Chu Gucheng's face looked a little ugly, but he still suppressed his anger and did not show up.

"Saint Xiyuan, you must be responsible for what you say. If you are deliberately humiliating me, there is no need to confuse right and wrong like this." He said in a cold voice.

Holy Goddess Xiyuan's expression remained calm and did not pay attention to Chu Gucheng's words.

Her beautiful eyes were shining as she looked at Gu Changge.

When the other guests saw this, their eyes flickered and they had different moods.

"Why, could it be that the Lord of Chu wants to shift the blame to me?"

Seeing that many guests were looking over, Gu Changge in the seat raised his eyes and smiled, put down the wine glass in his hand, and asked with interest.

Chu Gucheng had been holding back a lot of anger today..

Before, I could pretend to be in front of others, but now I don’t hide it at all.

He said coldly,"Fathering Heaven Alliance emerged from the fairy civilization. In just a few years, it swept the surrounding true worlds, and many followers of Fighting Heaven Alliance , and even spread the doctrines and principles, accumulated beliefs, and various practices in various places. How are they different from the remnants of the black disaster that originally caused chaos in the vast world?"

"oh? It seems that the Lord of Chu also knows the purpose of our Fighting Heaven Alliance. Then you can tell us, what evil things have we done since the establishment of our Fighting Heaven Alliance?"

Gu Changge chuckled nonchalantly.

"Because of the existence of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, the fairy civilization that has been stable and peaceful for generations has once again become chaotic and turbulent. Countless forces, traditions, and life groups have been destroyed and disappeared. Could it be that you don't know these things, Mr. Gu? Still need me to remind you?"

Chu Gucheng shook his robe and said coldly.

"I once sent my original tribe to the fairy civilization to try to quell the rebellion there and restore peace to the fairy civilization. However, a group of tribesmen saw endless killing and bloodshed on the way and had to stop. It can be seen that the fairy civilization is going through such a tragic war and fighting. How many galaxies and universes have disappeared and been destroyed. It can be said that it is a time-sensitive moment. Splashing tears, I hate that other birds are frightened."

Without waiting for Gu Changge to speak, he continued.

And when he spoke later, Chu Gucheng's face could not hide his grief and anger, as if he was grieving for those forces and ethnic groups that were destroyed by the fairy civilization. There was a strong atmosphere of grief , spread here.

Many ministers and generals in the vast land of Xianchu seemed to feel the same way, as if they had witnessed with their own eyes the tragedy that happened to the fairy civilization.

"The Lord of the Kingdom is benevolent, caring for the good, and helping the world. The great land of Xianchu is what it is today, all thanks to the hard work of the Lord. The civilization of the immortals is protected by the vast land of Immortal Chu. Every era will send a large amount of resources and luck crystals to express it. gratitude"

"How can we bear to see it suffer disaster like this?"

Many ministers also spoke one after another, their eyes full of grief and indignation.

Seeing this scene, all the guests also looked interested.

Many people's eyes flickered, and many thoughts passed through their hearts.

They were not stupid, and they were not stupid. Will easily believe Chu Gucheng's one-sided words.

Whether it is the fairy civilization or the Fatian League, it cannot be explained clearly in a few sentences.

In fact, not many forces have actually investigated the Fatian League before.

On the one hand, it is because the Fatian Alliance is located in the Fairy Civilization, which is extremely far away from the Xiyuan Civilization, and no one wants to take this risk.

On the other hand, there is news from Xianchu Haotu that the Fairy Civilization has suffered from the remnants of the black disaster. Occupied.

Everyone in the world is afraid and panicked at the horror of the remnants of the black disaster, so how can they dare to go there easily?

However, it cannot be ruled out that this is a smoke bomb deliberately thrown by Xianchu Haotu, hoping to confuse everyone and kill people with a borrowed knife.

After all, the fairy civilization surrenders to Xianchu Haotu was later occupied by Gu Changge, who established the Fighting Heaven Alliance, and the two formed a rift.

As for what Chu Gucheng just said, does it prove that the Fighting Heaven Alliance is related to the remnants of the Black Disaster?

You know The rise of any power will inevitably lead to the trampling of hundreds of millions of corpses and sins, including the vast land of Xianchu.

This is the iron law of the jungle in the world.

Pat, pat, pat...

Suddenly, a clear sound of clapping sounded, All the guests were stunned.

Ling Yuxian and Saint Xiyuan all looked at Gu Changge.

Gu Changge stood up with a faint smile, clapped his hands and praised,"I didn't expect that the Lord of Chu could be so kind and kind. My beloved, I am blind. In this case, why doesn’t the Lord of Chu stop this war with the Demon Court? Can’t you see how many murders and sins have arisen in the border land? Could it be that such overwhelming karma? The Lord of Chu turned a blind eye again?"

These words made all the heirs of Chu Gucheng look a little ugly. The second princess, Chu Xinyue, clenched her hands tightly and suppressed her anger.

It was naturally impossible for Chu Gucheng to lose his composure at this time, and his expression remained emotionless. fluctuation

"The Demon Court is provoking our Immortal Chu Haotu and launching a massive invasion. Can the two be confused? Do I, the Immortal Chu Haotu, still want to sit back and watch the Demon Court attack?"

"Mr. Gu, do you think that I, Xian Chu Haotu, have done something wrong and should be killed at this time?"

A minister stood up when he saw this, and said righteously with an expression of indignation.

Looking at this scene, many guests from all sides had different looks, and they did not think it was a big deal at all.

Many people were eager for this. At that time, there was a big battle between Gu Changge and Chu Gucheng.

The Taoist forces such as Guangming Temple and Lingshen Cave came to the banquet because they wanted to give Chu Gucheng face, but it did not mean that they stood with Xian Chu Haotu..

At this time, they actually wanted Chu Gucheng to test Gu Changge's true identity. However, Chu Gucheng was not stupid. Now that there were so many bad things going on in Xianchu Haotu, he was already a little worried. The most he could do was vent.

With the frustration and anger in his heart, it was impossible to really break up with Gu Changge.

Therefore, he did not express his position on the minister's words, and his face was as dark as water, without any change.

Gu Changge chuckled and said," What a provocation ahead. But as far as I know, the Demon Court will be furious and come to kill him, isn't it because the ninth prince of the Demon Court, Di Wen, was killed by people from Xianchu Haotu?"

"The Lord of Chu has indeed gained a good reputation for shielding the murderer of the ninth prince of Yaoting, but so many living beings and practitioners have died because of your decision. In the border land, the universe is broken and all life is in ruins. I don’t know what the Lord of Chu has done. , how does it compare with our Fatian Alliance?"

"The Lord of Chu pitied the ethnic groups and creatures that were destroyed by the fairy civilization. Then who will pity the soldiers and armies who fought for you on the battlefield and died on the border?"

I have to say that Gu Changge's words were very lethal, and he meant every word of it. The expression of the minister who had just spoken sternly and filled with righteous indignation changed, and he wanted to open his mouth to refute, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't. He knew what he was going to say.

The expressions of the other ministers and generals also changed subtly. It was obviously because of Gu Changge's words that he thought of what happened to some people in Xianchu Haotu.

Even the God General also changed his mind because of this. The battle between Chang and Demon Ting fell.

Originally, the relationship between the Immortal Dynasty Haotu and Demon Ting would not have evolved to this point.

The trigger for everything was the death of Di Wen, the ninth prince of Demon Ting, and the subsequent rise of Chu Xiao He was implicated and killed by Di Kun, the seventh prince of Demon Court.

If Chu Gucheng, the leader of the country, had chosen not to protect Di Wen's murderer, would things have been different?

"Mr. Gu is quite good at deceiving people. It is not without reason that the Futian Alliance has accumulated so many believers in a short period of time."

Chu Gucheng noticed the changes in the expressions of the ministers and generals. His eyes sank and his expression remained unchanged.

He knew that these words alone proved that the Tianfa Alliance established by Gu Changge was involved in collusion with the remnants of the Black Disaster. That's impossible.

Especially now that Saint Xiyuan is still openly siding with Gu Changge.

If he continues to hold on to this matter, he will definitely suffer in the end.

"Demagogue? No, this is just telling the truth."Gu Changge smiled, and his smile was a bit intriguing.

Naturally, the birthday banquet broke up in the end. Chu Gucheng took the lead and left on the grounds that he had to deal with important matters and the reception was not good enough, leaving several princes and The princess stayed behind and was responsible for receiving and accompanying all the guests.

Many guests did not choose to leave Xianchu Haotu immediately. Many people did not think it was a big deal at all and looked like they were joining in the fun. They wanted to see how Xianchu Haotu would handle the next step. The situation.

The Futian Alliance is not as terrible as imagined, and it is not necessarily related to the remnants of the black disaster. The various previous rumors may be Xianchu Haotu’s intention to kill people with a borrowed knife.

After thinking about this, this also makes many The guests relaxed their vigilance, and were not as wary and wary of Gu Changge as before.

Several Taoist elders from Lingshen Cave, their expressions softened slightly, took the initiative to lead Gu Changge to Zigui City in the Southern Wilderness Ancient Territory. Several young people who had been friends with each other came over and apologized for their previous hostility.

After Lingshenku's demonstration, the elders and elders of other ethnic groups also came forward to greet and talk with Gu Changge.

Now Putting aside his position, Gu Changge's terrifying and unpredictable strength was enough for all of them to take seriously.

Even the Tathagata Buddha Kingdom, which had a good relationship with Xianchu Haotu, was the same.

The True Monk Kuji took the initiative to say hello, thinking Gu Changge was invited to visit the Tathagata Buddha Country to discuss the way of faith.

The Tathagata Buddha Country is also very interested in the Fatian League's accumulation of believers and absorption of faith, and would like to ask for advice.

After all, most people who practice Buddhism He also believes in the Prajna Buddhas and the World Honored Ksitigarbha, and turns the power of all living beings' wishes into his own cultivation.

The True Buddha of Kuji has opened up numerous large and small Buddhist kingdoms, and such practice in the Buddhist kingdoms is also called The true Buddhas of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Buddha Realms.

Wherever they are, within the reach of believers, they are as countless as floating on quicksand.

And the believers of those Buddhist lands have accumulated endless faith and vows for them over the years.

The True Buddha of Kuji also relies on those With the power of faith, he has overcome the tribulations of heaven and man again and again, and achieved a state that is now comparable to the ancestral realm.

Gu Changge naturally has no plans to go to the Tathagata Buddha Country at the moment.

But considering that he may deal with the Tathagata Buddha Country in the future, Therefore, she did not directly refuse the invitation of True Buddha Kuji.

Chu Xinyue looked at True Buddha Kuji and others who took the initiative to talk to Gu Changge. Her heart was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water. She squeezed her jade hands tightly, and her bones and fingers felt numb. Bai.

But in front of a crowd of guests, she couldn't lose her etiquette and needed to maintain a decent and elegant smile.

"Xinyue, please go down first. My father is probably very upset and depressed at the moment. You just go and talk to your father and help him relieve his worries."

The eldest prince Chu Wushang also saw Chu Xinyue's strong endurance at this moment. He was worried that she would not be able to bear it for a while and did something that was not conducive to the current situation, so that Gu Changge would catch him, so he started to plan. Let her leave first

"Big brother……"

Chu Xinyue glanced at Chu Wushang worriedly.

Although this eldest brother has always been calm and diligent in his work, his qualifications are limited.

Even with the help of Chu Gucheng, he was baptized with various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and sought many opportunities for creation, but he only survived four tribulations of heavenly decline, and there is no hope for the ancestral realm in this life.

"Don't worry, no one dares to mess around in the capital, not to mention there are so many masters here, the master and several seniors are still here."Chu Wushang gave her a reassuring look, knowing that Chu Xinyue was worried that with his cultivation, he would not be able to control the situation.

Chu Xinyue nodded before leaving the banquet.

Ouyang Ji, the young master of Xiaoyao Tiangong, followed She also left with a group of slaves by her side. During this period, he had been following Chu Xinyue.

Although he claimed to be a suitor, in the eyes of many people, he looked like a coward.

And Chu Xinyue From the initial discomfort, she gradually became accustomed to it. She didn't bother to pretend to do many things, and directly asked Ouyang Ji to do it.

Ouyang Ji's look of being so happy made Chu Xinyue feel disgusted, but at the same time she was a little complacent..

The dignified young master of Xiaoyao Tiangong, a hero who has survived several catastrophes of heaven and earth, will be in charge of Xiaoyao Tiangong in the future in the Xudan Civilization.

Aren't you being bossed around by her? Willingly surrender to her pomegranate skirt Next?

It's a pity that Ouyang Ji is too timid. Ever since he was injured once by Gu Changge, he didn't even dare to think about revenge, let alone take the initiative to find trouble for him.

"Saintess Xiyuan would stand next to Gu, which was completely beyond our expectations.……"

"She can be so rebellious even to a senior like Mr. Jin. It seems that she is determined to go against our Xianchu Haotu."

"My father's previous decision was right, and preparations must be made in advance."

After leaving the banquet, Chu Xinyue went straight to the depths of the palace to discuss something with Chu Gucheng.

When she remembered what happened just now, her eyes became extremely gloomy.

"Xinyue, could it be that you want to attack the Holy Maiden of Xiyuan?"

Ouyang Ji followed Chu Xinyue, and seeing her worried look, he couldn't help but asked with some worry.

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