This spring is actually the source of the Gate of Eternal Life, and now the surrounding area is surrounded by the aura of darkness, leaving only such a small area that is uncontaminated.

But this small area can't actually support it for long.

The aura of darkness was still seeping in, and she no longer had much power to stop it.

"What you said has nothing to do with me. I have already been reborn. There is no connection between the reborn me and the me in the past."

"Darkness will be the most beautiful color in the world. The world will decay, the years will wither, and only darkness will last forever."

"It is because of the existence of the Lord of Black Disaster that I can be given true eternal life. A being as great as him is my master."

Hearing these words, this voice still laughed wildly and didn't care. The whole space was shaking violently, as if it would collapse at any time.

Countless ripples appeared in the entire void, and the spring was in the center. The fuzzy and graceful figure sitting there was also trembling slightly. Her closed eyes seemed to be trying hard to open them.

However, an inexplicable force appeared in this space and suppressed her body, making all her efforts in vain. Falling out.

The slightest opening of her eyes was pressed shut in an instant, making it difficult to move.

This figure was none other than the true founder of Yuxian Palace, Ling Yuling.

Today, she is actually not much different from a living dead.Although the physical body exists, it is actually dead and has no vitality.

Her true soul comes out independently, entangled with the instrument spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life, the Spirit of Eternal Life, in this space, sealing it here. A piece of space.

Over the long years, the energy and blood of the physical body have long since escaped, and not even much of the original power is left.

Even if she returns to the physical body, it will be of no avail. It is estimated that she does not even have one millionth of the power she had at her peak..

In this way, she has no chance to compete with the Immortal Spirit.

Moreover, the Immortal Spirit is extremely cunning and scheming. It has not weakened much over the years. Instead, it is very likely that she has laid many schemes and back-ups.

Ling Yuling has not forgotten the Eternal Spirit. The viciousness of the spirit.

It was because of the plan of the eternal spirit that she ended up like this.

Because at that time, Ling Yuling did not expect that the entire boundless world would be surrounded and suppressed by the Lord of Black Disaster. The door was actually corroded by his blood.

She didn't notice all this until later when she went to snatch the door of eternal life to save her sister Ling Yuxian.

Unfortunately, by that time, everything was too late.

When she realized that the door of eternal life was out After the situation, her body had been plotted by the eternal spirit and almost collapsed and self-destructed, and even her true soul was almost swallowed by it.

Then she had no choice but to use all means to seal the eternal spirit inside the gate of eternal life.

At the same time, use your own strength to compete with it to prevent yourself from being swallowed by the eternal spirit and turning it into an independent life form.

Otherwise, at that time, the eternal spirit will completely refine and control the gate of eternal life, and it will transform into a more terrifying existence and cause chaos. All the world.

The consequences are simply unimaginable.

Ling Yuling has put in all kinds of efforts for this, and even now she is still struggling with the eternal spirit, preventing it from fulfilling its wishful thinking.

The eternal spirit was originally the first generation The weapon spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life, the most precious treasure of civilization, was born to seal off the source of the black disaster.

It has a pure and upright character, and takes it as its own responsibility to support justice and eliminate darkness.

Even if you choose a suitable host, you will first examine its character and character.

It can be said that Among the treasures of the first generation civilization, they are the ones with the most righteous and bright hearts.

However, during the battle that besieged the master of the source of the black disaster, he was corrupted by a drop of black blood from the master of the source of the black disaster. The eternal spirit has since After falling into darkness, it has long lost its original pure nature.

Ling Yuling has no way to help it return from the darkness.

Although it has been said that the original soul of a creature that fell into darkness is just trapped in an invisible place. It's a dark cage, waiting for someone to rescue it.

As long as it is brought back, it will naturally return to its original appearance.

But now she can no longer protect herself.

How could it be possible to help it?

Ling Yuling has now placed all her hopes on her sister, Ling Yuxian.

Although the immortal spirit has been entangled with her for countless years, it doesn't know that she has a biological sister.

There was some kind of connection between the two, and through this connection, she could completely rely on the power of the outside world to get out of here, and have the opportunity to destroy the eternal spirit forever.

However, she must also beware of the plans and methods of the eternal spirit.

Although there is hope for the road ahead, it is also full of unknowns and dangers. Life or death is yet to be determined.

"The fluctuations coming from the outside world should be related to Yuxian. She really came to save me.……"

As Ling Yuling fell silent, the dead silence returned to this space again.

The eternal land in the outside world also made a sound like the earth was shattering with the impact of terrifying energy one after another.

The sky is constantly cracking and disintegrating, and the terrifying rift valley covered with cobwebs seems to be really about to fall.

All the figures in the Demon Suppression Tower were watching all this with excitement and excitement.

They could already see the sky becoming almost transparent, and behind the boundless surging energy was a portal that was about to break and collapse.

There are several terrifying figures, surrounding the light of the avenue, standing at the other end, trying to bombard this side.

The gap in the door became wider and wider, almost bursting open.

Soon, they will be able to see the light of day again, see people from the outside world again, and escape from this torturous and purgatory-like place.

Shengyang ancient domain, Xiyanzhou.

The entire star field dimmed. Under the combined efforts of several ancestral realm beings, the brilliant sun exploded and evaporated in an instant, disappearing from the world even though it was protected by formations.

The entire universe fell into absolute darkness, making it impossible to see even one's fingers.

Only those few figures surrounded by the light of the avenue stood in front, majestic and clear, as if they were walking at the end of time, and the world trembled in their hands, and all the people were trembling.

They took action again, and their power swept across the sky and the earth. The whole universe outside the world was shaking. Countless stars, sun and moon rotated, chaos exploded, pure and turbid were divided, and in the blink of an eye, countless worlds came and went.

"The door is about to open……"

On the ancient warship, the other Dao realm elders from Yuxian Palace were also watching all this with shock and excitement, and it was difficult to describe their emotions at this moment.

Jing Xiao, Jing Xiang and others' eyes widened and they were shocked and speechless.

The portal is constantly breaking and collapsing, revealing the scene inside.

It was hazy there, and there was light coming out. What kind of place was that?

Is it really the Jing clan’s clan?

Ling Yuxian was also staring with her beautiful eyes almost unblinking, almost forgetting to breathe.

Her emotions were also uncontrollably excited. She was about to see her sister again, and the two were finally reunited.

"Sister, I'm coming to save you, just hold on."

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