In the past few days, this matter has shown signs of gradually dying down.

Although the royal family of Xianchu Haotu is still investigating, they don't seem to be as concerned as before.

This made Chu Bai feel a little anxious. He felt that there seemed to be an invisible and terrifying force in the dark controlling everything.

Behind the murder of Mrs. Champion Hou, there may be some unknown truth hidden.

The forces and characters involved are probably beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

It was precisely because of this that Chu Bai, reminded by the Sun Archer Spirit, suddenly remembered whether the force that was fighting against the champion actually came from the imperial capital.

Therefore, it is impossible for this power to allow the champion's confidants to return to the imperial capital safely.

After all, this kind of thing has never happened before, but it happened when the land of Xianchu was in great trouble and the champion prince led his troops to go on an expedition. How could it not make people think about it?

"Brother Chu Bai is right. Why didn't I think of this before? It seems that the situation in the imperial capital is far more chaotic than we thought."

"I just don’t know who is so bold that even the Marquis dares to touch him? Could it be that after the fall of the God General this time, His Majesty deliberately supported the Marquis and was jealous of others?"

The dark-faced man with a purple-gold dragon's beard hammer on his waist stared at the darkening night in the distance, frowned and guessed, his name is Chu Kui, he is a leader in the mansion of capable people and strangers, and his strength is not inferior to Chu Bai.

This The words made the faces of everyone here change slightly.

Although they are all capable people and strangers trained by Xianchu Haotu, they dare not talk about such things.

In the capable people and strangers mansion, there are several major factions, One of the factions is close to the God Generals and other god generals, and they are close to the faction of the Champion Hou. What

Chu Kui said just now almost said that it was the people from the God Generals faction who were dealing with the Champion Hou.

"Chu Kui, please be careful. Don't say this kind of words too much. Once others hear them, it won't do us any good. Before investigating the truth behind Madam's death, it's better not to make enemies prematurely."

A tall woman wearing a purple skirt, skin as white as snow, and plump breasts spoke.

Her hair was like clouds, her eyebrows were like green, and the most concerning thing was her pupils, which were a lake-like turquoise, and seemed to be confused. The shining light of human beings.

Her name is Bi Xin, she is also a leader in the House of Talents and Strangers. She is naturally close to the avenue of wood and the avenue of water, and her methods are unpredictable. Among Chu Bai and others, she is the most promising. Breaking through the existence of Dao realm

"Let's not mention this matter. The purpose of our coming here is to protect the Marquis's confidants, not to make unreasonable speculations and make enemies for the Marquis."

A mellow voice sounded, and the Taoist being hidden in the dark spoke. He did not reveal his true identity.

However, whether it was Chu Kui, Bi Xin or Chu Bai, they all respected him and stopped talking.

"Chu Bai, are you sure Han Feng will really pass through this place?"

This mellow voice asked again, and at the same time, a deep gaze fell on Chu Bai in the void.

"This place is the fastest route back to the imperial capital from the frontier. Han Feng is highly regarded by the Marquis. He has also refined the blood of the ancient emperor Kun and has the fastest speed in the world. If he secretly rushes back from the front, most of them will When the time comes, he will definitely pass through this route. Chu Bai said in a deep voice.

The Han Feng he mentioned was also a talented person and a confidant of the Champion Hou. He was also familiar with several of them.

When they were training under the Champion Hou, they also worked with the Champion Hou. Han Feng had been in contact.

So Chu Bai understood that at this time, the champion would definitely send Han Feng back.

And in order to avoid being intercepted by his enemies, Han Feng could not blatantly come back through the realm-breaking teleportation formation.

We can only avoid taking the obvious routes as much as possible and take shortcuts back.

This will be the only way for Han Feng.

Chu Bai can guess this, the unknown and mysterious force in the imperial capital, and It's hard to guess.

So it is very likely that the mysterious force will send experts to intercept Hu and kill Han Feng, and will not let him return to the imperial capital safely.

This hilly area is extremely tall, like the backbone of heaven and earth lying here, but in fact it is all It is composed of many broken stars.

There are magic circles engraved deep in the surrounding sky, and the vast and unpredictable aura surges. Any practitioner or creature who dares to cross the void will be struck by thunder, which can range from severe damage to severe damage. All the gods were destroyed.

And while Chu Bai and others were waiting quietly, under the dim night in the distance, yellow sand rushed into the sky.

A blurry figure disappeared as if suddenly, and it was still at the end of the sky a moment ago , he was already here in the next moment, at an extremely fast speed, like light, shadow and thunder, and time and space seemed to blur around him.

"It was Han Feng."

Chu Bai, who was staring closely at the figure, was breathing rapidly, but he still held back and did not show his figure.

The rest of the people in the capable man and stranger's house, like Chu Bai, hid in the darkness and did not show up. any breath out

"There was blood, and Han Feng's breath was unstable. It seemed that he had encountered many dangers along the way."Chu Bai's heart sank.

"The water in this Xianchu vast land is muddier than I imagined. Who did this champion offend? He has so much energy that his confidants were hunted down all the way and suffered such heavy injuries."The interested voice of the sun-shooting bow spirit sounded in Chu Bai's mind.

This made Chu Bai's heart sink even more.

In addition to the imperial capital, there are also secret forces in other areas of Xian Chu Hao. Eyeliner and human hands

"Do you think there are people from the Xianchu Haotu royal family involved in this matter?"

The voice of the sun-shooting bow weapon spirit sounded again, and he was still very interested.

If it were the Chu Bai of the past, he would never doubt this.

But since the experience of being plotted by Chu Gucheng some time ago, he was shot by Chu Gucheng After leaving his own mark in the sun bow and trying to steal the sun bow quietly, Chu Bai finally saw clearly the sanctimonious hypocrite of Chu Gucheng.

So at this moment, regarding the words of the sun bow weapon spirit, he Also a little doubtful

"If it was really someone from the God Generals faction who had done it, then even if the king knew about it, he would definitely find a way to cover it up for the Gods General faction. After all, Xianchu Haotu is now being invaded by foreign enemies. Once there is civil strife, the outcome will be disastrous. Dare to imagine."Chu Bai was also whispering, thinking that this was very possible.

Whether it was the God General faction or the Champion Hou faction, they were both the right-hand men trained by Chu Gucheng and deeply valued by him.

But for the sake of the emperor's balance, Chu Gucheng also Let the two factions check and balance each other to prevent a dominant situation.

But if this is really the case, then Chu Gucheng’s approach is really chilling.

"You've followed me all this way, why don't you come out?"

Suddenly, a sneer came, making Chu Bai come back to his senses and look over.

He saw Han Feng's figure standing on a mountain peak, the stars and moon were dim, and the essence of heaven and earth in the millions of miles of starry sky seemed to be boiling towards him. He rushed forward.

Every pore of him was glowing, as if it had turned into a vortex, and the stars were falling down from the sky, swallowed by every pore.

Looking from a distance, the silver light here was as turbulent as a long river, and the brilliant glow was steaming. There was also chaotic mist splashing out.

Han Feng was trying to recover from his injuries. He was a half-step cultivation level and had already sensed that someone was approaching.

But after arriving in this area, the feeling became even stronger, and the murderous aura was almost liquefied. It was pervasive, and many stars in the distance collapsed and cracked.

The journey back to the imperial capital from the borderland was not peaceful at all. He encountered various attacks and killings.

Han Feng did not know that the champion Hou Chuheng had offended him. Who, the other party actually has such great power, and has been blocking his confidant from returning to the imperial capital.

Fortunately, among those who took action, the strongest one was only a Taoist practitioner. Although Han Feng was not as strong as the other party, he still relied on the world's fastest speed. He escaped quickly without losing his life.

He didn't dare to be too arrogant when he wanted to come to the other side, and sent those Dao realm beings who were powerful and had survived many catastrophes of heaven and earth to take action. After all, such beings were extremely rare in the vast land of Xianchu. It's easy to guess his identity based on his breath and methods.

"You are not simple, you have fled all the way here, but it is a pity that this will be your final return. The imperial capital is in front, but you have no chance to return."

An indifferent voice sounded. In front of Han Feng, a void was distorted, and the rules of the avenue seemed to tremble.

Then, a vague figure came out. He was wearing a mask, and his true appearance could not be seen clearly. His robes were wide, and There are no lines, and it looks very ordinary.

But his palms are too slender, and there is a trembling aura of the avenue flowing between the palms, which seems to be capable of destroying the world.

Behind this blurry figure, there are several figures following , the breath is also extraordinary, it seems to be integrated with the entire void, and the surrounding time and space are distorting.

Han Feng stared at this figure, as if he had already guessed that someone was following him here.

His voice was hoarse. He said authentically,"Who are you sent by? The Marquis is currently fighting the enemy bravely on the front line to protect the vast land of Immortal Chu, but you people are stabbing people in the back. Not only did the wife commit suicide in humiliation, but you also tried to contain the Marquis. What are your intentions to disrupt the military morale of the Marquis and disrupt the stability of the vast land of Xianchu?"

The masked figure just looked at Han Feng indifferently and ignored his words.

The figures behind him were also indifferent, looking at Han Feng as if they were looking at a dead person.

"When death is imminent, you still say these useless words. If someone wants the champion to die, then he must die, and you are no exception."After the figure finished speaking indifferently, the figure suddenly disappeared and took action directly. The terrifying fluctuations were like a vast sea sweeping across the sky, billions of stars trembled, the whole world was trembling, and the rules of the great road seemed to be transformed in his palms. In essence, it turned into a big seal that destroyed the world and fell towards Han Feng.

The void collapsed, and countless terrifying rifts appeared, annihilating all tangible matter.

This was clearly a Dao realm existence, and it had at least survived After two natural calamities, Shi Shi showed power that made Han Feng despair.

At the same time, several figures behind the masked man were sitting around, muttering words, and the mist of chaos spread. , the Tao permeated the air, as if they had arrived at the beginning of the world.

In their palms, they wore a string of crystal rosary beads. This string of rosary beads simultaneously emitted a misty brilliance, colorful, and erupted in all directions.

This field instantly changed. It was blurred and confused, completely covered, as if it had disappeared into any space and time, and could not be traced or explored.

"He actually sent a Taoist being who had survived two catastrophes of heavenly decline to deal with me. How willing he was.……"Han Feng's eyes were full of despair and unwillingness.

If he had just survived a single Dao realm existence, he might still be able to escape.

But if a Taoist being who has survived two catastrophes of heavenly decline attacks him, there is absolutely no chance of him surviving.

Han Feng was really unwilling to give in and couldn't figure out who wanted to deal with Champion Hou.

Beings who have survived two catastrophes of natural decline are not a common person in the vast land of Xianchu.

You must know that even a Taoist being who has only survived one Heavenly Decline Tribulation is a person with a name and a great background, let alone an existence that has survived two Heavenly Decline Tribulations.

Such a big shot took it upon himself to kill him

"What happened in the imperial capital that it was possible to dispatch a being who had survived two natural calamities?"

"How terrifying is the power behind this?"

At this moment, not only Han Feng felt desperate and unbelievable.

Including Chu Bai, Chu Kui, Bi Xin and others who had been secretly waiting for the opportunity to take action, they were all shocked and couldn't believe it.

Those who survived in Xianchu Haotu In a long-established family, there may not necessarily be a Taoist ancestor sitting in the family.

A being who has survived two natural disasters takes action. What this means makes everyone shudder.

Please also ask Senior Wu Xuan to take action……"

With no time to think about it, Chu Bai could only call on the Taoist senior who was hiding in the dark to take action.

"I am not this person's opponent, but I can only hold him back as much as possible. You go and lead Han Feng to break out. The other party will come prepared, sealing the sky and the earth, covering everything, presumably to completely obliterate Han Feng. This leaves no trace."

The mellow man's voice from before sounded.

At the same time, a middle-aged man wearing a Confucian robe stepped out of the void.

He wore a Confucian scarf and held a feather fan. He looked like a scholar, but his aura was... It is extremely vast, like the endless deep space.

He is clearly a Dao realm existence, but compared to the masked existence, his strength is much weaker, and he has only survived one natural disaster.

"As a big shot, it's somewhat unreasonable to personally deal with the champion like this, right?"

Wu Xuan said coldly, while waving his sleeves, hundreds of millions of rays of light burst out, transforming into a stone inkstone, trying to resist the big seal of the masked man. The moment Wu Xuan appeared, Chu Bai and others also set off , turned into divine light, and rushed towards Han Feng, who was looking forward to despair.

"Han Feng, go quickly, we are here to help you."

The tall Chu Kui, holding a dragon-bearded purple electric hammer, danced in the air. Suddenly, a boundless thunder sea evolved, and the terrifying power rushed forward to tear up the blockade here.

Chu Bai, Bi Xin and others also They took action one after another and used various magical powers to break the blockade here.

Han Feng never expected that someone would save him at the critical moment, and he was overjoyed.

After seeing the appearance of Bai and others clearly, he was even more grateful and said ,"Thank you all Taoist brothers for your help. I will definitely be rich in rewards in the future.""

"Wu Xuan from the Mansion of Talented and Strange Scholars? It turns out to be you, haha, I knew someone would take action to rescue this guy"

"But you seem to have overestimated your abilities. Just relying on you, you still want to stop me?"

The masked man looked at Wu Xuan who suddenly appeared. He didn't seem surprised at all. The expression on his face was cold and mocking.

"You recognize me. I guess you are not an ordinary person in the imperial capital. Why hide your head and show your tail? Why don't you dare to show your true face?"

Wu Xuan stepped forward, but failed to block the opponent's blow, and his expression became even more solemn.

As he spoke, he waved his feather fan, and the boundless order of the avenue flooded forward like boiling, with five-color divine light steaming out, There are hundreds of millions of them, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and the time and space around them are being crushed, trying to block the opponent.

"Don't waste your efforts. All the fluctuations here have been covered up. Even if you are a Dao realm existence, you can't even think of breaking out. It is impossible for this person to return to the imperial capital. At least for now, he must die quietly outside."

The masked man's eyes were indifferent, and his tone was even more mocking.

He just looked with his big hand, and the surging rules and order in front of him suddenly stopped and were suppressed tightly, unable to come to him.

Wu Xuan's face was ugly, and there was no trace of it. Thinking that the gap between the two was so huge, they were both in the same Tao realm. After surviving one Heavenly Decline Tribulation and surviving two Heavenly Decline Tribulations, the disparity in strength was as if they were separated by a chasm.

He even felt that the other party was moving. If they have the intention to kill, they will bury and obliterate all the insiders here.

Chu Bai and others also noticed the blockade around them at this moment, and their faces turned pale in shock. Those strings of rosary beads were obviously blessed with some kind of power, and they were not them at all. What can be broken out

"There is a real big shot in the imperial capital who wants to deal with the Marquis……"

Han Feng looked desperate, thinking of the champion who was still fighting the enemy bravely in the border area.

But as a confidant, he was attacked and killed just one step away from the imperial capital, and he was not allowed to return to the imperial capital at all.

This is obviously a hopeless and powerless dead end.

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