However, even if Gu Changge did not forcefully change Chen Jinhan's fate, she would not die in the Abyss of Ten Thousand Demons.

Now she has just returned to her previous destiny. Because of Gu Changge's interference, there was a small turning point in her original destiny line. Now that she has passed that small turning point, Chen Jinhan has once again taken back her script..

In the Fatian Temple, which was like a celestial palace, Chen Jinhan was still standing there in a daze, as if he had not recovered from the situation in front of him.

The misty white mist once again appeared in the Fatian Temple, and there seemed to be a layer of shimmer flowing on the statue that originally had fine cracks.

The broken traces are healing, and the power of faith is steaming up, gathering into the river and sea.

"The statue of the god has healed, but I can’t feel the presence of the god.……"

"I have been abandoned by the gods."

Chen Jinhan murmured, her slender palms tightly grasping the clothes scattered on the floor.

She didn't know what she was thinking in her mind at that moment, but there was an almost lust-like instinct driving her to do it. She committed that blasphemous act.

When she woke up and saw clearly what she had done, she was filled with regret and horror. She didn’t understand why she would do such a thing.

Now, even though she was kneeling in front of the statue , repenting and regretting his blasphemy just now, it was of no use.

Gu Changge looked at Chen Jinhan kneeling in front of the statue, his eyes unmoved.

In any case, Chen Jinhan was just an insignificant person to him. She is one of his countless followers.

No matter how special she is, she will not have any impact on him today.

What Gu Changge cares about more now is the Taixuan Ancestor God who left a mark on Chen Jinhan.

Shinto Civilization The system loomed, and the entire vast and vast situation that followed would also undergo unexpected changes and turmoil.

Before leaving, a ray of pale golden fairy light fell and also stayed on Chen Jinhan.


In the void , dots of golden light and shadow spread, and his figure spread out without a trace.

In the fairy civilization, in the quiet courtyard, Gu Changge opened his eyes again, and he ignored the curious faces on the side. Mu Yan looked at him, but continued to think about his next plan.

Mu Yan did not disturb him, and focused on the chessboard in front of him, holding his chin to study.

Gu Changge said that after she broke the chess game in front of her, , then her opportunity to become the Immortal Emperor has arrived. However, over the years, Mu Yan has not made any progress and has been thinking about how to break the game. Perhaps to ordinary people, this is an ordinary chess game, but in In her eyes, there are all the ways in the world, which are evolving and changing every moment.

Decades of time have passed by in the blink of an eye. In the Xiyuan Civilization, deep in the Yuxian Palace, Ling Yuling emerged from the top of the mountain. When she stood up, she was very ethereal and elegant, and she was gorgeous. One after another, the runes of the avenue were wrapped around her body, beating and evolving between her slender palms. After thousands of years of recuperation, she finally recovered 70% of what she was in her prime. Strength.

Although this 70% strength is not enough to compete with those Luju level figures, it is more than enough in today's Xiyuan civilization. It is enough to stand on the top of the mountain and see all the mountains and small hills.

"It's almost time to be born. According to the development momentum of the Fatian Alliance, if it is not curbed, I am afraid that the entire Xiyuan civilization will be cannibalized."

Ling Yuling whispered.

Although she has never left the Yuxian Palace, she knows everything that happened in the Xiyuan Civilization during this period, and she also knows how terrifying the development momentum of the Fighting Heaven Alliance is.

In the Demon Court, the Jing Clan After the Taoist forces joined the Fatian Alliance one after another, even the former giants like Zixiao Mountain chose to submit to the Fatian Alliance and became part of it.

Even on the territory of Yuxian Palace, they began to appear There are many ascetics who spread the teachings of the Fatian Alliance, and many powerful groups have spent a lot of resources to build the Fatian Temple.

Although Xianchu Haotu has been destroyed, on its ruins, there is a more terrifying force. It is rising.

She has had such worries from the beginning, and what she has seen now proves that her worries are correct.

If it is not stopped, I am afraid that in the next thousands or tens of thousands of years, the Greek civilization will It will truly become the territory of the Fighting Heaven Alliance.

If the Fighting Heaven Alliance really upholds the will of Heaven and helps humanity as its purpose and teachings do, then she will naturally not stop it.

But judging from the increasing scale and prototype of the Fighting Heaven Alliance Look, this is clearly an attempt to restore the original Daitian organization, unify the vast world, and plunge all worlds into darkness again.

Ling Yuling still doesn’t know the origin and identity of Gu Changge, but before the destruction of Xianchu Haotu, he alerted the real world on the other side. The ground has attracted the attention of the other side, and he is avoiding something.

From these speculations, it seems that Gu Changge is definitely inseparable from the former Daitian organization.

There is even a more terrifying and incredible thing in Ling Yuling's heart Guess.

Later, many elders and disciples of Yuxian Palace received the news that the ancestor was about to be born and was going to be announced to the world. Everyone felt extremely surprised and excited.

Divine rainbows passed between the sky and the earth, and in the Flying over the fairy mountains and islands, he spread the news to the outside world.

There is no doubt that this news immediately caused a sensation in the Xiyuan civilization.

The founder of Yuxian Palace was the one who participated in the fight against the source of the black disaster. , is one of the oldest sages of the Xiyuan civilization.

She is still alive today?

Ling Yuxian on another hilltop also got the news. She and her sister had a clear understanding of each other, and vaguely guessed Ling Yuxian’s purpose and mood. It's a little complicated.

The development momentum of the Fatian League in recent years has been too terrible, which has made her sister worried.

This birth to the world is probably to curb the development of the Fatian League and formulate an alliance with all the orthodox forces.

Although she can I understand my sister's thoughts, but it is difficult to accept it.

The Fatian Alliance has not done anything to harm the Xiyuan civilization. Although it has been expanding its territory during this period, it has annexed many powerful groups and classified them into the Fatian League. Alliance, but there has never been a large-scale killing war.

What was her sister worried about?

If she was worried that Gu Changge would do something detrimental to the Xiyuan civilization and the world, then she was worried about it in the first place. Why should we accept favors from others?

"Senior Brother Gu, where have you been and what have you been doing all these years?"Ling Yuxian had a complicated mood and murmured.

In the Xiyuan Holy Church, on the mirror-like lake, the Saint of Xiyuan sat cross-legged in front of the Mirror of Reincarnation. All her mind was devoted to it, as if she was in a vast expanse of clouds and smoke. in the universe

"The founder of Yuxian Palace was born. Is this what the woman named Ling Yuxian mentioned in the vast land of Xianchu?"

She suddenly opened her eyes, and her eyes were as clear as the moonlight, and there seemed to be a shining light.

"The master has not returned yet. If the master is here, I am afraid he will be happy. After all, he is a figure of the same era as her."Xiyin's figure walked in the distance, she shook her head slightly and said.

They learned the news from the outside world immediately.

Now both of them are guessing whether the founder of Yuxian Palace was born at this time. What's the purpose?

Could it be that it's also about defeating the Tianmeng?

"As the current owner of the Mirror of Reincarnation, you should know some things. What do you think about this?"Xiyin looked at Saint Xiyuan, her eyes falling on the crystal clear and simple Mirror of Reincarnation, her expression a little complicated.

She was almost recognized by the Mirror of Reincarnation at first, but failed later, just a hair's breadth away.

But she also knew about reincarnation. Some of the mysterious powers of the mirror can predict and deduce future trends, and even allow oneself to experience the future, and never make the most correct decision.

This time, the Holy Maiden of Xiyuan did not choose to help Xianchu Haotu and allowed it to be destroyed. , I’m afraid it’s because he knew the fate of Xianchu Haotu in advance from the Mirror of Reincarnation, and didn’t want to get into trouble.

That’s why when they went to rescue Saint Xiyuan, she was so calm and natural, not worried at all, obviously knowing She would not be in danger, and she knew that someone would save her later.

Moreover, Saintess Xiyuan thought that the person who would save her should be Gu Changge, not them, so she showed a little shock at that time.

This It also made Xiyin keep guessing about the relationship between Saint Xiyuan and Gu Changge.

"The founder of Yuxian Palace is a sage like Master. Since she chose to tell the world, she probably has something to tell everyone. As the younger generation, we should go and visit."

The sleeves of Saint Xiyuan shook slightly, and a ray of brilliant silver light emerged, and a blurry scene suddenly appeared in the simple mirror of reincarnation.

Her bright eyes stared at the scene in it.

"The next Hellenistic civilization will probably be even more chaotic than it was a thousand years ago.……"

She said softly, and ripples suddenly appeared on the originally calm mirror surface of the lake. She stood in it, feeling extremely detached and quiet, elegant and unparalleled, and unparalleled. Her body seemed to be covered with a layer of moonlight and a mist.

Xiyin was silent for a moment, then nodded and said,"Since the destruction of Xianchu Haotu, I have been feeling a little uneasy. During this time, I have also been trying to figure out how to investigate the Yinxu Cave. What Baimei Xingjun said is probably not wrong."

"In fact, Xianchu Haotu did not collude with the remnants of the Black Disaster. It was just that Chu Gucheng's ambition was too great and he was killed with one blow if someone took the opportunity."

Baimei Xingjun is still imprisoned in the void cage of Xiyuan Holy Church.

Xiyin and others did not embarrass him. They wanted to wait for their master Xinu to return before dealing with him. Maybe their master would know about Yinxu Cave. The origin of the story.

The Holy Maiden of Xiyuan nodded slightly and stopped talking, but there seemed to be a twinkling light in her eyes, thinking about something. To the outside world, the news that the founder of Yuxian Palace reappeared in the world caused a sensation in all parties of Xiyuan civilization.

Many The ethnic groups were alarmed and extremely shocked.

Among these ethnic groups, many of the oldest beings also chose to be born one after another after learning the news.

Since Yuxian Palace has announced the news to the world, it must It is intended to summon all tribes and Taoists to discuss major issues.

Today's Xiyuan civilization seems to be calm, but in fact there is a turbulent undercurrent.

Many powerful groups are secretly worried and don't know what method the Fighting Sky Alliance used to conquer monsters like demons so quickly. Immortal forces such as Ting Ting, Jing Clan, and Zixiaoshan.

Many practitioners even doubt whether there is some secret method in the Fatian League that can be used to brainwash people into converting and believing in them unknowingly. The

Fatian League is growing, Rapidly eroding the surrounding cosmic world, this also puts the neighboring ethnic groups in danger.

At the same time, in the depths of the chaotic space-time sea, an endless floating island is located in it.

The wind is flying, the pine waves are undulating, this is There is a vast and vast ancient forest.

The strong wind is blowing the rain and mist, and the smoke is rolling over the pines, wandering among the mountains, and colliding in front of a majestic mountain. I can see the towering buildings on the mountain in a row, and the fairy mist is lingering. There are three large characters with iron paintings and silver hooks on it. They are simple and elegant, and contain unspeakable Taoist charm.

Holy Ancestor Mountain.

Ling Yuling set foot here again. A slender and cold woman in green clothes like bamboo seemed to have guessed her arrival a long time ago. Making tea and waiting in the mountains, gently fanning the hot air with a cattail leaf fan

"Everything you told me before has indeed come true."Ling Yuling came over and sat down on the stone table.

"So you want to stop this? With your current strength, you can't do it."

Nan Qing raised his eyes and glanced at her. He was playing with the tea cup with his slender white hands and his tone was a bit intriguing.

"But I still want to give it a try. If it is not curbed, it may not take ten thousand years for the Xiyuan civilization to become the territory of the Fighting Sky Alliance."

Ling Yuling said in a stubborn tone, with an unspeakable sense of determination on her gentle and beautiful face.

"Since you choose this way, then you still won’tCome here again. The Floating Island is a rare pure land. I don't want you to bring disaster here."

Nan Qing shook his head. As he spoke, he picked up the teacup and blew a gentle breath of hot air.

His bright and clear eyes were calm, without any disturbance, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.

Ling Yuling was inscrutable. She sighed.

She has been to this floating island many times during this period, either to check the relevant ancient books or to talk to Nan Qing about the past.

For this daughter of an old friend, she He sincerely feels close to her, and even regards her as his descendant, and wants her to call him Auntie Ling.

But for some reason, Nan Qing has always refused to agree to her request to join forces, and is unwilling to leave this floating island.

In In Ling Yuling's opinion, Nan Qing may not want to get involved in any more troubles.

Or she may be like this because she knows too much and is afraid of the terrifying force lurking in the dark.

Of course, it is also possible that she really just wants to be quiet. Protect this pure land and protect the creatures here

"You have survived at least eight natural disasters. Such strength is at the top level in today's vast world. With your help, our chances of winning will be much greater. Ling

Yuling thought for a while and said softly,

"Your mother paid an extremely heavy price in order to fight against the black disaster. Of course, for our original allies, it was worth it if they paid their lives for it. Everyone risked their lives and sacrificed their lives for righteousness. Before your mother died of illness, she still tried to rescue those captured allies.……"

"I will always uphold my mother's last wish, but now I just want to quietly guard this pure land in the world and not let anyone disturb me."

Nan Qing seemed to know Ling Yuling's intention and shook her head slightly, still rejecting her.

Ling Yuling sighed in her heart, but she didn't force it.

"In a few days, I will unite all external forces to establish the Xiyuan Covenant to restrain the Fatian League. If the covenant is reached, the situation in the future should be much better. If the covenant is not reached, I am a little worried. Yuxian Palace And the Xiyuan civilization will follow the footsteps of the immortal Chu Haotu……"

She looked at the green and rolling mountains, with unconcealed worry in her eyes.

"Are you betting?"

When Nan Qing heard this, he couldn't help but put down the tea cup in his hand, looked at Ling Yuling with a little surprise in his eyes, and said,"You want to use this to test the appetite and ambition of the Fating Tianmeng? If you lose the bet, are you mentally prepared to go to war with the Fatian Alliance?"

Ling Yuling nodded and said,"There is no time for me to wait any longer. If the Fatian Alliance continues to expand and occupies the entire Xiyuan civilization, I am afraid that the entire Boundless Realm will face the biggest test since these eras. Got it……"

Nan Qing was silent for a moment, with admiration in his eyes, and said,"For this, you would not hesitate to let the entire Yuxian Palace be buried with you?"

Ling Yuling smiled gently,"Just as you have your own Persistence is the same as stubbornness. This is my persistence. As a Taoist, if the heart of the Tao is clear, the head will be clear. Your mother and I made an oath together."

Nan Qing sighed incomprehensibly, as if He had a slight headache, then stretched out his slender white jade hands, rubbed the center of his eyebrows, and said,"If that's the case, then take this ancient essay. There are some records about the treasures of the first generation civilization. With the help of reincarnation, The mirror should give you a better chance of winning, and this is the last thing I can do to help you."

After saying that, she took out a simple gray ancient manuscript from her arms and handed it to Ling Yuling

"Why are there so many ancient books and essays around you?"

Ling Yuling was a little surprised, but she still took it and said with a slight smile,"However, the tone and expression of your words reminded me of a person, and I felt that they were inexplicably similar."

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