The figures of Ling Yuling and Saint Xiyuan appeared again in Yuxian Palace. No one except them knew what they discussed and talked about inside.

In the next few days, Yuxian Palace was very lively.

A stream of light flying boats cut through the sky and space and landed here. Many Taoist forces who had not yet arrived after receiving the news also sent important figures to come here to discuss and formulate a Xiyuan covenant.

In addition, there are also fluctuations and visions coming from many previously unknown forbidden and out-of-this-world places. There is a boy flying in the clouds and clouds, riding a golden fairy cow, and coming to deliver a message to the master behind him.

At the end of the sky, there were cracks and cracks, and many beings wearing divine light descended one after another, coming from Shinto civilization.

This is a major event that alarms the entire Greek Yuan civilization. Not only the Greek Yuan civilization, but also many real worlds and countries are paying close attention to it and want to know the progress as soon as possible.

Ling Yuling and many elders of Yuxian Palace have also been discussing with everyone to modify the regulations of the covenant. At the same time, they are also deducing the fate of Xiyuan Civilization and further improving the covenant.

At the same time, somewhere in the vast expanse of time and space is a cemetery.

Pieces of ancient and broken stone tablets are scattered throughout this time and space, and large nebulae around them are broken into pieces, forming a mass grave.

It can be seen that one after another ancient blood-colored coffins lie in the pits, some parts are rotten and tattered, and they are filled with the air of death, which is heart-shaking.

I don’t know how many epochs these coffins have been there. Some of them have been opened and there is nothing inside, except for some weathered and decayed rags.

And a stunning woman was frowning, holding a piece of radiant sacred jade, trying to break through the layers of restrictions in front of her.

She sat cross-legged here, surrounded by the mighty power of time and space, which was extremely ethereal, like smoke and mist.

As she puffed and puffed, hundreds of millions of rays of clouds intertwined and flowed towards her, just like the ancient immortals in mythology who ate clouds and drank morning dew.

She couldn't see her face clearly, her entire face was shrouded in haze, and only a pair of eyes as bright as the moon could be seen clearly.

She is wearing a long golden dress, flowing with golden light, moving against the clouds, like the eternal sun goddess.

"Logically speaking, the secret treasure left by the Eternal Beginning God should be here, but why do things keep going wrong?"

"Is it possible that the key condensed from five eternal artifacts could make mistakes?"

As the stunning woman muttered to herself, she poured all her divine power into the piece of divine jade in her hand.

An extremely terrifying and turbulent aura emerged from the piece of divine jade, like an infinite river and ocean rushing forward, threatening to Destroying the layers of restrictions around her.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she could not destroy the restrictions in front of her.

Instead, there was a terrifying counterattack force coming, one after another. If the big waves overlapped, she was furious. The blood surged and encountered backlash. His body became unstable, and golden blood dripped out from the corner of his mouth.

The vast mana that was originally injected was quickly squandered and dissipated.

"I've been to various time and space cemeteries, ancient ruins, and countless evil nests, but this is the first time I've encountered such a situation.……"

"Could it be that the Eternal Beginning God has never died?"

The stunning woman frowned. While recovering from her injuries, her gaze once again fell on the layers of restrictions in front of her.

It was from Gu Changge that she obtained five eternal artifacts and condensed them into the secret key to the beginning of eternity. Luo Xiangjun.

However, nearly a thousand years have passed since she condensed the key and determined the secret place of the Eternal Beginning God, and then came to this place and was trapped here.

During these thousand years, she has been trying different methods , opened the restriction here, and entered the secret treasure of the Eternal Beginning God.

But everything failed later. She even used the magic weapon that Gu Changge gave her in the end, but it was still of no use.

And now even she herself Escape has become a problem.

Before coming here, Luo Xiangjun never thought that this matter would be so troublesome. The

Eternal Beginning God has obviously been dead for countless years, and even the blood of the Eternal God Clan is extremely thin, with only fairy spirits There are still a small number of ethnic groups in civilization.

But why do the restrictions left by the Eternal Prime God still have such power after such a long time? Even ordinary Ancestral Realm existences can't even think of setting foot in it.

She was confident at the beginning She fully promised Gu Changge that she would soon open the secret cache left by the Eternal Beginning God and take out the many treasures and resources in it.

However, now, it has become difficult for her to get out of here.

Luo Xiangjun was even a little worried that Gu Changge might mistakenly think that she had taken away the eternal secret, and then take away all the treasures and resources, fly away, and disappear.

"According to the records I have obtained, the Eternal Beginning God is at least an existence that has survived nine heavenly decline tribulations, and is close to the supreme broken level.……"

"If he had not died, would the so-called eternal secret be just a rumor?"

"But the five eternal artifacts do exist, and I also condensed the keys later."

Luo Xiangjun frowned, puzzled.

If she had known this would happen, with her strength, she would never have dared to think about the mystery of the beginning of eternity.

Then she sighed, stood up and stood here The group of time and space cemeteries started walking and started to think of other ways.

There was no way they could be trapped here forever.

If Gu Changge really misunderstood him, then things would really become troublesome.

The gray-brown wind came from far away Blowing in time and space, the breath of decay swept in, accompanied by bursts of cold and forbidding breath.

This space-time cemetery is not located in a certain time and space, but will change with the turmoil and changes of time and space. Constantly changing places, even if Luo Xiangjun is out of trouble at this moment, she doesn't know where she will be.

In the vast expanse, there are trillions of time and space, and the infinite universe, no one knows if there is an end.

Maybe when she escapes from here By that time, we were already extremely far away from the fairy civilization. It would probably be millions of years or even longer before we saw Gu Changge again.

"I have never broken my oath, and I hope he will not misunderstand me."

Luo Xiangjun moved lightly, turned into a golden light, and wandered in this lifeless time and space cemetery, trying to find a way out.

From the records in the classics that she had learned from exploration, the Eternal Beginning God Meeting He fell because he had obtained a forbidden secret code that could not exist in the world.

That forbidden secret code was also called the Master of Transcendence by the world.

Luo Xiangjun has been looking for the secret treasure of the Eternal Prime God, and he also It has something to do with the Master of Transcendence.

She knows her talents and abilities. Even if she has unparalleled opportunities in this life, she will probably only stop at the ancestral realm in the end and cannot make any further progress.

And that Master of Transcendence is Her last chance.

If she wants to get rid of her destiny, she must obtain the general outline of transcendence.


Suddenly, a terrifying loud noise came, and in front of Luo Xiangjun, an extremely huge star exploded and turned into The sky was filled with dust.

A terrifying giant hand covering time and space, with numerous bones hanging on it, suddenly came over from there, instantly plunging the time and space into darkness, and quickly grabbed her.

"Why are there still living things here?"

Luo Xiangjun's expression changed. She never expected that someone would take action against her at this time.

She had no time to react, and her figure instantly grew. Her arms also stretched out, and her snow-white palms carried terrifying Taoist rules, shattering time and space, and poof The same sound was shot forward, and it collided with the giant white bone palm that covered the sky. A terrifying big collision occurred here, as if many stars and the universe were destroyed, and the terrible energy poured out, causing the surrounding time and space to follow. Collapse and annihilation.

Luo Xiangjun groaned, his arms were numb, and blood flowed out at the same time. His slender white fingers were almost broken. She was a little unbelievable. Her strength was not invincible in the ancestral realm, but it was almost.

But unexpectedly In the collision with that giant bone palm just now, I fell into a disadvantage and lost to the opponent.

"How can this be? Obviously, I have never felt the breath of life here in these thousands of years. How could an existence comparable to the ancestral realm suddenly appear?"

"Is the Eternal Beginning God really not dead?"

Luo Xiangjun's figure flew away quickly, trying to avoid it, but that terrifying white bone giant palm followed him like a shadow.

No matter how she avoided it, turned the void into reality, and turned reality into void, there was no trace of her. The effect seemed to lock her firmly, and it hit her directly, causing her figure to fall to the ground, smashing the earth into pieces.


Luo Xiangjun spurted out a mouthful of blood, his breath became slightly sluggish, and then he stood up from the ground with difficulty.

She looked solemn, looking at the giant white bone palm in the distance, feeling apprehensive

"Who is pretending to be a ghost here? Luo Xiangjun asked in a cold voice.

"Haha, thank you little girl for your thousands of years of worship, so that I can wake up. You don’t have to panic, this is just the power that I have temporarily borrowed."

"This body right now is the enemy that surrounded me and died here. It doesn’t have much power left, but it’s more than enough to deal with you, so don’t think of anything else."

"If you are kind to me in awakening, I will not make things difficult for you."

The vicissitudes of ancient words suddenly echoed in this space-time cemetery group, and all the stone tablets were trembling, as if echoing these words.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xiangjun had already guessed in his heart, but he still felt Shocking and incredible

"Who are you? Could it be the Eternal Beginning God?"She asked in a deep voice

"Haha, the little girl is so smart that she actually knows about the existence of this deity."This ancient voice sounded again, like a faint smile, and responded.

"The Eternal Secret does not exist at all. Is it a trap you deliberately set up?"

No matter how stupid Luo Xiangjun is at this moment, he has figured out that there is no eternal secret at all.

Those rumors were just deliberately spread by the Eternal Beginning God. I am afraid that he had already expected this day, so he set up this situation early. , waiting for future generations to resurrect him.

No wonder she always felt something was wrong when she wanted to break those restrictions before. The power injected into it disappeared without a trace very quickly like a mud cow entering the sea.

But now the eternity Shi Shen deliberately said this and injured her, probably to frighten and intimidate her.

Because he was still awake and not at the peak of his power, the power he could exert was limited.

Or perhaps, he had actually been hunted. Killing, he had no choice but to set up a plan and left some means for resurrection in later generations.

And this so-called eternal secret was actually just a plan for him to choose the right person to help him resurrect.

After thinking about all this, Luo Xiangjun's face looked a little unhappy. Fortunately, she had searched countless ancient records for this purpose, searched many ancient ruins and evil nests, and experienced many dangers of life and death.

In the end, it was just a game?

These supreme brokennesses of ancient times None of the characters is a fuel-efficient lamp.

"A smart little girl, worthy of being someone who has come this far and is recognized by me, she has figured this out so quickly."

"I know what you want, and that thing is indeed in my hand. The reason why I fell was indeed related to it."

"If you want, I can give it to you too"

"However, before that, you must make an oath of heaven and earth with me and do something for me."

The words of the Eternal Prime God once again echoed in this space and time. They were very direct, as if they could see through Luo Xiangjun's mind at once.

"Do I still have a choice at this time?"Luo Xiangjun said coldly.

Although the opponent can only exert the strength of the ancestral realm, it is definitely enough to deal with her.

"Smart and knowledgeable guy, the restriction here has been lifted. You will take me out of here later and help me find the descendants of my bloodline. Other than that, you must not reveal any information about me."

"This deity will sleep for a period of time, and when it recovers, it will naturally give you what you want."

After the words fell, the voice did not give Luo Xiangjun any chance to hesitate.

A dark golden stream of light flew out from the deepest part of the cemetery in an instant, and then fell straight towards the sacred jade in Luo Xiangjun's hand.


The divine jade bloomed with dazzling brilliance in an instant, and its originally dazzling appearance became clearer and brighter.

But it soon dimmed again, as if all the spiritual energy of Dao Yun had been absorbed.

Luo Xiangjun looked at this scene coldly, thinking She threw the piece of divine jade away, but in the end she held it back. This piece of divine jade was obtained from an ancient tomb. It was a burial object of a great man. It was priceless and contained extremely vast pure energy. , even a being in the Ancestral Realm will be moved.

But now, the energy in it has been absorbed by the Eternal Beginning God. Although the other party fell into a deep sleep, he can still wake up at any time.

She did not dare to make a mistake. As for the other party just now She didn't believe what she said at all.

The Eternal Beginning God was surrounded and fell because of his transcendence. Would he really give such a precious thing to her as agreed?

"Does the bloodline of the Eternal God Clan want me to go to the fairy civilization?"

But now, Luo Xiangjun can't think about that. How to survive and get rid of the troubles in front of her are the most important.

She has traveled to many civilizations and true worlds, and finally discovered the blood of the eternal gods only in the fairy civilization..

Looking at it now, she can only return to the Fairy Civilization.

At the same time, the Xiyuan Civilization is an area where silver light is steaming and the power of faith is like a sea.

The jackdaws from Shaoyin Xiang and Tiansheng Xiang The old man and the old Taoist priest were standing in awe in front of a Fetian Temple.

Gu Changge turned his back to them, closed his eyes, and remained silent in the Fetian Temple without speaking.

Thousands of threads, like a lake or the sea The power of destiny gathered in front of him, like a large network of Paul's worlds, allowing him to hear and see the thoughts, feelings and sights of all sentient beings.

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