how could the Zhengyi League miss such a good opportunity to deal with the Fighting Heaven Alliance?

In just a few days after the Fatian Alliance retreated, all kinds of rumors and speculations appeared. There was also turmoil and discussion in various places in the vast expanse.

Many orthodox civilizations are also paying attention to the whereabouts of the Fatian Alliance army.

After seeing many ancient warships hovering on the border of the Zhengyi Alliance, staying in those universes and not really retreating, they understood that this war was not over yet.

The Fatian Alliance will probably discuss how to deal with the mysterious man in white robes next.

As for how the Zhengyi League will respond, that is also a matter for the Zhengyi League.

The imminent return of the land of darkness has made many civilized ethnic groups feel the urgency and pressure.

If it weren't for the war between the Fighting Heaven Alliance and the Zhengyi Alliance, which affected the hearts and minds of countless Taoists, I'm afraid that at this time, a war against the dark creatures would have started in various parts of the world.

"Taking advantage of the truce between the Futian League and the Zhengyi League, we may be able to discuss countermeasures and persuade them to put aside their past prejudices and hatreds and join forces to deal with the dark creatures."

"Dark creatures are a serious problem that all races in the vast world must face. No one wants to see the tragedy of the past happen again."

"No matter what, the top priority now is to prevent the return of the land of darkness and stop the conspiracy of the dark creatures. If the Fatian League and the Zhengyi League are allowed to fight, then it will be in compliance with the wishes of the dark creatures."

Of course, there are also many ethnic groups who are worried and put a lot of thoughts on dealing with dark creatures. They feel that the withdrawal of the Futian Alliance's army has given the Zhengyi Alliance a chance to breathe. This is also a good way to persuade the two behemoths to put aside their prejudices and join forces for the time being. The timing.

After discussions, many ethnic groups immediately dispatched their respected elders, carrying many valuables, to Xiangfa Tianmeng and Zhengyi League, hoping to persuade the two sides to join forces. At the same time, many hidden people who were born Under the leadership of the World Clan, many orthodox civilizations who disliked each other and had frictions put aside their grudges for the time being and agreed to join forces to formulate rules and covenants to compete against the dark creatures.

This news quickly spread across the world. The news spread, making many practitioners and living beings feel excited.

However, some people expressed concerns, believing that the previous establishment of the Zhengyi Alliance was based on the premise of dealing with dark creatures and benefiting the common people.

But the establishment of the Zhengyi Alliance Many of their subsequent actions are really disappointing and chilling.

No one knows what consequences the establishment of this new covenant will bring. The lessons learned from the past have made many ethnic groups afraid to continue. To believe it.

Faced with this kind of doubt, some practitioners and creatures soon began to explain, believing that the emergence of a new covenant was inevitable, just as the Zhengyi League was established to compete with the Fighting Sky League and maintain the peace in the vast world. order, andIt is to deal with dark creatures.

As for the Zhengyi League signing a humiliating peace covenant with the dark creatures, that was also a last resort. At that time, the Zhengyi League was faced with the invasion of dark creatures and dark creatures, and was attacked from both sides.

The Futian League is bent on destroying and cannibalizing the Zhengyi League. Faced with this situation, the only thing the Zhengyi League can do is to compromise and sacrifice some ethnic groups and forces in exchange for the safety of the civilization of the remaining members.

If the Zhengyi League chooses to fight to the death with the dark creatures, it will ultimately benefit the Fatian League and reap the benefits. Once there is no check and balance from the Zhengyi League, won't the Fatian League become more lawless and have no scruples?

In this dilemma, the only way for the Zhengyi Alliance was to compromise with the dark creatures, cede territory, and give up part of the ethnic group's power. For this, they were burdened with a lot of infamy and contempt.

Under this explanation, everything Zheng Yimeng did seemed to become reasonable.

However, this still cannot erase its current image of being cowardly, shameless, and treacherous in the hearts of all ethnic groups.

Many senior officials of the Zhengyi League did not expect that there would be living beings and practitioners explaining for them. Although it seemed to be a disguised way of"whitewashing" their decisions, the stains on the Zhengyi League were also revealed. There are really too many, and even the Defying Tianmeng cannot make more concessions than them.

This has also caused many ethnic groups to be full of expectations for this newly established alliance and place a lot of hope on it.

Perhaps this new covenant will become the only fire that can be placed in this darkness.

"The emergence of this new covenant may have been hardened for a long time, but now it just coincides with it. Were you not curious before, where did the fourth party hidden in the dark come from?"

"If you take a look now, isn't this already showing its flaws?"

In the grand and ancient hall of the Zhengyi Alliance, the head of the Zhou Mie Mansion, as the deputy leader, smiled faintly.

Beside him, many senior officials of the Zhengyi Alliance gathered together and were discussing the new alliance.

The army of the Defeating Sky Alliance The evacuation of the Zhengyi League indeed gave the Zhengyi League a chance to breathe. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

During this period, many rumors and news from the outside world naturally spread to the Zhengyi League. In the ears of the higher-ups.

And the matters related to this new covenant attracted their great attention.

Although the emergence of this new covenant is to deal with dark creatures, in a certain way, it will also become a check and balance. The new huge force of the Alliance.

In today's vast world, it can be roughly divided into three parties: the Fatian Alliance, the Zhengyi Alliance, and the dark ethnic groups.

Many scattered civilized traditions and 363 ethnic group forces are not enough to compete with any of them. One force is calling for a counterbalance.

But the emergence of this new alliance is obviously to connect those scattered civilized traditions and ethnic forces, and to bring the scattered sand together.

Once this force gathers, it cannot be underestimated.

"This fourth-party force that has been hiding until now may have a big plan. It has spread a lot of news before, stating the origin relationship between the dark creatures and the former Daitian Group, and then pointed the finger at us, with the intention of instigating the civilization of all parties. Deal with me and wait"

"Now it seems that once this new covenant is established, the situation may be reversed.……"

"Judging from the character of the leader of the Fatian Alliance, he does not seem to be someone who would give up his immediate interests to others."

"He might temporarily point his finger at the newly formed covenant, or simply not allow its establishment."

In the main hall, all the senior officials of the Zhengyi Alliance began to speculate and discuss.

Many people's eyes flickered, full of strange colors, thinking that the Futian Alliance might take action next to destroy the establishment of the new alliance.

And this is also This will be an opportunity to rectify the alliance.

At the same time, Chu Xiao, Zhuo Fengxie and others who returned to the Fighting Alliance were also reporting many things about this war in front of Gu Changge.

They had a look of shame on their faces. And I feel ashamed that with such a huge advantage of the Futian Alliance, they were forced to retreat by the Zhengyi Alliance in this battle. This also caused the deputy leader Ling Yuling to encounter an accident and may be trapped in the void of time and space.

If the mysterious white man had been investigated earlier, If the strength and means of the robed people are not great, then they will not suffer such a big loss.

In the final analysis, the advantage is too huge, which leads to underestimating the enemy's self-confidence.

"I don’t blame you for this battle, it’s mainly because I was too lazy and dismissive, and didn’t pay much attention to it."

Gu Changge waved his hand. He was sitting calmly in the pavilion. He was dressed in a feather coat, spotless, his eyes were calm and gentle, with an air of transcendence and detachment. He did not blame Chu Xiao and others.

Of course, that was what he said. The specific reason is that he already knew the outcome of this battle and did not do it intentionally.

He was just waiting for the Master of Luck to take action himself, so that the"big fish" who had been hiding would end.

If the Fatian League did not give When the alliance is given a chance to breathe, how can those"big fish" who have been waiting in the dark have a chance to operate?

For example, the new alliance that will appear this time.

The emergence of the new alliance also means that those guys finally I can't hold it any longer

"Alliance leader, Senior Yuling may be trapped in the void of time and space.……"

Although Gu Changge didn't mean to blame them, Chu Xiao was still filled with shame and couldn't help but say, a little worried

"You don’t have to worry about Yu Ling’s matter, I will take care of it."Gu Changge still waved his hand and said calmly...

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