This sudden scene caught many people off guard, with expressions of shock and disbelief on their faces.

Outside the main hall, many clan leaders and elders also did not realize what happened, and their faces were full of shock.

The leaders and sects of various clans were also astonished, with expressions of shock and surprise on their faces.

Why did the leader of the Fatian Alliance, who was signing the Greek-Yuan Alliance, suddenly be attacked.

Even beings in the Ancestral Realm cannot resist such terrifying power that can destroy the heaven and the earth.

He is determined to kill the leader of the Heaven-defying Alliance here.

It is clear that once the covenant is signed, the situation of the Greek Yuan civilization will also become stable, and a period of peace and tranquility will usher in in the future.

This is a great good thing for any orthodoxy and ethnic group, so why bother to stop it?

During this process, the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance did not obstruct it, and did not even have any objection.

On the contrary, he stepped forward to sign the covenant with great openness and ease, and everything was moving in a good direction.

But now, everything is ruined.

From the moment he attacked Gu Changge, even if the covenant made for peace was completely destroyed, it would be impossible to sign it in the future.

The clan leaders and elders of each ethnic group had gray faces, and they already had a premonition that there would be a bloody chaos in the Xiyuan civilization next.

No matter whether Gu Changge, the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, dies this time, the various Taoist forces will definitely suffer backlash and be retaliated by everyone in the Fighting Heaven Alliance.

At this moment, the angry shouts of the people of the Fatian Alliance in the main hall also made many practitioners and creatures who did not know the truth outside Zhongmiao Mountain come back to their senses, full of shock and horror.

Just now, everyone was blinded by the terrifying divine light that penetrated the deep space of the universe. Their five senses were closed and they had no idea what was happening in the hall.

And now it seems that the world-destroying divine light wrapped in the golden scroll of the covenant was actually prepared to kill Gu Changge, the leader of the Killing Sky Alliance?

Could it be that this so-called Xiyuan Covenant is actually just a trap set by the Patriarch of the Yuxian Palace and all Taoist forces to defeat the leader of the Tianfa League, and they want to work together to trap him here?

"is this real?"

"Is this all just a trap set up in advance to deal with the leader of the Defeating Sky Alliance? Have we even been deceived?"

"Is the signing of the Greek-Yuan Covenant this time just a cover, actually to cover up a larger purpose?"

Many practitioners and living beings were trembling with fear and had chills running down their backs.

In addition to them, the other unknowing forces and ethnic groups also felt that they had been deceived.

Before coming here, they had no idea that this was happening. There was no rumor or news about the incident.

Everyone thought that this would be a covenant made for peaceful coexistence, in order to allow the next Greek-Yuan covenant to have a relatively peaceful period.

But who would have thought that the Royal The founder of Immortal Palace and others are so ruthless and decisive that they do not hesitate to deceive the entire Xiyuan civilization, but also plan to deal with Gu Changge.

This courage and method make people tremble, frightened, and at the same time feel extremely scared.

After all, Before this, no one dared to think like this. In order to solve the scourge of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, they would simply set up a trap to kill Gu Changge, the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance. At this moment, the clan leaders and other figures of all clans were all fighting against the Emperor. Ling Yuling, the founder of the Immortal Palace, felt deep awe and fear.

It can only be said that she was the sage who wiped out the black disaster in the first place. She seemed to be as gentle as water, elegant and graceful, but she was actually ruthless and decisive, with deep scheming and unfathomable methods. Test.


As all the tribes and forces were shocked, a world-shattering battle broke out in the hall deep in Zhongmiao Mountain in an instant.

The people of the Defying Tian Alliance were forced to come, and several Dao realm beings were furious. In the middle, he directly took action, and the incomparable divine power rushed away like the vast sea. The divine light rolled and the runes of the avenue flickered. The phantoms of small worlds and ancient universes were intertwined, where the scenery of the heavens evolved, which could suppress everything. Ling.

Everyone took action with anger. They were furious because of the scene in front of them, so there was no mercy at all.

At this moment, for everyone in the Futian Alliance, everyone in the hall was an enemy, and they were enemies with Ling Yuling and others. A joint plan to trap the life and death enemy of the alliance leader Gu Changge

"He's so powerful, he should be fine……"

Mu Yan's eyes were full of worry, and he still looked at the evaporated area with lingering fear.

All the rules and atmosphere in it have disappeared, and even the vision and consciousness cannot be lost, as if they have been erased from this world forever.

There is no need to say how terrifying this power is. It can even obliterate the existence of the Ancestral Realm. It can definitely be called a devastating killing move.

They did not expect that such an accident would happen when they signed the Greek Yuan Covenant this time.

She was also present when Ling Yuling discussed the contents of the covenant with a group of ancient beings. She was not interested in the regulations above.

Because before this, Gu Changge had told her that the development of the Fighting Heaven Alliance would definitely make the Xiyuan civilization feel fearful, so all tribes must formulate means such as the Xiyuan Covenant to curb its development.

At that time, Mu Yan asked him, what would he do in this case? Lead the Fatian Alliance to conquer the orthodox forces one by one?

Gu Changge just smiled, then shook his head and said that he was not interested in such things. The Xiyuan Covenant and other things were signed as soon as they were signed and would not have any impact on the Fatian League.

His original intention of establishing the Fighting Heaven Alliance was not to unify the Greek and Yuan civilization to satisfy his own ambitions.

Mu Yan knew at that time that the structure of the various ethnic groups in the Xiyuan civilization would never be on the same level as Gu Changge.

The views you see are completely different depending on the height you stand on.

Gu Changge really established the Heaven-Fighting Alliance for the common people, all spirits and tribes, in order to"defeat the sky".

So now seeing the various tribes of the Xiyuan civilization uniting to deal with Gu Changge, she really felt angry and distressed.

"leaderHuman strength is unfathomable, so it should be fine."Mo Tong's cold face showed a rare hint of worry, and he whispered.

Mu Yan glanced at her, a little surprised. This gray-haired girl who looked like an ice sculpture rarely spoke, let alone showed her true feelings like this.

Although like herself, she has been following Gu Changge for a long time. When she was in the fairy civilization, she was taken away from the arena by Gu Changge and has been with him ever since.

But basically there are few people around. Hearing how she spoke, she usually didn't say a word. Except for following the Bone Ancestor King to practice killing techniques, her whole person was like a flawless ice sculpture.

"The leader is very kind to me. He is actually a kind and warm person. He should not be plotted and dealt with like this."

Mo Tong seemed to have noticed Mu Yan's gaze and whispered again.

She will never forget how Gu Changge took her away in that arena full of darkness, blood, and filthy stench. A day for her to soak up the sun and enjoy the fresh air

"If something happens to the leader, I swear I will make these people pay the price."

Mo Tong's light gray pupils flashed with murderous intent, and he slowly swept across the various races and traditions in the hall, especially stopping on the faces of Ling Yuling and Saint Xiyuan. In the hall, there was a terrifying scene. The breaths intertwined, and as the fists and palms flew, one Dao rune after another loomed, and the terrible power was like a gap in the sky, constantly oppressing and venting down.

And on the sky, various ancient Dao tools Ups and downs, there are magic lamps, Tai Chi diagrams, Yin Yang swords, Bagua mirrors, fairy drums... They are all surrounded by billions of rays of light and clear clouds. The order of the avenue is falling, filled with a destructive atmosphere. The edges of the palms are born and destroyed, and the universe collapses..

Such a battle is extremely shocking, and it often runs through billions of galaxies. There are also some Ancestral Realm beings nearby, all with deep and indifferent eyes, intending to join the battle at any time.

Thanks to the fact that this place is Zhongmiao Mountain, with natural terrain formations, otherwise any A fight between a Taoist being is enough to level the surrounding area.

"Sister, why are you doing this?"

Ling Yuxian was protected by several elders from Yuxian Palace and stood behind her.

She looked at her sister who was confronting several Ancestral Dao Realm beings from the Futian Alliance, her face full of confusion and suppressed anger.

"I don't know why things are like this."

Ling Yuling shook her head gently, her tone a little helpless and bitter.

At this moment, she was actually full of shock and confusion, but now she had to confront everyone in the Tianfa League.

Because now in the eyes of everyone, including Yuxian Palace All the elders and disciples of her also thought that this was what she was planning in secret. She had united all the Taoist forces to plot and kill Gu Changge.

Not far away, Saint Xiyuan also had no choice but to form an alliance with Fa Tian. Everyone was confronting each other.

She didn't know whether to believe Ling Yuling's words. Was it true? Or did she just want to remove herself from it and throw the blame to others?

She and Ling Yuling had indeed discussed countermeasures before and came up with it for this purpose. There were several solutions.

But Ling Yuling never told her about this matter from beginning to end.

"It can only be said that he is worthy of being a forerunner in encircling and suppressing the evil forces. This method is admirable."

Shang Chongming, an ancient being from Jie Kong Ridge, couldn't help but look at Ling Yuling with a bit of admiration and fear in his eyes.

The power that had just been bombarded made him who had survived eight heavenly declines , I felt a burst of heart palpitations and fear.

If I were caught off guard and suffered such a blow, I am afraid that I might die. Even if the leader of the Sky Alliance does not die, I am afraid that he will lose a layer of skin and no longer be in his peak state.

"I really admire this method."Daojun Changming also raised his hands, his eyes full of fear.

"Hahaha, you are worthy of Senior Yuling. We are very impressed by such methods. There is really no need to talk about any principles and rules to deal with this person. As long as he can be removed, it will be a great harm to the Xiyuan civilization."

"This is a great merit, and Senior Yu Ling does not need to feel guilty. We can completely understand it, but it is not too late to applaud."

The headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong was fighting with a Taoist being from the Fatian League. His sleeves were rolled up, and two flying swords flew out with chaotic light. They slashed away with a swish, causing the Taoist being's arm to break. , vomiting blood and flying out.

He stood on the sword with a fierce momentum, and the sound of laughter echoed in the hall.

The other sects and leaders who were very close to him also stroked their beards and smiled, although they were quite worried about the scene just now. Surprised, but I don’t think there is anything wrong.

There is no need to pay attention to benevolence, justice and morality when dealing with beings like Gu Changge, the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance. Leaders of immortal Taoist forces such as the Lord of Light of Guangming Temple and the Lord Buddha of Tathagata Buddha Country , led a group of elders behind Buddha to watch from a distance.

They had signed their names on the Xiyuan Covenant early, and they were also very surprised by today's scene. But now

, everyone in the hall has been attacked The Tianmeng regards them as enemies, and the Taoist forces who have left their names on the Xiyuan Covenant are no exception.

Ling Yuling stood in the air, her green hair fluttering, and her originally gentle and watery eyes were now a bit sharp.

She was cold She glanced at the headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong. The other person was adding fuel to the fire at this juncture. This was simply because he did not despise the seriousness of the matter and hoped that she would fight against the Futian Alliance.

Even in her opinion, the Golden Book of the Covenant was definitely ruined by some. The existence had done anything.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to suddenly gather such destructive power to bombard Gu Changge.

This chaotic battle quickly rushed out of the hall. Several Dao realm existences were fighting each other, and their figures had already flown out. In time and space, the divine light soared into the sky in that place, and all kinds of terrifying scenes were performed.

Countless practitioners and creatures were frightened in their hearts, and were shocked by the majestic pressure. The bones in their whole bodies were rattling, and they were about to be crushed underneath..

The heaven and earth are still shaking violently, trembling endlessly, and the surrounding large sacred trees have collapsed. If you look from the depths of the sky, you can see that an unimaginable great rift valley has been formed here, as if cut and penetrated by some incredible force..

Just the escaping breath all around makes people feel sad.、The fear is enough to destroy the body and soul of any living being.

Seeing that the situation was finally out of control, Ling Yuling, who had been confronting everyone in the Fighting Heaven Alliance, had no choice but to take action.

Her slender jade hand stretched out across the entire sky, reaching into the outer space and time, and separated the Dao realm beings who were fighting.

If they are allowed to continue fighting, I am afraid that the surrounding universe will suffer and be destroyed in the aftermath.

The leaders of Shouyang Tianzong, Tuoyangshan, Lingshenku and many other Taoist forces all showed their auras of coercion and continued to confront the Futian Alliance, and the situation became tense.

Many ancient beings, such as Saint Xiyuan, Xiyin, and Daojun Changming, also stood over and calmed down the chaotic situation slightly.

"If you have anything to say, the aura of the leader of the Heaven-defeating Alliance has disappeared. After all, you are also leaders of the party. It is really stupid to still be blinded by him and serve for him."A leader-level figure sneered as he glanced at the people of the Futian Alliance.

"You are really disgusting and despicable. The dignified founder of Yuxian Palace actually did such a despicable thing."

"It's thanks to the leader of the alliance that he appreciates and values ​​you so much. It's because of your sake that he agreed to sign this Xiyuan covenant."

"But who would have thought that the heart of a woman is really the most poisonous. Ling Yuling, you are plotting against your benefactor, how can you rest your conscience?"

"You were trapped in that dark space, but the Alliance Leader personally rescued you. How do you repay the Alliance Leader like this?"

"Let me ask the leader what he did rightLive your business? Why is this so?"

Outside the main hall, Hunyuan Jun, Zhuo Fengxie, Chu Heng and others appeared and walked out, their faces filled with anger and murderous intent. Everyone was filled with a world-shattering aura of killing.

Jing Tianyuan, the distant ancestor of the Jing clan, even He was so angry that he rebuked Ling Yuling in front of everyone, and his words were merciless.

The rest of the Tao realm beings from the Tianfa League were also so angry.

For them, this matter was indeed unimaginable and unimaginable. They never expected that in the future At the critical moment of signing the alliance,

Ling Yuling and others would set up a trap to manipulate the golden book of the alliance and suddenly take action against the alliance leader Gu Changge.

After all, who would have thought that they would be so despicable, in front of the faces of all ethnic groups and orthodox traditions of the Xiyuan civilization , made such a shameless and despicable act.

It’s a shame that everyone in the Tianmen League persuaded Gu Changge, the leader of the alliance, to think twice, thinking that the various tribes of the Greek civilization might not be well-intentioned in formulating the so-called Greek covenant. It took several months. Before, everyone in the Fatian Alliance told Gu Changge about the Xiyuan Covenant, believing that signing the Xiyuan Covenant would definitely not be conducive to the future development of the Fatian Alliance. The

Xiyuan Covenant formulated by various tribes and Taoist orders must be It was formulated to contain the Fatian Alliance.

However, they believed that it could not be signed. Now that the Fatian Alliance is so powerful, it is not afraid of any orthodox forces of the Greek Yuan civilization. It only takes ten thousand years, or even thousands of years, to unify the Greek Yuan civilization.

But. Gu Changge's response to them at that time was that they should not do this. If they fight against all parties, innocent creatures and innocent ethnic groups will be harmed in the end. This is different from what he originally established.Tianmeng’s original intention was inconsistent with it.

If the Defeating Heaven Alliance is established, it will plunge all races and forces into turmoil.

So what's the difference between him and those evil remnants, demon cult monsters?

Those gentle words made everyone in the Fatian League unforgettable for a long time, and then they even admired and respected them.

However, who would have thought that Gu Changge, the leader of the alliance, would consider all beings and all races in the world, but what about all races? But how did you treat him? This is really chilling.

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